Jaw Dropping (St. Leasing Book 3)

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Jaw Dropping (St. Leasing Book 3) Page 14

by L. P. Maxa

  Madden was a wild one; she was full of fire and spirit. Like him, she’d had a good run. She’d lived. Truly lived, in a way that few other people ever did. She saw the world, and she’d learned to stand on her own two feet. Madden knew Madden. And Linc fucking loved that about her.

  They’d had a nice dinner, zero talk of Franklin or the fact that Brooks and Grimes were coming back to town. Corey had insisted. She wanted them to have a normal meal, talk as friends. As family. But now, they were all gathered on the back patio, taking up every piece of furniture.

  “Who wants to start?” Keller glanced around, looking at everyone, waiting for a volunteer.

  Baze snorted. “Where do we start, is the more important question.”

  “Do you guys do this all the time? How come we’ve never been invited before? You wound me.” Jasper was sulking, his butt on the ground and his forearms resting on his bent knees.

  Jace slugged him in the shoulder. “Quit whining or we won’t be invited back.”

  Linc had been surprised to see the twins at the dinner table when they walked in, but then he remembered how much of all this involved them. Franklin was their father. They’d spoken against him to the Feds. And now Brooks wanted them to do it again, dig deeper and spill more secrets. Those boys sure as hell needed to be here tonight.

  “I’ll start.” Dom was massaging Corey’s lower back with one hand and holding a beer in the other. “Baze, Kel, Linc, and I called Agent Brooks this afternoon. We put him on speakerphone and told him what happened on campus. The attack on Riley and someone ransacking Jasper and Jace’s dorm room.”

  “Keller told me today when he got home that Brooks is headed back to Haxton.” Molly glanced at Kel and then toward the younger boys gathered on the ground. “He wants to talk to the twins again?”

  “Us? Why?” Jasper furrowed his brow, clearly confused.

  “They want more information,” Jace answered.

  “Do they want us to fucking die?” Jasper got to his feet, brushing the dirt from the back of his pants. “Because that’s basically asking the same thing.”

  In Linc’s opinion, Jasper wasn’t that far off base. Franklin was a monster. Linc had seen firsthand what that man was willing to do to his own children. The violence, the malice he dealt without feeling or a shred of compassion for his own blood. It was unlike anything Linc had ever witnessed before.

  Jace spoke up, his voice as calm as always. “They haven’t found men willing to talk, willing to go against my father.”

  It wasn’t posed like a question, but Keller answered him anyway. “They did find men who were willing to talk. Criminals facing hefty sentences, willing to make a deal.”

  “But they turned up dead.” Jace shook his head, chuckling quietly. “Morons. My father has just as many men working for him in prison as he does on the streets. Let me guess, suicide, like Bull?”

  Linc nodded. “Two men, found dead the morning they were supposed to make their statements.” He had his arms over the back of Madden’s chair, his hands playing with her long hair as he spoke. The small act alone kept him calm, kept him grounded.

  “They aren’t doing it. No way. The Feds can’t keep the boys safe. That’s blatantly obvious by now. Brooks will need to figure something else out. End of story.” Corey crossed her arms over her chest, resting them on her pregnant belly. Dom was still rubbing her back, no doubt trying to keep her from going postal.

  Madden shifted in her seat, pulling her legs underneath her. “What about whoever attacked Riley? What if they are still here? Maybe Brooks could take him down? Who does this Franklin guy have on his payroll at St. Leasing?”

  All eyes went to Jace. Whether anyone liked to acknowledge it or not, he’d spent the most time with his father. He’d lived with him growing up, experiencing his particular brand of abuse firsthand. Jasper’s eyes were trained on the ground, his hands on his hips. Linc knew that the kid hated what his twin had suffered while Jasper had lived a good life with their mother.

  Jace sighed. “No one that I know of. But that doesn’t mean anything. My father may have been grooming me to take over for him one day, but it wasn’t like he shared secrets or a made-man roster with me.” He hung his head for a moment. “Bull is dead. My father had him killed in lock-up before anybody could question him. If we want to avoid the same thing happening again, then these Feds can’t take the next guy to jail. They’d need to get him to a safe house or something.”

