Hot for Him

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Hot for Him Page 3

by Amy Armstrong

  “Touch me,” he said against her lips. “Take out my cock and stroke me.”

  Elena sprang back, her eyes wide. Her soft pink lips were wet and deliciously swollen.

  “Can anyone see us here?”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  She started to shake her head, looking behind her as though to ensure they were really alone. “What about the maître d’? Won’t he be back to take our order?”

  Charles didn’t give a shit. Pierre could pull up a chair and watch for all he cared. All that mattered was him and Elena and what they were about to do. But Charles didn’t want to give the guy heart failure and this was one of his favourite restaurants in Cannes. He’d like to be able to return. And the very idea of Pierre seeing Elena that way brought out a sudden burst of possessiveness. He’d fucked in front of people before and enjoyed it, but that had been with women who had meant nothing to him. This was different—Elena was different.

  Without taking his gaze off Elena’s face he shouted, “Pierre. Give us another ten minutes alone.”

  The reply of “Yes, sir,” was almost instantaneous, but Charles already had his mouth on Elena’s again, delighting in her taste while he used his fingers to reacquaint himself with her nipples. “Take out my cock and make me come,” he said, his voice less in control than he would have liked. The effect she had on him still amazed him and there was very little that surprised him anymore.

  Without further hesitation, Elena rubbed her long, elegant fingers over his hard-on before pulling down his zipper and reaching inside. She managed to get his briefs down and oh holy Christ she had her hand wrapped around his dick and was freeing it from his pants. That first contact nearly made him come. Charles had to squeeze his eyes shut and fight to stave off the orgasm that was so close to exploding all over her hand.

  When Elena looked down at his exposed cock, she appeared almost surprised to find it in her hand. She stroked her fingers down the length slowly, experimentally, and a low growl ripped from Charles’ throat.

  “That’s it, Elena,” he ground out. “Squeeze it hard. Don’t stop until your hand is covered in my spunk.”

  Elena caught her bottom lip between her teeth then fisted Charles’ cock. After a couple of slow strokes, she began to jack him in earnest. Each glorious tug sent a zing of pleasure to his balls. He wanted to watch her hand glide up and down, her thumb sweeping over the head and capturing the pre-cum that was leaking before spreading it down his length, but the expression on her face was too goddamn good to miss. When she licked her lips and looked up at him with an urgent need, Charles was amazed he didn’t blow right then and there.

  His voice was a low, deep rumble when he asked, “Do you want to taste me, Elena?”

  She opened her mouth, but nothing came out, instead she gave a small nod of her head.

  “You need to say it. I want to hear your reply. Do you want my cock in your mouth?”

  “Yes.” Her reply was quiet, barely more than a whisper, but it would have to do. Charles needed her wet mouth wrapped around him as badly as he needed oxygen.

  “Do it,” he ordered. “Suck me. Suck me hard.”

  She did. Leaning forward, Elena wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and in one smooth and fluid movement she took it to the back of her throat and swallowed.

  “Oh, holy shit,” Charles all but shouted. He slid his fingers into her hair and held her in place as he lifted his hips, trying to get deeper inside.

  Elena began to move up and down on his cock and the suction on every up-stroke was absolutely goddamn perfect. Each time he thrust up, fucking hard into her perfect mouth, a low moan escaped her throat that made wonderful vibrations dance along his shaft. It was sensational. Elena knew just how to suck him. She used the right pressure and speed, knew when to ease off and lick around his crown or dip her tongue into his slit and she knew just when to move faster, to suck harder and take him deep. It was like she’d been made to pleasure him.

  “Squeeze my balls, Elena,” Charles directed, relieved when she complied at once. “Oh, God, that’s it.”

  All too soon, the telltale tingles of his impending release started in Charles’ balls, the sensation spreading rapidly to the base of his spine. “I’m going to come now,” he bit out, amazed he was able to talk at all. “And you’re going to take it all, aren’t you? You’re going to drink it down, every last drop.”

  Charles wouldn’t have forced the issue if Elena wanted to pull back, but she nodded frantically around his cock and her movements became faster, the suction harder, drawing out his orgasm beautifully.

  “God damn.” The pleasure was so intense that Charles had to grip the chair beneath him as he continued to thrust, fucking into her and watching her take it all while skilfully using her mouth to beg for all he had to give her.

  The dam broke.

  Charles held her head in place as his orgasm barrelled through him at an alarming pace and he shot into her mouth in burst after burst, filling it with his release. Elena swallowed every drop. She caressed him lovingly with her tongue afterwards, long sweeps that licked him clean.

  When his breathing was back under control, Charles cupped Elena’s face, lifting it. Their eyes locked and when Charles saw the untamed lust shining back at him, he knew without a shadow of a doubt this was the woman for him, the woman he was meant to spend his life with. She was perfect for him in every way. Now he just needed to convince Elena of that.

