Taboo Desires: Dirty Forbidden Secrets Bundle (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection)

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Taboo Desires: Dirty Forbidden Secrets Bundle (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection) Page 45

by Miranda Cougar

  After all, she’d just insulted Mr. Carlisle’s lifestyle, calling it horrible. Plus, she’d refused him his desire. She’d just denied a billionaire his plaything and everything the internet told her about billionaires said that Skylen Carlisle would punish her for her lack of compliance with his wishes.

  “No, you won’t be my slave, but I will own your body,” he said deliberately, with one hand still pressed flatly on the table and the other hidden beneath his desk.

  Stephanie watched his eyes roam over her body as he spoke. She tensed her neck muscles to stop herself from shaking her head violently and pressed the tips of her fingers into the soft leather arms of her chair while she spoke.

  “I don’t understand. You say you will own my body, but I won’t be your slave. Then, what will I be?”

  Skylen sat tall in his leather chair and slid his other hand below the massive wooden desktop hiding it from her view.

  “You will be my hobby.”

  Stephanie could hardly believe that she was engaging in such a perverse conversation, but she felt the need to see it through. She needed to know where she stood at work professionally and a wicked part of her wanted to know where she stood with her handsome boss personally. Perhaps she’d judged him too quickly. After all, he’d said flatly that he didn’t want her to be his sex slave. Yet, what did he want from her and was it something she wanted also? She decided to investigate further.

  “What if I don’t want to be your hobby?”

  Skylen leaned forward and laughed a staccato “Ha! I’d be surprised. I’ve never had a woman refuse to play with me before.”

  “Why is that?” Stephanie responded hardening the edges of her lips and narrowing the curves of her eyes.

  “Because I take care of what’s mine. You’ll be compensated generously for becoming my playmate; both the financial and physical rewards will be tremendous for you.”

  “Ha!” Without warning, Skylen released a low sharp laugh again. “You may not realize it yet, but this conversation is merely a formality. You’re already my hobby. We’ve already begun to play. You just haven’t officially agreed to be my property...yet.”

  Goosebumps pricked up Stephanie’s forearms like tiny beads of frostbite and she crossed her ample arms over her chest again kneading her fingers into her chilled flesh. I'm already his hobby... The corners of her lips dropped into a frown, her eyelids popped open wide and her breath quickened as she considered the possibilities of what those four words meant.

  She kept her eyes fixed on Skylen’s every movement as he rapidly rattled something beneath his desk and then lifted up both hands. With the tap of one squarely manicured finger on his desktop tablet, the printer in the corner behind Stephanie came to life and several pieces of paper shot out. Instinctively, she bent forward, preparing to stand up and do her job of retrieving the papers from the printer even though she was off the clock.

  “Please stay seated,” Skylen commanded.

  Stephanie complied and Skylen stood up from his desk, strode past her and collected the papers from the printer. She deftly swiveled her chair to face him as he stood between her and the office door, told her “here, take it” and handed her the dozen freshly printed pages.

  “Please read the first page aloud.” He commanded her again.

  Stephanie glanced up at Skylen as he stood in front of her with his arms folded across his chest and the weight of his body leaned up against the office door. With his current stance, his muscular arms strained against the fabric of his suit and she could clearly see the rise and fall of his chest with his every rapid breath. She surveyed his body from the top of his brown timber wolf hair down to his black driving boots. The outline of his manhood twitched and grew as it clung to his right thigh. He was standing in a position that should have minimized its visibility, but he was clearly aroused and with his girth he had no way of hiding it. Stephanie swallowed twice, completely depleting her mouth of saliva and then promptly read the first page of the printed document he’d handed her.

  “Encourager & Feedee Hobby Agreement:

  Definition: Feedee

  A feedee is an individual who mentally, physically and sexually enjoys the act of eating and gaining weight. A feedee ingests large volumes of food in a concerted effort to increase both belly and overall body size.

  Definition: Encourager

  An encourager, also known as a feeder is an individual who mentally, physically and sexually enjoys encouraging a feedee to gain weight. An encourager actively feeds the feedee and helps the feedee to ingest enough calories to achieve the desired amount of weight gain. In layman’s terms, an encourager helps a feedee to grow fat.”

