Chances Are

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by Michael Kaplan

  No, indeed; it established instead a point so subtle that even the great mathematician d’Alembert, author of the article on dice in the Encyclopédie of 1751, mistook it: sequence is as important as set. 4 = 1 + 1 + 2, but it also equals 1 + 2 + 1 and 2 + 1 + 1. This may seem like pointless wordplay, but you will see its truth if, instead of imagining throwing three dice, you imagine throwing one die three times. In that case, you’d probably agree that these three sequences, although they add up to the same total, are different events—especially if you had a bet riding on one of them.

  Once when I was in Venice, I lost some money at dice; on the following day I lost the rest, for I was in the house of a professional cheat. . . . I impetuously slashed his face with my poignard, though not deeply.

  This may not be how most mathematicians now spend their time, but Girolamo Cardano was by no means a typical mathematician.

  Born in 1501, the illegitimate son of a prominent Milanese lawyer and scholar, he fought constantly—against poverty, against his own flaws, and, most of all, against Fortune. His eldest son married badly, poisoned his adulterous wife, and was beheaded; his daughter sank into prostitution; his younger son is said to have denounced Cardano to the Inquisition in exchange for the post of public executioner.

  There was something obsessive about Cardano: he lists not just his 100 works, published and unpublished, and his 60 “familiar sayings,” but also the 73 times anyone spoke well of him in public. He was intensely interested not only in himself but in the world around him. He took nothing on faith—and here, decades before Galileo, we begin to see the willingness to find and widen little cracks in the shining orb of medieval certainty that would lead, eventually, to what we now call science.

  Cardano’s mind contained many trains of thought that we would now consider to be on collision courses. There were, he said, three completely different kinds of knowledge—the fruits of observation, the results of logic, and divine revelation—and one aspect of his life required all three: gambling. Betting was no mere gentlemanly recreation for Cardano. It was an obsession, and it filled him with shame. Yet he diced for twenty-five years and, through “a certain shrewdness in hazards, and something of skill in play,” he managed to avoid ruin, because he combined logical skill with a sharp eye for the shape of games and a conviction that divinity and chance were different things. His guardian angel might warn Cardano to avoid Mantua, but the dice themselves could tell him the way to bet.

  What the dice told him is summed up in his Liber de ludo aleae (Book of Games of Chance). This treatise is no piece of academic slumming: it reveals Cardano’s mastery of the facts underlying a gambler’s instinct. He began with the correct understanding of the number of possible throws with one, two, or three dice: 6, 36, and 216. He called these “circuits” and implied that in an ideal Platonic world, we would see each of the possible throws come up once in a circuit. We mortals are doomed, however, to sit in our cave watching only the shadows of perfection, and so must put up with the fact that in six throws of a die we are unlikely to see the six different points: some will repeat, and some will not turn up at all.

  At this obvious statement, most previous writers would have signed off with a short cadenza on the inconstancy of fate. Not Cardano: he persists in the idea that if all cases are equally likely, one can expect them to come up in equal proportions, given enough trials—if not in one circuit, then in several. He then goes further and states that if, say, 108 of the 216 possible throws of three dice are favorable to your bet, you can expect to win about half the time—provided your pockets are deep enough to play a lot of games.

  Moreover, Cardano was the first to calculate correctly the odds of doing the same thing more than once: if the chance of throwing an ace with one die is 1/6, you might think that the chance of throwing a deuce with two dice would be the same. But we have seen that there is only one 2 in the 36 possible outcomes with two dice: the chance of throwing an ace twice in a row is thus 1/6 × 1/6, or 1/36; the chance of doing it four times in a row would be 1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6, or 1/1296. This is now known as the “power law”: the probability of repeated successes in several independent trials is calculated by multiplying their individual probabilities.

