‘Listen, just you tell me what went on there ‘cos they’re goin’ to ask, like, ain’t they?’ she demanded as she went up to the mirror.
‘Dear God,’ shouted the woman, and her head fell helplessly into her open palms.
‘Jesus, there you go again. This really’s goin’ to be Great Moczanowo now! Look good, do I? Go down well on TV?’
‘Dear God, dear God, dear God…’
he’d beeN stANdINg in front of the door for a long time before she opened it; but, in the end, she opened. He bore it and also bore the way she looked at him. He said nothing, waited until she spoke first.
‘Do you realise there’s nothing more naff than a guy with a stupid look on his face and a red rose in his hand?’
‘I do. I went for a simple symbol. Look what else I’ve written here.’
‘Well, well. Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers all.’ She looked at him, almost smiled but only briefly; and, closing the door, added: ‘Let’s not go over the top.’
He turned and said to himself: ‘Things aren’t that bad. It’ll all sort itself out. Patience is also a virtue.’ And left the flower on the doormat.
It looked as though it had been placed in a frame.
about the author
joANNA jodełkA was the first woman to win the High Calibre Award for the Best Polish Crime Novel, taking the prize in 2010 for her debut Polychrome (Polichromia, 2009). Her second crime novel, Grzechotka (‘The Rattle’), was published in 2011, followed by her third in 2012.
Polychrome is Jodełka’s first novel to be translated into English.
about the translator
dANusIA stok is a member of The Translators’ Association / The Society of Authors, and is an established translator from Polish of long and short literary fiction, TV interviews, and film scripts. Danusia has translated, among others, film scripts by Krzysztof Kieslowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz, works by Mariusz Wilk and Adina Blady Szwajger, novels by Marek Krajewski, Andrzej Sapkowski and Agnieszka Taborska and has compiled, translated and edited Kieslowski on Kieslowski.
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Polychrome Page 26