Éveiller Drive Complete Boxed Set

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Éveiller Drive Complete Boxed Set Page 10

by Melanie James

  Next he found a vibrating phallus. Her moistened folds begged for attention that he could no longer deny. Alan slid the vibrator over the soft curve of her core and down to her entrance. He circled the tip of the phallus against her opening before dragging it up to her clit and applying direct pressure.

  “Fuck!” Laura screamed. “God, Alan. That feels so good.”

  “That’s it, baby. Do you want more?” He slid the vibrator down to her opening once more, gently pushing it deep inside of her. Once it was seated, he twisted the bottom, increasing the speed of the vibrations. His tongue worked its way down her soft stomach and headed further south. When his warm breaths worked their way over her center as he plunged the vibrator in and out of her channel, Laura’s hips began to thrash back and forth. Her first climax swiftly approaching.

  “I want you to come for me, Laura.” He sucked her clit into his mouth while he continued his speed with the toy. The sound of metal clanked against the bedpost as Laura tried to twist and turn beneath him. Alan wouldn’t budge an inch. Shouts of pleasure erupted as her body began to quake beneath him, deep in the throes of her first climax. He finally relented when her breathing started to return to normal. “You have no idea how fucking hot that was. I love watching you come for me. I love hearing you scream my name.” He may have sounded like an antiquated caveman, but he didn’t give a flying fuck. There was nothing hotter or more empowering than watching his wife climax because of him.

  Alan worked his way up the bed, carefully kneeling by her head. He rubbed his cock against the side of her face in a silent invitation. Her head quickly turned to the side. Her tongue darted out, seeking to give her husband the same pleasure that he had just bestowed upon her. With her head angled in the right direction, Alan slid his cock over the soft pillows that were Laura’s lips. “You should wear that lipstick every fucking day.” He reached down to pinch her clit. When Laura gasped in surprise, her mouth parted and he quickly took absolute advantage of her surprise. The head of his cock slid into her mouth. Within a matter of seconds her head began to move in unison with his rhythm. The sight of her bright red lips surrounding his cock nearly left him undone. He pulled back for a moment, leaving her searching for his length.

  “As much as I love the blindfold, I want to see your eyes while you swallow my cock.” Alan reached around her head and swiftly untied the blindfold. He looked deep into her sky blue eyes before offering his cock to her again. Her lips parted and once again he slid his cock back into her mouth. His fingers tunneled through her golden tendrils, pulling her head closer, making her take a bit more of him than normal. Her suction increased as did her speed as he began to tease her between her open legs. “You are so wet for me. Do you want me to slide my cock into you?”

  “Mmmmmm,” was the only response.

  Alan let go of her hair and slid his cock from her mouth. He spied the keys for the cuffs on the night stand. “Let’s get you out of those handcuffs. I have every intention of fucking you on your hands and knees.” He quickly released Laura’s arms from their restraints. She took a moment to wiggle and stretch her limbs before assuming the position he requested.

  Laura’s heart pounded in her chest. Never before had she been so turned on. She couldn’t think of a single incident in her life where she had to stop herself from throwing Alan down and taking what she wanted. The bed dipped down as Alan came up behind her. Anticipation coursed through her, igniting the blood that ran through her veins. Her body was like a live wire, her skin felt too tight for her frame as the tip of Alan’s cock pressed against her opening. She shouted as his cock slid home in one forceful thrust. He had never entered her like that in all their years of marriage…and she loved it! Alan normally took it slow and gentle, but that wasn’t what she needed now.

  “That’s it, Alan. Give it to me. God, you feel so good.” Her hips bucked against his with each thrust. The impact from each drive against her frame forced her body forward. She cried out in pleasure as Alan brought the fuzzy paddle down on her ass, sending more heat straight to her core. Her channel clenched against his length. The second time he brought the soft paddle down against her ass, Laura exploded. Her body thrashed against his.

