Jaw Dropping (St. Leasing Book 3)

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Jaw Dropping (St. Leasing Book 3) Page 11

by L. P. Maxa

  “Wait. I thought shifters mated for life?”

  “We do—most of us, anyway. There are still families out there that insist on good breeding and bloodlines, which is how Jace and Jasper were conceived.” Linc tried to turn on his side, but the cuffs wouldn’t let him. “Anyway it became obvious that Jace wasn’t crazy, he’d just been abused his whole life. Franklin came down to Haxton, slapped both boys around and pissed Corey the fuck off. The twins’ mom got involved and Franklin lost custody.”

  “That’s why he’s so pissed?”

  Linc let out a little laugh. “Not even the half of it. So when all that was going on, we found out that the old counselor was murdered. And then, this guy named Bull came and kidnapped Corey and Riley. He beat Riley and tried to rape Corey.”

  “Are freaking kidding me? What happened?”

  “Corey shot him in the balls with a pink nine millimeter.”

  Madden nodded, lips pursed. “Okay, yeah, that sounds about right.”

  “Bull was arrested but then Franklin had him killed in prison, made it look like suicide.”

  She sat up further. “Is that why Riley and Corey are so connected? They went through that trauma together?”

  Now he was going to have to get into the supernatural stuff, the stuff that made them all sound like some made-up movie characters. “Corey and Dom’s baby? She’s special. She’ll have a little shifter magic in her. Which isn’t common for girls. Riley is her cosmic brother. Like her protector or some shit. None of us fully understand what’s happening there or why.”

  “Cosmic brother? I can’t even…” Madden rubbed her forehead. “Let’s leave that alone for now, because I’m still not understanding why Franklin is having people beat up on the kids here. Why now?”

  “Okay, so that old counselor that was murdered? Turns out he was collecting data on shifters. There was a USB drive found on him after he was killed. The Feds had to come down here to investigate. Luckily, they all thought he was certifiably insane. While they were here though, Dom and Baze thought it would be a good idea to turn the Feds onto Franklin since he got off for all the other crimes he’d committed. Plus, according to the Feds and the twins, Franklin is the shifter equivalent of a modern-day mob boss.”

  She held up her hand. “So he must have found out that the kids sang to the Feds and sent someone here to scare them.”

  Linc nodded. “That’s what we’re thinking.”

  “And this Brooks guy, the one you’ve got to call, is the same one who caused all the trouble because you slept with his fiancée?”


  She rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling. “This is a lot of drama to take in.”

  “I know, and now you’re having to deal with it too.” He wanted to touch her, to comfort her. He was silently cursing the stupid cuffs. “This isn’t typical for life mated to a shifter, baby. I promise.” After everything he told her, he was almost too scared to ask. But he needed to know. He’d been thinking of nothing else all day. “How are you feeling about everything? About us?”

  “I’m here. That’s a start, right?”

  He had to smile at that. Because she was; she’d been right there in the thick of it all day. She hadn’t backed down, she hadn’t run. “I’ll take what I can get.” And he meant it. As long as she was in his bed, lying beside him, he was content. Well, sort of. The urge to touch her was strong. The need to feel her skin was a pull he felt in his soul. The want to kiss her pouty lips…“Uncuff me.”

  “I can’t.”

  He chuckled quietly. “Madden, I’m good. I just want to hold you, I promise. I feel calm and in control right now.”

  She winced. “No. I mean, I actually can’t. Baze didn’t give me the key.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Madden woke up covered in sweat, her heart beating out of her chest. She felt like she was on fire, and Linc was still blissfully asleep beside her. She didn’t want to wake him with all her tossing and turning, so she silently got out of bed and padded barefoot into the kitchen. Her brain felt fuzzy. Was this what Linc had been talking about? Was this the discomfort from not completing the bond? It wasn’t all that bad—she just needed to stick her head in the freezer and get something to drink. She grabbed a cup out of the cabinet and got some water from the fridge. She left the door open, letting the cool air soothe her heated skin.

