Two Hotties Next Door

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Two Hotties Next Door Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Moving onto the next nipple, he licked the hard, red bud as he teased the other with his thumb. When that wasn’t enough, he dropped down to his knees and helped her out of the panties.

  She stepped out of them and kicked them across the floor. She’d already toed out of her shoes.

  Her hands were on her hips. “Okay, Ace, what do you want to do with me now?”

  He picked her up in his arms, loving her squeal. Carrying her upstairs, he loved the way she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on.

  “I’m going to take you upstairs and make love to you. Think you can handle it?”

  “I can take whatever you want to give me.”

  Kicking open her bedroom door, he placed her on the edge of the bed, and pressed her down until she was flat. Grabbing her hands, he placed them above her head. “Stay.”

  “What happens if I move?”

  “Then I won’t let you come. You move those hands and I won’t give you what you’re really wanting.”

  “Oh, you’re being a little dominant.”

  “You’ll love it, I promise.”

  Sliding his hands down her body, he pressed her tits together, stroking the hardened buds with his thumbs before moving down, taking his time until he got to her waist. Down further still, he gripped her thighs and spread her legs wide, staring at her glistening pussy.

  “Have you been like this all night?”



  Down his hands went, and he opened the lips of her pussy to see her glistening cunt and swollen clit. Using his thumbs still, he stroked between her slit, grazing across her nub before moving to slide in deep.

  She cried out, arching up against him as he did this. He watched her, completely enthralled by her as she took his thumb. Her tight cunt squeezed him, wanting more already, and he was willing to give it to her. In fact, he wanted to. Pulling his thumb out, he replaced it with two fingers, then a third, watching her hole open up just a little, taking his fingers.

  His cock pressed against the front of his pants, wanting inside her, desperate to be within her.

  Pumping his fingers inside her pussy, he released his cock, running his hand up and down the length. He wanted a taste of her, and leaning forward, he took her clit into his mouth and sucked hard. She screamed his name, her back arching up off the bed.

  Meredith worked her pussy onto his fingers, taking him as deep as she could go, and he loved watching her take her pleasure. She didn’t hold back for a single second, and he didn’t want her to, not at all.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Meredith. Come for me. Come for me now.”


  Meredith had never been the kind of woman to come on demand, but hearing the order spill from Ace’s lips, she couldn’t help it. Her body seemed poised and ready for whatever he wanted. The way he licked her clit, teased her pussy, drove her higher and higher, so that by the time he ordered her to come, she couldn’t stop herself. She came, screaming his name, begging, desperate, aching for more, needing more, wanting more, unable to control herself.

  “Yes, baby. Fuck, you feel incredible.” He pumped his fingers inside her, and she watched him as the last of her orgasm began to ebb away.

  She wasn’t done though, not by a long shot. Reaching out, she wrapped her fingers around his length, covering his hands with her own. The tip was already slick with his pre-cum. Covering the head, she licked it away before taking him all the way into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat.

  If someone had told her months ago that she’d move into a house and begin to date and fuck the two neighbors, she would have thought they were mad. There was no way she’d do something like this, and yet here she was, sucking on Ace’s cock after last night having Brett balls deep inside her.

  She wanted them both together.

  Her days were filled with all the delicious fantasies that any woman would have if they were in her position, and she wasn’t embarrassed about that either. Far from it.

  Ace wrapped her hair around his fist, and he held onto her, making her take his length deeply, forcing the head of his cock to the back of her throat so she had no choice but to gag on the length.

  “Fuck, that feels so good.”

  She took more of him, wanting to give him this kind of pleasure. Glancing up his body with her mouth full of cock, she watched him hiss as he began to thrust his hips forward.

  Once or twice he hit her throat, causing her to gag, but she didn’t stop. She’d already tasted his cum and wanted it again.

  “Your mouth looks so perfect wrapped around my dick like that. So pretty, so fucking hot. I want to come in your mouth. No, I don’t. Fuck, I want everything.”

  He pulled out of her mouth, and the strength he showed surprised her as he moved her so that she was on her knees before him. His hands curved around her ass before giving it a little slap.

  She cried out, which quickly turned to a moan as he filled her hard with his cock. They both groaned, the sound echoing off the walls. Gripping the white sheets beneath her, she pushed back against him as he thrust forward, driving deep inside her.

  Ace stroked up her back, pressing down so that her tits were flat to the bed. He ran his hands up, cupping her ass and spreading the cheeks.

  “Do you ever think about Brett and me taking you together?”

  She closed her eyes as she thought about the other man that she was dating.

  “I’d say with how wet your pussy has gone, that’s a yes.” He teased across her anus, making her gasp as he played with her. “Imagine it, baby. One of us fucking your tight pussy and another right here.” He pushed against her asshole, and she moaned.

  Arousal flooded her as she thought about it. She’d been taken in the ass before and knew she liked it, but to think of either Brett or Ace, it was so good.

  “Damn, your pussy is on fire. Yes, baby, fuck my dick. That feels so good. Yes, yes.”

