John Returns

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John Returns Page 7

by A J Newman

  Due to the necessity of using direct current, apartment complexes were the first to receive electricity. Many residents elected to move from unlighted houses to apartments.

  John had the engineers working on the generators at the TVA dam on Percy Priest Lake. Not for power in the here and now, but the equipment must be kept up for the day when alternating current could once again be used.

  Generating electricity was not the issue. The large distribution transformers were all fried, and until invention, that old mother of necessity came along, it was impossible to power a large number of homes or factories. Gus knew that a new Tesla was out there, somewhere.

  The military was finding plenty of smaller transformers in warehouses, but the large regional transformers were very expensive, and thanks to outsourcing, none was made in America. Only the USA had shielded a few around Washington. Sadly, it would only have cost a bit over $2 billion to shield all of these huge generators. Instead, the government printed $40 billion a month to support Wall Street.

  Gus had designated a large engineering team to work on solving that issue. There were even thoughts about stealing several from the USA since those bastards had prepared for the EMP blasts in the president’s treasonous scheme. However, that idea went south, as it is difficult to steal something that sits on nearly an acre of land. Until then, the smaller transformers could be refurbished. They would be held in storage until a way to return to Alternating current would once again become possible.


  Beth said, “John, you’ve been there several days, and I want to go see my house.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “And why not?”

  “Because it’s not there and we haven’t secured the area.”

  “What? What happened to it?”

  “One of your neighbors on the next block over told Imelda that those assholes that tried to rob us the day before we left town burned it, and several more, to the ground.”

  “Damn, I wanted to go and get some mementos and pictures. Crap!”

  “Sorry, I’ll take you by there and any place you want to go as soon as we secure the area. I have Maria and some of the Rangers interviewing everyone in the city to find any criminals or gang activity. I know that I’m being cautious, but I want our new capital to at least start out without crime, drugs, and hookers.”

  “John, I get the stopping crime and killing the bad guys, however, what do you do with the ladies just trying to survive?”

  “I don’t know. I asked Maria to handle the situation. I didn’t want to get involved with hookers.”

  “Good answer, big boy. I’m still worried about them. Do you mind if I talk with Maria about the issue?”

  “Go ahead. Just don’t ask me to do anything.”

  “Chicken shit.”


  “Oh, don’t get hit in the head and get amnesia. That story only works one time.”

  John quickly thought up a smart assed reply, but choked it down and said, “Yes Dear.” Happy wife, happy life.


  Chapter 7




  Just North of

  Nashville, Tennessee

  Imelda sent six, three man teams into Nashville to find the three gangs’ strongholds and the location of the leader’s homes.

  The teams were sent to locations around the perimeter of Nashville. Their orders were to infiltrate from six points around the city. Kristie was with Ziva’s team, which was penetrating the suburbs from Donaldson on the east side.

  Sam’s team drove around the city, came down Highway 65 south and immediately drove up to a roadblock controlled by a group of local militia that had control of the area north of Nashville down to the river.

  Their headquarters was in a warehouse on the west side of the river across from the main downtown section of Nashville.

  “Are you with the US Army?”

  Sam replied, “No, as you can see from the markings on our Humvee, we are from the ISA. Who are you, and who is in control of this area?”

  “We are the Middle Tennessee Militia, and we control the area on this side of the river. What are you doing in our area?”

  “Our mission is to help the local people fight and eliminate gangs, criminals, and thugs to take back their state.”

  “We are in good shape on this side of the river, but Nashville could use your help. They have three gangs surrounding them from west, south, and east.

  Our Governor would probably like to talk with you. You can follow me to our headquarters if y’all are so inclined.”

  “I’d like that, but I need to get permission from my superior officer first.”

  Sam called back to Imelda, and she told him to wait until she called back. Five minutes passed, and two Apache helicopters buzzed the area.

  “Sam, I called John, and he sent some backup. They should arrive any minute. Proceed with caution.”

  “The choppers arrived as you called. Wilco, out.”

  “Sir, we are ready to follow you. I hope you don’t mind our escort following us to your headquarters,” said Sam as he pointed to the Apaches.

  The man didn’t answer, just jumped in an old pickup and headed down Highway 65.

  They followed him onto Highway 24 and then down some side streets to the stadium. He pulled off the street, drove up to the southeast end of the stadium and parked in front of an office building attached to the stadium.

  There were several armed guards around the stadium and snipers positioned on the top corners.

  Two men and a woman came out of the office and ushered Sam and his two soldiers into the building.

  “I’m Governor Bass, and I’m glad to meet you. So you are representatives from the ISA up here to help us fight criminals.”

  “Yes, that is our mission. My role today is to scout the city of Nashville and identify threats and friendly groups.”

