Home Temptation Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Story Bundle)

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Home Temptation Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Story Bundle) Page 1

by Anya Merchant

  Home Temptation

  Three Book Taboo Erotica Collection


  Anya Merchant

  Book 1: Sharing A Hotel Room

  Book 2: Limitless Game Show

  Book 3: Irresistible Temptation

  Sharing A Hotel Room


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2014 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers. All characters in this story are consenting adults above the age of 18.

  “Try giving it some more gas this time, bro,”

  The sun was high in the sky, infusing the air with heat and humidity, and Dave was frustrated. He was trapped in the driver’s seat of a broken down Dodge Neon, about 10 miles from the nearest town, with his step mom, Lana, his step sister, Tara, and her close friend, Liz. Dave tried the engine again, this time pushing down the gas pedal as he did. Nothing happened.

  “It’s no use, we’re going to have to come up with something else,” he said.

  The four of them were on their way to the wedding of Dave’s brother. The trip had been relatively uneventful so far, with Dave doing most of the driving, occasionally assisted by his sister. They had spent the last 6 hours in the car, comforted by the air conditioning, until now.

  “It’s way too hot in here, I’m going to see what’s up the road,” Dave’s step mom said.

  He looked over at her. A bead of sweat was dripping down her neck, and it seemed to curve on its way down and fall into the cleavage of her nicely formed 34D cup breasts. The flirty summer dress she was wearing was anything but modest, and even though she was a rather petite five foot four woman, it still seemed too small for her. Dave politely averted his gaze.

  “Alright mom, go ahead,” said Dave. “I’ll see what I can look up on my phone and keep an eye on these two.”

  Lana had been his step mom for almost 5 years now. It was time for him to get used to it. He’d been 14 when his dad remarried, and even though she was almost 15 years older than him, he still felt as though she was far too young to be his step mom. The fact that she had the looks and body of a woman half her age also didn’t help in the slightest. As he watched her start walking away, his eyes were drawn to the soft, perfect curves of her butt, and the distinctive wiggle it made every time she took a step. He felt guilty, but also remembered some of the conversations he’d had with his friends from school about the sex appeal of various local women involved in school functions, with his mom almost always coming out on top.

  For the most part, it had never complicated Dave’s home life. His friends had always been polite enough when they were in her presence, aside from the blatant flirting and ogling of her body. The issue for him personally had always just been from his own hormones as a teenager, as far as he could tell. Seeing her in a towel with her tits threatening to pop out would instantly get him excited, and necessitate at least one guilty jerk off session with her (or a woman he imagined to look just like her) as the focus. It felt wrong and immoral, but on more than occasion Dave had just become too horny to resist.

  “Call if anything happens mom!” Dave heard his sister Tara yell out to Lana as she made her way further down the road. “We’ll be fine here!”

  Of course they would be, Dave thought. Tara had managed to convince Lana to let her “close friend” Liz accompany them to the wedding at the last second after negotiating the extra seating arrangement with Dave’s brother. As Dave had been aware of for the past couple of years, his sister was a lesbian. She was three years older than him, and came back from college a changed woman, in more than just one way. Though he didn’t have any concrete evidence, it was obvious to him that Tara and Liz shared a closer relationship than just friends, and he often heard noises that sounded like muffled moans coming from Tara’s room on the nights Liz would sleep over. He had masturbated to what he thought he could hear, once, and felt extremely weird the next morning.

  He looked over at his sister and her friend, noticing them becoming more physically affectionate now that Lana was almost out of eye sight. Dave’s step mom was a Christian in the classical, almost fundamentalist sense, and though she would occasionally espouse her belief in the right for people to be able to do whatever they wanted with their freedom, Dave was positive that it didn’t extend to her own daughter getting sexual with another woman.

  “I’m going to see if I can get better reception,” said Dave as he got out of the car. “Will you two be fine here alone?” he asked, with a special emphasis on the last word.

  “Oh yeah, it’s fine,” Tara said, looking pleased.

  Dave walked off opposite the direction his step mom had gone in. The whole trip had been somewhat eventful, and he was actually welcoming the change of pace the car breaking down was providing. He ran a Google search for the nearest auto shop to their location, and within five minutes he had called for a tow and gotten a quote of how much it would cost. The modern marvel of smartphones, he thought.

  As Dave made his way back the car, he noticed a very suggestive fog on the windows. He didn’t want to ruin what might an amazing opportunity for his sister to fool around with her friend, but his curiosity got the better of him. He walked over to the car and opened the back left door. Tara had her shirt off, and the right hand of Liz was rubbing up against her crotch.

  “Hey,” Dave said, smiling “Mom’s going to be back soon and a tow truck is on the way.”

  He had to admit, the situation was pretty erotic, and he could feel a good amount of tingling in his dick as he looked at them. Dave had never really paid much attention to his step sister’s body. Tara didn’t have the breasts and butt of her mom, but that wasn’t really her fault. It was hard to compare any woman to Lana and have them come out on top. Dave could definitely see what his dad saw in her.

