Making Her His

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Making Her His Page 11

by Lucy Leroux

  “I was no longer sleeping with Sonia when you met her,” he said bluntly. Elynn’s head drew back to stare at him. “Yeah, you’re easy to read,” he added with a nod. “But I’m serious. I wasn’t sleeping with her anymore.”

  Surprised and startled that he would break the habit of years and discuss one of his liaisons with her, she stared into his eyes, trying to find the truth in them.

  Alex’s temper, usually so well contained around her, flared. “I wouldn’t lie to you,” he said, scowling.

  “I know,” she murmured, realizing it was true.

  Alex didn’t lie. But she was still surprised he was explaining. He always refused to discuss any of his relationships with his father. Well, you can’t blame him for not wanting to do that.

  “I hadn’t slept with her in months,” he continued. “She went off to shoot a movie, and I decided we were done. When she came back, she wanted to pick up where we left off. I agreed to go with her to a club to talk things out because she’d become annoyingly persistent, but I didn’t take her home. She was pissed and she came over the next day to…”

  “To sleep with you,” Elynn answered for him, hiding the jealousy she felt.

  “To get back on the front page. That’s all she wanted from me. She was finished with me from the second she arrived that day. Everyone I’ve ever…kept company with knows better than to disturb me on a Sunday when I’m in town.”

  Okay. What to say to that? She remembered the picture in the tabloids and her weak resolve grew decidedly firmer. “I don’t enjoy the idea of being one of a long list,” she said, her mouth firming.

  He growled in frustration. “You’re not. Obviously you’re different. Don’t play dumb and pretend you don’t know that,” he said sharply.

  “Hey. Don’t talk to me like that. I don’t know what’s in your head. On a good day, you’re next to impossible to read. And this—whatever this is—is too crazy not to question,” she said defensively.

  “It’s not crazy,” Alex replied steadily.

  “Yes, it is. And it’s weird.”

  “Weird?” His voice sounded odd.

  “Yes, weird. On what planet would anyone ever put you with someone like me?” she said, throwing up her hands.

  “What does that mean?” he asked, his forehead wrinkling.

  “I mean you’re Alexandros the Great. And I’m…I’m just me,” she said, standing up and backing away from him. “There is no way a relationship between us makes sense.”

  Alex looked at her with a slightly softened expression. “It makes sense to me. And I’m the only person you need to be concerned about. What everyone else might think doesn’t matter. And there isn’t a man I know that wouldn’t try to steal you from me given half a chance. You’re smart, funny, and sweet. And you have no idea how beautiful you are—which is just crazy.”

  Elynn’s cheeks burned, but she ignored the compliment and thought, choosing her words carefully. “So…this isn’t some secret fling or something? You intend to let people know you’re seeing me?”

  “Of course.” He stuck his hands in his pockets and shifted around uncomfortably. “When the time is right. For the moment, I do think we should keep things between us. It would be difficult if our parents were to learn of this before we get…comfortable with each other.”

  Well, that was a damn fine argument. She didn’t want to picture her mother’s face when she found out her little girl was in an intimate relationship with Alex. Mary was still intimidated by her powerhouse of a stepson. And Costas would literally explode if he found out.

  Alex thought of his father as a mild, softhearted romantic, but Elynn knew better. Her stepfather was an old-fashioned man with old-fashioned values. He had a temper, too. It was just less obvious compared to his son’s more volatile one.

  Alex got angry easily, but he controlled himself and didn’t rage or lash out. Not at strangers anyway. Instead, he would become cold and grim, choosing to tear down the offending party with a few devastating words. If he did lose his cool enough to yell, it was usually with someone he was more familiar with, one of his staff or with a friend or the family. Elynn had always been exempt, but now she wondered if she was going to find herself in the same league as everyone else, no longer off limits when it came to the harsher aspects of his personality. There was definitely a downside to getting closer to Alexandros the Great.

  She had been quiet for so long that he grew anxious enough to break the silence. “What are you thinking about?”

