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Aphrodizzia Page 12

by AnonYMous

  Louis Rotunda has been closed to public auctions this many a year. Yet on certain nights, behind the boarded windows, the lights blaze on nubile female flesh, as one beauty after another is made to mount the auction dais. If you ask the good burghers of New Orleans, you may be sure that they will shake their heads and tell you wistfully that the Rotunda auctions ended long, long ago. One or two will pipe an eye wistfully at the thought of bare and shapely dark-skinned slave-girls whom a man might buy there or in the arcades. But even these poor old fellows will then put on a most sanctimonious expression and inform you that things have changed for the better now. Did they but know of the secret auctions, Jack, you may be sure that their venerable old pricks would spring to attention with the mere thought of it. So, while you and I may not be the closest of neighbours, you may be sure that we shall meet several times a year at such jollities as the Rotunda's private auctions and the grand dinners of our fellow estate-owners. On such occasions I can promise you that we shall be waited upon by a bevy of bare beauties fit to grace the lascivious Rabelaisian banquets of Dolly Morton.**Videlicet The Memoirs of Dolly Morton, published at 13 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, Paris, for the Society of Private Bibliophiles. I promise you that when you have taken up residence on this island plantation, dear Jack, you shall be always welcome at my own little place. There you may have your choice of such adolescent nymphs as Michele Page or Nerissa Gray, such pert misses as Shirley Ross or Tracey Hope, such young women as Kim Roberts or Susan Underwood. If the fancy takes you to indulge such sports as the reformatory discipline of Elaine Cox, Jane Mitchener or Sally Fenton, then you may prepare yourself for those pleasures by dipping into the memoirs of Master Miles himself.* And yet, old fellow, I must not anticipate too far. We have yet to bring you and your girls safe to this place. For this purpose, we have but one simple and infallible scheme. When you have read this letter, wait but for a week. At the end of this time you will receive a visit from the captain of the Proserpine and an invitation for you and your charming pupils to take a cruise along the Sussex coast for a day or two. On the first night, the steam-yacht will moor off Bognor.

  From that mooring she will slip away without showing a single riding-light. By dawn on the second day she will be far out in the channel, with every appearance of a vessel bound on international commerce. By then she will fly the flag of imperial Germany, which you will find the best defence against being interfered with by the British authorities. I do not suppose for one moment that such interference is likely. In any case, by the morning after you will be in the open sea, beyond the power of any nation to impede. An agreeable summer voyage of five or six days more will bring you here, where your friends await you. Dolly has been a little troubled as to whether you can ensure that your girls serve you with that willingness which one expects from the beauties of a seraglio. She has therefore asked me to lend you a girl of my own, a strapping young trollop of nineteen by the name of Noreen. You may be sure that Noreen was a strong and defiant girl at first, trained to obedience by long and careful discipline. From time to time her resentment still flares up. Dolly considers that it would be useful for Noreen, by precept and example, to convince your girls that your pleasure must be their first concern and that their submission to it is not a choice but a requirement of their status here. * The House of Correction: Being the Authentic Memoirs of Jas. Miles, Esquire, to be had also of the Private Bibliophiles.

  Be well assured, Jack, how upon your arrival here you shall find the larder stocked, the cellar well filled, and so great a choice of pleasures awaiting in your spacious bedroom that you will scarcely know where to begin. Do you desire to have your way with Claudia or Elke? Why, they are yours already! Would you enjoy stripping and ravishing such a pair of little madams as Julia and Natasha? They are yours to do as you please with. It may also amuse you to know that a soft young brunette of your acquaintance, one Janet Bond, has also been acquired for your pleasures on my personal instructions.

  Such is the feast which awaits you. I will say no more than that your presence is the one thing lacking to make our present diversions the most exquisite. Dolly pines for you, wishes you were here, and devises all manner of games which you and she will play with your alluring harem in the long sunlit months which lie ahead.

  Tomorrow I must travel onward to my own plantation, for I have no doubt that Maggie and Jackie, Shirley and Kim, Michele and Susan-indeed the several dozen of my girls-are in need of some serious attention. Dolly will write to me every day and inform me of the progress on this charming island, which is now yours by lease.

  You may be sure that I shall visit you in your new domain soon after your arrival with your shapely frauleins. I hope however that you will first do me the honour of spending a week or two on my own plantation. Have no fear, old fellow, I will find some man of sterling qualities who shall superintend your girls and keep them in order for you while you pass this time with me. Do you not begin to anticipate the fun we shall have together-separately and in our combined orgies?

  For the moment I lay down my pen. Who knows? Before we have time to write to one another again, I may have the honour of welcoming you to Spaniards' Reach plantation and of entertaining you as my guest. I promise you that the tricks I have taught to such young wrigglers as Maggie and Sue will almost make you forget Claudia's demure reticence and Elke's sly lewdness. Till that time comes, dear jack, accept the warmest regards of your own devoted friend. Frederick, Viscount A-.


