Now and Forevermore

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Now and Forevermore Page 6

by Minx Charmer

  With a strangled laugh, she shook her head “Please. He does nothing of the kind. He can’t stand the sight of me since my Mother passed away and besides he’s a drunk. He drinks himself stupid each and every day. The only words he can say are ‘good Vivian’ and ‘that’s wonderful Vivian’ and that’s that. I don’t think he ever loved me.”

  “And your aunt, she never cared for you?”

  “Not a chance. She said my mother was a gold digger and only wanted to better herself, and she says that I’m from the same stock. Those are here words not mine.”

  “Gold digger? What do those words mean?”

  “Oh you know, women who want a man only for their money.”

  Malcolm nodded. Finally something he understood clearly. “Yes I do understand, but you are not that way and I know your mother would not have been that way. Tell me, do you wish to do something more with your life?”

  “Yes I would like to do something more, but first I have to care for you. I will help you to get home and then we will see what I can do. Now, you have to get some clothing. You can’t wear the same thing for three days in a row and like you said you need a bath.”

  Malcolm agreed wholeheartedly. He must be offensive to her, but she did not appear inconvenienced in any way. “Yes I agree. In my home we do not bathe as often as we should, but it has always been my custom to take a bath regularly. It is something that many find quite amusing.”

  Summer jumped up “You can tell me about your home soon, but right now I have to get back. It’s after midnight and I don’t want anyone to find out I’m gone. Tomorrow, actually today, I am going to get bathing supplies to you and I will see what I can do about clothes. Have a great night rest and thanks for being a shoulder to cry on.”

  At Malcolm’s inquiring look Summer laughed, suddenly carefree. It was nice to have someone else to share a bit of her burdens. With a quick farewell, she disappeared into the night.


  Charles arrived a day early in all of his pomp and glory, kissing his mother and sister on the cheek and barely greeted Summer, who busied herself around the living room laying out refreshments. His tan suit fit his lean frame like a hand to a glove, but his strained smile did not reach his eyes. Still he did his best to regale them with stories of mainland life, and spouted bits and pieces of legal details desperate to prove he learned something of value.

  Edith’s face glowed and her pale complexion reflected a rosy hue in her contentment to see her brother. Very close in their relationship they complimented each other nicely and formed a formidable team when they were up to no good. That ‘no good’ usually involved some nasty prank to Summer’s disadvantage.

  Vivian’s joy spilled over and couldn’t stop telling her son how handsome he had become. “Your father would be proud Charles to see how much you’ve grown. It is high time that you come home now and take care of things around here until we…until we have a change of circumstances.”

  Summer heard her aunt’s words, but ignored the implication behind them. She had finally made her decision long overdue, and they would be lucky if they ever saw her shadow again. But Malcolm lingered in her mind. How would she arrange an introduction? The problem resolved itself at Charles next comment and Summer latched on to his words with hidden glee.

  “Mother I saw lots of foreigners on the airport this morning. You should check it out and see if we need to invite anyone to the house for dinner.”

  Holding her breath Summer pretended nonchalance as she waited for her aunt’s reply “Yes darling, that’s a great idea. I will call around this afternoon and find out who arrived. Then we can have them over for a nice Sunday dinner. I think Summer is preparing a turkey this weekend. Am I right?”

  “Yes Aunt Vivian. That is right. I have already bought it and then I have the compliments to—”

  Vivian held up her hand “There is no need to explain. Now run along and get a basin with warm water for Charles feet. I know his feet are hurting him, aren’t they darling?”

  Charles turned to his mother with an expression of love sick devotion that Summer found nauseating “Yes mother. They do hurt very much and they need a wash.”

  “Of course dear. Summer why are you still standing there? Hurry along and bring the basin girl.”

  Summer nodded as she struggled to keep an impassive face. Her mind raced with the possibilities, and she finally knew how to get Malcolm into the house, with her aunt none the wiser. It was a brilliant plan, but she had to act quickly, and she knew precisely who would help.


  Life could be real unfair. Summer stuck her hand in her mouth and fought to keep the tears at bay. Old Ben, her friend and helper had disappeared. ‘Out of a fishing trip around them blue keys’ according the neighbors. Gone on a fishing trip did not bode well for her plan to work. She decided to visit Ben’s son at the supermarket to see if she could get his help instead. ‘Went to the mainland yesterday for some crazy training.” Busted. None of them were available. With a sad heart Summer returned home trying to think of another way to get Malcolm introduced to Huntington Manor. Her idea had been simple enough.

  She would tell her aunt that a new aristocrat had lost his entire luggage and his connecting flight. Stranded on the island, he would need a place to stay for one night, possibly two. And surely her aunt would love to entertain something close to royalty. After two days she would think of something else, but the main part would be done. But now, that would have to change.