  “Dave, this isn’t what it looks like!” Tara protested, covering up her exposed chest with her shirt.

  “I don’t care, I’m not mom.” Dave said “You two can go wild, just don’t get caught.”

  He looked up and could see a large truck with a winch on the back approaching in the distance. Damn, that was fast, he thought. He leaned his head back into the car to make sure the girls were decent, and then stood on the side of the road and waved it down. The tow truck driver backed his winch up against the sedan’s bumper, and in short order, had it secured.

  “Thanks a ton,” Dave said. “Are there any hotels close to your auto shop?”

  “Yeah, there’s one nearby,” said the mechanic. “I can give you guys a lift, but I only have two seats.”

  Lana had just arrived back and overheard their conversation.

  “Well, can’t you make two trips?” she asked.

  The driver gave her a blank look.

  “It’s fine, mom” Dave said. “You sit on my lap, and Liz sits on Tara’s. It won’t be the comfiest arrangement, but it will save us time and money.”

  Tara and Liz piled into the cab of the truck first, taking the seat nearest to the driver’s. There didn’t appear to be much room left in the other seat for one extra person, let alone two, along with their bags. Dave did his best to squeeze in, and then pulled his step mom up on top of him. Closing the door was another chore, and the tow truck driver had to push on it from the out
side to ensure that the clasp had fully caught.

  “There” said Dave. “Everybody comfy?”

  Nobody else in the truck answered, and the driver started off. Dave realized, almost immediately, that having his step mom on his lap was not going to end well. The curves of her soft butt seemed to mush against his dick, which began to swell up within the first thirty seconds of her being on top of him.

  “Are you okay, Dave?” Asked Lana, who from the sound of her voice could feel exactly what was going on.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” He said, and then laughed. “Hopefully it’s not too long of trip.”

  No sooner than the words had left his mouth, the truck was forced to pull onto a back road detour to avoid construction work. It was an old dirt road, full of potholes, nooks, and crannies. Dave’ mom jiggled around in his lap, and his dick became even harder. He tried to get his mind off the situation, but it was tough to focus on anything else. The sensation was amazing, and his cock, now rock hard and at its full length, had nestled itself with her soft and perfect butt cheeks. Every bump they hit seemed to slide Lana forward and back, and to Dave, it felt like he was being jerked off by a cloud of flesh.

  “Are we almost there?” Dave asked the truck driver. His dick felt like it wanted to explode, and he had never been so overwhelmed by horniness in his entire life.

  “Sorry, it will just be a minute more,” the driver replied.

  Suddenly, they went over a large bump, and Dave felt his mom bounce up in the air. As she came down, her dress rode up, leaving her bare panties exposed and pushing against Dave’s thin shorts. It felt amazing, and was incredibly erotic. He knew that she could feel his cock at this point, and could only wonder how dirty it must feel for her to have it wedged against her cunt like it was.

  “Are you okay, mom?” he whispered into her ear. It came out sounding much naughtier than intended.

  “I’m fine, honey, just fine”

  His step mom did his best to calm him down, rubbing her hand on his thigh in a way that was meant to be helpful, but in reality, it just made Dave’s cock twitch with excitement. He had been grabbing her thighs since the beginning of the ride, and began pushing his crotch up and grinding against his mom intentionally. He could see the look on her face, a mixture of embarrassment and guilt, with just a sliver of pleasure mixed in. Dave felt much the same way. One of his hands slid up to her stomach, and his mom made no move to stop it. His mind was filled with thoughts of her body, what she would look like naked, what she would feel like naked, it was intoxicating. He hoped that they would reach the hotel soon, but even more than that he was conflicted with an extreme desire to spray his white hot load all over his step mom’s perfect ass.

  They pulled up to the hotel just seconds later, and Dave let out a sigh of relief as his mom got off his lap and out of the truck cab. They had been extremely close to crossing a line that would have made the rest of his life extremely weird. He paid the truck driver and made plans to stop by the auto shop the next day, and then followed the girls inside, his dick still at half-mast and wet with pre cum. Lana was already talking to the front desk manager when Dave caught up to her. She still looked a little out of breath from the sordid incident in the truck, but managed to meet Dave’s eyes when he approached.

  “They’re saying that they only have two rooms left” she said.

  “That’s probably fine, you can have one and the three of us will take the other” replied Dave, still very conscious of both what had just happened during the ride and his still semi aroused penis.

  “What? No, we need our own room” cried Tara. “I mean, it wouldn’t really be appropriate for Dave to be sharing a bed with us.”

  The front desk manager took the opportunity to butt in “Typically our policy is no more than two adults to a room” he said. “Each of our suites only has one bed and a small love seat.”

  Dave looked at his mom. More than anything, he wanted to avoid going back to where he had been in the truck. His lust and hormones had gotten the better of him, and the fact that his step mom had come so close to being the outlet made him feel dirty.

  “I think it’s fine” he heard his mom say. “Dave and I can share a room, and you two can have the other.”

