Stripped Raw

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Stripped Raw Page 10

by Miss Merikan

  “Make it piping hot, Candy,” he said behind her back.

  She straightened up and looked over her shoulder to give him a smile, but paled at the sight of Bert looking out from the booth behind Sam. No! The view wasn’t for him to see. What a pig.

  “I will,” she muttered and rushed off.

  How humiliating! How did she always get herself in those situations? And how did Bert even sneak into that booth? Trying to hold in her tears, she quickly passed the order to the cook, but then something crashed in the back of the diner. She looked out from behind the counter, along with her stunned colleague. Two tables and a few of the chairs were on the floor, rubble left after Bert was smashed into the floor. He raised his hand for protection as Sam kicked him hard with a snarl.

  “Say that again!”

  Candy’s eyes went wide. “Oh, my God! Sam! What are you doing?” she squealed and sprinted toward them.

  Bert didn’t hit Sam back, but screamed at him. “What is wrong with you? Get the fuck out of my diner!”

  Sam laughed into his face. “Or what? You’ll kill me with another fucked-up food metaphor? No bun wants your hot dog, you fucking pervert!”

  Candy stopped a few steps away from them. So Bert met his match.

  “I have cameras here, so you better watch what you do!” Bert yelled, crawling away on the floor.

  That had anger exploding in Candy. “You’re not gonna say a thing. You don’t want the court to see you harassing your waitresses, do you?”

  Bert frowned, slowly getting up. “Shut up you horny bitch, or I’ll show your video at court.”

  Sam grabbed the front of his vintage shirt and threw him on the table of his booth. “The court won’t protect you from me and my brothers.” Slowly, he pushed most of Bert off the table, but kept his cheek squashed against the surface and leaned down to speak. Candy could barely hear him.

  “Ever wondered what being buried alive feels like? I can give you a free ride if you don’t keep everything to yourself.”

  Candy gasped, watching Sam without blinking. But Bert deserved to be scared for all his fucking comments and inappropriate touching. And it wasn’t like Sam would actually do anything to him … would he? But what now? She couldn’t stay here. Bert would probably fire her soon anyway. The offer from Borg and the Nails sounded risky, but would she ever get an opportunity like that again? To pay off Bastian, have a good business, and pay off her other debts? It wasn’t as if this job was ever going to help with that part of her life. She took a chance on Sam, so maybe she should now take a chance on the agreement with the Nails. Sam cared for her, and he wouldn’t let her get hurt. Apparently, he even disliked Bert making dirty comments about her.

  Candy threw her notebook to a table. “And I quit.” She’d always have the toy testing and catering to fall back on.

  Sam chuckled and pulled Bert’s head off the table so that his head hit the top of the backrest. There was a string of rosy spit hanging off his mouth, but Candy felt little pity for him.

  “See?” Sam asked. “She quits. If we ever hear from you again, you’ll have the Coffin Nails on your back. You don’t want that, do you?”

  Bert shook his head. “Just go,” he muttered.

  “And, by the way,” Candy pierced Bert with her gaze. “You’re never getting any of this bun.” She lifted her skirt, showing him the front of her panties, which she knew damn well didn’t leave much to imagination.

  Sam pushed her petticoats down straightaway. “Cameras!”

  Candy highly doubted Bert would ever make dirty comments without thinking about it twice. It gave her a thrill to see Sam deal so swiftly with a problem she’d been having for almost half a year. He was so capable.

  Sam scooped her against him, and they walked through the diner, all the way to the counter where Ashley, the other server, was squashed against the wall, her eyes wide with fear.

  “You haven’t seen anything either,” Sam told her, and she gave a fervent nod.

  Candy loved Sam’s steady arm on her shoulders. They left the diner with her drunk on power, and she grinned at the sight of Sam’s big black bike. A machine worthy of him.

  “I can’t believe I quit! Oh, my God, Bert was always such a dick to me.” She leaned over to Sam to give him a kiss. Her heart was pounding, fueled by pure adrenaline, and she was ecstatic when Sam’s mouth curved against hers into a wide smile.

