Stripped Raw

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Stripped Raw Page 14

by Miss Merikan

  “I’m not!” Her eyes went wide, and she rushed to him, holding onto her towel. It was hard to say if what she said was the truth, or if she was just embarrassed about it. A girl like Candy could probably make good money off a webcam. “Put it back!” She leaned over to grab the toy out of Sam’s hand, but she wasn’t very efficient doing that and trying to hide behind the towel at the same time.

  Sam grabbed her hips and rolled her on her back, climbing on top with a wide grin that he couldn’t stop. “What’s up, babe? Heard you missed me.”

  Candy’s eyes glistened with more intensity. “I didn’t. Where’d you hear that? That’s stupid.”

  “Red Jack told me,” said Sam, sliding the back of his palm down Candy’s cheek. She looked so pretty with her hair down like that. “Seriously though, do you really use all those toys? Why didn’t you just call me?”

  “They’re for my work, dumbass. And I’m not a camgirl. You talk about me a lot to Red Jack, because he seemed to think he could get anything he wanted from me.” She pouted, breathing so hard her breasts kept pushing into Sam’s chest in the most arousing of ways.

  Sam exhaled and blocked her hand, raising himself above her, so that she wouldn’t rub on him. Right there, he could kiss her, and things would surely progress to something even better. But they needed to talk first.

  “I told him nothing. Don’t listen to that freckled fuckup.”

  Candy’s eyelids fell shut, and two big tears streaked to the sides of her temples. “You said you’d call me.”

  Oh, God. Oh no. There they were. Tears. He hated when that happened. “I ... needed to think things through. Come on,” muttered Sam and dried her eyes with his sleeve.

  Candy looked up at him with a sniff. “I always do this. I always fall for the wrong guy. I’m so fucking stupid.”

  Sam stared at her with his stomach sinking. “Whoa, did you just say you’re serious about me?”

  “Now you’re the one being stupid. Of course, I am. I don’t just jump into bed with anyone. I should have guessed you’d sense it and run. I told you I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend when I didn’t know what was going on between us, but now? I get it if it’s not what you want, but you shouldn’t be coming here then.” Her body relaxed under him, and the way her thighs slightly spread had Sam having to sharpen his focus.

  He looked away, chewing on his lip. How had he gotten himself into this situation? He wanted her, he really did, but was she trustworthy? “It’s not like that.” As horrible as it was, at the end of the day, he did have blackmail material to keep her quiet. Maybe he’d have to pay her to have her leave the city.

  “How is it then? I’m not looking for a fuckbuddy. All you think is that you can show up here after two weeks and expect me to jump your cock. I’m sorry, but it’s not gonna work that way.”

  Sam pressed his lips together and pulled away, sitting cross-legged next to her. All his instincts were screaming at him what a terrible idea it was to tell her anything too private, but he couldn’t have a try at her without it. “Will you listen, or do you hate me now?”

  Candy eyed him for a longer moment and sat up as well, trying to arrange the towel over herself in the most modest fashion. “I’ll listen.”

  Sam scratched the back of his head. Queasy didn’t cut how he felt. “But you have to promise you’ll never say a word to anyone,” he growled, glancing at her. “Not the Nails, not your friends, and not your mom.”

  Candy took a deep breath, and her brows furrowed slightly. “Sam, did you do something really bad?” she asked and shifted a few inches closer to stroke his forearm. “I promise I’ll keep it to myself.”

  He looked at her twig-like fingers brushing over his hairy skin and swallowed hard. He couldn’t decide whether he should look at her or away, but once their eyes met, it was just too hard to stop.

  “I … no one knows this thing about me, but I need to tell you.”

  “Oh … okay.” Her hand slid down his arm, and she entwined their fingers.

  Sam turned to face her, feeling cold shudders going down his spine. “This is really fucking hard, you know. It’s been years since I told anybody.” And look how that ended. With Sam having to leave town and never come back.

  Candy moved closer, until she slid under his arm, not even bothered much about the towel sliding off or not covering all of her. Her warm body pressed against him, and she hugged him in silence.

