The Remembered

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The Remembered Page 11

by Lorenzo, EH

  The bulls would cross the shallow river and onto the bridge. Once on the bridge, the ropes would be removed and the bulls would be allowed to run. The runners would follow after them with sticks. The run this year was going to be similar to the last several years, in that a route through the towne had been blocked out for the bulls. Bromley had seen a portion of the route when he came into towne this morning. The route would go past Saint Mary's where it would turn to the left toward the Sheep Market. After passing the Sheep Market, the route would turn right toward All Saints'. After passing All Saints', it would follow High Street to Saint George's Street. The bulls would then run south on Saint George's Street near to Saint George's church and then turn right to Saint Mary's church and then south again through the gates, over the bridge and then back to the meadow. The bulls would be tired from running at that point. Once in the meadow, the bulls would be slaughtered and the meat would be shared with the people of the towne.

  Everyone in the towne was very excited. Many people would be watching from their windows and cheering for the runners.

  It seemed that Bromley had gotten to the meadow none too soon. The mayor and sheriff soon came riding on horseback and cheers went up from the crowd. Finally, the run was about to begin. The mayor gave encouragement to the runners and reminded them to avoid getting in front of the running bulls. The sheriff told the runners to go and wait for the bulls on the towne bridge. The runners lined the bridge, standing on the small block walls that ran along either side of the bridge. In this fashion, the runners were able to avoid the charging bulls as they started the run.

  Bromley took his position on the bridge and watched as the bulls were led to the bridge. The bulls became harder to control as they neared the bridge. It was as though they sensed what was happening. The breath of the bulls' was visible in the chilled air and it seemed as though steam was pouring from their nostrils. Their eyes were wide and filled with anger. Those who were leading the bulls released them at the entrance to the bridge and others started whipping the bulls with sticks from behind. It seemed to Bromley that chaos was unleashed and if there were animals from hell, these were they.

  As the bulls charged over the bridge toward the gates, the men on the sides of the bridge whipped the bulls with long sticks as they passed. Some men became unstable on their feet from the excitement and fell from the bridge into the water below. It almost seemed that they were the lucky ones. At least one other man fell into the path of the charging bulls. As he did, he instinctively grabbed the person next to him to catch himself, but all he managed to do was to pull his companion into the path of the bulls as well. It all happened so rapidly that Bromley couldn't tell whether they would be okay.

  Suddenly, the bulls were running past Bromley and he started swinging his long stick. The sharp whack of his stick told him that he had made contact with a couple of bulls. As soon as the last bull had passed him, Bromley jumped down and onto the bridge with the throng of other men who had done the same. Bromley hadn't considered that the crush of the men could possibly prove as deadly as the crush of the bulls. For a moment he wondered why he had joined in the sport. The thought was fleeting. His heart was racing and his muscles tensed as he lunged forward with the crowd. Soon he was directly behind the bulls. The bulls were slipping on the cobble stoned streets and so they could not run as fast as they might otherwise. This gave opportunity to run along with them and to hit them with the sticks.

  Bromley now realized that they had passed All Saints' church and were almost to High Street. The stones on High Street were more even and the bulls were able to put distance between themselves and the few runners that were in the front of the group with Bromley. He decided that he would take a shortcut via Maiden Lane and catch the bulls again on Saint Mary's street. Bromley had just passed Maiden Lane and so he pulled up short and spun around to go back to the lane. Bromley didn't realize it, but he had lost track of one bull and the bull was now behind him. As Bromley spun around toward Maiden Lane, he found that he was only steps away from a charging bull. The bull's lowered head hit Bromley below the waist and while Bromley didn't realize it at the time, the bull's right horn ripped through the big muscle of his left leg and pierced through the leg. The strong muscles of the bull's neck lifted Bromley high into the air and over the bull's back. With a quick snap of its head, the bull's horn released its grip on Bromley's leg and Bromley fell to the ground.

  Now he could feel the pain. His leg throbbed and it felt as though hot coals were being rubbed inside. He tried to stand, but fell to the ground. He was now screaming with pain and rolling on the ground. He had never felt such pain. He didn't even know that such pain existed. He looked at his leg and saw that his clothing was ripped and wet with his blood. His head started to spin and suddenly, blackness started to gather in on him and mercifully, he passed out as a result of the pain.

  Some onlookers rushed to his side and found that he was breathing.

  'Who is this man?' someone asked.

  'I 'ave seen 'im, boot I do nay know who 'e is,' someone said.

  Just then, his friend came up.

  ''e is Bromley Easton, of Easton-on-the-'ill,' said his friend.

  'Let us carry 'im to that wagon over there and take 'im 'ome,' someone said.

  Bromley was loaded on the wagon, still unconscious, and his friend climbed into the wagon with him. His friend noted that there was not as much blood as he would have expected and the bleeding seemed to have slowed.

  It took nearly an hour to reach Easton-on-the-hill and Bromley had regained consciousness a couple of times, but had almost immediately blacked out again.

  Margaret was in Easton-on-the-hill returning from a shoppe when she heard shouting behind her. Turning, she saw a wagon slowly making its way up Church Street. A few people had left their homes and shoppes as the wagon neared.