  Alan dropped the paddle and grabbed Laura’s shoulders. She threw her head back in pure bliss. Shouts and cries of ecstasy filled the room as their climaxes mixed together. Alan kissed Laura’s back as he slipped out of her, causing her to moan at the loss. She loved the way he felt deep inside of her.

  Laura was the first to collapse. Her limbs shaky and unsure. She reached over to the night stand to grab a tiny remote. She pressed the stop button and returned the remote to the stand. “That was amazing.” A grin stretched from ear to ear.

  “What made you come up with this idea? Not that I’m complaining. Trust me, I don’t think I will ever forget this afternoon.” Alan collapsed beside Laura, his fingers leisurely sweeping over her back and shoulders.

  “Well, after the little chat fight we had, I started thinking about things. I think you were partly right. We did lose track of our needs. We also forgot how to try to impress one another. When the girls showed up for coffee, we started talking about our relationships. Next thing I know, we loaded up in Jamie’s van and headed out on our very first porn field trip.” Laura tried to contain the blush that heated her face. Seriously, he just fucked my brains out…and I can’t even say the word porn in front of him. Even after all these years.

  “You did what?” Alan’s jaw dropped. The idea of his Laura going to an adult store floored him. He had taken her to one many years ago just after they were first married. She blushed the entire time and avoided eye contact with him for days after. Granted the place was shady as fuck, but still. How had she managed to go there with her friends and not be embarrassed?

  Laura laughed at the astonished look on Alan’s face. “I had my reservations at first, but Jamie took us to this really neat place. It was clean and well lit. Honest to God, it felt like an adults only Wal-Mart. We should check it out together sometime.”

  “Huh. Where is it?” Alan had a hard time letting go of the bewilderment.

  “In Newton. It was really easy to find. They had a million things there. I couldn’t believe it. The best part, I didn’t run into any pervs. I think that’s what I was worried about the most. Oh, we did run into Mrs. Wintern.” Laura finished her sentence with a giggle.

  “What? She was at the store? Do I even want to know what she was doing there?” The bewilderment deepened for Alan.

  “Apparently she was in the market for a strap-on. I didn’t see the rest of her pur—.”

  Alan cut Laura off mid statement. “Stop! I don’t want to hear anymore. Please, tell me you’re joking.”

  “Are you kidding? I wish!” Laura started to laugh at her husband as his hands scrubbed back and forth over his face.

  “Why did I see Jamie practically running out of the house when I got home?” Alan asked as he pulled Laura next to him. A satisfied sigh left his mouth when her body molded perfectly to his.

  “She’s the one who cuffed me to the bed and blindfolded me.” Laura was very thankful she faced away from her husband and the fact that he couldn’t see how red her face had become…again.

  Alan’s body shook from laughter. “Well, that would explain the blush and why she ran away from me like her ass had just been set ablaze.”

  It took a few minutes for the content couple to contain their laughs and giggles. Laura finally felt calm and relaxed. Her worries faded into oblivion. “I think we need to do this more often.”

  “You and me both. One last question, though…what gave you the idea for the video camera?” Alan’s curiosity piqued.

  “Well, I figured I would be blindfolded most of the time, and I wanted to see what happened. I wanted to see the look on your face when you walked into the room and found me. I also wanted to watch you fuck me.”

  Hearing those words leave Laura’s mouth sent a jolt straight through Alan’s cock.
He pressed it against her backside, rubbing it slowly against her, letting her know he was ready for more.

  Laura wiggled her ass against his length, teasing him. She was surprised that Alan was ready to go again, but she wasn’t one to complain. Besides, it meant more orgasms for her. Yeah me! She chanted silently in her head.

  “Are the kids due home anytime soon?” Alan continued to tease Laura.

  “Two extra questions…that’s going to cost you.” Laura teased in a playful voice.

  “I think we can work something out for the payment.” The tip of Alan’s cock found her opening. He pressed firmly against her, but held back from sliding home.

  “They will be home by noon tomorrow.” Laura’s voice filled with need.

