The Black Rose Witch

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The Black Rose Witch Page 3

by Michael W. Huard

  The other girls had made sure that her parents were out for the evening, being at another of the parents’ house, and Katarina would make her well-planned special move as they arrived at her place.

  “Are you sure you’re okay,” asked Oleg lifting her inside.

  “It hurts a little, but I don’t think it’s broken,” she replied hugging him tightly.

  “Thank you so much for saving me she smiled rather coyly at Oleg. I think I'm going to be all right, it’s not serious, but I will just say you are so handsome and I must confess my love to you tonight more than ever. I have been a real stick in the mud my dear, but tonight that is going to all change.”

  Oleg gritted his teeth some, lost at what she was truly saying here. He looked about and no one else was inside. He then let her down from his arms. He was about to turn to leave, and explain he truly needed to go, however, Katarina let her dress fall to the floor standing fully nude before him.

  He was in shock, never before had she done this. She had held on to her maidenhood over the year that they had been dating as he right away asked, “What about your parents, where are they, surely we will get caught; why the sudden change?” Oleg simply could not believe what was happening.

  With a sly smile, the naked blonde said, “My parents are gone for most of the evening; take me in your arms, take me, MAKE LOVE TO ME, I AM YOURS”

  It was so hard to spurn her, he wanted to turn away, he wanted to run, but his loins got the best of him. He just could not resist, Katarina after all, was so beautiful in a physical sort of way. He had wanted her for months and this was his chance; passion overtook his mind, and the evening was lost in lust.

  EARLIER, NATASHA RODE fast as she approached the area where Oleg was supposed to meet Sweat Lana.

  She saw the graveyard and dismounted placing her dark green cloaks cowl over her head.

  There on a stone, she placed a rose and a special note. She turned about quick. The place was spooky and night was blooming. Natasha had done her duty and she snickered at the fun of it all.

  An hour later Svetlana found the note it was sitting right on a gravestone with a black rose next to it. She looked all about but Oleg was nowhere in sight.

  Her mouth suddenly became dry, she felt paralyzed at the knees, what could this be? She picked up the parchment, unfolded such, and began reading.

  Did you think Oleg was a fool; he does not love you. Here is a black rose for someone as dirty as you. Oh and if you do not believe such, see for yourself; go to Katarina’s house and look through her window. You will see just why he cares nothing of you and realize you are simply but a little hag ... I hope you enjoy your rose.

  It couldn't be thought Svetlana; this was not the Oleg she knew. She still held out hope. It was just a joke. She quickly rushed to her horse and made way back towards the villa.

  Everyone knew where the Barisnakov’s rich home was, and she sped there as fast as possible.

  She eventually came upon their large home, seeing but a single candle light illuminating its main room.

  She ran to the window, her heart pounding, and looked in.

  Through the shutter she saw her Oleg; he was in the arms of Katarina, naked and in a passionate embrace.

  Her heart sank. How could this be, why oh why. She closed her eyes and lowered her head.

  She then took out her wine bottle, a draught she had carefully added a love potion to, that being a few drops of things just for fun to hopefully make it better, and smashed it on the ground.

  It was all true, he was using her all along; she was really nothing, had always been nothing. Young Svetlana cried and cried just standing in the same spot for several minutes. The couple inside even after a bit came to the window to see what the noise was.

  However, by the time they had looked, she had already begun riding northwest.

  Galloping at full speed, she in time, made her way back down to the cemetery, the very one surrounded by the iron fence. She was talking in circles, muttering her pain, hurt, and crying endlessly.

  She then screamed in madness to the Goddess Athena her patron deity.

  “I thought that you would help me, and finally hear my plea for love; for hope of a better life. But NO YOU SPURN ME, and now I shall spurn you in return.”

  She went and picked up the awful black rose and held it to the sky. “I curse this island, I curse these woods, and I curse everyone; I hate you all.”

  It was then the haunt from Gravestone’s Manor made his move. In a whisper that only she could hear, he announced, “If you seek revenge, summon the shadow world, call out to all those buried below, and ask them a favor.”

