Wild Ride: A Bad Boy Romance

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Wild Ride: A Bad Boy Romance Page 22

by Roxeanne Rolling

  But Slam was pretty quick. Despite the incredible look of fear on his face, he reached behind him and pulled a giant pistol from where it had been tucked into his waistband.

  Roxy had seemed similar pistols before. They were specifically made for hunters and woodsmen, in case they came across wild bears in their travels.

  The caliber of the gun must have been enormous, much larger than .45. It was the largest pistol Roxy had ever seen. It looked like it could only hold one bullet, and the bullet must have been massive. Surely, it could hurt Herbert.

  But before Roxy could make a move to stop Slam, he had pointed the pistol directly at Herbert’s face. Slam was simply too fast for Roxy.

  Roxy wanted to cry out as she saw in slow motion Slam’s finger pulling against the trigger. Surely the giant bullet would destroy Herbert’s face.

  But she hadn’t been counting on how fast Herbert’s reflexes were. They were true bear reflexes, much faster than any human’s.

  With a swipe of his massive paw, Herbert swatted the gun out of Slam’s hand as if it were a toy.

  Slam stood there, completely stunned.

  Roxy knew Herbert could have killed Slam with one more swipe of his paw. She admired how he had chosen to disarm Slam, rather than kill him, even though it meant more possible danger to himself.

  Just then, the headlights of an enormous tractor-trailer truck appeared at the end of the alley. Jilly had returned with the truck. He was completely blocking the end of the alley. It was the only way out, and there was no way Herbert could get past the truck in his bear form. There wasn’t even any room between the wall and the cab for a human to squeeze through. Even if Herbert transformed back into a human, he wouldn’t be able to squeeze through.

  Jilly honked the loud truck horn. He flashed the lights. He must have known something was up. Through the windshield, Roxy saw him grab an enormous hunting rifle with a massive scope from the backseat. Jilly then positioned himself so that he could climb part way out the window of the truck cab. There was no way he could open the door enough to get out, since the brick wall was preventing any movement.

  Herbert turned his great bear snout and looked right at Roxy. Even though he didn’t say any words, he seemed to communicate with Roxy in an almost-telepathic way. Roxy later would wonder if the communication had taken place because of the sexual and romantic connection they had established only hours before. There were many stories of lovers who could talk to each other with just their minds.

  “Get him,” shouted Slam. “Shoot the bear. Dead of alive, Jilly. Dead or alive.”

  Jilly was halfway out the window. He was trying to wrangle the very long rifle into place, so that he could train the sights on Herbert. “I’ve almost got him,” he screamed.

  Without words, Herbert seemed to say, “I just want you to be safe, Roxy. Get back into the apartment and lock the door. They’ll follow me, you’ll be ok. I know it looks dangerous, but I’ll be ok. I’ve been in worse situations.”

  Roxy remembered Herbert’s military background, and realized that as a bear he was more than equipped to deal with this situation.

  She ran as fast as she could into the apartment. She ran up the wooden stairs, passing the landing that only hours before she had given Herbert that wonderful blowjob. She still could taste his rich and salty semen in her mouth.

  Roxy rushed over to the window that overlooked the alley. She saw Herbert looking up at her, his massive snout pointed in her direction. Once he saw her in the window, and knew she was safe, he made his move.

  Roxy felt a thrill run through her: Herbert really must love her. He had wanted above all else to protect her, in spite of the great risk to his own life.

  Jilly had managed to get the rifle leveled, and it was pointed right at Herbert. With a massive mechanical roar that echoed through the alley, reverberating between the brick walls, Jilly fired the gun. The kick from the gun sent him flying, making him loose his balance. He fell from where he was position halfway out the window and fell back into the cab, the rifle falling from his hands and hitting the alley pavement.

  Herbert was already on the move. His quick reflexes allowed him to dodge the bullet. The huge caliber bullet whizzed passed him, just barely grazing the fur on his back.

  Ignoring Slam, who stood there as if stunned, look quite stupid, Herbert sprinted on all four paws towards the truck.