  Sam exhaled and rubbed his face with his hand. “So the truth is that I didn’t want you to blow me, but not because I hate the idea itself, you know. You have such pretty lips,” he muttered, glancing at her.

  Candy’s mouth opened slightly as she watched him, but she stayed close and gently stroked his chest. “What is it then?”

  Sam looked straight at her, just blurting it out. “My cock isn’t real, and you’d notice it that way.”

  For a nauseating moment, she just stared. Fortunately, she didn’t laugh, and didn’t pull away, just slightly cocked her head to the side. “Wh-what? But … we’ve had sex before.”

  Sam’s heart beat so fast he wanted to rush to the bathroom and throw up. “Cyberskin. You didn’t feel the difference because it was warm,” he muttered, forcing himself to look at her.

  Candy left a soothing kiss by his collarbone. “Um … I have to process this. Were you in the military?”

  Sam blinked, stunned out of his misery. “What?”

  “Like, were you shot there in Afghanistan, or something?” Her blue eyes drilled into him.

  Sam licked his lips, nervous but also encouraged by the acceptance in her voice. “No, I ... I wasn’t born a boy,” he muttered.

  “Oh …” She frowned, but then her brows went up. “Oh! But you’re …” Candy looked down his body and stroked his chest a bit harder, as if checking its firmness.

  “A trans man.”

  “But you’re all man,” Candy uttered.

  Sam spread his arms, mildly offended. “Yeah, of course I am. The only problem I’m never gonna deal with is down here,” he said, poking his packer through the jeans.

  Her gaze followed, and she hugged him tighter. “Oh, no,” she whimpered. “So we were having sex, and you weren’t having any fun?”

  Sam gasped. If that was the one thing worrying her, he might have hit the jackpot. “I did, I fucking love touching girls, and I can jerk off,” he said hurriedly.

  “I wouldn’t tell anyone, Sam.” Candy looked up at him, as sweet as ever. A thousand thoughts must have been rushing through her head. “I don’t know much about this though. I just know that I really like you. You’re gonna have to explain it to me.”

  Sam crossed the distance between them and pressed his lips against hers. There were fireworks and everything. Nothing changed. “I like you too.”

  “So you don’t get to touch other girls, yeah?” Candy smiled into the kiss before opening up those pretty lips for Sam’s tongue to meet hers.

  That was all Sam wanted to know. If she wanted to be exclusive, then she really did want him. He cupped her breasts, bared by the fallen towel, and rubbed his palms gently against her nipples. “That works if I’m allowed to touch those two babes.”

  Candy chuckled between one kiss and another, eagerly pushing her hardening nipples into his hands. “They’re all yours, Sam.” She let out a sigh and slowly straddled Sam’s lap, letting the towel fall off altogether. Her body was still hot from the shower, and she smelled like fucking peaches and cream.

  He smiled at her but rolled them over onto the mattress and pulled a blanket over Candy’s body. It did block the intoxicating scent as well, which was what he needed to finish this conversation.

  “I was born as a Samantha, but I knew something wasn’t right really early on. I can’t even explain it. I knew I was a boy,” he told Candy, who seemed eager to drink up everything he wanted to say.

  She nodded and pulled up the blanket as if she were sorry to have distracted him. “Does anyone else know?”

  Sam sh
rugged. “Some girls from my past, I guess. But no one close to the club. I want them to see me as who I am.”

  “So when did you start to do something about it? What about your family?”

  “I refused to dress like a girl in my early teens, and my parents wouldn’t accept it. I ran away from home several times, but nothing changed when the police brought me back. My parents were only stricter each time.

  When I was nineteen, I got into the drug muling because I needed money for my surgery and everything else. I ended up in prison. Women’s prison, where I was very popular.” He chuckled, looking at Candy in hope she was following with as little judgment as before.

  She hardly blinked, curled up close to him. “Sometimes, life pushes you to do what you need to do. So what happened when you got out?”

  Sam smiled at her, nuzzling her forehead, much more at peace. “I got myself a flat chest and lots of body hair, a deeper voice. People didn’t see me as an androgynous girl anymore. That’s not who I am,” he whispered, petting her head.