  As soon as the word fat passed her lips Stephanie felt slick moisture glide between her thighs. Her arousal emboldened her and she lifted her eyes and focused them on Skylen’s hard member as it pulsed against his thigh. Immediately embarrassed that the mere mention of the word fat could cause her to behave so shamelessly she lowered her eyes back down to the contract and shifted the papers in her hands turning to page two of the document where she silently read the first sentence of the actual contract. As your feeder, I come first.

  Skylen stepped forward and lifted her chin with his fingertips.

  “I want to make you fat Stephanie,” he dared her to respond, his voice a low growl.

  “You want me…fat?” Stephanie repeated with her voice wavering and wet shame and arousal dripping down her thighs.

  “Yes, I want you fat, my beauty. I’ve already turned you into a chubby seductress using my buffet. Now I want to transform you into a stunning masterpiece of Rubenesque proportions. I want to help you to become even more gorgeous; more remarkable than you already are. I can tell by the sensual way you eat your food that this is something you want too. Admit it. You want to grow fat. Just look at yourself rubbing your luxurious belly rolls now. You’re insatiable.”

  Stephanie looked down and sure enough, Skylen was right. Her hand was traveling slowly and deliberately over each smooth fold of her belly. She had unconsciously started to rub and push into the softness of her pudge with the palm of her hand. The realization that she was fondling her fat in front of her boss caused a backdraft of heat to explode over her face. Just as naturally as liquid sugar boils when heat is applied, Stephanie’s embarrassment boiled over into anger and indignation. Skylen had exposed her shame; he’d revealed her fat and belly fetish. The fuse of her anger was lit and she was about to explode.

  “Never mind my belly! What I do with my own stomach is none of your concern.” She lurched forward, her hazel eyes flashing amber, then green as she went on the attack. “Tell me the truth! When did you watch me eat? Where? Are you stalking me? That’s illegal. That’s a violation. I should have you arrested!” Stephanie ranted.

  Skylen rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Don’t make this into something it isn’t. I watch everyone eat. I’m the boss and that down there is my buffet.” He spat out his words while turning and pointing to the two-way mirror and down at the people eating in the company cafeteria below.

  “Every workday for the past three months, you’ve opened those delicious full lips of yours and stuffed my food inside your mouth. Every workday I’ve watched you do it. I’ll admit it, I’ve enjoyed the show. It’s no violation. It’s no sin – watching a beautiful woman eat in a semi-public cafeteria. You want me to tell you the truth. I’ll tell you the truth and I won’t apologize for it. You’re a beautiful woman and my cock gets hard watching you eat.”

  Stephanie flung herself back in her chair and panted, unable to speak a word. Her eyes flitted between the outline of Skylen’s hard cock as it pressed up against his pants and the molten brown sugar of his eyes as they stared into her own. With one hand, she continued rubbing small circles over her stomach in an effort to calm herself. With the other, she lifted the contract papers to her face and used them to fan away the heat from the surface of her skin.

  Skylen turned his head; roughly breaking away from S
tephanie’s gaze. He blew out a puff of air, lifted both muscular arms and raked his hands back through his hair. His fingers pulled back the rugged features of his face as he paced in front of the door.

  “I apologize.” He spoke in low, raspy tones. “This conversation hasn’t gone at all how I hoped it would. I’ve clearly made you uncomfortable and now you think I’m a stalker and a pervert.”

  Skylen grinned sheepishly and for the first time since they’d begun talking, Stephanie could see the handsome man’s inner conflict about his sexual appetites flickering behind his brown smoky eyes. At that moment, he appeared to possess more virtue than was possible for any man of 28 years. She didn’t know why – it was against her better judgment – but, she felt the overwhelming urge to comfort him. So she did.

  “No…you’re not a pervert. You’re…just maybe… a tad… too forthcoming with… your sexual desires.” Stephanie managed to say between pants.

