by Lorenzo, EH
'Elizabeth, it is over!' said Richard excitedly. 'John 'as saved 'im!'
Elizabeth looked up and saw steam rising above the woodpile instead of smoke and began to cry with joy. With Richard close behind, she rushed to the woodpile and caught hold of James after he had been cut free.
As she held him tightly and buried her face in his chest, all she could utter was 'James, James.'
Richard stood back and watched the tender scene before him and thought what a difference it was from moments earlier.
John could see that James could no longer stand and lifted him into the coach and covered him with his own cloak.
James expressed gratitude to John and to God for his deliverance. Then, looking just beyond John, he saw his mother and father standing next to each other. 'Mum,' he said, ''ere is me father.' Elizabeth looked for the first time at Richard. She studied his face carefully and then tears filled her eyes.
She reached up and put a hand on either side of his face and said, 'Richard? Richard! Is it really you?'
'Aye, Elizabeth, it is I,' replied Richard and he waited to see what her reaction would be. 'I searched much for you Elizabeth. I am soory that I did nay find you.'
Elizabeth put her arms around Richard and held him close and whispered, 'You 'ave found me now, me luv.'
'I will never leave you,' promised Richard.
John insisted that they all get into the coach and then he directed the coachman to take them to the Darby estate. Cheers went up from most in the crowd as the coach slowly passed through.
Agnes saw them approaching and ran outside with the lad in her arms. She had seen the smoke rising from the village square and had assumed the worst. She was filled with joy to see James safe inside the coach. As Richard stepped from the coach, he took the lad from her arms and handed him to Elizabeth and said, 'Elizabeth, meet John.' Little John hugged her around her neck and a tear flowed down her cheek.
Richard, Elizabeth and James stayed at the Darby estate for the next two days until James had recovered enough to stand.
Early on the third day, Richard approached John and said, 'You 'ave been so kind, Lord Darby. Withoot your 'elp, we wuld nay be a family.'
'It pleases me to see you reunited,' replied John.
'We will leave todee. Elizabeth needs to get back to the bakery.'
'And whot will you do now, Richard?' asked John.
'I am dune traveling. I am a baker now, John,' Richard said with a broad smile.
Elizabeth walked up at that time smiling. She put her arms around Richard and said, 'We will be married again and be bakers together.'
'That is wonderful,' replied John. 'Boot, if you must leave todee, I will convey you with me coach.'
'Nay, we will be fine if we walk,' Richard protested lightly.
'I insist, Richard, and will nay 'ear differently. I suppose that you will be taking lit'le John with you then,' said John with some sadness.
'Aye. I am soory to take 'im away from Lady Darby, She is the only mum 'e 'as known,' said Richard.
'Aye. It will surely be painful for 'er,' agreed John.
'I am grateful to 'er for caring for the lad,' replied Elizabeth.
Later that day, with the coach readied, John and Agnes walked Richard, Elizabeth, James and little John out to the coach and told them farewell. Little John held tightly to Agnes' leg and would not release his grip. John pulled his fingers loose and handed him to Richard in the coach. As the coach pulled away and started out of the estate, John put his arm around Agnes and said quietly to the departing company, 'God speed to you.' Tears were running down Agnes' face.
'I am soory, me luv,' John said as he pulled her close and wiped the tears away. 'We can bring the lad for a visit occasionally, I promise.'
'These are nay tears of sadness, me luv,' replied Agnes still looking at the departing coach. Then turning to face John, she said with a great smile on her tear-stained face, 'I am with child.'
John had never heard sweeter words and he pulled her close and kissed her. When he did, the promise of a young priest came into his mind, 'God will yet bless you with a sone,' and he closed his eyes and gave thanks.
'I am so 'appy,' he said smiling. 'Whot will we call our sone?'
''is name will be John, of course,' replied Agnes with a smile.
With the coach nearly out of site, they turned to watch it until it went over the next hill. Inside the coach, Elizabeth laid her head on Richard's shoulder and closed her eyes as James held little John on his lap. 'Richard,' she said quietly, 'I missed you so much. My 'eart ached at the thought of you deed. I remember it as though it were yesterdee, boot it was so long ago.'
'God 'as brought you back to me, me luv. Me 'appiness is complete.'
'Thomas was a gud 'usband and father you know.'
'Aye, James 'as told me so. I am 'appy that you were so well taken care of. It culd 'ave been different for a yung girl with child.'
'And now with you, me life is complete,' replied Elizabeth.
Elizabeth opened her eyes and pulled gently on a strip of leather around her neck and revealed a small pendant. It was made of light blue glass. She held the pendant in her hand and showed it to Richard.
'Do you remember this?' she asked with a smile.
Richard held the pendant in his hand and studied it carefully. Then in his mind he saw two young people standing close together. They were so young he thought and they were so in love. 'Aye,' he said quietly and his eyes filled with tears. 'I remember a yung, beautiful girl that I gave a pendant to so long ago.' He turned toward Elizabeth and she saw a tear rolling down his cheek. 'I luved that girl so much and I still luv 'er dearly,' he said. 'I will always luv you and we will never part again,' he promised.
James smiled and handed little John to Elizabeth. Holding the little lad close to her chest, she leaned in closer still to Richard. Richard wrapped his arms around her and smiled. As the coach moved toward Lambley he remembered the goodness of God in his life. His misfortunes had secured his happiness each step of the way. 'Surely,' he thought, 'we 'ave been remembered of God.'
The End.