  Svetlana fell back to her bottom; she turned sideways into a fetal posture and was shaking and nervous. What had just called to her; she was paralyzed in shock, yet still so mad.

  Her anger stopped her from melting to nothing, from standing and running for her life.

  It took all her being to rise up; however, she stood. “Who is it that has called upon me this night; tell me what to do and I shall summon thee from the dirt.”

  “In a shallow voice, it responded, “I am not in the dirt I am right here.” And then Svetlana turned to see the haunt, a visual of rotten clothing and pale skin. He was undead. She stepped back from such. She knew now what had happened at the sea captain’s home.

  She took a deep breath trying to stay put. “What do I do?”

  The haunt explained, “Here take this owl, remove its head, spill the blood on the entrance gateway and all about; then call out to them to help you find the revenge you desire.”

  Svetlana grabbed the living owl and tore its head from its body; she did as told and beckoned those inside their graves to come forth. “Here me now, you who have lain at rest for too long, I summon thee to awaken, come forth I say.” She could not stop the craziness that she was suddenly doing.

  Then the wind picked up in wild and random patterns. The trees swayed back and forth and the creaking of the old cemetery’s iron fence got louder and louder. Leaves flew about and the sky crackled in lighting.

  A blue mist slowly crept from the cemetery grounds now, oozing out of the front gateway. The haunt ran to it and disappeared within.

  Moments later, something in the shadows of this mist emerged. Svetlana could only see its red eyes.

  A hand then came out waving a long, slender, sharp, red painted fingernail about.

  The black rose back in Svetlana’s hand sprouted into a long black cloak, it still had the shape and texture of roses about it as it swirled in the air and spun about draping over Svetlana’s shoulders.

  A women’s voice now came from the mist, “My gift to you for opening up the gateway my dear.”

  Svetlana had the courage to ask, “Who are you and what have I done?”

  She then heard laughter, “Hahaha, you darling have welcomed the shadow world to the island.”

  The young woman swallowed harshly at such.

  The voice then added, “Your curse has been fulfilled. All those on the island are nothing more than butterflies to you now.”

  Svetlana felt a power surge among her body; a force was now within her. The cloak was powerful and she sensed its great magic.

  The mist began to slowly fade back inside the cemetery. The hand itself was easing away as well. Then it all just went away, the night become silently still.

  Chapter Seven (Revenge)

  No longer was she to be Sweat Lana. The black rose cloak gave her powers and now every incantation in her book made full sense.

  There were three of them that needed to pay. First Katarina, then her rotten friend Natasha, and lastly, and she knew it would not be easy for she still loved him, Oleg.

  Unplanned, Natasha ended up being the first to confront Svetlana in school. Natasha had appeared out back during a lunch break and just the two of them met face to face. Natasha was about to smoke hiding her attempt behind the school building.

  She saw Sweat Lana also avoiding people, but sul
king as usual.

  “So how was your special night Sweat Lana,” she mocked?

  Svetlana turned from her moment of privacy and glared intently at her tormentor. She had the dark rose cloak on, yet it was concealed by its plain spell blocked appearance. Natasha went on. “Heard you got the rose you wanted, was it beautiful?”

  Svetlana grinned, her breathing picked up as to almost become a low roar.

  “Yes and look what it can do,” she called out. Raising her hands Svetlana suddenly made Natasha rise up off the ground. The cocky girl got all freaked out. “What are you doing, let me down, stop it, you listen to me you filthy hag.”

  The young witch did not stop; she continued to raise Natasha until she was at the top of the schools roof and near its picked bell tower balcony. It was then the school kids outside in the front spotted Natasha high up. Many were concerned as it was off limits to students to be on the roof.

  Svetlana then chanted a control body spell and made it look like Natasha was standing on the edge of the balcony’s tip. As the girl started to yell, she was lifted up and over and left to plummet to her death. All witnessed her suicide fall.