  Back at the house, Summer breathed a sigh of relief that her aunt, Edith and Charles lounged around the swimming pool under the sun. Thankfully the other staff members had served refreshments, so Summer could take a small break. With a heavy heart she went in search of Malcolm to give him the news of her plan and its spectacular failure. An empty cave greeted her, but before she erupted into a full blown panic she checked the entire area around the beach, the path next to it and the cobbled road that led away towards the west end of the town. Then she went back to cave, just in case he fell into a crevice somewhere. She inspected each nook and cranny she could think, but Malcolm could not be found. It seemed as though he vanished into thin air.

  When hot tears rolled down her cheeks leaving a damp trail behind, Summer wiped them away and put on a brave face. The staggered sense of loss overwhelmed her and she couldn’t believe that Malcolm made such a deep impression. Perhaps he had disappeared again and returned to his world, leaving a void behind him. Before she erupted into a full blown sob, she ran back to the house. She would deal with the sad feelings later.

  A quick glance revealed nothing out of the ordinary and she busied herself with housework. She had a lot of clothes to wash, as Charles had brought all of his dirty bundles with him, so she got the various pieces of clothing together and soaked them for later. When the doorbell rang, she rushed to open it and nearly fainted on the spot. A handsome Malcolm stood there with a twinkle in his blue eyes. His shirt partly opened at the neck and his hair glistened under the blazing sun.

  “Summer, it is nice to see you again. Is your Aunt in residence?”

  At a loss for words, Summer sputtered out inane babble when Malcolm glanced over her right shoulder. A smile transformed his face from pleasant to engaging and she held her breath in wonder. His beauty seemed unreal.

  “My Lady, how are you doing on this beautiful day?”

  Before Summer could figure out who he had spoken to, Vivian appeared at her side with a curious gaze. “Hello, and who are you young man?”

  Summer looked between them both and pinched her right arm. The resulting sting said it wasn’t a dream so she stood quietly in a conundrum of right or wrong moves.

  “My name is Malcolm and I observed that your garden is woefully uncared for. It would be my pleasure to transform your flowers into a patch fit for a queen. Will you allow me to offer my services?”

  Vivian giggled like a school girl and Summer’s mouth fell open. Aunt Vivian never giggled. Ever. S
omewhere along the line, Edith showed up with a calculating gaze and Charles looked on with a morose frown, but Vivian remained enthralled. “Yes, we do need help with the gardens, but are you certain you have the skills to make this place better than it is? Many have tried you know.”

  Malcolm shrugged as though carefree. “Not to worry my Lady, I am more than suited to the task. What I will ask is this. Allow me one month and then judge my actions hereafter.”

  Vivian put her fingers to her lips in a thoughtful gesture. “Your accent is decidedly British, but your words are foreign somehow. Where are you from?”

  Malcolm did not respond directly to the question and waved her concerns aside “Not that far away as it happens to be. Do we have an agreement my lady? Will you trust your flowers to my tender care?”

  Summer rolled her eyes going into exasperation mode, but her aunt’s captivated gaze did not falter. “Well now, a man of mystery too. Not bad when I think about it and so respectful. Very impressive indeed. All right, it’s a deal. Summer, see to it that gets a room in the bungalow out back and make sure it is clean. And get this poor man something to eat. He needs some more meat on his bones and don’t forget that I will oversee your work tonight. I want to make sure that those drapes in the drawing room are spotless. Move girl!”

  Summer moved as ordered. Eaten up with curiosity, she did her best to keep it in check until she got Malcolm alone. His mischievous smile caught on and she grinned like an idiot in return. “How in the world did you do that? And how did you know about the gardens to say what you did?”

  “Elementary my dear Watson” he quipped in reply.

  “Hey I know about detective work just as much as the average person, but that doesn’t answer my question. How did you know precisely what to say to impress Aunt Vivian?”

  “It wasn’t hard once I observed her” His reflective tone held a hint of cynicism “I am quite accustomed to judging a character on the spot and being to as many balls as I have, it becomes more of a habit. It is necessary in my home to take stock of a person, before you engage them. That way you know what occasion calls for what action.”

  Impressed, Summer complimented his skills. If only she could master that ability, life may be better. “Well it amazed me, but I guess first things first. Now this is the hibiscus bungalow, named after the flower by the way.”

  Malcolm nodded as he followed her around. The bungalow sat on wooden stilts, and the stark furnishings mixed a variation of bamboo and pinewood. The door to the bathroom could not open so Summer told him she would run to the house and find the key. One large bed with mosquito netting including two side tables and chairs added to the decor. A closet covered the wall with a large frame mirror in the corner and two paintings of palm trees with a ceiling fan for an added touch.

  Malcolm dissolved into childlike antics again, and it took Summer five minutes to pull him off the bed and away from the spinning blades. He seemed fascinated to know how the entire object worked. She scolded him based on the fear that he would hurt himself in the process. “You will cut off your head or your hand and none of them is a good scenario. You will learn how everything works in good time, but right now you have work to do. You promised my aunt one month to fix this garden, so you better get started, all right? Please tell me that you know exactly how to do that.”

