Two Hotties Next Door

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Two Hotties Next Door Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2018 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-731-3

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “What do you think her deal is?” Ace Campton asked as he sipped at his cup of decaf while watching the neighbor as she tried to sketch whatever it was that seemed to have captured her attention. They’d been moved in now for three months, and since then he’d not been able to get a real introduction to the woman. She always seemed so busy, so preoccupied, even when carrying in the groceries.

  His best friend, Brett Voss, came up to the window and looked past his shoulder to the lawn. There had to be a hundred crumpled-up pages of paper. She looked frazzled, annoyed, pissed off, and everything in between.

  “You know it’s freaky how much time you spend watching her,” Brett said.

  “What? I can’t be curious about our neighbor, especially when on the first week here she was tearing everything up and throwing it out the window? I thought she’d been robbed.” When Ace realized it was the actual neighbor, he’d simply gone back inside and waited as someone came with a huge truck and began dumping everything inside. “You’re not the least bit curious about her?”

  Brett sighed. “I haven’t thought about it, to be honest.”

  “You’re lying. You’ve got to be.” Ace was completely obsessed with the new neighbor, and it made no sense.

  “We’ve moved in, and we’ve been making changes. They’ve been way more important than the chick next door. Sorry, but it has. Also, it’s really creepy how much you watch her.”

  “We’re in our own little world all the way back here, Brett. Come on, man, you’ve got a dick. You can’t tell me you’re not curious about her? She’s like a little fairy with her green eyes and red hair.” He also noticed that she was constantly wearing dresses, the kind that stopped at her knee and had thin straps. She had a fuller body, curvy with nice, rounded hips and stomach. He also loved the shape and size of her luscious tits.

  Running a hand through his hair, he felt fucking wired, and all he wanted to do was talk to her. They’d been inside redecorating for weeks. Work had come first, obviously. As personal trainers they were completely booked up and constantly in demand. They worked six days a week most of the time, so getting to their home had been a constant battle.

  It wasn’t that the previous owner did anything wrong, but the person who lived here before was a chick, and they needed to make their love den a bit more male.

  “Why don’t you take out the trash?” Brett asked. “You can see if you can talk to her, or how about just doing something other than staring out a window?”

  “You make it sound bad.”

  “Dude, it is bad. You’re constantly looking out of it.” His friend smirked.

  “You don’t think it’s weird taking the trash out on a Sunday?”

  “If you don’t do it, I will, and I know you’ve got a hard-on for her.”

  Ace wanted to deny it, but he was curious. It was a Sunday, the trash needed emptying, and the mystery woman next door was outside sketching away. He didn’t see a better time to reach out than now.

  On the way to the kitchen, he stopped at the mirror to check that a single hair wasn’t out of place. He looked good, felt good, and as he grabbed the trashcan, he kept going over the different kinds of conversations that could happen.

  Instead of panicking, he decided to play it cool. When he got to the trashcan, she was still sitting on the front lawn sketching away. He didn’t know what to say, or how to approach her. Did he just come out and blurt it?

  “Nice weather we’re having,” he said.

  She didn’t even acknowledge his presence.

  Seriously, dude, the weather?

  Taking a deep breath, he glanced over at her, and again, she didn’t even notice that he existed. This was so fucking embarrassing. Women flocked to him all the fucking time. In fact, they were always around him, giving him their number. He didn’t have a fucking clue as to why it was any different right now.

  Clearing his throat, he tried again.

  “It certainly is good weather we’re having.”

  Dude, what is it about the weather?

  Clearing his throat, he saw that she was still doodling.

  He didn’t know what the hell to say.

  Finally, crossing the lawn, he stuck his hand out. “I’m Ace Campton, nice to meet you.” He had stepped in front of her and thrust his hand at her.

  “Oh, my,” she said, jumping back. “You were totally in my light.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Who does that? I mean, seriously. Didn’t you see I was doing something?”

  He quickly stepped out of the way, and the woman glanced around the space that she’d clearly been sketching and growled.


  “Great, just great!” She stood up, brushing down her dress. “Who are you?”

  “I’m your very friendly neighbor. We moved in on the same day.”

  “That’s supposed to mean something?”

  Her lips were a shocking pink, and her outfit completely screamed that it didn’t go together. Her red hair stood out in contrast against her pale skin. She’d even painted her eyelids green. Even though it shouldn’t work, on this woman it totally did.

  “I’m sorry for standing in front of your light and all that. I just wanted to introduce myself. It has been three months, and to make this work I figured we should get to know each other.” He withdrew his hand, thrusting them into his pockets.

  He watched as she took a breath.

  “I’m so sorry for … reacting like that. I was in the zone, or trying to be in the zone, and it was wrong of me. I’ve been trying to get the perfect light for this damn picture, but it’s just not working for me. I don’t think pristine neighborhoods are my thing, but I’m trying. I like to try new things.”