  The island of Teevas and Burgomaster Ivan were once again faced with dire happenings.

  THE MOURNING OF NATASHA, as to her funeral came a couple of days later. Ivan had declared that a new graveyard was to be built to the far northwest, where it was known that way back in time a small one still sat. It was now there everyone stood watching Natasha become the first grave in it.

  Ivan Polanski spoke to those present. “It is a sad day as to lose one of our own. All too much lately we have been faced with hardship. I ask today that the gods watch over us, Athena, and Poseidon please hear our prayers.” After, the new care taker and a few helpers put Natasha in the earth.

  The next day alone, Katarina appeared with flowers for her friend’s gravesite. She knelt down placing a yellowish-orange bouquet by her tombstone.

  That’s when Svetlana stepped out from the woods.

  The blonde girl spun about to look, seeing a strange black rose cloak over the farmer kids shoulders. Svetlana had pulled the hood over most of her face and oddly wore a small black gothic-like mask covering her eyes.

  The blonde seeing this peculiar creature, squinted trying to see more clearly. “What in the world are you doing here, she hollered out? That robe thing is weird, get out of here will you?”

  Svetlana just stood still staring at her.

  Katarina shook her head about with a scowl on her face. “Answer me you freak!”

  Svetlana moved closer now. “For all that you have done, for all those you hurt, it must end.”

  She then removed the hood from atop her head. “I can kill you, right now.”

  Katarina frowned, “Oh really, why don’t you try, I’ll bash your face on this tombstone loser.”

  It was then the witch raised her hands and circled them about. Snakes appeared around the grass and slithered at Katarina. The girl looked at them and got nervous trying to move far away from them. “What are you, I will ... hurt you,” she cried out now moving at Svetlana with bad intent.

  The dark-haired girl placed her palm up and Katarina came to a sudden halt, paralyzed to move anymore. She opened her mouth to speak and out came a small snake, one similar to those moving now about her legs. She cried out in terror, “Noooooo, stop ... noooooo, please don’t, noooooo!”

  Svetlana watched her suffer some; she was in no rush, not just yet.

  Katarina began pouting and pleading more for her safety. “Stop Please, I’m sorry, I know we were wrong bugging you, I will stop, and please let me go.”

  A wicked grin came onto Svetlana’s face; the power she now wielded was amazing, she was finally in control. She then reached out and made her arm grow longer and longer until it grasped ahold of Katarina’s throat. She squeezed it tight as the life began pouring out of the girl before her.

  Yet, she let her go; her heart had not changed so fast. The island had its share of enough pain as of late. She calmed herself and walked even closer to Katarina.

  “Today I will not end your life, but if you go on to torment others like you have me here, I will come for you in your dreams and more.”

  Katarina nodded her head understanding the words quite clearly. She was utterly shocked at what Svetlana could do, and of what she was. She was a blasted witch. “I’m going to go now, I promise, I will never bother you again,” she added walking down the hill towards the main road, back to the village to the south.

  But just as Katarina got far enough away, she yelled back, “You’ll never get away with this SWEAT LANA, you are and you always will be a stinky farm girl. But now you’ll burn at the stake when I report you to the constable and burgomaster Polanski. Rot in hell witch,” she added running to where her horse was hobbled and quickly riding away.

  Svetlana’s heart grew cold.

  It was getting late and the sun was soon to fall. She walked to the lower cemetery and to the iron gateway at its entryway.

  She then summoned the mist once more.

  There was a pause as the sky turned darker and darker, and soon the sun was fully gone. It was then the blue fog came in, higher and higher it reached into the air, then as the night turned black, a creature burst from the unhallowed grounds from within it, he bounded past Svetlana to the very road Katarina rode her horse so diligently home.

  What it was Svetlana barely saw. He was big, with black fur and tall pointed ears. She saw a face, yet just for a moment, his teeth were gigantic and canine.

  It did not take long before she heard the worst of a scream now echoing in the night to the south.

  The black rose witch had but one thing to say as she looked that way. “Bye bye butterfly.”