  A neat way of illustrating the power law is the old confidence game in which the trickster tips each horse in a ten-horse race to a different group of a hundred mugs—a thousand mugs in all. No matter which horse wins, one group, 1/10 of the total number of mugs, will think: “Hey, this tipster’s OK.” The con man then tips each horse in another ten-horse race to groups of 10 from the winning group; one horse wins, and 10 suckers, 1/100 of the original bunch of mugs, will think: “Wow, this tipster’s pretty hot.” Tip each horse in the next ten-horse race to one of these 10 selected super-rubes and one of them, 1/1000 of the original sample, will conclude: “This tipster’s a genius”—and will pay good money for a final, worthless, tip. So to convince one person that you have been right three times at a 1/10 chance, you need 1,000 suckers to begin with:

  Oddly, Cardano failed to understand the inverse of this reasoning. He was interested, for instance, in how many times you would need to throw a single die to have an even chance of its coming up a six. He felt that since the chance on one throw would be 1/6, then two throws should have twice the likelihood and three throws should produce a probability of 3/6: an even chance.

  This reckoning may seem straightforward enough, but it is fundamentally flawed. If, for instance, you extended Cardano’s argument beyond six throws, the likelihood of throwing a six would be larger than 1/1: a certainty greater than perfection. What’s wrong? The events are not mutually exclusive: throwing a six on the first throw does not prevent you from throwing another six on the next. We need to rephrase the question: how many throws produce an even chance of throwing at least one six?

  To answer this, we can perform a neat piece of mathematical inversion; in probability, at least one is the opposite of none: the chance that something will happen is the inverse of the chance that it will never happen. So if we want to know the chance of throwing a six on the first throw or the second or the third (and so on), it should be the inverse of the chance of not throwing a six on the first throw and not on the second and not on the third (and so on). That inverse is simple to calculate using the power law, since our chance of not getting a six in one throw must be 5/6. Then our chance of not throwing a six in three successive throws is 5/6 × 5/6 × 5/6 = 125/216 or around 0.5787. This means that the chance of throwing at least one six in three throws will be 1—0.5787 or 0.4213. This isn’t quite the even chance that Cardano expected—indeed, it is further off fairness than the house advantage at most casino games. Probability is not an intuitive science.

  You’ll note that Cardano was trying to calculate even odds; one characteristic of his analysis—and of all early work on probability—is that it is centered around the balance of expectation, not simply the chances of events happening. The problems are posed in terms of the prospects for success or failure in a certain number of attempts, or making a wager that truly reflects the likelihood of an event. One might think this is Cardano as practical gambler, giving the world the first in a long tradition of “beat the casino” handbooks. In fact, the issue is more complicated; and it brings us back to the man whose themes have inspired so many variations in Western culture: Aristotle.

  The Nicomachean Ethics has only recently relinquished its claim to underlie all moral philosophy. Indeed, its clarity, radicalism and courageousness in proposing morality without divine sanction suggest that perhaps the claim was given up too soon. Central to the work is equity as the desired state: Aristotle is forever proposing ways to establish or maintain fairness in life’s relationships. How can we keep friendship with those who are richer, poorer, more intelligent, less beautiful, more influential, less shrewd than ourselves? By exchanging superiorities, giving that of which we are capable in just proportion to what we receive—effectively, fitting our wager on the game of life
to the odds we live under.

  As an Aristotelian, Cardano saw probability not as a science of the behavior of things but as the way to rebalance a world out of kilter, to even the odds so that Fortune becomes what it ought to be: equal chances of equal results, as fair as the flip of a coin. But, Cardano complained, calculating chances in gambling is like trying to understand the significance of supernatural events: “the system comes to naught or is ambiguous.” Caught between ancient authority and modern empiricism, baffled by the distinct but overlapping qualities of the subjects he covered, beaten down by Fortune, and finally silenced by the Church, he slipped the Liber de ludo aleae into his strongbox, where it lay forgotten for more than a century.

  The healing years pass and the stars wheel by, suggesting in their calm, imperturbable rotation that no idea is lost forever. The decades that followed Cardano’s death saw astronomy give to human thought the greatest legacy since consciousness itself: the notion of physical law. The rapid-fire revelations of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton implied that the most fundamental movements of the universe could be not just predicted but explained—in the clear, unambiguous language of mathematics.