  “You’re a photographer?”

  “Artist.” She held up her sketchpad. “The name’s Meredith Snow.”

  “A pretty name to match a pretty lady.”


  Meredith hadn’t meant to snap at the man for simply introducing himself. In fact, she’d been hoping to meet the two neighbors for some time now, but it just didn’t seem to be happening. Between trying to work, attempting to work, and failing to work, she’d been completely consumed by what she couldn’t do.

  That was the reason she’d moved into the small, quaint house at the end of what appeared to be a suburban road. Everything looked so perfect, and yet for her, her house seemed like the best place to cause a little chaos. For the past year she’d been unable to complete a single personal project, which was fine as none of the projects she’d started were for anyone, but she needed to get back into the swing of things, otherwise the world was going to remember Meredith Snow as a two-trick wonder. Yes, she knew it was only supposed to be one trick, but she’d had two amazing, sell-out shows, and now, well, she couldn’t even finish commission work. It had been so bad that she wouldn’t even talk to new clients yet. She wanted to get back to her old self
. She missed that flair that always took her, and right now, she didn’t have it. She needed it.

  Moving away from the city seemed like the right thing to do, especially as she hated it. The loud noises, the crime, the danger, she had lived in a bad part of city, and then when she made it big, the better part of city, but each one had its constraints. She hated both.

  Pushing some hair off her face, she smiled at her neighbor.

  “So, what is it that you do?”

  “Brett and I, we’re personal trainers.”

  “At the local gym?”

  “Yeah, do you go there?”

  “Not a chance. If I go anywhere it’ll be for a swim or to relax. Not to get all sweaty staring at whatever is in front of me.” She tilted her head to the side just as another man came outside.

  Were they gay?

  She didn’t mind at all.

  Well, her lady parts would certainly mind come nighttime, but that would just make for a more interesting show in her fantasies.

  “I take it you’re Brett.”

  “The very one.”

  Ace had dark hair while Brett had brown hair. While Brett had brown eyes, Ace had blue. They were both tall, muscular, and she could clearly see without knowing they were trainers that they worked out. Their muscles were huge, and that wasn’t an understatement. It was indeed a fact. They were ripped all over.

  She introduced herself and hoped that she didn’t drool. These guys were over six feet tall, and while she was happy being five-foot-six, she actually felt small in comparison.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed several women walking out carrying their trash, and she couldn’t help but smile. Even on the day they were moving in, this was something she recalled seeing. The women, married or not, were trying to garner the boys’ attention.

  “So, how are you finding our little spot of heaven?” she asked, liking that they were talking to her.

  She’d never been one to crumble under pressure. Being known as a weirdo in school, she’d embraced her quirks, and enhanced them. She had never allowed a bad word to get her down, and in fact, when someone would say mean things about her hair, the next day she’d put it in a more flamboyant style.

  Fight fire with fire was what she believed.

  Never had she gotten into a fight. She didn’t believe in violence, but she also didn’t believe in allowing people to walk all over her, so she would fight every single day if she had to, just in a different way. There was no way anyone was ever going to step on her; she wouldn’t allow it.

  “We’re getting by. Little creeper here couldn’t stop looking at you,” Brett said.

  She saw Ace’s face go red, and she laughed. “Your curiosity got the better of you?”

  “Yeah, it did, but Brett is overexaggerating.”

  “I kind of like the idea of you watching me. It seems a little strange, but I like that. I love strange.” She watched the two of them. They were nice, she could tell that instantly. “I feel like I’ve been a very bad neighbor here.” She glanced down at her books. “How about I order us some dinner? We can sit out in the garden, have some food, wine, talk. You guys do drink wine, right?”

  “We’re more for beer,” Brett said.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got a few bottles I’ll put in the chiller. Chinese?”

  “Sounds good.” This came from Ace. “I am sorry for stepping into your light.” He pointed at her sketchbook, and she simply smiled.

  “It’s okay. It’s not that good anyway. I completely overreacted, and I was forcing it anyway. I just panicked, and I really shouldn’t have done that and yelled and been a bitch. Lovely to finally meet you both and I’ll see you around seven?” It would be nice to have some company, and not wallow in self-pity for another day that hadn’t gone well.

  “Count us in.”

  They said their goodbyes, and she walked into her home. It had been a simple place, plain walls, but it had that male vibe, which she’d not liked. When she had her own space, it had to be hers, so for the first few weeks it was about changing everything, making her space, and now it finally was.

  As she shut the door, the scent of vanilla filled the air, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the fragrance as it relaxed her.

  She needed this space. Her manager, agent, whatever Will liked to call himself, had insisted on it, especially as he’d come to her studio a year ago and seen all of her half-baked projects.