  “What are we to do with all this sudden free time then?” he asked, handing her the spare helmet.

  “I want this shop, Sam. I want to celebrate. Can we go shopping for a bit? I promise it won’t take long.” She put her hands against his chest, loving how sturdy it felt. A physical reflection of how Sam had it all together in life. “I know I shouldn’t be spending, but I just want to treat myself this once.”

  He didn’t seem disgusted by her eagerness to blow money he knew she needed, and he just mounted his bike. “If that makes you feel better about not giving me my strawberry pie ...”

  Candy laughed and put on her helmet, rushing to sit on the back seat. “Oh, you’ll get your pie. I just have to warm it up.”

  Chapter 10

  There was nothing like flying your colors with a pretty girl behind your back. Candy held on so tight, her soft breasts pressing against him so sweetly, her slim arms resting on his hips, and her thighs pressing against his. She also agreed to the deal proposed by Borg, and Sam felt like he had achieved something. Oh, and she liked him much better than Red Jack. He had protected her from an old geezer peeking at her panties, and he’d get her a better job. It was on rare occasions that he felt this good about himself.

  And at that mall she wanted to go to, he’d pay for her if it looked like she was denying herself stuff just because of money. He felt on top of the world when he arrived in front of the mall and everyone’s eyes were on him and Candy. As they walked into the massive white building, Candy slid her hand into his, as if she wanted everyone around to know they were here together.

  He treated her to frozen yogurt and peacocked all around the mall with her hand in his. He always loved it when women had slim fingers, so unlike his own chubby stubs, and he kept playing with them as they walked, looking through the stores she liked. He didn’t even mind a bit of waiting every now and then.

  Candy mostly window-shopped. It was only when they reached a lingerie store that her pupils grew wider, and she pulled Sam into the pink boudoir-style boutique with black sofas and silk curtains for decoration.

  “I’ve been waiting for a special occasion to buy something here,” she whispered as the sales assistants scrutinized them from the counter.

  Sam paid them no mind and gently patted Candy’s ass through the short skirt. “Yeah? What do you want, babe?”

  “Don’t laugh at me, okay?” Candy bit her lip as she looked through the racks. “I have this thing for silk, nylon, tulle, sheer mesh … The way they touch me turns me on. Even with a T-shirt on, I love to have lace underneath. It makes me feel sexy all day long.”

  “You are sexy with or without it,” said Sam, poking a pink bra with a fake diamond at the front. He picked it up, as it would only stress the lovely tan of her skin. “What’s your size?”

  Candy giggled and picked up a matching pair of panties. “Why don’t you guess?”

  Sam frowned, looking at her breasts. He vaguely remembered the rules of choosing a bra, and his eyes made the necessary measurements. It was a wild guess when he spoke, but from the look in her eyes, he instantly knew he was close.

  Candy blinked. “How did you know? Guys are usually useless at this. My ex bought me a 38DD once, and I had to return it.”

  Sam’s face fell, and he stepped back, at a loss for words. What was he to say? That he used to wear one when his mom could still make him? “I, ah … my former girlfriend was a bra-fitter, plus I have an eye for boobs,” he finished with a bit more swagger.

  “Oh.” Candy went silent for a moment and returned to browsing. “Did she have big ones?”r />
  Sam frowned, wondering why Candy would want to know this. “I guess ...”

  “Is that like … something you prefer?”

  Sam chewed on his lip. He didn’t really have a preference for breast size. As long as they weren’t freakishly large or nonexistent, he was perfectly happy when it came to the breast department. “Why are you asking?”

  “Just wondering,” she muttered, and Sam could see all the little cogs in her brain moving at an increased pace. It reminded him of all the boob job talk back in prison. Hardly any girl was ever happy with her size. Some wanted their breasts larger, and some wanted theirs to be smaller. He supposed it was the same as with the straight hair versus curly hair thing.

  “I like it when they fit my hands nicely,” he said eventually and moved his hand to cup one of Candy’s, but he realized they were in a public place before he touched her. The silly grin on her face was worth it though, and the slap on the wrist he got was pretty half-hearted.