  Chapter Six

  As Elena stared up into Charles’ eyes, she was overcome with an immense sense of rightness. Pleasuring him had been satisfying. She’d been nervous at first, worried that they would be seen, but she’d followed his direction and soon her anxiety had disappeared and she’d all but forgotten where they were. It felt good to let go of the fear and to trust in him. Sucking that beautiful cock of his with the added worry that they might be caught had been beyond exciting and when Charles had come in her mouth, Elena had nearly lost it too. She was right on edge, craving the release. She was squirming wildly in her seat, aching. She needed to be filled. Wanted to be fucked.

  With an uncontrollable need, she sat back in the chair and lifted the hem of her dress, placing a hand on her pussy. She was so wet, poised. It would take next to nothing to make her come. She looked over at Charles again and when she stroked a finger over her clit, she gasped, the sound loud in the otherwise quiet space. Charles’ face became suddenly serious, his eyes a shade darker. He shook his head as he reached for her hand and moved it away, holding it tightly in his.

  “No, Elena. You can’t pleasure yourself. Your pleasure belongs to me now.”

  “What?” Elena tried to pull her hand away, but Charles’ grip was firm. “I can’t touch myself? But I need to come.”

  “And you will. But by my hand, my mouth, my cock.”

  Delightful shivers danced over Elena’s body. She wanted it all, everything. Wanted him to bend her over the table and fuck her right here on the terrace. She couldn’t believe she was entertaining such thoughts, but Charles made her want things she’d have never considered before. When he licked his lips and lowered his eyes to her pussy, Elena knew what she needed most—his mouth on her, his tongue deep inside, lapping her juices and flicking over her clit.

  “Please,” she whispered. Elena was not used to begging, but she’d do it and gladly if it would get her what she needed.

  Charles’ grin was positively feral. He let go of her hand then inched his fingers up her thigh. Elena held her breath in anticipation, but Charles merely grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it back into place, covering her.

  “What are you doing?” Elena asked, outraged. “What about me? I need…”

  “Later,” Charles said. “Pierre is about to return.”

  Oh hell no. “Tell him we need longer. You can’t leave me like this.”

  “Just who makes the rules here, Elena?”


  Charles raised an eyebrow, wordlessly daring
her to argue, and that was when Elena realised that this was a type of test. Charles was seeing how well she could submit, adhere to his demands.

  She squeezed her legs shut and fought for control, but the position put pressure on her sensitive clit so she reopened them. Suppressing her need was torture. “Can I ask you something?”

  Charles nodded. “Of course. You can ask me anything.”

  “Why? Why are you making me wait?”

  “You told me earlier that you trust me.”

  “I do.” Elena furrowed her brow in confusion. “But what has that got to do with…?”

  “It’s called delayed gratification,” Charles said. “When I do finally allow you to come, it will be all the better because you had to wait for it.” Charles leaned in close. “And I promise you when it happens, it’s going to be fucking amazing. Does that answer your question?”

  Elena swallowed and nodded, unsure her voice would work if she tried to answer. She understood the concept of delayed gratification, but did Charles understand how great her need was? Probably, and that was exactly the point, wasn’t it? Vivid images of what he would do to her later flashed through her mind and Elena’s need spiralled. Would he tie her down? Would he spank her? Use toys on her? Would he use his mouth to make her come or would that long, thick cock of his bring her to orgasm? She shivered. Charles looked at her expectantly and Elena realised he was still waiting for her reply.

  “Yes,” she managed to answer, her voice trembling and low. “That answers my question.”

  “Good. You’ve followed my directions beautifully so far this evening and later, you will be rewarded and rewarded well. I’ll make you beg for my cock and just when you think you can’t take anymore, I’ll give it to you. I’ll give it to you hard and deep. Does that sound good?”

  Elena tried to get control of the impulse to stroke her clit or to demand that Charles fuck her now, hell, even lick her or touch her, anything to make her come. But she knew that would displease him and even though her natural impulse was to demand, to insist, to try to gain back the control that was slipping further from her reach, she suppressed the urge and took a deep, calming breath. She could do this, she wanted to do this and she couldn’t fight the feeling that it would be so incredibly worth it in the end.

  “It sounds perfect.”

  Charles smiled appreciatively. “Pierre,” he called after a moment. “We’re ready for you.”

  The maître d’ arrived almost instantly and Charles ordered for them both. Elena wasn’t surprised when he chose the vintage Dom Perignon, the most expensive champagne on the menu. And he spared no expense on the dinner either. The Lobster Thermidor was cooked to perfection.

  “Isn’t this usually only eaten on special occasions?” Elena asked after taking a bite of the delicious Gruyère crust.

  Charles nodded. “Yes. But this is a special occasion. It’s our first date. The first of many. I dare you to find anything more special than that.”

  Elena chuckled and shook her head incredulously. “You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “On the contrary,” Charles said after taking a sip of his champagne. “I’m very sure of you.”

  Much to her relief, Charles didn’t tease Elena any more while they ate their dinner. She was too tightly strung and she feared if Charles persisted, she’d have to take matters into her own hands, as it were, and that would be counterproductive. Elena wanted to get off, but she wanted to please Charles more. It was a burning desire that she had no control over and for someone who liked to be in control that was a frightening position to be in.

  After Charles had taken care of the bill and they’d walked out into the balmy evening air, Charles took hold of Elena’s hand and led her down the street.