  René Descartes (whose belief that staying in bed until noon was essential to the proper working of his brain has made him the hero of every well-read adolescent) gave science both definition and language. Before him, all investigation of the natural world bore the same relation to modern physics that cooking does to chemistry. After him, scientists everywhere could define the scope of their work and reduce it to a form that was transferable and directly applicable to the work of others. Descartes made this possible through two accomplishments: inventing an algebraic geometry and reserving a place for God.

  By sliding a grid over a plane, and thus assigning coordinates (x,y) to every point on that plane, Descartes showed that curves can be written as equations and equations drawn as curves: these two mathematical obsessions are, in fact, one. The pressing geometrical questions in the new astronomy (“What is the area inside this orbit?” “What is the farthest point of this trajectory?”) could now be solved by algebra, the language of equations. Similarly, the behavior of new, exotic equations could become clear through the shapes they revealed as graphs. Pictures were numbers; numbers, pictures. Things seen through eye, telescope, or microscope could be expressed and manipulated with the precision and finality of mathematical proof. It was the end of the medieval sorting of knowledge by qualities.

  Descartes’ other vital contribution was separating the physical from the spiritual. As long as the final answer to “Why?” was “God so wills it,” theology governed every question asked about the world—as Galileo found to his cost. Descartes’ mathematics shaped a new dispensation. His graph gives us a means to approximate ever more closely the true qualities of the curve of a function—but any two points we plot on a graph, no matter how close together, have an infinity of points between them; we approach but can never reach perfection. Since God is perfect and infinite, we cannot comprehend Him—but our God-given reason is ample for understanding His creation. All speculation about the physical world becomes permissible because, in the opposed rhythm of speculation and doubt, we progressively refine our concepts toward the vivid, the clear, and the distinct. The more crystalline our ideas, the more closely we approach Divine Truth—although we can no more reach it than we can plot every point in a line.

  Blaise Pascal was a man in whom the multidimensional contradictions of the medieval mind lined up along the great divide that still marks our way of thought: reason versus faith, rigor versus intuition, head versus heart. Young, startlingly intelligent, well off and well connected, sprightly in speech with a Wildean taste for paradox (“I have made this letter a rather long one, only because I didn’t have the leisure to make it shorter”), Pascal personified the cast of mind at which the French excel—and for which their word esprit remains the best description.

  But the spirit was also a source of torment to Pascal: “Fire, Fire, Fire . . . Jesus Christ . . . I have fled Him, renounced Him, crucified Him...” This is part of Pascal’s record of an experience of ecstatic devotion on the night of November 23, 1654, preserved on a slip of parchment he wore thereafter, sewn inside his coat. Pascal’s religion was deep, personal, and overwhelming; so when he said that he desired certainty above all things, he was talking about more than the area within a curve—he also meant the salvation of his eternal soul. Not for him Descartes’ calm division between worldly doubt and divine faith; the abyss into which every believer must launch himself gaped painfully within his heart.

  Of the three intellectual feats that together make Pascal the “father of modern probability”—his Wager, De Méré’s problems, and the Triangle—none was, in fact, original with him. They were all well-known puzzles and curiosities, dating back hundreds of years. Pascal’s real accomplishment was to transform each of these attractive mental exercises into the mathematical language of proof.

  The question in the Wager is whether to accept faith in God, despite our inability to comprehend Him:

  A game is being played at the far end of this infinite distance; heads or tails will turn up. What will you bet? By reason, you can do neither one thing nor the other; using reason, you can defend neither . . . but you must bet. It is not up to you. You are committed. What do you choose, then?

  At this point, most previous discussions of faith would become qualitative, explaining that it is not so hard to believe, and that Hell is very unpleasant, and eternity extremely long. Pascal remains judicious, expressing the problem as one of expectation, very much in Cardano’s terms: “Let us see. Since there is an equal risk of gain and of loss, if you had only to gain two lives, instead of one, you might still wager.”