  A deep sigh left her mouth as his shaft pushed gently inside of her. His arms wrapped tight around her body. He kissed and nibbled on the back of her neck as he palmed her breasts. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear—now, about that payment.”

  Laura and Alan had found their way back to one another. They spent the rest of the day and the following morning reacquainting themselves with their partner’s bodies.

  Their love for one another carried them through the difficult conversations that followed. That weekend they learned to talk about their wants, needs, and fantasies. With the discussion came experiments they both enjoyed.

  After fourteen years of marriage, they finally learned about the importance of communication in the bedroom.

  Éveiller Drive - Part IV

  Jamie & Brad

  Her cell phone rang and she sprinted to answer it. Jamie tried to keep it close by at all times, hoping to hear from Brad, but the Yoga pants she sported didn’t have any pockets. The phone relentlessly blared the ringtone she had assigned to calls from Brad’s mom.

  “The one time I set it down, I get a call.” Jamie’s heart pounded as she zeroed in on the sound, frantically trying to remember where she set it down.

  “Hello?” Jamie yelled into the phone when she finally located the small device.

  “Hi, baby girl. Have you seen the news today?” There was a sense of foreboding in her mother-in-law’s voice.

  “Hi, Elaine. No, I haven’t turned on the TV yet. I just got the kids off to school. What’s going on?”

  “There was an attack on a base in Kabul last night.” Elaine’s tone was somber and straightforward. They both knew what this could mean.

  “What? What happened?” Jamie’s heart felt like it cracked when Brad’s mom explained the attack. She hadn’t heard from Brad in days and that wasn’t like him. He always called or emailed every chance he got.

  “The details are still coming in, honey. I don’t have any other information right now, just what they are saying on the news. I can leave work today if you need me to. I’ll explain to my boss what’s going on and head over there if you want me to.” Elaine offered, worried about her daughter and herself.

  “It’s okay, Elaine. I just…I…” Jamie paused, unsure of what to say. The thought of something happening to her husband didn’t sit well with her. It left a sick feeling in her stomach. She took a deep breath and fought off a wave of anxiety. “I’m okay. The girls are coming over for coffee. I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Elaine asked, her voice filled with sympathy for her daughter-in-law and worry for her son.

  “Yeah. I just have to stay positive. They would have notified me by now if anything happened to him, right?”

  “I hope so, baby girl.”

  Jamie tried not to burst into tears as she ended the call with her mother-in-law. The familiar panic and worry she felt for her husband snaked through her veins. She needed to focus on a task to keep her mind from imagining the worst possible scenario.

  Pulling a baking dish from the cabinet, Jamie gathered all of the necessary ingredients for her famous hash brown casserole. Her movements were slow and methodical. Each served the purpose of keeping her mind busy. When she had the dish prepared and baking in the oven, she headed off to shower and dress for the day.

  Just as the timer on the oven chirped with the announcement of the finished casserole, Jamie heard her friends call out their arrival.

  “It smells so good in here,” Ashley said as she worked her way into the room.

  “I agree,” Kara replied.

  “Thanks. It’s a recipe that has been in my family for years. Every get-together there are at least three different versions of hash brown casserole served. I may be biased, but I like to keep mine simple. Some of my family members like to throw stuff in willy-nilly. I’m sorry, but just because you can put something in a casserole, doesn’t mean you should!” Jamie grabbed a small stack of serving plates from the cabinet before giving the casserole one last stir.

  “Very true, that’s how you end up with weird shit in food that doesn’t belong. And if you’ve ever looked around online for recipes, you see some weird shit out there as well. I don’t know what the hell some people are thinking by coming up with all kinds of odd mixes that just don’t belong,” Valerie added.

  “Isn’t that the truth? It drives me crazy. The other day I searched for apple pie recipes. Did you know some people are actually putting bacon in apple pie these days?” Ava replied to Valerie.