  Madden peeked through the kitchen door and saw that her hot flash hadn’t woken up either of the twins, and the light from the refrigerator wasn’t in anyone’s face. When her body temperature was more normal, less combustible, her head had cleared and she felt like she could go back to sleep. She put her glass in the sink and closed the door, gasping in surprise when she saw Jasper standing behind it. “Holy shit, Jasper. You scared me.” She pulled at the hem of the Linc’s shirt, suddenly uncomfortable even though it fell to her mid-thigh.

  “I’m sorry. I smelled, uh, I um, heard you get up?” He took a step toward her, a confused look on his face.

  “What?” She lifted her arm to her nose. Did she smell bad? Maybe it was all the sweating she’d just done. “Sorry I woke you, but I’m going back to bed now.” She turned to leave, but Jasper grabbed her arm.

  “No. Don’t go. I, um, I think I want you to stay.” He looked so lost, so startled by his own reaction.

  Was this a shifter thing? “Jasper. You need to let go of my arm, okay? I’m just going to go back Linc’s room.” She tried to pull her arm free, but he was so strong. She felt like her arm was encased in concrete.

  His gaze darkened. “Stay.” He used his hold to back her up against the cold countertop. It bit into her back and she stifled a cry.

  “Jasper.” She said his name firmly and with authority. “Let me go. Right now. Or I’m going to scream and—”

  He put his hand over her mouth, running his nose up the column of her throat. “You smell so good. I need to…” He nibbled on her collarbone, licking to take away the slight sting from the scrape of his teeth. “So. Good.”

  Madden tried to shove him away, tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. He was like an immoveable brick wall. His eyes were so dark she couldn’t see any white. She really didn’t think she could get Baze’s attention without waking Linc too. He’d hear her, and then all hell would break loose.

  Jasper grabbed her other hand, pinning them both above her head and putting his thigh between her legs. He rubbed himself against her hip, grinding into her body. She fought the urge to vomit. Him touching her didn’t just feel wrong; it felt repulsive. When she realized both his hands were now occupied she took a deep breath and then screamed. She’d meant to call for Baze; she really had, hoping that he would get to her first. But Linc’s name had come out instead.

  “Shut up.” Jasper put his hand back over her mouth. “You’re ruining this.” He slammed her head against the wall and she saw stars. He’d reached between them and hiked up her t-shirt. His fingers were on the band of Linc’s briefs before he was yanked off of her.

  She pulled her shirt down and flipped on the kitchen light. Linc had Jasper on the floor; his hands were covered in blood and were wrapped around the kid’s throat, choking the life out of him. “Linc! Stop!” He didn’t even blink. It was like he hadn’t heard her.

  Luckily Baze came in the room and wrestled Linc off Jasper. “What the actual fuck?” Baze kept his arms outstretched between the two snarling shifters.

  They both looked crazy, snapping and growling at each other. Baze turned to her, a question in his eyes. She rubbed her wrists; they were sore from where Jasper had held her. “I came into the kitchen to get some water.” It was a lame excuse, not near a good enough explanation of what had happened here, but she was in shock.

  Linc lunged for Jasper again and Baze put him in a chokehold. Jasper snapped his teeth and made a move toward her. She backed up until she was right next to Baze.

  “Jace! Get your ass in here and help me with your fuckin
g brother.” Baze was having a hard time keeping everyone separate.

  Jace waked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes, confused. “What the hell is going on?”

  Baze pointed at Jasper. “Get your brother and take him into the living room. Now.”

  Jace flinched at Baze’s tone but took two steps toward his twin. Then he stopped and spun around to face her. “You smell…fucking perfect.” He stalked toward her, his eyes going dark as he licked his lips.

  “Fantastic.” Baze tightened his hold on Linc. “Madden get into Linc’s room, lock the door, and call Keller. I’m going to need some backup.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  He finally understood the term “seeing red.” Linc had wanted nothing more than to murder both Jace and Jasper with his bare hands. Once Madden had left the kitchen, the two boys seemed to calm down a little and came to their senses. But Linc hadn’t. Baze had to keep him in a chokehold to stop him from hurting the twins for another five minutes. And Riley slept through the whole damn thing.

