Texas Lonestar (Texas Heroes Book 4)

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Texas Lonestar (Texas Heroes Book 4) Page 10

by Sable Hunter

  “Be my guest.” Dallas was trembling with need, but he let her set the pace.

  “Okay.” Lennon pushed the garment from his shoulders, moving close enough to nip him on the chest.

  “God, you’re driving me mad, baby.” Jerking the shirt off his arms behind his back, he threw it to the floor.

  Going to her knees, she helped him with his boots, then ran her hands up his pants leg and massaged his calves. “I’m having a good time.” Lennon smiled, reaching up to undo his pants.

  He braced a hand on her head as she tugged them down and off. At last, there was nothing between her fingers and his greatest need, but thin cotton briefs that did nothing to hide the bulge of his cock. “Touch me,” he breathed with a hoarse voice.

  Lennon only hesitated for half a second. Running her hands from the back of his knees to his hips, she leaned in, kissing him through the briefs, loving the shape of him.

  “It’s my turn to touch you.” His hands clasped her upper arms as if he were going to pull her to her feet.

  “Another moment, please.” Taking hold of the waistband, she unveiled him. “Dallas, you’re beautiful,” she whispered with delight. He was boldly erect, standing straight up. “I just want to feel.” Lennon took him in both hands and gently kissed the tip, licking away the drop of pre-cum that nestled in the tiny slit.

  “Enough!” He lifted Lennon to her feet. “I want a turn too.” His fingers found the hem of her sweater. “I can’t wait to make love to you in every way you can think of–standing, lying down, against the wall. I want your legs around my waist, I want to be buried so deep inside of you that we’re not sure where you begin and I end.”

  Now that it was his turn to undress her, Lennon froze–her hands coming to rest on his wrists, stopping him from lifting her top. “As you can probably tell, I’m small.” She blushed furiously, head down. “Don’t expect much.”

  Dallas was so turned on; it took a split-second for him to comprehend what she was saying to him. He’d never intended to tell her he spied on her, now it seemed the best thing to do. “There’s nothing about you that isn’t absolutely perfect.”

  “No, wait. I wish I was bigger for you.” Lennon was so torn. “I want to be with you more than anything. I just wish you didn’t have to see my tomboyish body.”

  Dallas took both of her hands in his, lifting them to his lips, kissing the palm of each tenderly. “I know exactly how you look, Lennon. I saw you here in the bathhouse.” Hearing Lennon gasp, he sought to reassure her. “I know I should’ve turned away, but I couldn’t. You are absolutely exquisite, delicately feminine from head to toe.” He turned her gently in his arms, kissing her cheek. “Mad at me?”

  All of the tension dissolved from Lennon’s body. “No, I’m not mad, I’m relieved.”

  “I’m going to undress you now.” He lifted her sweater up and over her head, then unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, pushing them down her legs. When she stood wearing only her bra and panties, Lennon shivered.

  “I’ve dreamed of this moment, having you here with me,” he murmured in her ear as he released the clasp on her bra. “You are so hot!” Her breasts were a sweet handful, round and plump. But the sexiest thing of all to Dallas was how big her nipples were, the areolas full and puffy.

  Either his warm breath on her neck or his emphatic declaration caused her to laugh happily. Reaching around her, Dallas palmed her breasts, rubbing her nipples in a circular motion. “Oh, my God,” she whimpered, pushing back against him. She had no idea her breasts would be so sensitive. Lennon felt her womb clench and her clit throb with every stroke of his big hands on her body.

  “I need to do more than touch.” Moving to face her, Dallas fell to his knees and began to play with her breasts. He took joy in them–molding, kissing, milking the nipples. “These are the perfect size.” Pressing her breasts together, he used his tongue to dance from one diamond hard point to the other.

  Lennon almost swooned. As he pleasured her breasts, she rubbed his neck, his back, his shoulders–anywhere she could reach. “I never knew this could feel so good.” At her impassioned confession, he fit his mouth over one nipple and sucked hungrily. Lennon kissed the top of his head as he feasted at her breasts. There was no denying that he was enjoying her body and that miracle made her heart soar.

  Her knees grew weak as he finally left her breasts and let his mouth trail south, licking a path around her navel, his hand coming up to touch the hot, needy spot between her thighs. “I don’t think I can stand up anymore.”