  “Isn’t Tennessee part of the USA? Will they like you coming up here and messing around in their backyard? We don’t want to get caught in a fight between you two.”

  “First let me extend the thanks from my commander, General John Harris, for meeting us today, and he would like to meet with you once we secure the area.”

  “Well I’d like to meet him also, and he can come today. We have already secured the area.”

  “Sorry, I must clarify, I meant all of Nashville. We plan to have the entire area secured in thirty days.”

  “You might be biting off more than you can chew. Those gangs are heavily armed and have over two hundred soldiers spread out among the three gangs.”

  Sam’s radio clicked three times, and Sam pulled out an earbud, listened and replied, “Five minutes, Roger, out.”

  He looked up at the Governor and said, “I’m sorry, but if you walk outside with me, we’ll show you why we are not worried about a bunch of poorly armed undisciplined gangbangers.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. Let’s go outside.”

  “First, signal your men to back down and keep their fingers off their triggers.”

  “Yes, I don’t want my men to accidentally kill one of your men.”

  “Sorry, but that was to protect your men. If they fire on my men, yours will probably be wiped out before I can call them off.”

  The Governor called his senior security officer and told his men to stand down. They walked out the door and heard a noise coming from the west getting louder as it approached Nashville.

  Suddenly six Warthogs flew over them just high enough to clear the stadium followed by six Apaches. They buzzed Nashville one more time, and the Warthogs disappeared while 10 Blackhawks arrived with a dozen Rangers each sliding down a rope into the parking lot. The Governor and his aides were visibly shaken by the sudden display of power.

  One of the Rangers walked up surrounded by a dozen more and extended his hand to the Governor.

  He said, “Governor Bass, I’m General John Harris, and the state of Ten
nessee is my responsibility. Do you want to join us in our fight against lawlessness, and the USA?”

  The Governor was speechless but motioned them back into his office.

  “I thought John Harris was the President of the ISA.”

  “I was the President until a few months ago. I resigned so I can get back to killing those lawless elements trying to abuse the people of this land.

  My mission is to bring Tennessee and Kentucky into the ISA, clean out the criminals and fortify the Kentucky border against attack from the USA.”

  “You have the manpower, arms, and supplies to accomplish that?”

  “You just saw a very small sample of the airpower under my control. I also have a thousand more highly trained soldiers in Smyrna setting up camp. Oh, I wouldn’t want to forget a Cavalry Brigade, which includes a Tank Company. We have more than enough to clean up both Kentucky and Tennessee. We also have 90% of the remaining US Military forces and 70% of all of the military bases, equipment, and supplies.

  We have five aircraft carriers and a host of other fighting ships at the command of the President of the ISA.

  The only reason that we haven’t liberated the entire country is that the USA threatens to nuke all of the southern states if we attack them.

  We have more nukes, but that is a pissing contest with a skunk, that nobody wins.

  Back to what we were talking about, of course after we pacify a new territory, we require regulation Army training to allow the citizenry to defend themselves, and their state. We follow the Swiss model. Everyone is a Reservist, and everyone maintains his or her military weapons at home.

  Everyone in the ISA fights when our nation comes under attack. We train everyone older than 14. Men and women are equally trained, we don’t discriminate.”

  I like the idea of joining the ISA, but I’ll have to check with our representatives first. They make policy. I simply try to enforce it, and I’m not sure we want to become caught in the middle of a war between you and the USA. Right now they leave us alone, but ……………”

  “But, nothing, assemble your Representatives, and I will explain to them that Tennessee and Kentucky will be asked to become part of the ISA, and to join us in healing our nation.


  Office of Governor Bass

  Nashville, Tennessee

  Governor Bass introduced General Harris to the assembled leaders of Tennessee.

  “Gentlemen, I want to express my appreciation to each of you for making such a dangerous trip to attend this meeting.

  We can help you return Tennessee and Kentucky to a land free of anarchy, gangs, and fear of strangers. We will help you reestablish law and order.

  We will return the values of the Founding Fathers, through the body of the Constitution.

  The alternative to our offer is continued anarchy, death, fear, and an absentee tyrannical government that I know is an anathema to freedom loving citizens of these territories.

  Let me describe how life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness can again, be a reality for all Americans. Please hear me out.

  Each state is free to run their business as outlined in the Constitution. A state is free to make its own laws within that same framework.

  The small Federal Government will not interfere in the internal workings of a state as long as it follows our Constitution, which is the same as the old US Constitution with a few additions.”

  “What are the additions?” shouted several attendees in unison.

  John smiled and said, “We have added a few amendments to the Constitution. They are:

  The 29th Amendment clarifies exactly what the 2nd Amendment means. The right to bear arms is absolute. You don’t need a permit, registration or government interference to own, or carry, a gun.