  Dave held his tongue, feeling like there was no point in arguing now that his mom had made up her mind. Looking over at Tara and Liz, he could see the excitement on their faces and didn’t have to make any leap of imagination to understand where it was coming from. They were going to fool around tonight, and make each other writhe in the ecstasy of numerous orgasms.

  He looked over at his mom and felt his dick tingle slightly. The experience of having her on his lap in the truck was still fresh on his mind. He knew what her curves felt like, how her butt seemed to be perfectly shaped and designed for a cock to slide right up into. He could imagine what it would feel like to be pounding her from behind and experiencing the full benefits of that cushion, and as he did, he felt guilty.

  “We’re room 272” she said. “Are you ready to head on up, honey? We’re going to need our sleep for the drive tomorrow.”

  The four of them got into the elevator and went up to the second floor. Tara and Liz were in 273, right next door.

  “Great” said Tara. “Me and Liz are going to watch a movie, we’ll see you two in the morning”

  Dave wondered if his mom had any inkling as to why they were so eager as they both headed into their own room. He decided against hinting outright, and instead keyed the door pen with the electronic card and brought his bag in. The room was nice, and included a private bathroom, a nice flat screen HD TV, and just as the front desk person had pointed out, one bed and one small love seat. He had been planning on letting his mom take the bed, but upon seeing just how tiny the love seat looked, he immediately had second thoughts.

  “How are we going to make this work, mom?” Dave asked. The floor didn’t look all that uncomfortable, he thought to himself.

  “We’ll both share the bed, honey” she said. “It’s no big deal.”

  The silence that followed her comment seemed to fly right in the face of its base assumption. It wasn’t a big deal on paper, true. But all Dave could think about at that moment was the experience of having his mom on his lap in the truck, the feel of her perfect ass. It was clearly taboo territory, and now the idea of sharing a bed with her for the night seemed to excite him, or at least his cock, even further. He coughed.

  “Mom, I’m not so sure that’s a good-“

  “Dave, I said it was fine” she said in a reprimanding tone. “You’re my step son, and we can be adults about this.”

  He wasn’t so sure, but figured that if he managed to get some time to himself in the shower, it would be doable, and dropped the subject.

  “Alright then, we’ll share the bed. Do you have any ideas for dinner?” he asked

  “I figured we could relax here for a bit, maybe watch some TV, and then head out on the town and see what we could find” she said.

  “It might be a little while before the two of them are done with their movie” Dave said, forcing himself to keep an even and believable tone. He didn’t always see eye to eye with his sister, but wasn’t about to cock block her either, metaphorically speaking.

  “That’s fine, I could definitely use a shower in the meantime” Lana said.

  While Lana took some clothes out of her bag and got set up in the shower, Dave turned on the TV and took to browsing through the channels. It was the standard cable stuff, and though he’d watched plenty of television before, it had been more than a couple of years since he’d last watched anything beyond what he could find online. He found the commercials to be particularly hilarious, giving him a sense of why he stopped watching the networks to begin with, along with a small and unexpected twinge of nostalgia. Scrolling up through the browser menu of channels, he eventually arrived on about a dozen or so that were clearly adult oriented, pay per view affairs. He clicked on one, and to his surprise, the channel
changed to it without bringing up a forced pay wall.

  A young man and an older, but still very sexy and attractive woman were on the forefront of the screen, sitting on a bed. He could see that the young man was massaging the woman’s leg seductively, and whispering in her ear. The woman seemed to be hesitant, and kept smoothing her blue dress out and breathing nervously as the guy felt her up. He kept whispering something in her ear, but Dave couldn’t figure out how to turn the sound up on the remote to hear just what he was saying. Eventually the man progressed further, and had ridden his hand up her dress, clearly massaging the woman’s crotch. She rolled her head back in pleasure, and as she leaned back on the bed her body seemed to open up, inviting the young man to mount her and do what he intended.

  “Dave, do you want to take a shower or are you all set?” Lana had stepped out of the bathroom, still dripping wet and wearing nothing more than a towel. The standard hotel issue ones were smaller than normal, and her breasts were pushed tight together, spilling her cleavage out the top to its very limit. The bottom barely made it down to her hips, and Dave got the feeling that if she were to bend over it would ride up to at least her waist. The thought sent blood pumping straight down into his rod.

  “Oh, no thanks mom, I’ll take one when we get back” he said. The scene on the TV was heating up. The man had his shirt off and was pawing hungrily at the woman’s breasts through her dress. He was sitting on top of her and dry humping his cock right into her thighs. Reaching with one arm, he pulled her dress down and two naked breasts popped right out. Dave was aroused, especially by the fact that Lana was still standing in the door way facing him, clad in almost nothing, and totally oblivious to the sex scene playing out on the TV due to the angle.

  “Alright” she said, seemingly in thought. Her body was on perfect display for Dave, and the couple on the TV screen had progressed even further, and the man’s pants were now off. Dave could feel his cock becoming rapidly hard as the man began to thrust against the woman.


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