  Malcolm’s eager expression changed into one of sober understanding “Yes, I do. My gardens at Thornbrook are renowned for their beauty, and it is my hand that keeps it that way.”

  A royal that worked on his own gardens? That made no sense. “Don’t you have servants to take care of that for you?”

  “Yes, but I am not like most of my nobility. I take care of my own and they take care of me. Come now. Let us see about these gardens of yours, so that your aunt is well pleased.”

  Summer didn’t get it, but she let the matter drop. Later she would ask him to explain a bit better, but she had to know something “Where did you go when I went to look for you a while ago?”

  “I took a wash in the ocean. It seemed big enough for a decent bath, even if it is a bit too full of salt.”

  With a cringe, Summer raised her hands in a helpless gesture “I’m sorry for the delay. Not to worry. You are here now and I will show you how to take a real shower.”

  Malcolm’s eyes widened at her offer “Shower? I have heard that word before. I heard rumors news of a contraption invented for use at some bath houses. It appears that water came from an apparatus above your head and you could take a bath with it. Is that what you are referring to? Do they still have them?”

  Summer’s grinned with a hint of mystery in her eyes “Just wait and see.”

  Chapter 6

  One and a half later

  Huntington Manor glowed under the light of the silver moon and Summer wandered around outdoors gazing at the trees and shrubs along the way. The concrete bench near the edge of the pond invited a retreat, and she sat down with a contented sigh. With a full heart for the first time in ages, she wondered with a sense of guarded optimism how long it would last. Malcolm had done what no other gardener had done since her uncle had died, and brought the gardens of the manor back to life. Now the flowers bloomed in such abundant variety that even Vivian could not help but be impressed. Edith felt the same way albeit begrudgingly and Charles didn’t care one way or the other.

  Summer’s views were more colored than her family’s, by the reality that in just over a month Malcolm’s gentle demeanor had crept its way into her heart. His fascinating personality affected her in such a way that he could walk into a room, and immediately she could feel his presence. It never ceased to amaze her. He had grown in such a short time and learned so much that you would swear he belonged to her world. Nothing fazed him except for the TV. His reaction to ‘moving pictures of ridiculous characters in preposterous situations’ produced such a spontaneous laughing fit that Summer almost wet her pants.

  How would she get by if one day he disappeared? She couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. Who would laugh with her? Tease her and leave little flowers around the house just so she could find?

  “What thoughts absorb you so intently my lady?”

  Summer gasped and then her heart settled down as Malcolm emerged from the shadows. “Sorry, you frightened me just a bit.”

  His eyes blazed under the moonlight and she shivered in response. When he sat down beside her she moved a bit closer. “Doing Ok?”

  He nodded as he observed quietly “You know in my world, this would never be allowed.”

  “What? Sitting together under the moonlight?”

  “Yes, unless you are properly chaperoned. A young lady would find her reputation in tatters if she ever attempted such a foolhardy notion as meeting under the moonlight alone.”

  Summer laughed in gay delight “Seriously, could it be that stuck up?”

  His wry look made her shake her head “Sorry, uptight, straight-laced? You know what I mean.”

  With a smile he nodded “Yes, to follow the arrangements of the day could not be overlooked. However it was not all that bad. For a man and woman that truly loved each other, a little sacrifice was not a burden, but a pleasure. Imagine that soon they would be together at all hours and then once they were man and wife, it was their pleasure to do as they pleased.”

  Summer coughed slightly and looked around “My goodness, but I think a little chill is coming down, don’t you think?”

  Malcolm laughed out loud “For such an advanced young lady, you do surprise me sometimes. However let us move on to another subject. Your aunt tells me that she is having in a party in another month’s time and she wants beautiful flowers to adorn the hall. Shall we prepare to give a grand surprise?

  With a shrug Summer agreed, but she didn’t care what her aunt wanted to do. Something more important occupied her mind. “Malcolm, you won’t leave me, will you?”

  His somber response did not reassure her “I’m sorry to say, but I do not know.”

“Are you unhappy here? I could find something fabulous for you to do. You could end up working for a corporation of some fancy bank or something like that.”

  “And my home? What will happen to my staff? Coming here has made me realize how much I still can do for them and for Thornbrook. I do wish to remain with you Summer, but I am also aware of my responsibilities.”

  Summer turned away before he saw the tears that dampened her eyes. How selfish of her to ask him to stay, and yet she couldn’t help herself. When he turned her face towards his own, she bit her lip to keep them from trembling.

  His comforting voice soothed her as he urged “Do not worry at this time. We shall think of this another day. Let’s return indoors before you catch a cold.”

  With a sigh she allowed him to lead her back inside, hoping that the day of Malcolm’s departure would never come.


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