  “Hold on, doll. I’ll make you comfortable.” He spread out the towels, then eased her down on them.

  “Dallas, make love to me.” she said, feeling so empty she ached. “Please?”

  “You’re so beautiful.” Her brown eyes shone with passion. He couldn’t believe she was begging to be with him. “I want you so much.” Lowering himself to lie next to Lennon, he came over her–capturing her lips, then kissing her breasts, moving down her body to tongue the wet spot on her panties that proved she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Dallas hooked his fingers at the top of the little scrap of lace and pulled them off.

  Lennon was shaking with need. This was her every fantasy come true. Spreading her legs wide, she lifted her hips, imploring Dallas to take her. “Now. I’ve waited so long.”

  Dallas was more than ready, he was painfully hard and aching for her. Lennon gave him her eyes as he positioned himself to enter her. Weaving their fingers together, he took what she offered, plunging his cock deep. She jerked in his arms, then stiffened, her fingers clamping down on his. Dallas went instantly rigid. She was tighter than tight, squeezing him in a velvet vise. He’d wanted her so much and she’d been so willing–God, he hadn’t even thought. Showering her face with kisses, he begged. “Baby, did I hurt you?”

  This was Lennon’s first time.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lennon tried to catch her breath. She’d wanted him so much, she refused to let him know how much it hurt. “Don’t move. Just give me a second. I’m good.” Burying her face in his neck, she kissed his shoulder.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Dallas asked, afraid to move, afraid he’d hurt her more.

  “I didn’t want you to change your mind,” she whispered. “Please don’t stop.” The sharp pain had subsided, and now what she felt was a fullness that seemed right. Lennon lifted her hips, urging him to move.

  He didn’t want to stop. Dallas was right where he wanted to be. Raising up on his knees, he pulled her bottom up across his thighs, leaving his hands free to play with her breasts and her clit. “Better?” God, he hoped so. Pleasing her meant everything to him.

  “Yes, more, please,” she moaned. “Kiss me.” Dallas did as she asked, easing her down, fusing her lips with his. Feeling her acceptance, he began to move–to thrust–holding himself above her, he pumped with deep, strong strokes that brought them both to ecstasy. When he felt her contractions begin, he let himself go. Closing his eyes, he reveled in the miracle of their joining, the wonder of how they fit together. Fire rose within him, the muscles of his neck corded. Pleasure built. When his release came it was blinding–pulsating–he called out her name. “Lennon!”

  Lennon cradled him close as his body shuddered. He tried to hold himself off of her, but she urged him close. “Rest on top of me. I want to feel your weight.” Kissing him on the side of the neck, she sighed. “I don’t feel so alone anymore.”

  When their breathing quieted, he eased into the pool, inviting her to join him. She went into his arms and let him hold her as the warm waters soothed them both. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  Lennon turned into him, smiling against his chest. “I’m perfect.”

  “Yes, you are,” Dallas chuckled. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Lennon felt content. She didn’t know how long he’d be with her, but she would cherish him while she could. He was everything she’d ever longed for, more than she could have ever expected. “I’m so glad you
’re here with me.”

  “Me too.” Dallas didn’t question how he felt. He just held her close and vowed to put things right in her life if he could.

  * * *

  “Get up, Lenny. I hungry!” Lennon felt her bed shake. For a moment, she didn’t know where she was, nothing looked familiar. Lying on her stomach, she opened one eye and saw that the pillow next to hers bore a definite head shaped dent. And then it all came rushing back…Dallas, the bathhouse–and the fact she’d lost her virginity.

  “I’m awake,” she mumbled as Sally continued to bump on the mattress. “You’ve got a good rhythm there. I could use you instead of one those vibrating beds.” As the little girl giggled, Lennon sat up, wondering when Dallas had made his escape. She couldn’t help but smile, last night had been incredible. Reaching for Sally, Lennon pulled her warm little body into her arms. “You’re already dressed.”

  “Yes, Dallas tied my shoes. He buttoned Annie’s dwess too.” She held up her doll. “He said to come wake you up.”

