Highlander's Pride: Winter Solstice (Against All Odds Series 1)

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Highlander's Pride: Winter Solstice (Against All Odds Series 1) Page 38

by Veronica Wilson

  “I know that look. Get it out of your head.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about uncle. I’m going down to the store. I will open today so you just rest.”

  “You treat me like an old man. I am not that old you know?”

  “I know uncle. You are not old at all.” She laughed as she made her way back out the door.

  Sierra took a deep breath and smelled the woods around her. The smell of the mountains was unlike anything else in the world. She made her way happily to her uncle's general store. There weren’t many stores in the small town. Department stores were nonexistent unless you wanted to drive an hour away. Her uncle's store was the largest store in the area and he carried everything which made his business very profitable. She was smiling when she slowly unlocked the door nad made her way inside. She wasn’t there but a few minutes when she heard the yell from the front door.

  “Hey, Horace you got my shells in today?”

  She turned at the familiar voice and her breath caught at what she saw. There stood Brysen Sinclair the object of her imagination for the last six years. He didn’t notice that she was the one standing there and she quickly cleared her voice. His head was bent downward and he was fiddling with something in his hand. He looked up finally and her eyebrows rose in challenge when his eyes dipped over her body again before meeting her eyes.

  “You’re not Horace.”

  She laughed. “Certainly not. I am his niece.” Maybe he forgot her. Maybe he didn’t remember all the days they had spent playing in the dirt and the nights catching fireflies.

  “I know who you are Sierra. I just wasn’t expecting you here so soon.”

  “Oh. So you knew I was coming?” She felt hurt by his nonchalant attitude towards her. She had been so excited to see him again and he just stood there like it was no big deal. Like six years wasn’t a big deal.

  “I know everything that happens in my town Sierra.”

  “Oh, so it is your town now?” Her eyebrows rose and she felt the disappointment mingle with another feeling inside her. She was beginning to get angry. “The last time I checked it was the people’s town.” She snapped.

  His head shot up while he glared at her. “And the last time I checked you didn’t have such a smart mouth either.”

  “Well, I can see a lot of things have changed including people. What is it you are looking for Brysen?”

  “If you don’t remember then let me clarify a few things for you. I am now the alpha Sierra. With my father getting sick last year, I have had to step up to the plate you could say. I don’t have time to play little games. I will come back when your uncle is here. You should take a look around Sierra. Things aren’t like they used to be.”

  “Yeah. The company’s grown sour. If you will excuse me. I am very busy. If you don’t need anything then you have a good day.” She spun on her heel and headed towards the back of the store dismissing him. She knew Mr. High and Mighty would be pissed about that one. She was right when he followed right behind her.

  “What did you expect Sierra? You left. Now I am a leader. It isn’t playing with marbles anymore. Look I’m sorry to be so mean. It has been a long week and I haven’t slept since yesterday. I am very busy now. Things aren’t the same as they used to be.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that like I don’t know this? Look at me. Do I look the same to you either?”

  His eyes did look at her and they did it in a way that had her grow warm all over. She felt a shiver of excitement when his eyes lingered on her breasts. “I am looking Sierra and I know very well that you are not the same. You are a grown woman now. And a very good looking one too.”

  “Thank you. I think. You don’t look so bad yourself.” She turned and went to walk by him when he grabbed her by the elbow.

  “Stay away from the mountains Sierra. It isn’t safe for you there now. There is a war going on.”

  Her eyes widened and she looked at him. Really looked at him. He did look tired and she suddenly felt bad for him. “I won’t. I know what is going on Brysen. I’m not an idiot you know. Besides I have no reason to go to the mountains anymore do I?”

  His eyes met hers. They both knew that he had been the only reason she had gone to the woods in the past. Now she didn’t see any reason to see him. She saw a brief look of hurt in his eyes before it was replaced with the same old stern look. She pulled her arm from his grip and turned away. She felt him leave her side and then heard the bell as he walked from the store. She felt her insides quiver with sadness. Brysen had been one of the reasons why she had returned. He had been a close friend of hers and she had been devastated no to see him when she had been forced to leave. Now that she was back she didn’t know what she wanted. One thing was for sure. It wasn’t Brysen Jackson. She decided to tidy up the store to keep her mind from wondering back to the insufferable man. When closing time came she smiled at her uncle.

  “Here take this for helping today.” She looked down at the money he tried to give her and shook her head.

  “Thank you, uncle, but I’m good. I will see you back at the house ok?”

  “Yeah but just be careful.”

  “I will.” Sierra made her way across town to the small bar. Sam’s had been a staple in the town for as long as the town had been there. She hadn’t been old enough to go inside when she had left, but she was now. She sat down at the long bar and looked out over the dance floor. There were people everywhere. Bring the cold bottle to her lips she sipped at it easily.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay out of trouble and keep away from these type of places?”

  She turned to see Brysen standing there glowering at her.

  “No. Actually you told me to stay away from the mountains.”

  “You are at the bottom of the mountains here smart mouth.”