  The 30th Amendment clarifies murder to include abortion unless the mother’s life is in danger. The 31st Amendment establishes term limits for all federally elected positions. Also, members of the Supreme Court are limited to 16-year appointments

  The 32nd Amendment abolishes all Federal laws, agencies, and restrictions, not expressly stated in the Constitution, or the Amendments to the Constitution. It reaffirms the 10th Amendment enforcing that the states have the power to make laws, not Congress, not the President or the Supreme Court.

  The 33rd Amendment states that the Supreme Court may not alter the intention of the Constitution or any Amendment.

  The final change to the Constitution changes the name to The Constitution of the Independent States of America.”

  Governor Bass loudly exhaled, and said, “Wow, those were long overdue, but the one on abortion will be hard for some people to swallow.”

  “Simple explanation, murder is murder. There will be no abortion clinics, and if a doctor wants to practice in the ISA, they will not perform an illegal abortion.

  Any doctor performing an illegal abortion will be tried in Federal court for murder.

  Each territory that joins us has six months to communicate the new Amendments and is then required to enforce them. The Second Amendment is enforced from day one. After that, states must enforce the laws, or the Federal Government will install a temporary Legislative body to enforce those laws. The unseated Governor and other law-breaking officials will be tried in a Federal Court.

  Not enforcing the Constitution, about abortion can lead up to the death penalty. Of course, we make adoption very easy, and no one should look down on a woman or teen who becomes pregnant. Being a mom, for any reason should be a positive event.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir, but the liberals won’t like it.”

  “The liberals are the ones responsible for this disaster. Their actions are why we are fighting day to day for survival. We no longer care what they think about most issues.

  The predominance of the citizenry of your Territories are not liberals, but, rather are a really hardcore conservative group believing in the fundamentals of life, as laid down by those radical, Right Wing, God fearing, bible thumping, gun bearing men called The Founding Fathers.

  We, in the ISA, believe that all human beings are created equal. There will be no bigotry, no hatred based on color. Any who will not, or cannot accept this premise must leave. It is going to take all of us, all, to move this nation forward.

  We are, and must be, Americans, not Italian American, African Americans or any of that crap. We are Americans, or we are nothing, and we will fail to build ‘that shining city on the hill,’ as defined by President Ronald Reagan.

  Ultimately, it comes down to this point: You are with us, or you are against us. There is no middle ground for sitting out this war, which will define how Americans live for generations. I know how you feel, but that does not matter in the here and now.

  Most liberals leave the ISA within a month of their Territory joining us. The funny thing is most try to sneak back into the country when they have to live under a truly liberal government that is the USA. Their transition to constitutional conservatism is dramatic.

  No, we are not so inclusive that we lose our national identity. We tried that, and it did not work. If you come to America, then you must assimilate and become American.

  We do not care what God you choose to worship if you choose any at all, but, and this is a big but, our country is founded upon a Judeo-Christian foundation, and so it shall remain.”

  Several members began to grumble about how un-American this attitude was. General Harris cut them off abruptly when he said, “Consider this, the President of the United States is now President for life, and the USA has placed all of their workers in FEMA slave labor camps. The sick and elderly seem to have a way of just disappearing.

  The government doesn’t generate enough revenue to pay for their grand ideas, so they eliminate the problem children per Margret Sanger’s original plan.”

  The assemblage stood as one and applauded the idea of returning to a Constitutional Republic.

  The Governor said, “Thank you for bringing us up to date on the ISA,
and to the reality of our position, both locally and nationally.

  Most of the people that have survived are good hard working people. The strong have truly survived. We did not have sufficient food for people who were able, but unwilling to work and sent them packing.”

  After a short debate on the floor, a vote was taken. Only four representatives voted against joining the ISA.

  General Harris, “I believe that we will make a good fit for the ISA.”

  “Governor, I am sure that you will, but I must ask; what of the 4 votes to remain in the USA?”

  “General, I fear they shall form a government in exile in the U.S. Time will tell if they are successful. I pray they are not.”

  Later that day John asked Gus to have the Intel boys leak out the names of the four problem representatives to the USA. They would be lead to believe the four were ISA spies. Problem solved.


  John wasted no time in calling his team to his headquarters in Smyrna. They met poolside, and as usual, John conducted an informal meeting. He had Imelda give an update on the Smyrna area, and Sam covered the scouting reports for Nashville.

  “Tim, I want you to assign leaders for the four objectives covered earlier. Please get back to me on that, tomorrow.”

  “Sir, I know what I want to do now. Karen, I want you to take on the Smyrna pacification and renewal project. Be nice to the Engineers.

  Al, you get Nashville.

  Marvin, I want you to eliminate all criminal elements from Tennessee.

  Jim, you will coordinate the civilian training and armament.

  Jim, you are promoted to Captain. You need to triple the size of your group yesterday.”


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