  “I’m…I’m afraid,” she said honestly.

  “You never have to be afraid of me.”

  He sounded hurt.

  “That’s not what I meant. I mean, yes, I’m a little afraid of that. It’s intimidating. Even looking at you now, I can’t picture it. Intimacy. With you. But that’s something else entirely. I’m more afraid of changing things between us. I liked the way things were. Even if there was…you know…some distance. I’ve always known that you cared about me in your way, that I’m important to you. It made me feel special. And I don’t know if you will still feel the same way about me after this.”

  After a beat, Alex let out a husky laugh and enveloped her in a tight hug. “You should stop worrying so much. I admit that this is new territory for both of us, but do you really want to go back the way things were?”

  “No,” she admitted, and his shoulders relaxed.

  “Good. So why don’t we just take it one day at a time?”

  “Does that go for sex, too? Can we take it slow?” she asked, blushing again, eyes squeezed shut.

  “That is exactly my plan,” he said tracing along her cheek with his index finger. “Slow and steady wins the race,” he murmured softly.

  “Okay,” Elynn said, feeling a little calmer. “So now what?”

  He flashed her that sexy smile she was barely getting used to. “Unfortunately, I have a few calls to make right now. Why don’t you get acquainted with this,” he said, walking to a pair of doors and throwing them wide.

  Curious, she followed him into a large walk-in closet full of new designer clothes and shoes. There were three racks lined with a rainbow of fashionable and expensive dresses and skirts with their price tags still attached. One wall was lined with cubbies for shoes, and each one had a pair of fancy shoes; delicate heels and ballet flats in a soft supple leather. There were even several pairs of knee high boots in their own specially made shelf.

  “What the hell is this?” she asked perplexed, turning around in a slow circle.

  “New clothes in your size. Anything you don’t want we can send back.”

  Elynn’s chest tightened in dismay.

  “I thought you would enjoy this,” he said, his smile fading as he read her reaction.

  Feeling guilty, Elynn fidgeted. “I know you did. It’s just that I’m not sure how I feel about you dressing me. I mean, the clothes are nice. Lovely. And they obviously cost a fortune. But they make me uncomfortable.”

  “Why is that? It’s a gesture. I thought it was a nice one. You enjoyed the other things I bought you,” he said, rubbing his forehead.

  “I did. I do. I know you think it’s a nice gesture. And it is. But you picking out my clothes feels like…like I’m on my way to being kept by you. I don’t want that. I should have said so before about the other clothes. But you didn’t give me a chance.”

  “Okay,” he said carefully, making a visible effort to stay calm. “That’s definitely not the message I’m trying to send here. You’re not a mistress. I just thought you would appreciate some new things. Some feminine things.”

  Elynn’s face fell. “Feminine things? I guess I don’t have to ask how you feel about the way I usually dress.”

  Alex threw up his hands. “I just thought you would appreciate some nice things for when we go out.”

  “Cause otherwise I’ll look wrong with you, right? I don’t dress like your usual women after all. But it’s hard for me to wear something showy. I prefer to blend in,” she
said, frowning.

  She knew she shouldn’t feel hurt, but it was hard not to be. Elynn didn’t need Alex to tell her that she wasn’t up to his usual standards. A Pretty Woman style makeover was not an aspiration of hers. But he seemed to expect that she would wear what he wanted from now on and that she should like it.

  Alex sat her back down and crouched in front of her. “Please stop talking about my women. There’s just one, and it’s you. And I think you would look gorgeous in a paper sack. If you want to wear one, I will go out and get you one. This,” he said gesturing behind him to the closet, “well, it’s just me being selfish. I think you would look even more amazing in these. But if you don’t want them, don’t wear them. Honestly, it will make my life easier.”

  Elynn was still upset, but the liberal use of the word gorgeous did a lot to mollify her. “What do you mean it’ll be easier?”