  “But it’s not in the mountains grumpy mouth.” She cocked her head at him in challenge and watched as his frown grew with his anger. “Come on. I’m taking you home.” She felt his hand encircle her upper arm.

  “The hell you are. Let me go. Now!” She jerked her arm from his grasp and glared at him.

  “Don’t make me throw you over my knee Sierra Lynn because you know damn good and well that I will do it.”

  “Go the hell away Brysen.”

  “Not happening. One. Two.”

  “Are you really counting like I’m a damn child? Really?” She shook her head as she turned away from him to order another beer.

  “Three. Times up.” Before she knew his intentions he had picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He continued to carry her out as she kicked and screamed. She felt the sting of the slap against her ass and she felt her face flame in embarrassment and anger when he did it for a second time.

  “You son of a bitch. Let me down damn you.” He lowered her to the ground in front of him as they came to his truck outside. His eyes bore into hers as she slid down his body. They stood there looking at each other for a few minutes before his hand rose to caress her cheek. For a moment, she had forgotten what he had just done and then it came back to her and her eyes sparked at him with anger. She quickly pulled her face from his touch.

  “Don’t touch me. You are an asshole. I should know that your power would get to your head.”

  “My power? Get to my head?” His head fell back with the laugh he gave her.

  She shoved at him and he let her go. As she began to storm away he grabbed her again and placed her in his truck before scooting in beside her. He heard the commotion and looking back he groaned out loud at what he saw. There coming towards them was Toby. Toby was another alpha except his pack didn’t always go by the rules. Shaking his head, he looked over at the woman beside him and knew that there was no way he could get into a fight with her beside him. She was a mere human. They would hurt her just to get to him. He also knew that they had seen her with him which meant she could be in danger.

  “Damn it. You will have to stay with me tonight.” He was shaking his head
when he heard her laughter. His neck snapped as he looked over at her.

  “No way in hell. Take me home Brysen or I will drive myself.”

  “I think you have had too much to drink.” He shook his head before quickly starting the truck and pulling quickly out of the parking lot. He looked back to see Toby standing in the middle of the parking lot with his hands on his hips. He knew the challenge. For the first time in his life, he had ran from a fight. Ran like a scared chicken and it was all because of the stubborn ass woman sitting beside him. And she was laughing at him. That was the worst part of all. He grunted and looked forward at the road.

  “I think you have that the other way around. You have had too much to drink if you think I’m going back to your house and…” She looked away and stared out the window as her face flamed with embarrassment.

  “I don’t want that from you. I want to keep you safe. You are a friend.”

  Sierra felt her heart crumble with his words. He didn’t want her. He said those words. He was her friend. She had been stupid to think that it would be anything else. Her teenage crush was gone. Instead in its place stood a cruel and selfish man who didn’t care one thing for her. She bit her lower lip as she turned her head to look out the window even more. She wouldn’t’ let him see her cry. She wouldn’t let him see how much she really did care. She told herself the same things over and over until the truck came to a stop.

  “Come on.” Brysen moved from the truck and then came around to hold the door open for her.

  “What are we doing Brysen? Take me home damn it.” She glared up at him. She had been sad before when he didn’t want her, but now she was just mad.

  “No. We are trading cars.”

  “What? Why?”

  “So they can’t track us as well. Even though I am sure they have your scent now.”

  “My scent?”

  “Yes. Nevermind just come on.”

  She stood beside him and placed her hands on her hips. “No.”

  He came closer until she felt her back pressing into the cold door of the truck. “Yes. Damn it.”

  Her head cocked to the side as she raised an eyebrow at him in a challenge.

  His eyes dropped to her heaving chest before slowly going over her body again. She was suddenly pissed even more. Of all times to look at her like that this was not one of them. He looked like he was a lion about to devour a deer. She wouldn’t be surprised if his tongue didn’t just flap out and lick his lips. “Get in the truck Sierra.”

  “No Brysen.”

  “Damn you.” She felt as her body pressed into the truck even more by his body. His lips descended on hers to pressed against them as he kissed her. His tongue slipped into her mouth and she gasped at the sensations that ran through her. His arm wrapped around her waist to bring her tighter against him. Her head felt light and she was dizzy for a moment. His kiss was punishing as he tried to devour her lips. When he broke off and looked down at her they were both panting and out of breath. “Get in the damn car Sierra. They will follow you and find you. Think about your uncle. These are not good people. They will hurt you and your uncle just because they think I care about you. With me, you are safe. I can protect you and I will send some of my people for your uncle to protect him. You are in serious danger.”

  Through the whole speech, the only thing she heard was how they would think that he cared. He hadn’t said that it was because he did just that they would think that he did. She felt hurt and angry and betrayed. “Fine. Just don’t touch me again.” She pushed at him and knew that the only reason she was able to get by was his shock.

  Brysen followed her over to the truck and got in before starting the engine. He didn’t say another word to her just began driving. He had to take her home. To the mountains where he could hide her and figure out where to go next. He knew that Toby wouldn’t stop until he won.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my place.”

