The Remembered

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The Remembered Page 29

by Lorenzo, EH

  There was an audible gasp from the congregation and the Prior stood in protest, but James continued.

  'This practice will surely bring upon the Church the judgments of an offended God.'

  The prior and the priests had heard enough and the two priests stood with the prior and walked out briskly, but as they left many in the congregation expressed muffled agreements with Father James. After the three were out of the church, James continued his sermon by assuring the congregation of God's love for them and that no man could stand between them and the healing power of The Lord.

  It seemed to Richard that the congregation would burst into applause when James finished. After the sermon, Richard remained sitting in his seat for a few minutes wondering about this new, young priest and the doctrine that he taught. 'He is a brave yung man,' he thought to himself, 'the prior will nay approve.'

  Lord Darby approached the young priest after the service. 'Father James, you 'ave preached doctrine that will nay be approved by the prior and the bishop.'

  'Aye, indeed that is true, Lord Darby. Boot, I must be true to the scriptures and to the message that I 'ave received from God.'

  'At the peril of your life?' asked John.

  'Aye, at the peril of me life.'

  'And whot aboot your soul?'

  'I will trust me soul to God who gave it. A church who 'as strayed as far as selling indulgences is a church withoot power or authority to save me soul regardless,' replied James.

  Surprised at James' boldness, John asked 'You will challenge the authority of the Church?'

  'Nay, Lord Darby, I do nay challenge the authority of the Church,' then laying his hand on the Bible next to the pulpit, he continued,'boot God's word does.'

  'God's word challenges the authority of God's church?' asked John with greater surprise.

  'God's word does nay challenge the authority of God's church,' replied James. 'Boot, God's church does nay exist on the earth any longer. It 'as been taken away for safe keeping. If you 'ad access to the Bible, you too wuld read soch in the words of Paul the Apostle and John the Revelator. Paul also speaks of God's church returning before The Lord combs again in the flesh.'

  'And when will soch things be?' asked John.

  'I do nay know. I 'ave prayed much to know, boot God does nay make soch things known to me. I suppose that it will nay be soon,' said James.

  'Father James, I am shocked to hear you speak so,' replied John. 'I 'ave never 'eard of soch things.'

  'You nay wuld. The Church has nay allowed the people to read or 'ave access to the Bible, God's Holy word, until recently. It 'as nay been 80 years that Wycliff translated the first Bible into English and we know 'ow the Church felt aboot 'im. And even now, few people 'ave direct access to the Bible.'

  'And fewer still can read,' added John.

  'Aye, and that is 'ow the Church prefers it, boot I 'ave 'eard of a new contraption in Germany that will print thousands of copies. Consider it, Lord Darby, thousands of copies. It is now only printed in the German language, boot the dee will comb that it will be printed in English as well. Can you dare imagine soch a thing? Thousands of copies of the Bible in English! No longer will the Church 'ave exclusive access to the interpretation of the word of God.'

  'Father James, you 'ave given me much to consider. Will you teach again next Soondee? You know that the prior will tell the bishop soon and you will nay be safe.'

  'Aye, God willing, I will preach on Soondee. Will you comb?'

  'Nay, Father. I leave todee to fetch me first tenant of the alms'ouse.'

  'You will miss the running of the bulls then,' said James.

  'That I will indeed,' replied John in a more jovial tone. 'I 'ave provided the bulls and that is all I need do. I 'ave seen plent'y of bull runes meself and do nay care to see another one.'

  'I understand. I will nay see it meself,' agreed James.

  'It has also becomb too much of a carnival affair for me. There are too many strangers combing from all parts for me liking,' John observed.

  'God speed to you then, Lord Darby.'

  'Aye and God speed to you, Father James. I believe that you will need it more than I.'

  James was glad that he had taken up residence at the house provided for the priest next to the All Saints' Church and that he did not have to go to Saint Leonard's Priory. Now that he was a priest and formally assigned to All Saints', he was no longer under the direct control of the prior. If he were, James knew that it would be very unpleasant at the priory.

  As the week went on, visitors to Stamford increased significantly. Some were traveling entertainers, others had wares for sale. Still others were thieves who preferred to ply their trade among crowds of strangers.

  Richard had never run with the bulls and after what had happened to Bromley, had no intention of doing so, but planned to watch the run. He was also curious about the booths and entertainers at the market. Early Saturday morning, he made his way to the plaza near the Saint Mary's church. He thought that would be an excellent place to view the bulls as they came over the bridge and entered the towne. A crowd was already gathering when he arrived, but he managed to work his way to the front. There was a chill in the air, more so than had been recently and it seemed to Richard that it might yet snow, so he pulled his cloak more tightly about himself.

  Soon he could see the runners lining the sides of the bridge with sticks in hand. They were all young men, most of them James' age or younger, he thought. He also reasoned that it would not be wise for a man his age to participate in such sport.