  'Whot is this?' she wondered. Then someone started waving and yelling her name.

  'Margaret, Bromley is 'urt. Comb quickly,' Bromley's friend yelled to her.

  Margaret dropped her package and ran to the wagon. The site of Bromley laying unconscious, with blood-soaked clothing shocked her and she felt faint. She managed to gain control and gasped.

  'Is 'e deed?' she cried. 'Is 'e deed?'

  She climbed into the wagon and kneeled beside him, cradling his head in her lap.

  'Nay,' said Bromley's friend, ''e is nay deed.'

  'Whot 'appened to 'im?' Margaret managed through sobs of anguish. She had expected him to be home two days earlier and now she feared the worst.

  ''e was running with the bulls and sume'ow a bull gored 'im.'

  'Is 'e deed? 'e luks deed,' cried Margaret.

  'Nay, 'e is nay deed. I think 'e will revive.'

  The wagon was in front of Lind and Gleda's cottage now. Lind had been patching the side of the cottage and saw the wagon pull up with Margaret inside. Margaret saw Lind and cried out to him with an anguished cry.

  'It is Bromley,' she sobbed, ''e was gored by a bull in the rune.'

  'No,' cried Lind. 'I told 'im to never rune with the bulls! Gleda, comb quick.'

  Geva ran out of the cottage followed by Gleda. Lind and the other men were lifting Bromley out of the wagon. The movement and commotion caused Bromley to awaken a bit. He looked up and saw his beloved Margaret.

  'Margaret, me luv,' whispered Bromley, 'I am so soory.'

  'Shhh, me luv,' replied Margaret between sobs. 'Be still.'

  Bromley cried out in pain now as they moved him into the house. Gleda had laid a blanket on the floor and they gently placed Bromley on it.

  Gleda and Geva held Margaret close and cried with her. Margaret whimpered and told them what had happened so far as she was aware. Bromley's friend filled in the details as he knew them. He then began to feel awkward and went outside with the other men who had brought Bromley home. It seemed that the news had traveled the entire village already and a small crowd had gathered outside. The friend and the men who had brought Bromley climbe
d into the wagon and rode away.

  Inside the cottage, Bromley was unconscious again. Gleda was attending to the wound. She had cut away the clothing and was washing the wound to clean it as best she could. Margaret couldn't look at the wound, but Gleda insisted that Geva pay attention so that she could learn.

  Lind took Margaret outside and tried to comfort her.

  'Will 'e lose 'is leg?' asked Margaret.

  'I do nay believe that 'e will lose 'is leg,' Lind assured her.

  'Why did 'e rune with the bulls? And, where 'as 'e been? 'e shuld 'ave been 'ome two dees ago,' said Margaret.

  'I am sure that 'e 'ad a reason for 'is delay,' Lind said reassuringly. 'I do nay like the bull rune meself.'

  'Well, at least winter is combing and 'e will nay be needed on the farm,' said Margaret, trying to be positive.

  'Aye,' said Lind.

  Gleda soon called them inside. She had dressed the wound in the fashion that had been taught her by her mother. She had used some of the meager amount of honey that they had as a suave and had wrapped the wound in cloth. Fortunately, the wound was not bleeding.

  Bromley was sleeping so they did not disturb him. He slept most of the rest of the day and night. After the long and quick walk that he had to Bourne, then almost to Melton Mowbray and back, he was exhausted.

  When Bromley opened his eyes the next morning, Margaret was beside him.

  'Gud morning, me luv,' greeted Margaret with a smile. 'I was so afraid that I wuld lose you. Please do nay rune with the bulls again.'

  'I promise,' whispered Bromley. He smiled at her and closed his eyes again.

  'You must be so very 'ungry,' said Margaret. 'I 'ave sume food for you.'

  With that Bromley opened his eyes and smiled. 'Aye, I am very 'ungry,' he agreed.

  As he ate, Margaret asked him where he had been, and why he had not returned from Bourne right away. He had been so caught up in the pain of his injury and had also been sleeping so long, that he hadn't thought about telling them what he had learned in Bourne. He promised to tell her, but insisted that she go and get his mother and father first. He only wanted to share this news one time.

  Geva came into the cottage along with Lind and Gleda. She wasn't going to miss any news that Bromley might have to tell. When they had all gathered around him, he explained that he had gone to Bourne to look for Richard and that he hadn't found any glazier work being done there. He explained how he had spoken with the priest, who said that the glazier's had finished their work and had moved on, but he wasn't certain where. He thought that they had gone to Boston.

  They were all listening very intently, but Bromley's voice faltered. He felt a lump in his throat as though the words would not come out. He coughed a little to gain control of his emotions and he avoided their eyes.

  Gleda sensed that Bromley was about to share some disturbing news and she kneeled down on the floor next to Bromley. She held his hand as though to give him strength, and yet she didn't want to hear.

  Bromley continued, 'Then the priest told me that soon before the glaziers left Bourne, one of them, a yung journeyman fitting the description of Richard, had fallen from a window and deed.'