  Candy gave him the pink set to hold as she moved to a whole wall with packets of tights and stockings. “Was it a long-term girlfriend?”

  Sam never actually had a bra-fitting girlfriend, but he chose to talk about the only one he had after being released from prison, when he was already transitioning. “Yeah, we were together for a year or so.”

  “So big bad Sam has relationships?” Candy poked his stomach.

  Sam swallowed and gave her a level glance. Was this what she wanted? Already? “Is that a problem?”

  Candy never broke the eye contact. “No. It’s just that I told you all this stuff about Jake. I want to get to know you better. I was wondering what kind of relationship you’d had.”

  Sam shrugged, tagging along with the pink underwear set. “She was a bitch. Not to be trusted. I’m glad I’m never gonna see her again,” growled Sam, remembering the shame of people talking behind his back about what was really down his pants. It was what prompted him to move to a different city altogether after his top surgery.

  “Ouch. What did she do? Did she cheat on you?” Candy stroked his forearm.

  “Cheat, talk behind my back. The most important thing a man has is his reputation. That woman had no idea what decency means.” Sam scowled, all of a sudden eager to just drop the pink panties and leave. This wasn’t a topic he’d eagerly discuss.

  “Is that why you don’t date anymore?”

  Sam scowled at her. “Pretty much.”

  Candy swallowed, looking at him and only pretending she was browsing the tights. “I would never do that, you know? Even when I started sensing something was off with Jake, I stood by him. And then he left, but you know what I mean.”

  In Sam’s experience, everyone said those things, but how could he know Candy would really stand by him if she knew the truth? What if she felt betrayed, turned lesbian, or whatever?

  Candy leaned closer and gave him a kiss as she took the lingerie from his hand. “I’ll go and try these on.”

  Sam exhaled, relieved that questioning time was over. “Will you show me?”

  Candy looked to the sales assistants. “Excuse me, can my boyfriend come into the fitting rooms?”

  The pretty, young brunette smiled at them but shook her head. “Sorry, men are not allowed inside,” she said, and despite his disappointment, Sam couldn’t help a smirk.

  Sure, he’d rather have a look at Candy in that pink set, but being acknowledged as a guy always gave him that pleasant buzz even if it meant he couldn’t do something.

  Candy took a deep breath and gave him a sad face. “See you in a sec,” she said and disappeared behind the thick, velvety curtains.

  “How can I tell her whether I like it or not if I can’t see her in it,” he said, turning to face the sales assistant.

  The brunette looked to the other assistant, biting her lip. “Um … She could send you a photo? I’m very sorry, but we’ve had couples … get a bit over-excited while choosing, and it led to a ban throughout the whole store chain. It will be a surprise.”

  “So you had orgies behind that curtain?” asked Sam with a wide grin. He gently slid his fingers over the velvet without looking away from the woman’s face. She was quite attractive with long legs and slight hips.

  The sales assistant laughed into her hands. “I wouldn’t say ‘orgies’, but it got messy a few times. Is this a gift for some special occasion?”

  Sam leaned against the wall and gestured for the woman to come closer. “It is. She just quit her job.”

  “Oh, she does need to treat herself then.” She smiled at Sam. “Couples usually come for anniversaries or things like that.”

  Sam smirked. “Isn’t it everyone’s dream to fuck in a store at least once in their lives? It’s on the bucket list right next to doing it on a plane.”

  “And that’s why it’s girls only.” The girl laughed with a little blush on her face, but then frowned. “Unless they’re lesbians, then the management is fucked. But at least we don’t have to pick up condoms.”

  Sam’s brows shot up. He enjoyed her attention even though he would ultimately leave here with Candy. “Is that what happens? People don’t even have the decency to dispose of their own rubbers? And at a store as nice at this.”

  “Animals,” she said when Candy emerged from the fitting rooms.

  “Oh, my God, Sam! It’s so pretty. I need it.”