  She watched the expression on Skylen's face, lift as he took quick advantage of the opening in the conversation. “Thanks for your kind words. I knew you would give me the chance to explain.” He spoke to her in the sincerest tone she’d ever heard any man use. The man was a master negotiator and she knew it, but she found herself swept up in his sales pitch all the same.

  “Like I just said, I enjoy feeding beautiful women. I’ve noticed through my surveillance of the company cafeteria that you enjoy eating. I think we would be a good match.” Skylen cleared his throat. “Uh-hum, I mean, I think that our desires would meld well together.

  I know that I would enjoy feeding you and it appears that you might enjoy being fed by me. I truly do need the assistance of a secretary on my business trip to Silicon Valley this weekend and my due diligence says that you are one of the best secretaries in the entire company. I would be honored if you would accompany me on this business trip both as my executive secretary and my fedee."

  Stephanie bit her bottom lip and tensed her neck muscles to keep from shaking her head as she considered his proposal.

  “Okay, let’s negotiate.” She said tentatively, attempting to convince herself that she was a skilled enough negotiator to go round for round with an experienced business man like Skylen Carlisle. Leaving no pause in the conversation, Skylen stepped forward, towering his muscular body over hers and swept up her curvy frame into his large and powerful arms.

  “Allow me to demonstrate my intentions, beautiful.” His voice thundered inside her body as he bent forward, his lips coming down over hers. She lifted her face, pressing her mouth into his, eagerly curling her lips into Skylen's as he tightened his grip on her waist, capturing her with the force of his lust. Stephanie parted her moist lips for him, allowing him access to her warm wet mouth. He took advantage and teased his tongue inside her, finding her slick tongue with his own and sucking on it. He worked over her mouth expertly; taking his time to lick, nibble, suck and taste her.

  She had never been kissed so passionately in all her life. And she had never been desired in such a powerful way before. Skylen’s kiss and everything it promised felt like her wildest fantasies come true. She felt in his kiss how ardently he wanted her and that realization turned her to jelly beneath his tongue. He owned her mouth for several more minutes before breaking their connection and making her a promise with words.

  “Like I told you before beautiful, I take care of what’s mine. You will be compensated generously for becoming my playmate; both the financial and physical rewards will be tremendous for you.”

  Chapter 7


  “Where’d you get all that cash?” Lizbeth asked, as Stephanie thumbed through the envelope full of hundred dollar bills Skylen had gifted her.

  “Mr. Carlisle paid me ten thousand dollars,” Stephanie said flatly.

  Lizbeth adjusted her sunglasses and pursed her lips. “Hmm…so that explains why you were an hour late for our shopping trip. You were giving the CEO a $10,000 blowjob. I hope you'll teach me how to negotiate like you do, one day.”

  “Don’t make it sound so dirty.” Stephanie giggled as she flipped through her cash again. “I threw in the BJ for free. Don’t worry grandma, I earned this money the old fashioned way.”

  “I was just joking girlfriend. I hope you didn’t really give the boss a blowjob or let him pet the kitty. You didn’t do anything like that…right?” Lizbeth removed her sunglasses and her brown eyes peered directly into Stephanie’s hazel gaze as both women walked inside the upscale plus size boutique.

  “Relax grandma, no sexual favors of any kind were involved in the acquisition of this massive wad of cash.” Stephanie giggled again and wiggled her hips in a short celebratory dance. She had never held so much money in her hands before and she felt giddy.

  “You can stop calling me grandma now. I’m finished lecturing you. If you want to trade sexual favors for cash that’s none of my business, but it’s not something you should be doing at work – and especially not with the CEO. It’s not good for your future with the company. ...And FYI girlfriend, no man just gives you $10,000. What’s Mr. Carlisle expecting in return for all that money?”

  “You have developed selective hearing. I didn’t say he gave me this money. I earned it. Or, I will earn it when I accompany him on his business trip to Silicon Valley in California this weekend."

  “I know where Silicon Valley is,” Lizbeth barked as she rapidly flipped through a tall display of colorful maxi dresses.