  Sobs bursts out of Gleda, Geva and Margaret. Gleda buried her head in her dress and cried out in anguish, 'I knew that there was sumething wrong when 'e did nay return right away.' Geva and Margaret hugged each other and sobbed.

  'Can you be certain of this, Bromley?' Lind asked in a quiet voice.

  'I did nay see the grave and I did nay go to Boston to luk for Richard. I thought it best to try and catch up with Elizabeth's family and tell 'er.'

  'And did you find Elizabeth?' asked Lind.

  'Aye, that is why I was delayed for two dees.'

  'Bromley,' said Lind in a mildly chiding voice, 'we can nay be sure that Richard is deed, boot now Elizabeth must think that 'e is.'

  'I did nay know whot else to do,' responded Bromley with some remorse.

  'You did fine,' replied Lind.

  Gleda had left the cottage now and so Lind went outside to comfort her.

  'Go to Boston and find me boy,' demanded Gleda between her sobs.

  'Gleda,' responded Lind in a kind and quiet tone, 'we do nay know for certain whot 'as become of Richard. Let us wait a few more dees. If no more word combs or if 'e is still nay 'ere, I will go to Bourne meself and to Boston if necessary to learn the truth.'

  ''e may be deed,' sobbed Gleda.

  'Yes,' agreed Lind quietly, ''e may be deed, boot 'e may nay be deed. If 'e is yet alive, 'e will return soon. 'e promised Elizabeth that 'e wuld comb for 'er and comb 'e will if 'e is yet alive. Nuthing changes if we wait a few more dees.'

  Gleda held Lind close and still crying, laid her face on his chest. 'I just want me boys back.'

  Lind looked over Gleda's head at the surrounding farm. He wanted his boys back also. He needed the help. He realized that he was no longer a young man, in fact he was feeling a little tired. Yes, he also wanted his boys back. His relationship with Richard had been somewhat strained since Richard had learned that Lind was not his real father, but Lind loved Richard just the same. As he thought about this and the possibility that he would not see Richard again, he also found that his breathing was shallow and rapid and a lump had formed in his throat.

  Chapter Nine

  November 1437

  The remainder of the trip to Trowell was made even more unbearable by the news that Bromley had delivered to Elizabeth and her family. She hadn't yet told her mother and father that she was pregnant and didn't think that she would be able to conceal it from them for much longer. She held out hope that Richard was yet alive and would find her.

  The family passed south of Nottingham on their way to Trowell. In the distance, Elizabeth could see the large church of the towne. She thought that it must be a grand church and she longed to be there. She thought that Nottingham looked like a beautiful towne and she was looking forward to living near it. Surely it would have a large market.

  Before they reached Trowell, Elizabeth changed back into her own clothing. It was so nice to look like a woman again. She decided though that her father was probably right in having her dress the way he had. Traveling had its risks and traveling with a man who was ill, left them with little protection. The men's clothing had been a reasonable means of reducing the risk.

  They entered Trowell on the Nottingham road and passed the small village church of Saint Helen's.

  Trowell was a small village with only a few houses near the church. Her father's sister didn't actually live in the village, but just outside on the road to Ilkeston. There were few people on the village street when they passed through and those that were there stopped what they were doing to stare at the wagon loaded with household items and the strangers with it.

  Elizabeth's father perked up some as they started on the Ilkeston road. He had been telling the family about his sister and his brother-in-law and he was anticipating the reunion. Elizabeth and her brothers had never met them and her brothers wondered whether there would be cousins their ages. Elizabeth's father was sure that they would find a welcomed respite there until he recovered.

  As they neared the cottage, it seemed very quiet. There were no animals in the pasture. The shelter for the animals stood in disrepair. It was clear that something was not right. As they passed by the large oak trees that were partially obscuring the view, they came in full view of the cottage. It was only a shell. The thatched roof had evidently caught fire some time ago. The roof lay crumpled in a heap in the middle of the standing four stone walls. Other than the chimney, that was all that was standing. The family looked aghast upon the sight. Elizabeth didn't know when she had ever seen a more horrifying sight. Where would they go now?

  'Whot will we do now?' cried Elizabeth's mother. 'Where will we go?'

  'I do nay know,' sighed her father. He had sunk down into the wagon and the energy had left him.

  Her brothers were rummaging around in the burned out shell.

  'Get oot of there,' yelled her mother. Elizabeth sensed that her mother was seriously strained by this new discovery. Her mother got down off the wagon and fell on the grass and cried.

  Elizabeth's father laid his head back against the wagon and closed his eyes. She didn't think that she had ever seen him in such despair.

  'Father,' whispered Elizabeth. She didn't want to cause her mother any further distress. 'Where will we go? We can nay stay 'ere. It will be dark soon and it is get'ing cold.'

  'We still 'ave a lit'le muney,' replied her father without opening his eyes. 'We will stay in the inn that we passed in Trowell.'

  'Boot, where will we go tomorrow?'

  'I do nay know, Elizabeth.'

  Her mother stood slowly and wiped her tears. 'I 'ave family near Not'ing'am. It is nay far. Let us go there.'


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