  Now Linc, Keller, and Baze were sitting around the kitchen table while the rest of the house rested peacefully.

  “I couldn’t control them. It was like Madden’s scent had them in a trance.” Baze shook his head. “I’ve never seen anything like it, man. Their eyes turned black—it was like they were completely consumed.”

  Keller leaned back in his chair, exhaustion clear on his face. Linc didn’t blame him; it was nearly two o’clock in the morning. “But you didn’t feel anything?”

  Linc looked at Baze, holding his breath to hear his answer. He didn’t know if he could take knowing that Baze had wanted her too, that he’d wanted inside her body as much as the rest of them. When he shook his head, Linc let out a relieved sigh. “No, man, not like they did. She smelled good, like sweet almost. But I was still clearheaded. I had no desire to claim her.”

  Keller crossed his arms over his chest, turning his attention to Linc. “I don’t know, maybe it’s gone too far? Maybe you’ve been with her too many times without claiming her? Maybe it’s part of the process, you know? Like triggering your jealousy or making her even more appealing.”

  Linc held his head in his hands. “But she isn’t in any pain. She said she woke up because she just felt really hot and she needed some water.” Linc scrubbed his face. “I’m not hurting either. I’m horny as hell, but not hurting. Shouldn’t that come first?”

  Baze glanced at Keller, shrugging. “All I’ve ever, uh, heard about, is the pain. I’ve never heard about shifters going crazy because of someone’s scent. Maybe it is because you’ve been inside her already. Like you already started the process? Maybe she just smells…like sex?”

  Linc wrinkled his nose. “Not trying to sound like a prude here, but can we please stop talking about how many times I’ve fucked Madden? It doesn’t seem right.” Not that he could really explain why, but it was making him uncomfortable as hell.

  Keller chuckled. “It’s okay, man. I feel ya.”

  Baze snorted. “Pussies.”

  Keller and Linc exchanged a look that said they’d ignore Baze’s comment. Linc adjusted the icepack on his wrists. He’d all but broken them trying to get free. He’d gotten blood all over the kitchen floor. It was a good thing he healed fast; he’d have needed stitches for sure. He looked over his shoulder toward the living room, dropping his voice. “What about the other stuff? Franklin?”

  Keller let his head fall to the table, banging it a couple of times. “Make the call. Get that asshole Brooks back up here.”

  Linc’s eyebrows went to his hairline. He was surprised Keller conceded so quickly. “I know he’s not your favorite person, Kel. But I don’t really know what else to do here.”

  Keller picked his head up, rubbing at his now red forehead. “There isn’t anything else we can do. Brooks needs to come here and deal with this. He promised that nothing would be traced back to the kids, and obviously it was.”

  Baze narrowed his eyes. “Or Franklin’s reaching. Putting feelers out to see what he can come up with.”

  Keller nodded. “Maybe. But the Feds still need to be made aware of what happened.”

  Linc groaned. “And so does Corey.”

  “I’ll head over and talk to Coop and Dom in the morning.” Keller sighed. “Fill them in before school.”

  Linc let out a thankful laugh. “I pity you, man. Coop is going to hand you your ass on a platter when she finds out we kept this from her. Thanks for taking the fall.”

  Keller got up, smirk in place. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go make love to my mate. Baze, good night. Linc, enjoy your hand.”


  When Linc finally made it back to his bedroom, he was surprised to see Madden lying awake. She was staring at the ceiling, a pensive look on her beautiful face. “Hey baby, what are you still doing up? It’s after two.”

  She rolled her head to the right, meeting his eyes. “Couldn’t sleep.”

  He couldn’t blame her. The past two days been nothing but tumultuous. One crazy revelation after another, getting dragged into a year-old feud she had nothing to do with. He was grateful she was still here, wrapped in his jersey and tangled in his sheets. “Madden, I…”

  Her brow creased and she propped herself up on her elbow. “What’s wrong?”