  “Oh, he did, did he?” She stood, thankful she’d slipped her gown on at some point during the night. She could get used to sharing a bed with Dallas. Going to sleep in his arms had been incredible. Lennon blushed a little remembering how bold she’d been. After they’d returned from the bathhouse pools, he’d brought her to her bed and she’d asked him to stay, unwilling for the magic to end.

  “Where is Dallas now?”

  “He went out wiff George when I came in here. He be back he said.” As Lennon quickly dressed, Sally leaned on the bed playing with Annie.

  Finding out Dallas had left the lodge worried her. There was so much that needed to be done and here she was a virtual prisoner in her own home. Warring emotions filled her–undoubtedly she wanted all of this madness to stop. But when it did…Dallas would leave. There’s be no reason for him to stay. He lived halfway across the state and this was her home, she had responsibilities here. The possibility that she’d never see him again made her heart hurt.

  Sorting through the few clothes she’d brought over with her, Lennon admitted her wardrobe was sadly lacking. Even though she wouldn’t be going out to tend the animals, the day didn’t merit a Sunday dress. Her work clothes were the only sensible choice. After she’d dressed, Lennon glanced at herself in the mirror. Did she look different? She touched her face, still void of any makeup enhancement. What did Dallas see in her? The women in his world were probably glamorous and she was what she’d always been–just Lennon.

  “You pretty nuff, Lenny, let’s go.”

  Lennon had to laugh. “Do you think I’m pretty enough?”

  “Yes,” Sally nodded her head emphatically.

  Hand in hand, they left the bedroom to go to the kitchen. Lennon had just sat a plate of scrambled eggs and breakfast sausage before Sally when her cell phone rang. Thinking it might be George, she grabbed it without checking the read-out. “Hello?”

  “Miss Haley? This is Greg Folsom at Sierra Blanca Bank and Trust. I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time.”

  “Well, no.” Lennon wasn’t about to explain her problems to the banker. “I know I’m a few weeks late on my loan, I’ve had a bit of trouble. As soon as I can get some of the sheep penned, I’ll take enough of them to the sale to catch up.”

  Mr. Folsom cleared his throat. “I’m afraid you have a very limited amount of time. We’ve learned of the circumstances at Apache Springs and I’m afraid our board has instructed me to begin foreclosure procedures if we don’t have payment by the end of the month.”

  Lennon started to shake. “What do you mean?” She needed to make sure she was hearing him correctly.

  “You need to pay what’s owed plus interest within ten days or we take possession of the property in its entirety.”

  Unable to speak, Lennon grabbed onto the back of a chair for support. “This is really bad timing…I’m not sure I can come up with that much money in so short an amount of time.”

  “I hope you can, Miss Haley. If not, you’ll lose your home.” The line went dead. Slowly, Lennon lowered her phone.

  “What’s wrong, Lenny?” Sally looked up, the fork frozen between her plate and her glass. “Are you sick?”

  Not wanting to scare her child, Lennon composed herself. “I’m fine, I just need a drink of water.” She turned to the sink, pulled a glass from the drain board and filled it, bringing it to her mouth. What was she going to do? Filled with panic, Lennon’s mind ran rampant with questions. If she lost the ranch, she’d lose everything. She had no savings to speak of, any extra funds had been exhausted in the process of adopting Sally. Miranda had been content for her just to live with Lennon, but Lennon had insisted on making the situation permanent. She knew her cousin and while she’d never keep Sally from Miranda, she wanted Sally to have the stability of a home and a mother.

  With her head spinning, Lennon clutched her arms around her middle and began to walk in circles. She’d need to get the sheep to the sale, which would mean getting out there in the open with a madman taking potshots at her. And even then…she wasn’t sure it’d be enough. Maybe if she worked a couple of rodeos. Grabbing her cell, she searched through her contacts for Jim Nelson, the man who coordinated the rodeo bullfighters with the events. When he answered, she didn’t wait, just blurted the words out. “Jim, this is Lennon Haley. If you have any openings, I’d like to sign up for some work.”

  Jim didn’t ask questions; he was always trying to fill spots. Before she got off the phone, Lennon had two bookings. This, along with the money she garnered for selling the sheep might be enough to ensure she kept her home. Hearing the front door slam, she was relieved Dallas and George had returned. A few minutes ago, she’d been self-conscious about seeing him again after what they’d shared last evening–and now, that concern seemed small. As soon as their footsteps drew near, she went to meet them.