  Riley leaned his head against the wall at his back, rolling it to look at Jace. “How are we supposed to trap a violent criminal? Tie up one of the girls to the train tracks? We don’t know who this guy is. Hell we don’t even know how many of them are here.”

  “Ox.” Jace pursed his lips, nodding. “My father would have sent Ox.”

  Linc held his hand up. “Wait. Ox? Your father’s two main guys are named Ox and Bull? You’re kidding me, right?”

  “They’re men for hire—they don’t use their real names.” Jace shook his head, like he was baffled by Linc’s question. “If Ox is still here, still watching all of us? Then he’ll see the Feds. We’d need to lure him out, before he realizes why the Feds are back here, and before he can tip off my father.”

  Madden glanced at Linc then across the patio to Corey. “This all seems insane, you know that, right? Like some kind of bad mob movie. Like Riley said, how do you plan on luring him out? If this Ox guy is one of Franklin’s top men, I doubt he’s stupid enough to fall for a trap.”

  Corey chewed on her lower lip. “We don’t have another choice. I’m not letting Brooks waltz into town and get Jasper and Jace killed.”

  “Here is what we do.” Baze stood up and started to pace the length of the patio. “We call Brooks, we tell him to stay in town. They can stay at our apartment and I’ll couch surf. Hopefully Ox is hanging out closer to campus and won’t even notice that they’ve come to town. We’ll let the agents know we suspect he’s still here.” Baze threw his hands up, letting them slap to his side. “Maybe they’ll be able to think of a way to draw him out.”

  Dom nodded in agreement. “We can try to meet with them tomorrow. Maybe lunch? We all have to be on campus or Ox could get suspicious. Plus, it’s only the second week of school. McCormick might get upset if we suddenly disappear for a whole day.” The last thing any of them wanted was to see that old man upset.

  Molly sat up straighter. “I can meet up with Brooks. He can come to the studio, act like he’s there for a class.”

  Keller’s head swiveled around. “The fuck?”

  “Don’t start with me right now, Byrne. Brooks knows we’re together, and we’ll be in a crowded yoga studio.” She turned to address the rest of the people on the patio. “This way I can fill him in on what we’ve discussed tonight. And they can start to come up with a plan.”

  Corey rubbed her hands on her belly. “Jace, can you write down a detailed description of what Ox looks like? That way we can all keep an eye out for him.”

  He nodded.

  Keller got to his feet, pulling Molly up beside him. “I’ll go make the call.”

  “Wait.” Baze held his arm out, stopping them from leaving. “We have one more matter to discuss. Boys, go inside.”

  Riley pointed to himself. “Me too? I’m pack.”

  Baze shook his head. “Get inside.”

  Linc swallowed past the lump in his throat. He never actually thought Baze would do it. But sending the younger boys inside made it obvious; he was going to put Madden and Linc’s claiming to a fucking vote. Linc stood tall, lifting his chin. “Don’t do this.”

  Baze waited until the back door closed before he spoke again, “I’m sorry, man. I swear I am. But this situation could cause a lot of problems for the pack. For the boys. Problems we can’t handle right now.”

  Linc knew Baze wasn’t entirely wrong, but putting something like this to pack vote was not okay. It wasn’t even in the realm of okay.

  “You two need to finish the bonding process b
efore someone winds up hurt.”

  “You aren’t putting this to a vote. That’s…it’s messed up, man.” Linc stood his ground, his hands clenched at his sides.

  Baze glanced at Madden, then back to Linc. “It’s already done.”

  “You sorry son of bitch.” Linc lunged at Baze, getting in one good right hook before Dom and Keller intervened. “How could you?” They’d gone behind his back.

  Madden stepped between him and Baze. “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll never do it.” Linc ignored Madden’s question and trained his eyes on Keller. “You said so yourself. I physically can’t do anything to cause her pain. I won’t force her before she’s ready.”