  A modern gambler might set up the problem like this:

  where p(X) is the probability that X will happen—in this case, that your faith will save your soul—and A is the amount promised to winners.2 E is expectation, what you could hope to gain for your stakes; and in this case, you bet your life.

  Pascal says that, since we have no way of knowing God, we can assume equal probabilities of winning and losing, so p(X) = 1/2. At these odds, you need to be offered only two lives to make the game fair; if three were offered, you’d be a fool not to bet on God’s side.

  But if faith actually does save your soul, there is “an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain.” Since the payoff stands in relation to the stake as the infinite to the finite, you should always bet on God, whatever the odds against you: “There is nothing to decide—you must give everything.”

  The popular summary of Pascal’s Wager is “Bet on God—if He exists, you win; if He doesn’t, you don’t lose anything.” Pascal was not so cynical; for him, the calculation genuinely expressed a belief that probability can offer a handle on the unknown, even if that unknown were as great as the question of our salvation.

  The Chevalier de Méré was not simply a high-living gamester but also a capable mathematician. The first problem he brought to Pascal was this: he knew that there is a slightly better than even chance of throwing at least one six in four throws of a die; adding a second die to the throw should simply multiply the number of possible outcomes by six—so, throwing two dice, shouldn’t there be a better-than-even chance of getting at least one double-six in 24 throws? But gamblers were noticing that double-six showed up slightly less than half the time in 24 throws. De Méré, Pascal wrote, “was so scandalized by this that he exclaimed that arithmetic contradicts itself.”

  Pascal, of course, could not accept such an insult to mathematics; his solution followed the path we have already explored with Cardano. The chance of throwing at least one double-six in 24 throws is the inverse of the chance of not throwing a double-six (whose probability is 35/36) in any of 24 throws; we can swiftly calculate it as:

  That is, a bit less than 1/2. Pascal, without mechanical help, had redeemed the accuracy of arithmetic: the shooter who bets on making a double-
six will lose over time on 24 throws, and will win on 25—just as the gamblers had found.

  De Méré’s second problem, the “problem of points,” is deceptively simple. Let’s say you and a Venetian have put your stakes on the table; the first to win a certain number of games will pocket the lot. Unfortunately (and here it’s tempting to think of some Caravaggio painting of low-life suddenly interrupted by an angel), the game is stopped before either of you has reached the winning total. How should the pile of money on the table be divided?

  Fermat (of the Theorem), with whom Pascal discussed the problem, chose a method that adds the probabilities of mutually exclusive events. Let’s say the game is to throw a six in eight throws; you are about to roll the first time when—behold!—radiance fills the darkened tavern and we are called to higher things. But the money; we can’t just leave it there. Well, you could have made the point on your first roll; you had a 1/6 chance of that, so take 1/6 of the pot. But, alternatively, you could have failed on the first but made it on the second, so take 1/6 of the remainder, or 5/36 of the total. Then there’s the third throw—a further 25/216; and the fourth; add another 125/1296 . . . and so on eight times, adding probabilities and hoping at each stage that someone will have the correct change.

  Fermat was really interested in the problem only as a mathematical construct, but adding up cases of possible success, as Fermat does, can rapidly become a matter of argument: for instance, if you had made your point on the first throw, you would not have bothered with the others; why, therefore, should you get anything for them? For Pascal, though, the problem centered around expectation and justice, so his approach was different. He reasons from the money backwards. Let’s say the game is one of even chances, like flipping a coin, and you’ve agreed that the first player to win three games gets the stakes; when the angel appears, you have won two games, your shady opponent one. You could figure the division like this: “There are 64 pistoles on the table. If I had won this next game, they would all be mine; if I had lost, we would be tied and could divide the pot evenly, 32 each; these two likelihoods are equal, so fairness dictates that I split the difference between 64 and 32 and take 48.” The Venetian pockets his 16 with a suppressed oath, but he cannot fault your logic.


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