  The sales assistant turned her attention to Candy, putting on her professional face again. “I’m happy to hear that. Would you like to see a garter belt that goes with the set?”

  “There’s a garter belt?” Candy asked with a gasp, and a few minutes later, she was at the cash register with the whole set and five pairs of tights.

  Sam frowned at the packaged nylons. As a kid, he hated them so much that he kept deliberately making holes in them. It used to make his mother nuts. Now that mother was dead, it seemed a trivial thing to worry about.

  Candy took him out of the memory with a gasp of terror. “Oh, my God. Sam …” She made pleading eyes at him. “I forgot my bag at the diner.”

  Sam blinked. That was right. She never went back to fetch her things. He waved his hand dismissively, not wanting to see her so embarrassed in front of other people. “That’s fine, I’ll pay.”

  Candy hugged him tight as he paid for the shopping. “Thank you so much, Sam. I’m so sorry about this.”

  He smirked and leaned to whisper against her strawberry-smelling ear. “Well, we need to arrange for you to repay me somehow.”

  She turned her face to give him a tender kiss, full of sweetness and affection. Her essence was in that smooch, all cotton candy and white chocolate, with strawberry-flavored sprinkles.

  Sam put his hand around her shoulders and pulled her away from the counter with a last smile for the brunette sales assistant. She was cute too, but not nearly as cute as Candy.

  “What do you want to do now? Get your bag?”

  Candy laughed, swirling the shopping bag in her fingers. “Nah, I’ll ask my friend to pick it up for me. I think I’ll go change actually.” She winked at him.

  All of Sam’s attention zeroed in on the shopping bag, and his body became warmer instantly. She’d look so good in pink. “Go on then. What are you waiting for?”

  Candy gave him one more kiss and skipped along to the restroom like the epitome of Walking on Sunshine. When she came back a few minutes later, seemingly unchanged, Sam did notice she had different tights on, a nude pair with little pink dots, but other than that, he still had to wait to find out how the lingerie looked on her.

  “You wanna go now?” he asked, pulling her in for a kiss, but when her blond curls smacked the side of his head, the sensation was even sweeter.

  “Yep, now I’m ready to go. Will you take me for a ride?” Candy slid her fingers under his belt.

  Sam was more than up for Candy flying with him again, so he didn’t even say yes and instead just pulled her along toward the parking lot. He thought he was levelheaded about this whole underwear thi
ng. He never really got off on underwear of any sort, but knowing what Candy had under her work clothes elevated those overpriced strips of fabric to something desirable. He controlled the urge to look underneath her skirt well enough until she actually took her place behind him and squeezed her warm thighs against his. With her skirt so short, she could practically be touching him with her pussy. He knew it wasn’t possible, but he could sense the warmth waiting for him there, and as they rode, his mind became preoccupied with thoughts of those sweet, musky folds he hadn’t tasted yet.

  It was like being in a warm stream, bouts of hot and cold crashing against Sam’s skin. He became increasingly aware of the warmth of the motorbike between his legs, of the vibrations that went through its body, and of the softness behind him. It was so hard to wait. He drove off the highway, soon following a dirt road leading under a bridge.

  Candy’s thighs tensed up against his, and her grip tightened. She was in for a ride and didn’t even know it yet. They passed rocks and dried bushes. Sam imagined every bump in the irregular road being like a vibrator for her pussy.

  The shadow of the bridge swallowed them, and he stopped his bike, staring at the trash littered all around. There was some unintelligible graffiti on the concrete base of the bridge, naked women dancing around a fire surrounded by technicolor writing Sam couldn’t read. It was a good place, didn’t even smell much of the murky water down the slope.

  “Get off, sunshine.”

  “I don’t think this water is good for a swim.” Candy laughed, and her heels seemed pretty unstable on the gravel. Sam dismounted, kicked the support stand into place, and offered her his hand with a wide smile.

  “That’s not why we’re here, sweetie.”

  “Why are we here then?” She squeezed his hand and gave him a kiss.

  Sam nibbled on her lip, and his hands clenched on her hips. “You promised to show me what you have under that skirt back at the mall.”


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