  Keller gave him a sad smile. “It’s time, Linc. You know it is. You won’t have to force her. She’s ready even if she thinks she’s not. I can tell. She’s different tonight.” She was. Linc had sensed the change in her as well. But she asked him for more time, and he’d damn well make sure she got it.

  He made eye contact with Dom. “We have it under control. It worked fine today. She left work when she started to feel—”

  “Linc.” Baze’s tone was clipped.

  Linc took a step forward, shrugging off Kel and Dom, his resolve as hard as stone. He wouldn’t back down on this. They could all fuck the hell off. Madden was his mate, his girl. He knew what was best for her, what was best for them. She’d just started to come around. She had let her guard completely down for the first time. She trusted him. “You won’t win, not this time, Baze. Madden is mine, my responsibility.” He moved forward again, causing Dom and Keller to follow him. “Don’t fucking push me.”

  Baze’s jaw was clenched, the muscles working overtime as he met Linc’s glare. Dom moved quickly, jumping between them as Keller went to stand in front of Corey and Molly. Dom held his arms wide. “We’ve never fought each other like this, and we sure as hell aren’t about to start.” He looked at Baze. “They’re close, you know they are. You can tell, just like Keller can. For right now, they’re controlling it.” He turned to Linc. “And you. You know Baze’s concerns, all of our concerns, are more than valid.”

  Linc nodded once then turned to Madden, holding out his hand. “Come on, let’s go home.” Her eyes were full of question, her brow furrowed. It was unlike her to not stand up and immediately demand answers. So she knew what Baze and he had been talking about. Or she felt trapped, felt confused and unsure of her place here. Linc hoped like hell it was the first option.

  Trapped and insecure were two emotions that Madden didn’t handle well.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Madden stayed silent during the short walk home. Her mind was racing, and so was her heart. Linc had stood up for her back there, stood up for what she needed. She had almost drawn blood, digging her nails into her palms so deep. How dare Baze think he had any right to decide when they finally mated. Fucking bossy asshole. As soon as the front door closed she whirled on Linc, hands thrown up in the air. “Please tell me that wasn’t about what I think it was about.”

  Linc took a deep breath, his eyes automatically glancing back toward Dom and Corey’s house. “I won’t do it, Madden. I swear to you, I’d never let them decide something like that for us.”

  “You sure? You let them decide everything else in your life. I mean, we had to sneak around because Baze told you couldn’t see me.” She knew she wasn’t being fair. She knew Linc had stood his ground for her. Not himself. But she was so angry, she felt slightly unhinged. She was pacing around her small living room, her skin heated. “Who the hell do they think they are? Baze, always up on his damn high horse. What’s that guy’s deal? Is he alpha or something? Do you people actually operate like a fucking wolf pack? That’s the most ludicrous…”

  She was cut off when Linc grabbed her by the shoulders, holding her in place. He dipped down, making her look him in the eye. “Hey. You’re spinning out, baby.” He wrapped his arms around her neck, drawing her in for a tight hug. He spoke against the top of her head. “I’d never let anyone else decide what’s best for us. Ever. Dom and Keller went along with what Baze wanted because they are worried about their mates. They are worried about the kids. Like you said, Corey is pregnant, and if she gets too worked up it’s bad for the baby. If something happened to Riley, Corey would lose it.”

  “We have it under control. Right?” Today had worked out perfectly. Sure, the time span between them being together and her having an episode was getting shorter, but it was still hours apart.

  He kissed her head. “Yes, we do. But I need you to hear me when I tell you this.” He put his hands on her hips, holding her at arm’s length. “If I see one of those boys coming at you like that again, I will kill them.” His eyes were brimming with desperation. “The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt someone. That’s not who I am. But the way I felt when I saw Jasper on you?” He shook his head. “I would have killed him, Madden.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” And she was. She was sorry for so many damn things at that moment. Sorry that she’d gotten out of bed last night. Sorry that Jasper had been hurt. Sorry that her actions had caused Linc to go after someone he cared about. Sorry that she wasn’t ready to be mated. Sorry that she was so fucked up about love and what forever meant.