  THE NEXT DAY IN THE villa, the commotion was everywhere. Burgomaster Ivan and the Bariskanov brothers Alexander and Alexey were asking door to door where their niece Katarina was. No one had heard or seen the teen since earlier yesterday.

  Search parties were later sent out and all looked and looked into the night. Torch bearing villagers scanned the region in the northwest for hours and hours and when Katarina’s body was finally discovered, she was located at the bottom of a tall ridge, torn to pieces.

  Chapter Eight

  The new care taker was nowhere to be found during the ceremony a few days later for Katarina.

  It wasn’t three days later when Svetlana spotted Oleg walking about the graveyard where Natasha was buried and now Katarina having joined her.

  He was sitting on the ground lost in his own thoughts when Svetlana appeared before him.

  Looking up he saw the beautiful woman he had spurned. She was all in black and had a strange masquerade mask covering the front of her face. She looked older and more confident. He lost his breath for a second seeing her, but gathered himself to stand up.

  “Lana, I ... I ... I was hoping to see you again.”

  She did not believe him and took a long breath followed by a lengthy sigh to calm her rage. She would not hurt him; he was a boy seduced by the pleasures of the flesh; he would live with grief, which was punishment enough.

  He tried to win her over.

  “I so apologize dear Lana; I let my loins ruin our love. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Svetlana wanted to; oh, how she yearned to have been loved so badly. “It’s ok, she found herself saying, you’re just a foolish boy. Perhaps in your life, this will give you wisdom for the next girl who offers you her beating heart.”

  She felt tears falling now, and she turned away in sadness.

  Oleg went to her. He tried to hug her but she pushed him away. “I can’t Oleg, I just can’t. I am not who I was anymore, what has been done, is done.”

  She then pointed for him to leave. “You must go now, please go.”

  Oleg would not step away. “I do not want to go, I want another chance. I still want us to be together, you’re so beautiful.”

  Svetlana wanted to believe his words,
desperately she searched for forgiveness. But now all she had, would be to graciously offer him was his life. Her fire within held back, her powers being kept at bay.

  “Go I warn you, go now, or you will suffer the same fate as Natasha and Katarina.”

  Oleg looked confused, what was she saying?

  It was then Svetlana’s eyes turned to pupils of fire. “I said leave, LEAVE RIGHT NOW!”

  “What did you do to them,” he asked still not moving?

  It was at that very instance a dark shadow appeared over the entire woods and graveyard region. A striking woman with the thickest red hair stepped from behind a stone mausoleum building and in a lighting fast leap, took the boy Oleg into her chest and bit his neck half off.

  Svetlana felt the world spinning at a thousand miles an hour. What had just happened? She nearly fainted falling to one knee.

  The fanged woman covered in blood, licked her lips. She smiled at the young girl beside her. “Boys, they just don’t listen. There is one thing you must learn, you are in charge now, no one else. "You are one with us now and forever!"

  And with those words, the red-headed woman turned to a vaporous gas and flew off into the dark cloud above. A great thunderstorm suddenly came in. It began pouring and pouring as the sky was now black as night.

  Soaked heavily from the rain, Svetlana stood walking over and looking down at Oleg, his eyes wide open. He was long gone, so she knelt and closed them.

  She then offered him a few last words. “Bye bye butterfly.”


  *The Black Rose Witch returns in the sequel novelette, Red Cold Snow.

  © Michael W. Huard 2019 all rights reserved

  Personal note from Michael:

  Well, you made it to the end of my book, a prequel to my new gothic, fairy tale series. I hope you enjoyed it. I would just like to thank you for giving me your valuable time to try and entertain you. I am blessed to have this fun job, but I only have such because of people like you, people kind enough to give my books a chance. I am very grateful for that. I love writing and telling stories. If you enjoyed this short tale and would like to help me out, then please consider leaving a review on the various sites you as a reader visit. The most important part of how well a book sells is the many positive reviews it has, so if you leave me one, you are directly helping me to continue on this wonderful writing journey.


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