  “No, you’re not.” Candy smiled back, and it felt as if a whole building full of lies was lifted from his chest. “How did you change those things? You take pills for that?”

  “I’m using a special gel to supplement hormones,” said Sam, cuddling up against her. “When you go on testosterone, the female body goes through male puberty, so you get a deeper voice, more body hair, and it’s easier to put on muscle. I spend a lot of time in the gym,” he confessed.

  Candy chuckled and reached out to squeeze his arm. “That’s why you’re so hot.” Her gaze drifted down Sam’s body. “So … is there no surgery for down there?”

  Sam’s body stiffened, but he forced himself to smile. “There are ... options, but it is a surgery, and there’s always a risk of losing sensitivity down there, and I really don’t want that. And it’s not like they could make it large enough to do all the fun stuff.”

  “You wore a prosthetic when we had sex then? Such a guy. No wonder you chose yourself a thick dick.” Candy pinched his arm with a giggle.

  Sam leaned into her and breathed in the scent of her hair. She must have changed her shampoo. “My dick’s customizable. But you seemed to like it thick,” he said, leaning down to nip at her lips. He was much more at ease now, even though he knew sex would be the real trial.

  Candy gave him a little kiss. “I did. And the dick is one thing, but it’s the way you moved … I mean, you’ve got this force, and energy. And you smell like a man, and all that. It’s all there for me.”

  Sam was in love. This girl really got him. Breathless, he petted her side through the blanket. “I will give it to you as often as you want.”

  Candy bit her lip to hide a smile. “My secret seems so insignificant now. That toy box? I test sex toys as a part-time job. They pay me for detailed feedback. So no, a horse dong dildo is not my toy of choice.”

  Sam frowned. “Good. I’m not sure I could pull that one off. But hey, we could test them together. How ‘bout that, darling?”

  “That does sound like a lot of fun.” Candy kissed his jaw. “Do I get to see all of you? Are you okay with that?”

  Sam balled his hands into fists as adrenaline rushed through his body, but he wouldn’t budge from what he had decided. “I can show you.”

  “I’d like to know all of you,” Candy said and gave him another kiss.

  Sam nuzzled her fragrant cheek, suddenly self-conscious about his own body odor. He’d been out all day. “I’ll take a shower, okay?”

  Candy nodded and backed off, wrapped up in the blanket.

  “Don’t run,” said Sam to cover his nervousness as he rushed to the bathroom. It was tiny, probably not renovated since the 1990s, with a bit of a yellowish tint to the porcelain, but it would do. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of Candy’s shampoo and vapor. This was it.

  With his heart in his throat, he quickly pulled off all his clothes and dumped them in a pile on the floor. He did give his packer a thorough rinse and hid it under his jeans before stepping into the shower stall. He switched on the water, and immediately switched it off when a gush of liquid ice spilled on his head.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, turning the showerhead toward the mint green tiles before turning the water on again. This time, only his feet were assaulted by the ungodly temperature, so he endured the slight shivers going up and down his body until the water heated up. After that, the shower was still a struggle, as it didn’t seem to hold the temperature for a long time, which ended up with Sam constantly switching between boiling and freezing. Poor Candy needed this thing fixed.

  On the upside, all this stopped Sam from thinking too much. He dried himself with the one black towel Candy had, staring at his own face in the mirror. It would be okay. He was masculine and could satisfy her. There was no reason for her to dump him now.

  With a deep breath, he tied the towel around his waist and stepped into the cool air outside.

  Candy sat on the mattress and smiled up at him shyly. The tension in the air was almost tangible, but Sam had to fight through it. He’d fucking watched a guy’s neck get broken today, and it hadn’t moved him much. He could handle this.

  Sam smiled back and slowly lowered himself to the mattress. He held on to the fabric, but it made him so nervous he had to let go. “You wanna do it?”

  “Yeah.” Candy nodded and pulled closer.

  She left a soft kiss on his stomach, and as Sam looked down at her, he wished he had a cock as big as Red Jack’s, even if just to watch her suck it. She pulled the towel open, and the fabric fell to the mattress, leaving him naked to be scrutinized. There it was, that gag reflex again.