  “Aren’t we being picked up?”

  “We’re not going back to the villa. We’re going to my apartment here in town.”

  “Oh.” Elena stilled. She felt safe at Henry’s villa. It was a home away from home and she was comfortable there, but Charles’ apartment? That would be different. What if he had it set up like a dungeon? What did he want to do to her there? And what if she didn’t like it? Her breathing sped up and her heart started to race thunderously in her chest. Suddenly being with Charles, this relationship didn’t feel like the best idea anymore. She didn’t know if she could go through with it after all.

  Charles stood silently in front of Elena as though he were waiting for her to meet his gaze. “What is it?”

  “I don’t—that is, why do we have to go there?”

  Charles shrugged. “It’s closer and I have everything we’ll need there.”

  Oh God. Elena could hardly breathe as she thought about the implications of that statement. Vivid images of restraints and whips and masks entered her mind, and fear and excitement warred for dominance.

  “Need,” she squeaked. “What do you mean? What do we need?”

  Charles pursed his lips, his eyebrows drawn together in a frown. “Tell me what’s worrying you, Elena. Talk to me.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she blurted. “I don’t know if it’s really me.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Elena searched Charles’ eyes as though the answer to the question would be hidden somewhere in their depths. Was she sure? She didn’t know anything anymore. Everything was moving at such a fast pace and she was struggling to keep up. It felt like she was on a fairground ride with no means to get off. She felt powerless. She knew that was the point, but she wasn’t sure yet if it was a good thing or not.

  Charles placed his hands on her arms and smiled comfortingly. “Let me reassure you. I will never hurt you. Anything we do will be consensual and we’ll discuss the parameters before we begin.”

  “Parameters?” Elena laughed nervously. “I think that is the least sexy thing you’ve said to me all night.”

  “Undoubtedly. But we have to have boundaries—it’s essential. There are many things to consider. We need to know what we’re both comfortable with. What our no-go areas are, our safewords.”

  “Safewords?” Elena swallowed hard and started to shake her head. She might have fantasised about toys and spanking, about role-playing or being tied up, but this sounded like a whole other level and one she wasn’t sure she was ready for, or if she would ever be ready.

  “What if I don’t like it?” she said, finally voicing her fears. “What if you need more? What if I’m not enough for you?”

  “Impossible,” Charles scoffed. “You will always be enough. I’m going to make this good for you, and if there is anything you don’t like, we won’t do it again. I like to be in control, yes, but I’m not sadistic, I assure you. This is all about pleasure. For the both of us.”

  Elena could see the truth shining in Charles’ eyes and it calmed her, setting her mind at rest. She knew she could walk away now and forget about everything that had happened between them thus far, or she could see where the attraction between them could go—how far it could develop. If she were to run away from her feelings she suspected she would always regret it. She lifted her chin and met Charles’ expectant gaze.

  “I want to do this,” she said, surprised by how steady and sure her voice was. “I’m ready to take things further.”

  Charles’ smile was jubilant, the pride and respect in his expression solidifying Elena’s resolve.

  “You won’t regret this,” he vowed.

  Chapter Seven

  Pushing open the door to his condo, Charles flicked on the lights and led Elena into the spacious living room. His heart was racing. Elena might be nervous about what was going to happen between them, but Charles was equally as anxious. Tonight had to be perfect. He suspected their entire future relationship depended on what transpired between them here. Charles already knew that Elena was the woman for him, but he was afraid of scaring her off before she got to know him properly, before she had any idea of how good they could be together. He couldn’t let that happen—wouldn�
�t let that happen.

  Charles could already tell from Elena’s actions so far that she would fit seamlessly into his lifestyle. Elena might not realise it yet, but she was the ultimate submissive, eager to please and so at ease in those moments that she allowed herself to stop thinking so much and give up the control she had so carefully adopted in every part of her life.

  “Make yourself at home,” Charles said, sweeping a hand around the large open space. “I’ll pour us some wine.”

  Elena nodded politely. “Thank you.”

  Charles waited for her to cross the room and take a seat on the corner sofa near the window. When she crossed her legs, her dress riding up her hips, his cock responded instantly, hardening to the point of pain. Even though he’d already come and come hard, he had a feeling no amount of orgasms would be able to satiate his need for this amazing woman.

  “Take off your dress,” he instructed. “I want you naked by the time I get back. And don’t even think about touching yourself.” Elena frowned, but stood quickly to remove the dress.

  Charles turned to hide his grin then went into the kitchen to retrieve the bottle of chardonnay he had chilling in the refrigerator. After uncorking the bottle he grabbed two wine glasses and poured a generous amount into each. Before he went back into the living room, he removed his jacket then took off his tie before undoing the top few buttons on his shirt. He wanted to free his cock. The thought of Elena naked on his couch and waiting for him to return would have been the perfect stroke-off material, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from coming after he’d begun. His hand just wouldn’t do. The next time he came he wanted to be buried to the hilt inside that sweet, wet pussy of hers, shoved in deep while she screamed out his name, her channel gripping him tightly and drawing out his release. Jesus, he couldn’t wait to be inside her.


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