  He didn’t slow down, even for a moment, as he approached the truck.

  There was no room for him to go around or over the truck.

  In bear form, thought Roxy, Herbert was probably too heavy to climb on top of the truck. His weight would have smashed the cabin, probably crushing Jilly to death inside. Once again, Roxy had to admire Herbert’s desire to keep even his enemies safe from harm.

  Rising his head up, Herbert slammed his chest against the front grill of the truck with all his force.

  Horrified, and a little turned on, although she didn’t know why, Roxy saw that blood was already oozing from the impression the truck grill had made on Herbert’s chest. She reached down and felt herself between her lips. She was moist. And she was only getting wetter. It must have been the thrill of seeing her man, or her bear, more accurately, in battle. Despite her worry, Roxy couldn’t help herself. She kept her hand there, pressed against her wet vagina. She began to slowly finger herself. She found that her clit was already exposed, the lips having folded back, like a flower. She massaged her clit gently, but found herself getting so excited at the site of Herbert charging the truck as a bear, that soon she was rubbing herself vigorously.

  Herbert charged the truck again and again. Each time moving it back a few feet. The truck must have been in park, because each time it moved back a few feet, something inside of it squealed. Maybe it was the brakes, or the gearbox, grinding as Herbert pushed it with

  his sheer force. Each time his bulk collided with the truck, his wounds were worsened, and more blood dripped out.

  Roxy cared deeply for Herbert, but the site of the wound only made her more excited. But mostly it was his display of sheer force that made her cum. She came for a full minute, moaning so loudly, crying out, that Slam looked up and saw her in the window. Fortunately, he couldn’t see her below the waist, due to the window’s placement.

  Finally, Herbert had pushed the truck far enough out of the alley that he could run by it.

  From her vantage point in the window, she saw Herbert disappear behind the bar building, running freely into the street.

  But what Roxy saw next shocked her. She could still see the cab of the truck from her vantage point. The entire front was smashed and bloody, with bear hair stuck to it. Jilly had managed to get out of the cab. He ran back into the alley, picking up the giant riffle from where it was lying on the ground “Come on, we’ll shoot him,” yelled Jilly at Slam. “Don’t just stand there.” This shook Slam out of his trance, and he sprinted out to the alley entrance.

  Roxy had to stop them. Jilly was going to shoot Herbert. That gun had a long enough scope that he’d be able to shoot Herbert almost a mile away.

  Checking to make sure her pants were completely buttoned, Roxy sprinted down the stairway and into the alley. The heels of her shoes clacked loudly against the pavement as she ran.

  Jilly and Slam were standing in the street. Jilly was raising the gun to his eye.

  Roxy looked down the street to see Herbert galloping on all four legs. He was almost a mile away, many blocks down the street. But his massive form was still visible. She could see the up-and-down motion of his back as he ran along. She had to admit he was quite good looking for a grizzly bear.

  But this was no time to get sexually aroused, thought Roxy to herself.

  “Stop,” screamed Roxy. “Don’t shoot him.”

  Jilly lowered the gun for a moment. He turned to look at Roxy. “It’s what we got to do. We’re hunters. So we hunt.” He brought the scope up again to his eye and squinted into it.

  Roxy no longer had the tequila bottl
e, but she wouldn’t have been able to hit Jilly with it even if she’d had it. Slam was standing guard, in the way that army snipers have lookouts to protect the immediate environment.

  But Roxy tried to run at Jilly anyway. She screamed out a long, shrill, scream, with her mouth hanging open and her throat stretching to accommodate the giant “Nooo!”

  Roxy never reached Jilly. Slam reached and seized her arms, holding her back easily, as if she was a toy.

  Herbert must have heard her scream. Even though he was so far away, he did have very sensitive animal hearing.

  Roxy saw Herbert’s distant shape stop, pause, and then around, cocking an ear towards her voice.

  Jilly’s gun boomed. It kicked back, knocking the thin Jilly onto the ground. His head hit the pavement and bounced back up, blood pouring everywhere.