  The crowd was excited and many were calling out the names of participants that they knew. The excitement of the crowd increased in pitch at the moment the bulls were seen on the bridge. Great billows of breath streams poured from the bulls' nostrils and they pulled at the ropes that held them. Suddenly, the ropes were released and they were off, charging over the bridge, egged on all the more by the sticks of the participants. Then they were through the gates and onto the streets of the towne with the runners in pursuit. In an instant, it seemed, the thundering crowd of beast and man was nearing Richard. He felt his excitement turn briefly to fear and he stepped backward slightly, bumping into the person behind him. The tiny wooden railing that had been put in place as a barrier, no longer seemed as safe as it had moments before. And then they were gone, past Saint Mary's and around the corner to the west. Richard held his position, knowing that the bulls would pass back by him as they would be chased into the towne meadow where they would be slaughtered.

  After the bulls and runners had passed, the crowed chatted uncharacteristically freely with each other while they waited for the return of the bulls.

  'Do you see me sone?' asked one man of the man next to him. 'Me thought 'e wuld be trampled as they comb over the bridge.'

  ''e must nay 'ave not'iced the bull that slipped and got be'ind 'im.'

  'Aye, 'e is a luky lad indeed.'

  'The bulls are nay as large as when we used to rune.'

  'Aye, and I 'ave the scar to prove it.'

  Richard enjoyed listening and watching the people. He thought it odd that he knew so few. Then across the street from where he was standing, he thought that he caught a glimpse of someone that he should recognize, but did not. The person had reddish hair and beard and a light reddish complexion. Richard had an uneasy feeling about it and was about to fade back into the crowd when shouts could be heard around the corner in the direction that the bulls would be returning.

  Soon the bulls were coming around the corner from the east side of Saint Mary's and the crowd near him erupted in cheers. Again, he stepped backward slightly when the bulls neared. It seemed that there were fewer runners now and he wondered whether some unfortunate runners had met with a fate similar to Bromley's.

  After the bulls and runners passed, Richard surveyed the people across the street for the man with the reddish hair, but he didn't see him. His uneasiness continued, so he merged back into the crowd and made his way to the market. He stroll
ed among the crowds at the marketplace for a couple of hours and watched the entertainers. He was amazed by the jugglers and enjoyed the music of the minstrels.

  As he turned away from the minstrels, he heard a shout, 'That is 'im, sheriff. Seize 'im.' Richard looked to see the man with reddish hair pointing in his direction. Then the recognition set in, it was Simon, the man that he had met in the woods, the thief. Instantly, Richard was seized upon by two of the sheriff's men and roughly pulled away from the crowd. There was normally only one sheriff for Stamford and the entire surrounding area, but additional men had been called into force for the bull run.

  'Who are you, whot is your name?' asked the sheriff.

  'I am Richard Easton of Easton-on-the-'ill,' replied Richard as he struggled against the strength of the men.

  ''ave you ever been to Dover?'

  'Aye, boot I did nay do wrong,' asserted Richard.

  'Take 'im away,' demanded the sheriff.

  'And me reward?' asked Simon.

  'You will 'ave your reward if there is one to be 'ad. Now away with you,' the sheriff demanded.

  'You will nay forget,' said Simon.

  'Away, before I arrest you as well,' replied the sheriff, placing a hand on Simon's chest and pushing him for emphasis.

  The two men led Richard back past the Saint Mary's church. The jail and court lay between Saint Mary's and the towne gate. The entrance to the jail was guarded by a heavy wooden door on large hinges. Outside the door hung various instruments that were used to extract truth. Two in particular caught Richard's eye. One was made of metal strips and hung from the ceiling. It had two legs like trousers and appeared to be capable of holding a man. The other was a bed with straps for the legs and hands and a wheel for tightening the straps.

  Richard was led through the heavy door and down stone steps to another door. The men opened the door and shoved Richard inside. He fell to the ground in the darkness and heard the first door close followed by the steps of the men ascending the stairs and then the second door swung shut.

  Richard picked himself up, but other than light coming in from a thin slit of a window, he could see nothing. Slowly his eyes became accustomed to the darkness of the room and he looked about. The room was completely made of stone; stone floor, stone walls and two stone beds. The ceiling was probably 10 feet high and made of heavy timbers. Richard was scared. His mind was racing with many thoughts. How did he end up in jail again for a crime that he did not commit? Surely John would make things right when he returned. But what if his return were delayed and he was brought before another alderman or judge. Would the guards use the torture apparatus for sport prior to John's return?

  Richard stood on one of the stone beds and peered through the small window. He thought of the many times that he had passed by this very window, usually on the other side of the street to avoid any contact with possible prisoners. He had never considered that he might yet be one himself. Richard was relieved that he was the one person so confined today, but with the merriment of the fair, he was concerned that others may be locked up as well. Who would they be? Would they be vile or dangerous?