  She wanted to come again. Reaching between her thighs, she stroked over her clit, teasing herself, needing to come, wanting it. She’d already come from his mouth, but as he was teasing her asshole and fucking her, she needed more. Hungry, desperate, aching.

  “That’s it, Meredith. I love it when you take what you want. That’s it, play with your pussy.”

  He pushed a finger into her ass, and she cried out, the burn only making her hornier to feel Brett inside her right now. To have both men take her, she wanted it, craved their touch so damn much.

  Ace added a second finger as he began to fuck her hard.

  Her orgasm started to build for a second time. He kept on working her ass and pussy, and she was putty in his hands as he took her body to new heights, talking about Brett, what they could all do together.

  She couldn’t contain it, not any more, and when she finally came, she did so with a cry of pleasure, both Ace and Brett’s names on her lips.

  Ace filled her pussy, pumping wave upon wave of release inside her.

  Afterward, he pulled out and disappeared to the bathroom, and she moved up the bed, resting against the covers.

  She’d shower later. For now, she was tired and wanted to rest.

  Minutes later, he returned, lying down on the bed behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

  “I love your ink.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Does it mean anything?” he asked.

  “Not really. I got it because I knew it would drive my parents crazy to know what I’d done.” She shrugged. “Not a lot they can do now.”

  “You don’t get along with your parents.”

  “They like to control things all the time, and I hate that.” She tilted her head to the side. “They want me to be something that I can’t be. I’m not interested in following the rules or being held in a box and doing stuff like that just to make them happy, you know?”

  “I get it, I do.”

  “You do?”

  “My parents wanted me to be a

  “They did?”

  “Yep. Behind this very hot body, there’s a good mind as well.”

  She chuckled. “I’ll believe that when I see it.” She winked at him.


  Brett finished mowing the lawn in his yard, glancing across the space to see a bikini-clad Meredith still on her hands and knees across the fence border. The woman who lived here before him liked to do the occasional yard work, and some of the plant beds had gotten full of weeds.

  He could mow the lawn and cook a good steak in the barbeque pit, but flowers and weeds, they were not his forte. But the bonus for him, they happened to be Meredith’s.

  She’d driven to the florist shop and one of the yard centers the other day, and came back with so many plants and flowers, he’d been shocked.

  Heading inside, he saw Ace was still on the phone, dealing with the gas company about their current bill.

  Brett grabbed a pitcher of fresh orange juice he’d squeezed that morning, handing Ace a glass before making his way toward Meredith. She wore gloves, and perspiration covered her body.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said. “Thought you could use a glass.”

  “Does it have vodka?” she asked. “Kidding. I don’t drink vodka.” She took a sip and sighed. “I stink. Are there flies around me?”

  “No. You look cute.” He sat down on the grass beside her. “You didn’t have to do any of this for us.”

  “Please, it’s nice to have a place where you can sit down, relax, and just enjoy the view. Besides, I love getting my hands dirty. It makes me feel alive. I will need to take a long, hot shower later though. This day is just crazy.”

  She was working near the shade, but as the day wore on, that shade was disappearing fast. The gym had to close today to deal with some new regulation, so they had a rare day off on a Tuesday. It felt good to just have a day, to get a handle on the work, especially with the yard.

  “How come you’ve not filled your pool?” he asked.

  It wasn’t a large pool she had in her yard, but it would fit a small family to just have a game. It wasn’t the size of the one at the gym to swim.

  “The previous owner said it needed some repairs, and, seeing as I don’t make a habit of spending so much time in water, it didn’t seem like a big deal. Getting my studio working, you know, the house. The pool can wait. Besides, we’ll have a couple more weeks of good weather, I’ll get it fixed, and then rain all the time.” She shrugged. “I’ll get it done soon.”

  “You know the previous owner?”

  “He was in a rock band or something. I don’t know. I like the classics, you know. I can handle some pop now and again, but yeah, I met him. I didn’t know him, know him, if that makes sense.”

  “It does.” He patted his thigh.

  “Why do I feel like there’s something else you want to say?” she said.

  “I just wondered if you were aware of the history of this place.”

  She burst out laughing. “You mean with the whole falling in love thing?”

  “So you do know it?”

  “The guy who owned the house mentioned it. Seeing as I was a woman, he thought it was only right to mention that there was a risk of me falling in love with whoever moved in next door.”

  “What did you think when he told you?”

  “It was complete bull. Come on, Brett. You have to admit it. Houses do not have the skill of making someone fall in love.”

  “Why not?” Ace asked, finally coming outside to them.

  “Any luck?”

  “Yeah, they’re sending someone out to check the meter. Now are you pleased I take pictures of the numbers every single week? Stupid assholes wanted to overcharge us. Anyway, back to the house thing. Why couldn’t it be real?”

  “Are you telling me you believe that in some miracle way, our two houses that are at the bottom of the street have magical powers that can help couples fall in love?” she asked.

  “Said like that it seems crazy.”

  “The couple before us got close. I don’t even know who lived here before.”

  “The old deputy and his now-wife,” Brett said.