  He clenched his fists at his side, taking deep breaths through his mouth. “Did you shower? Have you showered since Jasper and Jace touched you?” He already knew the answer; their scent was all over the room. They were all over his mate. When she shook her head he started to tremor. “You’ve got to get them off of you. Your scent, combined with theirs, it’s making me crazy. I can’t, I can’t, I…”

  “Okay. It’s okay, I’ll go shower.” She got up slowly, watching him as she made her way to his bathroom.

  He tried to stay still, he really did. He locked his knees, he gritted his teeth. But it was no use. He wasn’t in control anymore, his shifter was. And his shifter? Was fucking pissed.

  He crossed the room in two strides, wrapping his arm around Madden’s waist and hauling her off her feet. She let out a shocked squeal as he moved them both forward until her back hit the bathroom door, causing it to fly open. “I’m sorry baby. I’m so fucking sorry.” He reached down and turned on the water with one hand, keeping the other firmly around her. He buried his face in her hair, trying like hell to smell only her.

  He picked her up and put her under the warm water, still wearing his clothes. He didn’t want to climb in after her; he wanted to give her the space she needed. But he was powerless. He pulled his shorts off and stepped into the stall, crowding her until her back was once again against a wall.


  He hung his head in shame.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Linc looked close to tears, standing before her with his head bent. Nearly hot water was cascading around them and he was shaking. She wasn’t afraid, and she wasn’t mad. No, all she felt was empathy. She hated what happened tonight, hated how upset Linc still was. It was like all his despair was seeping into her heart. She knew he felt ashamed and out of control. He felt possessive and on edge.

  Her eyes moved past the naked man in front of her to the bathroom sink. There was a giant box of condoms, open and waiting. She could fix this. She could make him feel better and nothing would have to change. At least not yet anyway, because she wasn’t ready. She wasn’t ready to give up her life, her freedom. She still wasn’t sure she would ever want to be someone’s soul mate. But her body? She could give him her body. She reached out and plucked one out of the box, and then she sank down to her knees.

  His hands automatically fisted in her wet locks. “Madden? What are you doing?”

  “I need you.” She wasn’t lying. She needed him in that moment as much as he needed her. He’d snapped tonight, but only because she had been in actual danger. Jasper was stronger than her. There was no doubt in her mind that if she had been alone wit
h him, he would have overpowered her and taken what he wanted. The thought alone made her feel sick to her stomach.

  She stood, stepping out of his briefs and unbuttoning his jersey. “Please.” She hated the desperation in her voice, the want, but she knew that it was what he needed from her. The truth.

  He wrapped his muscular arm back around her waist and lifted her with ease. “Fuck, baby, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  She stayed silent as she wrapped her legs around his hips. He thrust inside her body in one smooth motion, burying himself fully. Her back on the cool tile wall and the hot water streaming down her body were an intoxicating mixture. Linc set a punishing pace, fast and hard. The sound of their bodies coming together echoed around the small room. “Don’t stop, I want you just like that.” She dug her nails into his shoulders, drawing blood and giving him permission to lose control.

  He threw his head back, his deep growls giving her goose bumps. “Turn around, put your hands on the wall.” His voice was rough, but his tone was kind. He set her on her feet and guided her into place, kicking her legs farther apart.

  He’d never fucked her like this, never been quite this dominant. She loved it. He entered her again, wild and tough. He reached around and added just the right amount of pressure to her clit, making her cry out in pleasure. “Fuck. Linc.” She pushed back against him, wanting more. His other hand was wrapped around her hip, keeping her in place.

  “I need you to come for me, Madden.” He buried himself to the hilt and the ground against her ass. He leaned forward, whispering against the shell of her ear. “Come for me, baby.”

  Madden screamed out her release, trying like hell to muffle the noise on her arm. She was still riding wave after wave of euphoria when she felt him pull out all the way. “What are you doing?”

  She turned and looked behind her, her eyes going wide. He’d taken off the condom. “Linc, I’m not ready. Please don’t.”


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