  Across the street at the public house, Richard saw someone that he knew. Should he call out to them? No one knew he was locked inside.

  'Oy,' yelled Richard several times, but over the bustle of the street he was not heard by the person, or they didn't wish to acknowledge a prisoner.

  Richard sat on the bed and waited and wondered how long he would be locked up. As the hours dragged on he thought about his life. It had been a hard life, but he had tried to please the Lord in his work. He thought of Margaret and how he missed her. She would have been so pleased of their son, he thought. Then he thought of Elizabeth again. She had been a good wife, but they had been married for so little a time. 'Whot sort of wife wuld she 'ave been,' he wondered. 'Surely, she wuld 'ave been faithful and a 'ard worker.' He remembered how she had insisted on getting her father's approval for their marriage and not to do anything behind the backs of her parents. Truly, she was a faithful woman.

  Richard thought back to his wedding to Elizabeth. He had gone to her cottage early in the morning and had surprised her with flowers that he had picked along the way.

  'Gud dee, me luv,' said Richard. 'These flowers 'ide in shame at your luvliness.'

  'Oh, Richard, the flowers are luvly. And todee we marry!' she had replied with a big smile and spun around. Richard loved the way she twilled when she was happy.

  On the way to the All Saints' church that morning, Elizabeth had promised her undying love for him.

  'I will always luv you, Richard Easton,' she had said. 'It does nay mat'er whot combs, I will never quit luving you.'

  'And I you, me luv,' Richard had said in returned.

  Truly, he had been married to two good women.

  The hours passed and darkness settled on the jail cell. Still Richard was alone and that gave him some relief.

  Chapter Twenty-five


  Stamford, England

  The All Saints' Church was filled to capacity on Sunday well in advance of the service in anticipation of what might be preached by Father James. Father James nervously greeted the parishioners at the front door until a few minutes before the service was to begin. Greeting Lady Darby gave him greater courage.

  'Gud dee, me lady, I am glad that you are 'ere.'

  'You are me priest and this is the Lord's dee. I 'ave comb as 'e wuld expect,' replied Agnes.

  'I 'ope that you feel the same after the worship meeting,' stated James.

  'God willing, I will 'ere 'is voice in your message,' said Agnes quietly.

  'Aye, God willing,' replied James.

  Lord Darby had not returned from his errand and Lady Darby sat alone in their pew.

  James had expected Richard to attend the service, and was surprised that he had not arrived. Still, it was the appointed time, and James took his seat at the front of the chapel.

  Before the service started, the prior of Saint Leonard's entered the chapel to the hushed whispers of the congregation. But greater excitement was elicited when another priest entered the door and started up the isle. He was obviously of high rank as was attested by the purple robe with golden trim and large elaborate miter on his head. He also carried a large golden staff. Whispers went through the congregation that it was the Bishop of Lincoln. He had with him an entourage of other priests of less rank. An audible gasp arose and the congregation stood in recognition. The bishop's countenance was stern and his eyes did not leave James as he walked to the front and took his seat, whispering to the prior as he did. James looked straight ahead and did not acknowledge the bishop beyond standing for him.

  The rituals of the service proceeded as usual without variance and soon it was time for James to speak. He caught the bishop's eye as he approached the pulpit and in that moment decided that he would keep his comments brief and without criticism of the Church or its doctrine. As he stood at the pulpit, his eyes connected with Lady Darby. He hesitated for a few moments and as he did, the bishop and prior again started to whisper to each other. James let his gaze wander across the congregation and as he did, he thought, 'I 'ave prayed to know God's will and I 'ave God's word on me side. I will deliver the message that I feel God intends for me to deliver.'

  'Me fellow lovers and followers of God and 'is Sone, I hail you this dee, The Lord's dee,' he started.

  With his reference to being a follower of God and His Son, the prior coughed and whispered loud enough to be heard, ''e is no follower of or lover of God!'

  Ignoring the distraction, James continued, 'You 'ave comb 'ere to worship your Lord and to partake of the emblems of 'is death and resurrection. You are to be commended for your faith and devotion and God who 'ears your prayers of worship in secret shall reward you openly.'

  Members of the congregation smiled at the promise that God would hear and answer their prayers.

  'Boot, partaking of The Lord's supper is in vain,' he said in a
voice that could clearly be heard throughout the church. Many members of the congregation looked at each other and whispered loudly. Some objected audibly, but the loudest objection was heard from the prior and the bishop.

  'Blasphemy,' shouted the bishop.

  Undeterred, James spoke with greater boldness. He felt as though he were Paul the Apostle in front of King Agrippa and he desired to speak with as much conviction.

  He continued, 'It vain because the authority of the Church is vain. The Apostle Paul said soch wuld occur before the coming of The Lord again in the flesh. As I taught last Soondee, the selling of indulgences is evidence of 'ow the Church 'as strayed.'


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