Their Secret Son (Bayside Bachelors #2)

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Their Secret Son (Bayside Bachelors #2) Page 18

by Judy Duarte

  Then she brushed a kiss across his lips, a kiss that promised a unity they’d never had and a future they deserved.

  When Bobby woke up, they would share the news with their son.

  His grandfather would live.

  And his mom was going to marry his dad.


  Dressed in a classic-styled, ivory-colored wedding gown that had belonged to her mother, Kristin stood before the full-length mirror in her old bedroom. A fairy-tale princess stared back at her.

  In just a few moments, she would marry Joe Davenport in an outdoor wedding at her father’s house. And thanks to Kay Logan, who was proving to be a family friend, everything was storybook perfect.

  Of course, it would have been nice to have her mother here. There were a few moments in Kristin’s life when she really missed not having her mom. And this was one of them.

  A light rap sounded at the door.

  “It’s me,” her father said. “Are you ready?”

  Kristin let him in and smiled. He looked dapper in the brand new tux he’d bought especially for the wedding. In fact, he looked so much healthier since his surgery just a month ago. Or maybe it was the new attitude that softened his expression, his smile.

  He brushed a kiss on her cheek. “You look lovely, baby girl. Your mother would have been proud to see you in her dress.” The glimmer in his eye faded a tad, and she suspected he missed her mother, too. More than he’d ever let on.

  Kristin smiled, hoping to dislodge some of her father’s sadness. “I like to think she’s looking through a heavenly peephole.”

  “I hope so. Shall we go?”

  She nodded.

  Her father followed her down the stairs, then escorted her through the family room to the sliding door that led to the park-like backyard. Peering through the glass, she spotted the smiling crowd that had gathered to witness the ceremony and wish the newlyweds well.

  The Logans sat in the front row of the side designated for the groom’s family, taking the place of Joe’s parents. And the guys from the station had nearly filled the other seats.

  Kristin watched Chloe, who wore a dazzling red dress with a low-cut neckline, walk down the aisle on the arm of an off-duty fireman who was having a tough time keeping his eyes off the buxom redhead. Joe promised Kristin that she would like the woman, in spite of her flashy wardrobe. And Kristin was determined to give it a try.

  A flower-adorned gazebo rested in the center of the lawn, surrounded by a colorful splatter of flowers from the gardens. There, Joe and Bobby stood by Reverend Morton of the Park Avenue Community Church.

  Kristin and Joe had decided to forgo the usual bridal attendants, wanting only their son to stand at their sides.

  The silver-haired woman who’d been hired to play the harp looked at Kristin and raised her brows, as though asking whether she should start the wedding march.

  Kristin nodded.

  As the chords of the familiar melody began to fill the air, her father placed a kiss on her cheek, then lowered the veil to cover her face. “I love you, Krissy.”

  “I love you, too, Daddy.”

  “Then let’s get this show on the road. I’m hankering to be a grandpa again, so I hope you and Joe will hurry up and have another baby. That little Davenport boy needs a sister.”

  “We’ll see if that can be arranged.” Then she took his arm and gave it a squeeze.

  As they made their way to the gazebo and she saw the man and child she loved waiting, her heart filled to the point of overflowing.

  The sunshine glistened off the gold in Joe’s hair, and his smile bore testimony of his love for her.

  Her father handed her over to the man who would soon be her husband, then took his seat in the front row, across from Harry and Kay.

  The ceremony was simple and to the point. And before long, Reverend Morton pronounced Joe Davenport and Kristin Reynolds husband and wife.

  Joe took her into his arms, sealing their vows with a kiss that promised forever.

  And as they reluctantly pulled apart, Bobby gave out an ecstatic yell. “All right! Now we’re a real family!”

  The audience broke into laughter and applause.

  “I’d like to second that emotion,” Joe whispered to Kristin. “Come on, let’s get the celebration under way.”

  Joe took one of Bobby’s hands, and Kristin took the other, as they proceeded down the aisle together.

  Man, wife and son.

  “So far, our wedding day has been fairy-tale perfect,” Kristin told her husband.

  “You’ve got that right, honey.” Joe gave her a wink. “And our happy-ever-after has only just begun.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-2476-6


  Copyright © 2005 by Judy Duarte

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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