  “But I thought you lived in town?” Her eyes were frantic as she looked to where they were headed.

  “That is not my home. My home is in the mountains. That is just where I stay when I’m in town.”

  “Really? You said the mountain were dangerous if I went there.”

  “You are with me. They are dangerous for you alone.”

  He heard her grunt as her back fell against the seat. He sighed as he looked out the window and then glanced into his rearview mirror. He knew this was going to be a long trip.

  Sierra continued to look out the window as her blood continued to boil. She was pissed. Completely pissed. She was also worried. Worried about her uncle and worried about what was going to happen. She had never been deep in the mountains before. She had been in them yes when she was younger but not this far in. She could tell they were deep in the mountains now and she was beginning to get worried. There were creatures up here that were dangerous. Panthers, snakes, and wolves. She looked at Brysen at the last thought.

  “So what kind of shit are the werewolves in now?”

  His head turned to look at her. “Nothing that concerns you?”

  “Wow. You really did turn into an asshole. No wonder my sister gave up on your cousin.”

  “That’s what you would think. Or what they would have told you. You have no idea why your family left do you?”

  She stubbornly looked out the window again not say anything.

  He looked at her and she knew that her silence gave him the answer he was looking for. “Yeah. I didn’t think so. You see Elijah and your sister Becca were very much in love. They wanted to be together and fought for it to be so. But the council didn’t approve. Humans cannot live like we do. They cannot survive in the wild.”

  “Oh that is hogwash and you know it. I lived out in the wilderness with you camping for days.”

  He smiled as he thought of those times they had gone with his father. “Yes, but you are not your sister. You are different.”

  “Yeah whatever.”

  He shook his head at her as he sighed before starting again. “Anyway they were going to run away together but my father caught them. My cousin could have been banished from the pack for life. He would never see us again. His mother and sisters would never see him again and we would be unable to see him or speak to him. My father stopped this from happening with the help from your father.”

  “What did they do?”

  “Your father agreed to leave. He said he would pack you guys up and move away. My cousin would be married to a member of the pack and Elijah and Becca were never to see each other again.”

  “All because she is not one of your mighty wolves? They tore two people who were in love apart for that? I can’t believe my father would be part of that.” She was shaking her head in denial and then she felt his hand on her shoulder. The truck pulled to the side of the road as he looked at her.

  “It was not because of that. My father knew when I became alpha there would be conflict. He knew that your sister was not strong enough to fight with us like she would be required to do and he also did not want to see her hurt. He cared for her like a father did a child. With Elijah’s father dead, my father was also a father figure to him so when he started dating your sister he became close to her as well. My father mourned for the loss of your sister. She spent many dinners at our table and with Elijah. My father blames himself for not stopping it before it got too bad. He should have stopped it before they fell in love. That is why he did it. Your father knew the same and would not see her oldest daughter hurt. There was also talk of our friendship and what would become of us when we got older. They put a hold on that a long time ago. My father feared of history repeating itself.”

  “Where is your father?”

  “He lives near me. He and my mother and my siblings. Some of the tribe live there as well, but most live around the area in secluded cabins.”

  “So I will get to see your father then?”

  He nodded. It was not a meeting he wanted to see. His father would be
angry. More than angry that he brought her here. It was the safest place for her though and he knew in the end his father would know this. His younger sisters would be glad to see her, however. With Amara and Alexia being 13 now, they wanted a female around the house. Unfortunately, neither of his brothers had any children. Dean had just turned 16 and Stefan were 18. With Brysen being 25 now, there were none of them old enough for children. After Sierra had moved away he had put everything he had into his training. He would be the alpha someday. He needed to prepare for it. “I will warn you that he may not be that happy to see that you are here, but it is because of your safety. He is also not as mobile as he once was. Cancer has set in and has begun to spread more.”

  “Oh no. I am so sorry Brysen.” He looked down at where her hand covered his arm and she quickly removed it. His attention was directed back out the window.

  “Yes. But things will work out for the best.”

  “Yes, they will.” She felt the truck jolt as they started down the road again.

  Forty-five minutes later she followed Brysen into a log cabin. She waited quietly as he left her in the huge dining room. NO one seemed to be home.

  “Come Sierra. My father wants to see you.”

  She nodded as she followed him through the doorway. As she made her way closer she saw Coronis sitting up in the bed. “Sierra. Come closer I want to see you.” She thought of the story Red Riding Hood as he said it. Then she looked at him. He was much thinner than before and his face looked tired. It also didn’t hold the same bright color it had before. His skin was a deathly gray in color and she was instantly saddened by the fact that he was dying. She had spent many camping trips with him and her heart ached for him. He had been a great father and alpha.

  “I wondered when you would come back.”

  Her head snapped back around to the other man. “You mean you knew I would come back here.”

  He chuckled slightly. “My dear you love these mountains as much as we do. I would swear you were one of us if you could change. It is alright. I have spoken to Brysen. His mother will be back soon. She went hunting for food.”


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