  Linc gave her a gentle shake. “You’re losing it again.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Magic.” She snorted and he smiled. “Well earlier, you were pacing the house like a crazy person, that one was easy. This time, I could hear your heart rate accelerate. And your skin is getting warmer to the touch.” He put his hands under her t-shirt, his palms cool against her flushed flesh.

  “That feels good.” She took a deep breath then let it out. And with it, some of the coiled stress left her body.

  “Talk to me, baby. Tell me why you aren’t ready yet.” Linc’s question made her body tighten instantly. “No, don’t get tense again.” He rubbed his hands up and down her back, applying pressure, massaging her taunt muscles. “I just want to know you, Madden. I want to know what you’re thinking and what you’re worried about. I want to ease your fears. I want to be here for you in whatever way you need me.”

  Well. That was fucking night and day from the Linc she’d met two weeks ago. Was it all because he was her mate, and he was hardwired to want these things from her? Or was it because he’d truly changed, truly started to grow up? He scooped her into his arms and sat down on the couch with her in his lap. He didn’t push, didn’t pressure her to talk. His body was relaxed and his touch soothing. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I trust you, I like you. Sex between us is phenomenal. I know that you’ll never hurt me. I love that you stood up for me with Baze. You make me laugh. Being around you makes me happy. Real, honest to goodness, happy.”

  “Okay. Where’s the but?” He pinched hers.

  “There is no but. I’m just not ready.” She sat up, looking him in the eye. “We were the same, right? We liked our lives the way they were. Zero responsibility. No one to answer to. My inability to commit came from my parents’ sham of a marriage and yours came from the fact that you were raised to be a spoiled playboy.”

  “Rude.” His tone was offended, but his face wore a cocky smirk that told her she was spot on with her assessment.

  “You changed overnight, Linc. You went from high-fiving our friends with benefits arrangement to saying things like we and us and ours. This is your culture. This is your DNA and your way of life. Not mine. I can’t flip a switch like you can.” Part of her wished she could, but another part of her was glad she couldn’t. Glad that she was holding on so tightly to the person she was, the person she fought so hard to become. “I’m still trying to adjust to the fact that my life is going to be polar opposite from the way I’d imagined it for the last fourteen years.”

  Linc cupped her face in is hands. “Madden, baby. When are you going to see it? Your life is going to be what you always wanted. Ful
l of adventure and passion and travel. You want to see the world? Baby, I’ll show it to you. You want dirty trysts in the Pincio Gardens? I’m your guy. I’ll never break your heart, and I’ll never hurt you.” He kissed her lips, making her smile. “We can have adventures. We can have it all.”

  He was perfect for her. Linc was the perfect man for Madden. There was no denying it. He said everything that her long-wounded little heart needed to hear. He didn’t want to change a single thing about her. He only wanted to join her. A tear slid down her cheek. “I think I might be falling in love with you.”

  His eyes sparkled, and his grin grew, taking over his whole face. “And I’ve been in love with you since the day I was born, baby.” He pulled her toward him, kissing her lips with such passion she couldn’t help but moan in response. He adjusted her on his lap, her legs wrapping around his trim waist. He broke their kiss only long enough for him to remove her shirt and toss it to the ground. Her eyes searched his, silently asking the question she was too scared to ask out loud. “Tonight is not the night, baby. This is our decision and ours alone. You aren’t ready? We’ll wait until you are.”

  She stood, slipping off her pants, and then straddled his lap once again. She sat up on her knees, helping him take his shorts off. She didn’t reach for a condom. Instead she sank down on him bare. Impaling herself, the pressure from his cock made her belly tighten. She leaned her body forward, grinding on him, her clit against his pelvis. She threw her head back, whimpering.

  He gripped her thighs, his fingertips digging into her flesh. “You better hurry, baby, I can’t hold on much longer.” He palmed her breast, pinching her nipple hard, shooting shock waves to her core.


  He used his other hand, rolling both nipples. “You like that? Fuck me harder, Madden. I know you can give me more.” He took one breast in his mouth, freeing up one of his hands to grip her throat.


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