  Down the street, Herbert was knocked back a little from the force of the impact. He crumpled to the ground in a heap, his giant head tumbling into his own paws.

  “Noo!” screamed Roxy, tears bursting from he eyes and streaming down her face. “What have you done? You monsters.” She did her best to fight against Slam, who was still holding her in a vice like grip. “Let me go, you monster. You asshole. You stupid piece of fucking shit. God damnit. Why would you shoot him? Why did you kill him?” The only thing in Roxy’s head was that she wanted to get to Jilly and kill him. She wanted to hurt him. She wanted to pick up his skull and bash it again into the pavement. She wanted to bash it again and again.

  Roxy ached like she had never before. Her whole body hurt. She felt a deep depression like a ravine opening up in his brain. It felt like the pain was prying apart her skull.

  “Calm down, lady,” said Slam. “It was just a tranquilizer. He’s knocked out, not dead.”

  Not dead... The words rang in Roxy’s head. The pain lifted. She felt a little lighter. She felt a little better. She didn’t want to kill Jilly. But she still wanted to hurt him. They were still hunters. They had hunted him like any common animal. They were just after the prize money and the fame. They had no concept of the love that she and Herbert had shared.

  Jilly had gotten up, despite his head wound. He was standing, looking at Herbert’s collapsed body through the scope of his gun. Then he raised his head, lowering the tranquilizer gun, and looked over at Roxy struggling against Slam. “I got some handcuffs in the trunk,” he said.

  He ran over the truck cabin and brought Slam a pair of handcuffs. Together, against Roxy’s struggling, kicking, spitting and swearing, they handcuffed her to a pipe that was sticking out from the brick wall in the alley.

  The handcuffs were tight against Roxy’s wrists, almost cutting off circulation. The pipe was low to the ground, so she had to squat low, or sit cross-legged. If she stuck her head a little around the corner, to the street, she could see Herbert lying down there, still unconscious.

  His body was blocking an intersection. A car or two had stopped, unable to pass him. People now, drivers and pedestrians, were gathering around his body. Roxy couldn’t make out exactly what they were doing, since they were so far away. But she was pretty sure she saw someone pull out a cell phone, probably o call the police.

  “So if you didn’t want him dead, why were you saying that stuff about ‘alive or dead?’ said Roxy, full of anger, spit coming out of her mouth as she spoke.

  “It’s just a line from a movie we like,” said Slam, helping Jilly with his head wound with some bandages from the truck.

  “What are you going to do to him?” In spite of her anger, there were tears in Roxy’s eyes. She had never felt so afraid. How was this fair? She had just fall in love with him, and now he was going to be taken away, while she was handcuffed to a pipe in an alley, powerless to stop them.

  “We’re going to deliver him to the military facility. We’ll get our rewards. That’s all we want right now. What they chose to do with him is their business.”

  “You’re just going to let them perform all these crazy experiments on him? What will they do with him anyway?” Roxy’s anger and fear were rising. She found that she was sweating, despite the cool nighttime air.

  “They’re probably trying to learn how their soldiers can turn into bears. Basically they want to weaponize him somehow.”

  “But they’ll surely kill him in the process.” Roxy was imagining all sorts of horrible experiments, the kind she had seen in science fiction movies.”

  “Probably,” said Slam callously. “There’s not going to be any way to examine his DNA and his inner workings unless he’s dead. They won’t be able to study the tissue purposefully unless they kill him. Plus, killing him will show them which form his body takes when he’s dead. Man or bear.”

  Roxy could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t exaggerating. He must have heard something from the military people about what they were planning to do. She knew it was the truth.

  “So you don’t care that you’re going to be killing a man, in exchange for some measly money? A few pitiful dollars?”

  “That ain’t no man, lady. That’s a bear. That’s nothing more than a beast.”

  “He’s a man,” said Roxy, emphatically.

  “Come on, Slam,” said Jilly, already in the driver’s seat of the cab. “We don’t have time for this. Come on!”

  Without another word, or even a look, to Roxy, Slam got into the passenger’s side door.