  He saw her pause.

  “They did?”

  “Yep, and if you go grocery shopping enough you’ll see that they are very happily married with a couple of kids,” Brett said. “You see, when Wynter, the previous owner, told me about this place, I did a little digging. Both of these houses for the last owners have ended in their sale and the current owners married, living a long, happy life.”

  “How far back did you go?” Ace asked. “Is this, like, an obsession?”

  “I’m really curious now. I figured it was just a ploy to get me to buy the house,” Meredith said. “You know, being a single woman and seeing as we’re all after Mr. Right. Now I am curious.” She patted Brett’s arm. “Come on, let’s go and see.”

  They ended up at his computer.

  Meredith stood on one side of him as Ace did the other. Bringing up the old newspaper archives, they went toward the matrimony section. The town always liked to print the couples that had married.

  “How will this help?” Ace asked.

  “There you go. ‘We wish Zane and Wynter Webster all the best as they are married.’” Meredith leaned past him and pointed at the address. “Can you cross-reference that address?”

  He typed in the address in the newspaper search and at least twenty files came up, going back seventy years.

  “Wait, seventy years?”

  “That’s when the houses were first built,” Meredith said. “It has to be.”

  “Okay, is anyone else finding this creepy?” Ace asked.

  “Look, it’s just a coincidence. Single people moving in and finding love. It happens all the time. They make movies about it. Besides, we’re all good. Not anywhere does it say that one woman marries two men,” Meredith said.

  “They wouldn’t write it,” Brett said. “Even if she stayed with the two men it would be illegal.”

  “I’m going back out to weed. This is why the internet is dangerous. It makes people think things that are just stupid.”

  Chapter Seven

  Ace glanced around Meredith’s studio. She’d completed a couple of projects, both of which featured himself and Brett. They were really good as well. He was impressed. She was downstairs talking with Will, her manager.

  The guy was in his late fifties but seemed to care for her a lot. Pushing his hands into his pockets, Ace paused at one of the half-finished sketches. It was of him in bed. One of his arms rested behind his head, and he looked completely relaxed. He didn’t pose for this one.

  “She has a real talent, doesn’t she?”

  He spun around to see Will there. No sign of Meredith.

  “Yeah, she does.”

  “I remember when she sat in my office, and no matter what I said to her, she just kept drawing until she was done. When she showed me what she saw, I was blown away. Up until that moment I was all about work. The extra hours, the lack of vacations. I couldn’t even remember my kids’ ages, and I knew something had to give. She saw all of that, and overnight, I quit my job and helped her instead.”

  “She certainly has a way of making you do crazy things for her.” Ace didn’t think for a second that he’d be sharing her with his best friend, much less enjoying it, but he did. Having her between him and Brett, it was … amazing. They hadn’t taken her at the same time, but she certainly loved it whenever he teased her tight little asshole. Not that he was going to tell this man that.

  They were close but not that close.

  “You and this Brett, you care about her?”

  “We do.”

  “You’ve given her back her passion, which I love.” Will moved toward one of the finished paintings. “It was her family, you know.”


  “It didn’t matter that she had a sell-out gallery or that her website was overrun with requests for her work. So long as they stayed
away, she could do anything, be anything. Her work was always flawless. The energy seemed to be held within the painting. I was ill for two weeks, so I wasn’t able to be there to help. She went and stayed at her parents’ house for three days.” Will scoffed and shook his head. “I should have known. Whatever they did or said, it got to her. The first painting I saw after that was like an amateur was copying her with no real passion at all.”

  “You think her parents ruined her mojo?”

  “It’s one way of putting it. Until that moment, no one could touch her. She was on fire. That’s how passionate she was, and to see her in front of a canvas… The last year has been tough. She’s been worried, scared, and that sparkle hasn’t been there. Now though, I see it flaring up again. She’s right there in this painting. You and Brett, I want to thank you both for doing whatever it is that you do. Meredith is not herself without her ability to draw like this, to lose herself in her art.”

  “She’s a firecracker. You were lucky to find her.”

  Will smiled. “I have a feeling that she found me.”

  Meredith came back, smiling. “Sorry about that. My supplier wanted to try and give me a bad deal on something. How are you two getting along?”

  “I’m telling him how good you’ve been doing since you moved here,” Will said.

  Ace didn’t say anything.

  “It’s the fresh air. You know, and the neighbors, they keep me sane.”

  He followed them out of the studio.

  Ace stood back and watched as she hugged Will and waved at him. Closing the door, she leaned against it. “Did he say anything to you?”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. He can be very protective.”

  “Exactly how much does he know about our situation?”

  “He doesn’t know everything, but he knows that I’m seeing both of you. Besides, he looked at the paintings I did, and it’s not exactly hard to see.”

  “Very true.” He pulled her into his arms.

  “What are you doing home early anyway?”

  “My last client canceled on me, and instead of waiting around for Brett, I decided to come and see you. Wondered if you needed help with anything.”

  “I do, actually.” She took his hand, and he was hoping they were going to where he thought they were going, but they weren’t.


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