  He snorted. “I bought them before the parents had their party. If you wear these things, you’ll get a lot of male attention. I learned my lesson after the blue gown. I don’t think I can stomach the competition. We’ll just send everything back. I can get my security chief to send someone to your place for your own clothes. It’s fine.”

  Alex being Alex, he picked up the bedroom extension to relay those instructions immediately.

  Elynn felt terrible. She wanted to be here with him, and she hadn’t meant to pick a fight right away. Staying meant she had to be prepared to leave her comfort zone in a big way.

  “I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful,” she said when he hung up. “You obviously went to a lot of trouble. I should keep some of these things. I don’t want to look out of place when we go out.”

  He shook his head. “Forget it. You have plenty of stuff from shopping with Mary that will do nicely,” he said, rubbing his temple with the heel of his hand again.

  It was something he did when he was frustrated. Stiffening her resolve, she changed her mind. “I think I should look at some of these. It wouldn’t hurt to look amazing around just you, right?” she said with a little smile.

  He smiled reassuringly. “You always look perfect to me, but if you want to keep a few of these then that’s okay. But you don’t have to,” he said drawing closer and putting his arm around her.

  “I know. But a few dresses couldn’t hurt,” she said, and was rewarded when he bent down to kiss her deeply, teasing her lips apart to get a quick taste.

  But he raised his head too quickly. “I’ll leave you to find some way to amuse yourself. Your laptop is not ready yet, but the TV remote control is on the bedside table and the Jacuzzi tub hasn’t been broken in yet. I just had it installed,” he announced before walking to the doors.

  Elynn chased after him. “What do you mean my laptop is not ready yet?”

  Her laptop was in the bag the bodyguard had taken off her.

  “I’m having it upgraded,” he said with a casual wave as he made his way to the stairs. “We’re staying in tonight, so don’t feel like you have to dress up.”

  And then he was gone.

  Elynn felt a whole stream of swear words bubbling to her lips—words she would never say out loud. She vented them to herself in an undertone while she stomped around the suite. Her usual mild temper was being seriously taxed by Alex’s high-handedness. Admittedly, it was hot when they were in intimate situations.

  Really hot.

  But her laptop didn’t need an upgrade. If his people messed it up, she was going to be pissed. Not that they would, he only hires the best…but still.

  After a few minutes, she calmed down and picked up the extension to ask about her computer. Someone she didn’t know told her it would be ready by evening.

  At least Mrs. Braden isn’t here, Elynn thought in relief. Of course Alex said he didn’t want their parents to find out about them yet, which explained why they were here in this new house instead of the one in Oxford. He was probably regretting hiring his old nanny and housekeeper away from Costas now.

  She ended up taking a soak in the Jacuzzi tub, letting her burst of temper fade away in the bubbles. Afterwards, she put on a soft dress that matched her eyes.

  She wouldn’t have admitted it for the world, but trying it on—knowing it was just for Alex—was actually fun. Her days were usually filled with work or thoughts about work and it was nice knowing she had some leisure time. In a week’s time, though, she would probably be crawling up the walls with boredom.

  What the hell am I thinking? she thought as she lay down on the bed.

  In a week, she would definitely be Alex’s lover. Maybe even tonight, despite his assurance that they would take it slow. Life was about to become thrilling, in the truest sense of the word. Both exciting and terrifying. Once again, she wished she had someone she could confide in. This was an unprecedented step for her, and given her history, it was in some ways a leap of faith.

  Faith in Alex and in herself.


  Alex walked into the bedroom with Elynn’s laptop in hand. He smiled when he saw her asleep on the bed wearing the green dress. No other woman he knew would have gone to sleep wearing a dress worth more than a thousand pounds. Not that he planned on telling Elynn that.

  Setting her computer aside, he decided to live out one of his more tame fantasies. He called downstairs to delay dinner, took off his shirt and shoes, and climbed into bed. He would have taken off his pants as well but he didn’t want Elynn to wake up and get freaked out. There was no need to rush now that he had her here with him. For now, he was content to lie next to her, his arms around her.