  Candy took a deep breath. “And … how do you like to be touched?” she whispered.

  Sam’s breath rasped, and he pushed his fingers into her wet hair. Maybe she could suck his packer sometime. He already had a girl do that a few times, and it had both looked and felt amazing. “Not too rough. I’m sensitive,” he muttered with a wince. It didn’t sound too manly. “And, uh, don’t put your fingers in.”

  Candy gave a nervous giggle, but he was sure she wasn’t laughing at him. “I’m sorry, I just … you know, I’ve never done this before.” She traced the muscles around his hips with her fingertips, slowly trailing down.

  Sam exhaled, self-conscious about his bare crotch. He kept it clean-shaven for hygiene, but now there was nothing protecting those sensitive parts from the thorough examination. “Sure. I know it must be confusing,” he muttered, playing with her hair.

  Candy’s fingers finally dared touch what used to be a clit, but after years of taking testosterone, it was slightly enlarged, and Sam thought of it as his cock. “I just have to get used to it,” she said and leaned closer to give his chest another kiss.

  Sam nodded and sank to his knees in front of her. “It’s fine. You don’t have to touch it if you don’t want to.”

  “I just want you to feel amazing the way you make me feel.” Candy took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her naked body pressed against his, and it felt so fucking comfortable. Finally, he didn’t have to worry about keeping her away from touching his crotch. He could relax.

  “I am feeling amazing,” said Sam, pulling her closer. His eyes fluttered when the hard nubs of her nipples brushed against his chest.

  “I already thought you wanted to quietly dump me.” Candy kissed the side of his neck.

  Sam shook his head, enjoying the full-on touch of their naked skin for the first time. It felt so natural to fit their bodies together when he pulled her close, pushing his knee between the warmth of her thighs. Her scent alone was so intoxicating, he wanted to bury his face in her skin and eat her alive. She was the Red Riding Hood to his Wolf.

  Candy let out a little moan that he so loved to hear. Her fingers explored his nape and the short hair of his mohawk. Her soft femininity was the answer to his masculine needs in a way no other girl had been before. The fruity scent of her hair let him forget his
anxiety and be the man he was.

  Sam lowered her back on the mattress, lying on her sweet, milky body with a soft sigh. She felt so good, so smooth against him as they kissed, lips and tongues joining in the most sensuous dance. Their teeth clashed as Sam’s body started slowly getting to that fervent burn. He didn’t even notice when her thighs let him in, as they were already around his waist, pulling him in against that warm slit between her legs.

  Candy opened up to the kiss, letting him explore every inch of her minty-tasting mouth. Her hands slid down his arms, and Sam smiled into the kiss when he felt them squeeze slightly, as if to see how firm they were. His body fat was fucking low.

  “You like that, huh?” he asked with a wide grin, licking his way to one of her breasts. The scent of her arousal was making him shudder and dream of the moment he’d have her again. He pushed his knee against her pussy and gasped, feeling how wet she was already. This girl really was into him.

  Candy wiggled against his knee, delightfully rubbing her slippery labia over his skin, making her scent more prominent in the room. “Yeah … You really know how to touch me.” She slid her hands to his back. “You just go for it when I’m not sure what to do.”

  Sam grinned, his cock already begging for touch, throbbing between his legs. “How ‘bout we do test one of those toys then?” he whispered, cupping the undersides of her breasts and suckling on one of the perky nipples.

  Candy took a deep breath and nodded. She reached to the toy box and poked a small, violet vibrator, which Sam realized after a second look, had to be an anal toy. It had little ribs along its length, and a finger loop at the base.

  His heart leapt with joy. “Adventurous, aren’t you?” he whispered against her other nipple before pulling on it with his teeth.

  Candy gasped, her face getting that pink tint Sam loved to see. “I really like how it throbs,” she muttered, and ran her fingers over Sam’s hair.

  He pushed himself up and gave her a long, suckling kiss. “Where’s the lube?”

  “It’s in there somewhere.” She explored Sam’s chest and stomach with gentle strokes and a half-lidded gaze.


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