  “I agree, George. This could have far-reaching implications.” Dallas had been shocked when he’d received a call from his direct supervisor. The Sierra Blanca sheriff’s office was under investigation for inflating fines and pocketing the difference. No arrests had been made, the legwork was being done online and by speaking to people who were issued tickets and comparing what they paid to what actually hit the city books. Until the evidence was completely collected, the personnel at the local office weren’t even aware a case was being built against them.

  “What are we going to do about the break-in?” George asked. Lennon was close enough to hear.

  “What break in?” She didn’t know how much more she could take.

  Dallas had been checking his email and walking at the same time–not the smartest thing to do. At the sound of Lennon’s voice, he glanced up. A warm feeling rose in his chest. “Hey, did you sleep well?” He knew damn well she had–he just wanted to see the roses bloom on her beautiful cheeks…and there it was–she was so beautiful she made his teeth ache.

  Lennon’s eyes widened. He knew exactly how she’d slept–on top of him for most of the night. “Very well. And you?”

  He grinned at her. “Never better.”

  “Good. Now–what break in?” Lennon persisted.

  George took off his engineer’s cap and slapped it against his knee. “Someone broke in the house, messed things up.” Seeing her distressed face, he continued quickly. “But don’t you worry your pretty little head about it. We’ll take care of this.”

  “Yes, and I’ve talked to Hiram. He and Marge want you and Sally to come stay with them until this is over. A regular ranger and two specials are driving over today from the Austin area to serve as backup for me. They’ll be here within the hour. We’re going to take turns keeping watch. The next time that bastard strikes we’re going to see him do it.”

  “Where are we going?” Sally was all ears.

  Lennon wasn’t nearly as excited by the news as Sally. “George, will you take Sally to her room and find something for her to play with?”

  “Sure will. Come on, squirt.” George
herded Sally away, entertaining questions about Tilly, the pig.

  Dallas didn’t even hesitate, he walked right into Lennon’s space and took her into his arms. “I hate all that’s going on, I’d much rather just be focusing on you.” He kissed her once–hard and deep. “Last night was amazing.”

  Lennon kissed him back, she couldn’t help it. But when he pulled away, she couldn’t keep quiet. “What’s this about me going away? You know I can’t leave.”

  Dallas had expected this. “I would feel better if you did.” He tightened his hold on her, drawing Lennon tighter into his embrace. “You know I couldn’t stand it if anything were to happen to you.”

  Lennon wanted nothing more than to just sink into him, but there was so much at stake, she couldn’t afford the luxury. “You are very kind. However, I cannot leave now. Sally, certainly, I appreciate you making arrangements for her. I, on the other hand, have to see that the sheep are taken to auction. The bank has notified me that I have only a few days to pay my note or they’ll begin foreclosure procedures.”

  Lennon spoke so calmly that it took Dallas a few moments for the message behind her words to register. “The bank called? When?”

  Struggling just enough for Dallas to let her go, Lennon stepped away from him. As much as she’d like to cast her cares upon this man and allow him to solve all of her problems, this was one she would have to deal with herself. Catching a thief might be the job of a lawman, but that same man could not be held responsible for her debts. “Just a few minutes ago. I need to get out to the south pasture, bring in the sheep and load the ones ready for market. It’s time to sell the two year olds that are ready to breed. The money I make will go a long way to paying my debt.”

  “Let me get them ready for you. Hell, let me pay your debt. How much is it?” The notion sprang from his lips before Dallas could call it back.

  His offer stunned Lennon, all she could do was stare at Dallas. So much had happened. When he’d first arrived, she’d been in awe of him as a man. The more time she spent with him only added to the captivation she felt. Lennon knew she was being fanciful. Despite her tomboyish upbringing and the many years she’d spent working tirelessly at a job more fit for a man, she’d still never been able to turn loose of the dreams and yearning for a life and love like the ones she’d read in those stacks and piles of romance novels she collected and hoarded. “What do you mean? What are you saying?” If he were proposing to solve her problems for her, maybe he was also proposing something else? If he were, she wanted to know. Lennon was so entranced with Dallas McClain that she’d jump at the chance to belong to him if he offered.


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