  Chapter 10

  Elynn woke slowly, registering an odd weight on her stomach. She looked down to see a large heavy arm thrown over her body. Alex’s warm chest was pressed against her back. So were his legs and groin, but he was soft in his sleep. His breath puffed into her hair. Slowly she turned her body to face him, but her effort at stealth failed. He made a muffled sound, and then his arms tightened around her.

  “Hi,” he said, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

  “Hi. When did you join me?”

  Alex glanced at his watch. “Only about an hour ago. I was going to wake you, but you looked so peaceful. I had dinner held back. Should be ready soon if you want to go down to the dining room.”

  Feeling a little shy, she nodded and allowed him to guide her downstairs. She laughed aloud when she saw the elaborately set table for two instead of the large formal dining room table the room was meant to have.

  “The room dwarfs the table, but I like it,” she said, smiling at him.

  Alex’s chef had taken up residence in the new kitchen and had expressed his joy in his new surroundings by preparing them a mouthwatering meal of duck confit served with polenta and braised potatoes. Dessert was homemade ice cream and French macarons topped off with a sweet white port wine.

  Throughout the meal she snuck glances at Alex’s handsome face. It was embarrassing to admit, even to herself, but Elynn really wanted a physical relationship. She had always felt the normal desires and urges a woman her age had. But her fear had always held her back. She had little trust in the opposite sex. But this was Alex. Arrogant, uncompromising, beautiful Alex.

  His touch was electrifying. She honestly hadn’t expected that. All he had to do was put his hands on her, and she melted into a puddle at his feet. It was no wonder that women chased after him. Having Alex as her guide into the sexual realm was going to be amazing. And she didn’t want to wait any longer.

  Did she have to? She already knew Alex wanted her. And when she thought about it, were the things that had already happened between them so much different? She might not be a virgin anymore, if you went by the strictest definition of the word.

  Her decision made, she found herself growing a little tongue-tied in his company, trying to decide how to tell him. She decided to have several glasses of wine to help her relax, but when she poured a third glass he swooped in and removed it from her hand.

  “That’s enough, baby. You don�
��t need to get drunk. There’s no reason to be nervous. We agreed to go slow remember?” he reminded her.

  She shifted under his gaze, flushed and warm with arousal from his physical closeness. “Yeah. About that. I changed my mind.”

  Alex stilled.

  “I think we should be together…tonight,” she said slowly.

  Elynn felt the blush all over her body. She couldn’t quite bring herself to look into Alex’s eyes, so she focused on his Adam’s apple instead.

  “Tonight?” he echoed, sounding slightly thunderstruck.

  “Yes. And this is not so much liquid courage as muscle relaxer,” she said, gesturing to the empty glass.

  “You think you need that?” he said, lifting her chin with a finger to force her eyes up.

  “Well, it can’t hurt right?” she said with a sheepish smile.

  Alex’s smile was hesitant. “You don’t have to do this right now. We can wait.”

  “I don’t want to wait,” she breathed before stepping out of her chair and walking toward him.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. His arms wrapped around her at the same time his lips came down to cover hers. The heat and arousal rose so fast, it was all she could do to hold on when he picked her up. He carried her upstairs, using the service elevator as a shortcut.


  Elynn finally registered that they were in the bedroom when Alex kicked the door shut behind them. He slipped off their shoes before laying her on the bed and following her down, covering her body with his. His lips parted hers for a series of deep drugging kisses, his large hands skimming over her body. Even the way his weight felt on top of her was beguiling, his heat warming every part of her. She loved the reverent way he touched her, the way his breathing became heavy and fast, proof that he was as excited as she was.

  She barely noticed his hands starting to remove her dress. The only thing she could hear was the drumbeat of desire in her blood. She must have murmured something about being drugged aloud because he raised his head to give a husky laugh before moving the dress down and off her body. His dark eyes flared at the reveal of her simple satin bra and panties in the same color as her dress.


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