  Roxy watched them back the truck up in the street, then turn it around in a complex 3-point turn type of maneuver. She thrashed against the handcuffs, which rattled loudly against the pipe, but she couldn’t shake them. They were far too tight to slip her wrists through.

  She felt powerless as she watched the truck drive slowly down the street.

  The truck stopped by Herbert in his bear form. There was now a crowd of people standing around him, many with there cameras. A bear of Herbert’s size must have been a rare citing in the city.

  Roxy had to peer around the wall to see, straining against the handcuffs and the pipe.

  Down the street, she could see Jilly and Slam talking to the crowed. Jilly helped escort everyone to the side of the road, while Slam bent down and examined Herbert’s body.

  Roxy continued to struggle and pull against the handcuffs and she watched in horror how Jilly piloted a giant crane. He maneuvered the crane down to Herbert’s body and picked him up as if he were a stuffed animal in an arcade game.

  Soon Herbert was loaded onto the giant flatbed, looking like a great mound of furry firewood.

  “Noo,” screamed Roxy, as Jilly and Slam got back into the cab and drove off down the street, Herbert’s giant body strapped down onto the flatbed. But it was hopeless. Roxy was trapped. And the truck was already out of sight.

  Even if Herbert were to wake up, even if he were able to fight off the effects of the tranquilizers, there was no way he would be able to escape from the straps. Roxy had watched how Slam used a special winching device to make sure Herbert was tied tightly.

  Roxy couldn’t stand the thought of her man being taken from her. And only hours after they had met. There was a pain in Roxy that was growing. It wouldn’t go away. It felt like it would crush her from the inside out.

  The Alaskan city night had never looked more depressing. The florescent lights from the bar were buzzing against the backdrop of the pale and low hanging sun.

  The pain was unbearable. Roxy had to do something to fight against it. The only thing she could think to do was to get to Herbert. Somehow she had to save Herbert.

  Roxy screamed out. “Help, help! Somebody help me. But there was no one within earshot, and Roxy wasn’t easily visible from the street. Not many people were walking in front of the alley entrance.

  Roxy pulled again against the pipe. Suddenly she had an idea. She knew it would hurt. But she had to do it. She had to get to Herbert.

  Roxy threw all her weight forward, against the handcuffs. They dug into her wrists, making them bleed, cutting and slicing them. It felt as if the handcuffs
were going to cut off her wrists. But Roxy could hear the pipe moving a little against the brick.

  She dug her heels in, pushing against the pavement with the full force of her big thighs. It was times like these when it was good to have some extra weight.

  The pain in her wrists was unbearable. She could feel the blood trickling down.

  Then there was a huge snap, as the pipe broke free from the wall, tearing right out. It had been a water pipe, and cool water suddenly began gushing into the alley.

  Roxy relished in being free from the pipe.

  Time to get out of here, thought Roxy. Time to find Herbert.

  What where would she start? It was too late to chase down the truck, even if she’d had a car. The truck was long gone.

  And she had no idea where the military base was. And since it was top secret, there was probably no way she could find out.

  For inspiration, Roxy climbed back up the stairs to Herbert’s apartment.

  She was acting frantic, rushing from room to room, looking for something. But she didn’t know what she was looking for. But she knew she needed to find something that could tell her something, something that could help her find Herbert.

  Roxy entered the bedroom and looked at the fancy bed on which she and Herbert had laid on so calmly only hours ago. Roxy wasn’t in the mood to think about their love making sessions, and the thought of how peaceful she had felt only made her miss Herbert even more, making his absence that much harder to deal with.

  Feeling distraught, a depression sinking heavily in, a depression that hurt her physically, feeling like a knife cutting through her skull, Roxy flopped out on the bed.

  Normally, she would have felt excited, maybe even a little wet, to find herself on a man’s bed. But Roxy felt nothing. She only wanted to find Herbert.

  She lay on the bed in her depression, not moving, barely breathing, for what felt like an hour.

  Then something caught Roxy’s eye. When she finally began to remove herself from her inner world of despair, taking note again of her physical surroundings, she found that she had been staring at Herbert’s bedroom bookshelf.


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