  “Oh…okay.” Stephanie frowned, following her friend to browse through a carousel of pantsuits. “The ten thousand dollars is my clothing stipend for the trip. Mr. Carlisle gave me a list of the specific clothing items I’ll need to purchase so that I’m dressed appropriately when I accompany him to business meetings, business dinners and various business related recreational activities. The best part is all ten thousand dollars’ worth of clothing will be mine to keep after the trip. Isn’t that fabulous?”

  “Are you required to submit receipts for the clothing you purchase?”


  “No? No receipts. Hmm. That makes every cent of the ten thousand dollars in your hand a personal gift, not a reimbursable business expense. Are you sharing a room with the boss or will you have your own separate room?”

  “We will have adjoining rooms.”

  “Hmm. Adjoining rooms? You two might as well be sharing a bed. You’re being foolish Stephanie. You’re allowing that Billionaire Lothario to purchase your virtue far too cheaply.”

  “Whoa!” Stephanie held her hands up and backed away from the carousel of wool suits. “What’s the deal with the cross-examination and the harsh reference to me selling my virtue. I thought you were my friend, not my judge.”

  Lizbeth stopped flipping through the carousel of luxurious suits and pressed her open palm to her cheek. “Sorry. I’m so sorry for judging you.” Lizbeth turned to Stephanie, opened her arms to embrace her friend and then reached her pillowly arms around her body and hugged her tightly.

  “I’m just feeling extra protective of you today." Lizbeth squeezed her friend tighter. "I had to work as the ice queen secretary today, and I’m still on edge. Ms. Savidge put me through the ringer, peppering me with questions about you for the entire two hours I was down there. Her questions were invasive and creepy. I kept deflecting her probes for information, but nothing I said seemed to slow her down. She just kept asking me more personal questions about you. She wanted to know every intimate detail about your life, right down to the type of food you like.”

  “How creepy. I mean, how horrible for you.” Stephanie gave her shoulders a dramatic shutter as she picked up a caramel brown suit and draped it over her arm. “I hope you didn’t tell her anything about me. I heard from Karen that she gathers information on everyone who works in her department and then uses the information to manipulate them into doing whatever she wants.”

  “I told her you like cupcakes. That was the extent of the personal information I revealed. I took my time drawing out
my answers to her questions and finally revealed a secret that’s really no secret at all. We both know your love of cupcakes is public knowledge. Anyone who’s ever seen you visit the company cafeteria knows you like your sweets.” Lizbeth grinned in an obvious attempt to lighten the conversation. “Forget I mentioned the ice queen. I know how to handle her type. She’s not going to be a problem for you—”

  “Ladies, would you like to try on your garment selections in one of our fitting rooms?” A curvaceous blonde sales associate asked while rolling a tall garment rack towards the two friends. “Yes, I’m ready to try on these clothes” Lizbeth answered, allowing the sales lady to remove the garments from her arms one at a time and place them on the rolling rack. “How about you, Miss?” the blonde bombshell said turning to Stephanie.

  “Do you offer personal shopper services here?” Stephanie asked her. “Yes, miss. I can personally select any garment you desire, just tell me your selection criteria.” Stephanie glanced down at the sheet of paper in her hand, the one that her most recent set of body measurements written on it; the measurements that Skylen had taken himself in his office today after she’d agreed to be his feedee despite promising herself only minutes earlier that she’d go on a diet. Stephanie handed the list to the gorgeous blonde sales lady. “I might be a size 12 now. I’m not exactly sure.” She added blushing.

  “We carry garments in size 6 through 40. I’m confident I will be able to find you many suitable choices in your ideal size.” The sales associate assured her while removing the garments from her hands and hanging them on the rolling rack. “Would you ladies like separate fitting rooms or would you like to share one of our larger rooms?” “We’ll share.” Lizbeth answered immediately.

  The chubby blonde unlocked one of the large corner dressing rooms and rolled the tall clothing rack full of clothes inside the room, next to a trio of well-lit mirrors. “I’ll be back in 15 minutes with a selection of clothing for you to try on Miss.” The sales lady said as she exited the spacious room and closed the double doors behind her.


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