  “You’re kidding! Well, it shouldn’t be a surprise. It seems like bacon is a new spice these days.” Valerie laughed at the idea. She was not one that would be experimenting with that anytime soon.

  “Do you need any help?” Laura offered.

  “Sure, if you want to grab the mugs and the carafe of coffee, that would be great.” Jamie made her way to the dining room with the hot casserole, carefully placing it on a bamboo hot pad in the center of the table.

  After the women were seated and the coffee was poured, the conversations picked back up.

  “So, how did it go last weekend with you and Alan?” Jamie’s arched brow indicated that curious minds wanted to know.

  A dark blush stained Laura’s face when she heard the question. “Oh, you know. It went well.” She tried to keep the details absent from the conversation, but she should have known better. Her friends would never let her get away with it.

  “Well?” Valerie demanded. “It went well? You were going to be handcuffed to the bed, blindfolded, and all you offer is, ‘It went well.’ ” Her arms sprang out in front of her to emphasize her point.

  “Someone’s holding out on us,” Ava teased.

  Laura blew out a deep breath, making all the women chuckle. “Fine. It was freaking incredible. It was like I unleashed a hidden beast in Alan!” She ran her fingers through her hair. “He’s never been like that. I mean, our sex life has always been great, but this…this was incredible. We’ve made a promise that from now on, we are going to experiment at least once a month with some new things. Nothing too crazy, but it will be nice to mix it up here and there.”

  “Yay! That is so awesome. I knew it would be good for you guys.” Jamie beamed with pride at her suggestion to light a fire under Alan. “There’s nothing like a blindfold and handcuffs to spice things up a bit.”

  “Shit, I’m really going to have to try that with Will.” The thoughts began to churn in Ava’s head.

  “I certainly don’t regret stepping out of the box and doing something different. Although, I was walking a bit funny yesterday. But—it was well worth it!” Laura plucked an imaginary fuzzball off of her sweater. “Enough about me, have you heard from Brad recently? Is there any news on when he may be coming home?”

  It was that simple question that sent Jamie into tears. Once the gates opened, there was no holding the flood back. She tried in earnest to answer her friends, but found that her voice just wouldn’t work. Sobs escaped from her throat, choking her.

  “Did something happen?” The fear was evident in Laura’s voice as she rushed to kneel beside Jamie.

  “I—I don’t know anything yet. His base was attacked late last night. I just found out about it when his mom called. It’s all ove
r the news.” Jamie did her best to explain all that had transpired over the course of her morning.

  “When was the last time you heard from him?” Ava quickly asked.

  “It’s been a little over a week.” Jamie grabbed a fistful of tissues and wiped at the fresh tears. “He usually calls, emails, or something at least a few times a week just to let me know that he is okay.”

  “I’m sure he’s fine, honey. He was probably moved or transferred away from the base that was attacked and that’s why he hasn’t gotten a hold of you.” Valerie offered with a soothing voice.

  “You’re probably right, but I can’t help worrying.” Jamie ran her shaky fingers nervously through her hair. “I just don’t know what I would do if anything happened to him.”

  “I can’t imagine what you are going through or the worry you have every day for Brad’s safety.” Ashley spoke in a low voice.

  “It’s okay. He has to be okay, right? I just have to think positively for now. There is no sense in stressing or worrying about what might have happened. After all, I have to keep in mind that if anything happened, I would have been notified by the Army.” Jamie took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

  “That’s right. I know I’d be imagining the most horrific and illogical scenarios. Hell, I do it every time Alan is late coming home from work, especially if he hasn’t called to let me know. I envision him in an accident or a holdup at the grocery store. And when he calmly walks through the front door, I don’t know if I should yell at him for not calling or be thankful he is home safe.” Laura joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Oh my God. I totally do that, too. I thought I was the only one.” Kara laughed. “I’m so pathetic. I worry like a crazed woman. Dave always tells me that I’m going to get wrinkles far too early in life if I don’t knock it off.”


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