  When she was drawing, creating, designing, she had to connect with each piece. To give a part of herself, otherwise it was just another drawing in a long line of them. She didn’t want them to feel like mass-produced trash.

  Getting away, changing her scenery, doing something different, Will had believed would help her find that spark once again. Right now, it didn’t seem to be working.


  “I can’t believe you said that shit!” Ace stormed into their place, and Brett simply smiled.

  “What? She found it funny.”

  “And if she didn’t?”

  “Then it was no big deal to me. Come on, have a laugh and a joke. It was funny.” Brett watched as his best friend paced the main living room. It had been so hard to resist, and then seeing as their little neighbor was giving Ace the flirtatious eye, he simply couldn’t not mention it.

  What had surprised him was her amusement. It’s not every day a woman would find a stalker funny, but he had a feeling she wasn’t like every other woman.

  “What’s her name?” he asked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Yes, I would. Stop being a pain in the ass.”

  “Her name’s Meredith Snow.” Ace dropped down on the sofa. “What do you think we should wear tonight?”


  “I’m being serious. She’s an artist, and I want to make a good impression.”

  “You do, do you? After what, five minutes of chatting?” Brett asked.

  “I like her, okay? I don’t know. She’s nice. Got a pretty smile but a word to the wise, do not stand in her light. She tends to go a bit crazy.”

  “As all women do when you affect their light.” Brett rolled his eyes.

  “No, this wasn’t because of makeup or taking a selfie or shit like that. She was drawing, sketching the neighborhood. She held onto that notebook like a lifeline. I don’t know. I’m curious about her. She has no sense of style at all, but she owns her shit. You know?”

  “You figured all this out in five minutes?”

  “I’m a people person, Brett. It’s why all the chicks like coming back for more.”

  Again, Brett rolled his eyes. They were both personal trainers at the local gym. The difference between the two of them was Brett wouldn’t back down. When he got a client who gave him boundaries to work under, and a guideline for what they wanted, he worked to it. He made sure they met every single one of their goals, and he wouldn’t take complaining or whining, or whimpering. If a woman started to bat her eyelashes at him and beg for him to stop, it wasn’t going to happen. He also didn’t allow for relationships. That was a big no.

  Now, Ace on the other hand, a woman batted her lashes and he stepped back. His friend had never been in a relationship with a client, but he knew that Ace’s kind heart and good nature tended to put him in tricky situations, which was why he always had a helper on hand to be there so nothing could be mistaken, nor could Ace be accused of anything.

  “Are you coming tonight?” Ace asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “Good. Try and keep your bad attitude at the door. You know, she’s our neighbor, so we want to make a good impression.”

  Brett grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and moved back toward the sitting room where Ace was flicking through one of the fitness magazines they had delivered. “Be straight with me right now. Are you trying to fuck the neighbor?”

  “That’s just so … crude. What’s wrong with just wanting to be nice?”

  “Cut the crap, Ace. Be h
onest. You want to bang the neighbor?”

  “I wouldn’t be averse to, you know, getting to know her. She has got some rockin’ curves, and fuck, she is so hot!”

  “So that’s a yes.”

  “Yeah, fine. Sue me. I like the neighbor. She’s different, and you know what, we came to this neighborhood for different. What’s the deal?”

  “I just need to know what you were hoping to achieve tonight so I don’t throw up in my mouth over dinner.”

  Ace stood up and laughed. “Please, you can’t tell me you weren’t affected by her. I know you saw the ink that was on her thighs, just peeking out of the dress. Don’t tell me you didn’t imagine slowly pulling the straps of that dress down, watching her tits appear, and having a little taste.”

  Brett wasn’t about to deny it. For the past three months, where Ace had been completely blatant in his watching and stalking of their neighbor, he’d been subtler. Instead of standing at the window, he would watch her from his bedroom, completely out of line of sight. She liked to garden, and she wore shorts that molded to the curves of her ass. Watching her, seeing her, he knew she was confident in her body, and it was refreshing to see. Being in the gym, around so many different personalities, he knew insecurity when he saw it.

  Meredith didn’t have that at all.

  She was who she was. She knew herself, and he found that sexy as fuck. With the heat of summer fast approaching, her clothing had gotten less. He had even seen her in just a bikini top and shorts the other day. Ace hadn’t been home, but Brett had seen the ink that trailed up her hips, across her stomach, and along the base of her back. Roses, thorns that seemed to have a wildness like the woman herself.

  “You know, there’s nothing wrong with us sharing her,” Ace said. “I can take her Monday to Wednesday, you have her Thursday through Saturday, and we can let her rest Sunday.”

  “Some days I wonder how you’re not a virgin, Ace. You sound like a total dick.”


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