  A letter from Dolly to Lord Fred-Jack's arrival at the island-His girls-The day's routines-A first orgy with Julia and Natasha-Six holes for two pricks-The example of Noreen, a strapping young trollop of nineteen-A tale of birch in the boudoir-Noreen's defiance and her punishments-A fine Havana cigar-The broad pale cheeks of Noreen's bottom well rouged-The varied pleasures of Jack's harem displayed-His visit to Lord F. Dear Freddie, I write from this island paradise on a warm and tranquil day to tell you of Jack's safe arrival. The good ship Proserpine glided to her anchorage two hundred yards offshore at ten o'clock this morning. Jack and his four girls came ashore in the cutter, leaving the steam-yacht like a graceful fairy-craft in the bay. The next boat brought three more girls from the steamer, Sian, Daniela, and Valeria. In addition to these seven we have, of course, Sonja, Petra, Julia, Natasha, and a number of warm-skinned girls of the area. Shawn is my favourite of these but all are nubile and passionate in their boudoir frolics. Jack is greatly amused by your loan of Janet and Noreen, for he finds the latter to be just the strapping and insolent young trollop you described. In my dealings with our two adolescent pupils, Julia and Natasha, I have adhered strictly to my principles. Every morning first thing they appear and clamber on to the marble massage table together, with their skirts and panties discarded. As at the Villa Anna, I smooth over their bare hips, thighs, and rear cheeks with the amply perfumed soap-cream. And as on those former occasions, they receive a gloved digit up their rear holes, and they load with their own warm rain the sponge held between their charming thighs. Ah, yet what a change is here! Now as a matter of routine, I work the light lather between their legs on my gloved fingers until there is such a chorus of tiny sounds! Julia cries out her pleasure with short and sharp utterances, accompanied by impatient butting movements of her bare and lathered hips. Natasha is more restrained, confining her outbursts to soft questioning whimpers of gratification. If you could see our prim little blonde as the gloved fingers rub her pussy-flesh in a light and soapy caress, you would have no doubt that her pleasures are more intense than these timid little sounds indicate.

  For, of course, Natasha arches back her slim hips and opens herself to the intrusion with all the eagerness of a blond young Messalina!

  The well-soaped finger up each young backside is now accepted by the two girls as a matter of necessity. Though they do not experience the same pleasure as from the other caresses, they now submit readily to this gentle impalement. I think the time has come when they would scarcely be able to ma
nage without it-and so they have accepted the necessity of what must be. All this has been achieved, as I explained to Jack again today, under the seeming rule of cleanliness and decency. Even some of the other girls, who do not yet know me better, regard me as a moral dragon and a very martinet in matters of proper conduct and deportment. I am most anxious, dear Freddie, that our friend Jack shall encounter no difficulties with the girls who are to be his seraglio. It is so disagreeable when pleasures designed are spoilt or delayed by a lack of compliance among the objects of one's affections. A harem of young women must be, for their master, deesennuy-ant-or he might as well pay for his pleasures along the pavements of Piccadilly, the Via Roma, or the Rue de Rivoli. With this in mind, Freddie, I have made much use of your girl Noreen, as an object lesson to our Berlinese lesbians, our high-school charmers, and the fair-skinned German beauties whom Jack has brought with him.

  Noreen, of course, is instantly seen for what she is, a quite tall and strongly-made girl of nineteen with firm fair-skinned features, the lank dark hair trimmed round at her collar and worn in a level fringe over the natural insolence of her brown eyes. One does not make courtly love to such a young wench as this, and yet she has an appeal for a man of jaded appetite who seeks the taste of strong meat.

  Her costume of white singlet and the faded blue denim of working-jeans showed off her figure admirably when the other girls saw her. One sees so clearly Noreen's strong, straight back and her resiliently-moulded breasts. The jeans shape her firm and agile thighs, her sturdy young hips and loins, the cheeks of Noreen's bottom which are sturdy enough and well rounded but without a pinch of surplus fat. Great care has been taken that the other girls shall hear of Noreen's insolent conduct towards her admirers before that fortunate day when she came into the hands of a trader and was paraded, struggling, on to the auction-block. Several of the keenest bidders were men who had admired her at her shopwork, kneeling on all fours in the singlet and working-pants as she polished the waxed floors. The rear view of her stiffened the tool of every lucky fellow who paused to watch. Held by a stout waist-belt, the jeans-denim was drumskin-taut over the full and broadened mounds of Noreen's buttocks.

  That stout central seam of the jeans-seat was drawn deeply and suggestively down between the strapping young cheeks of Noreen's bottom. Where it was stretched hard under her legs, it even parted the soft lips of her cunt which were clearly shaped as an erotic bulge in the thin denim. Yet when she was still mistress of her fate, the young bitch behaved with great thanklessness to men who paid the tribute of their eyes to this provoking aspect! She would become suddenly immobile on all fours and, with a flick of her lank dark hair, look back at them with firm-jawed contempt. Or she would sit back on her heels and stare round at them, her brown eyes determined to force them from their contemplation of her. You have enjoyed Noreen so often, Freddie, that I need not tell you of the lazy insolence which still remains in the young tart's nature and which is seen from time to time. To submit herself to the will of any other person-man or woman-is not her inclination. For that reason our new arrivals here regard her with fascination, for in her fate they read their own. A strong and resentful working-girl like Noreen would surely have resisted and rebelled. How is it that, despite her lapses, she obeys the commands given her with ill-grace and resentment-yet still obeys them? You see my purpose, Freddie? If the girls can be convinced that even Noreen could not endure the consequences of refusal and rebellion, they will give little for their own chances.

  Jack and I will be saved a good deal which is disagreeable and will settle to our pleasures without delay. This will be more to the benefit of the girls than to our own. We shall enjoy our delights by whatever means is necessary. It is only the girls attending us who may endure chastisement through wayward refusal. It would have been possible, of course, to provoke Noreen to disobedience and then to have taken a vengeance upon her by means of whip, branding-marker, or some other convenient device. However, it goes against the grain to make such a young tart incur anguish merely in order to demonstrate that. Seduction, not sadism, is the method by which Jack and I propose to keep our seraglio in order. That being the case, we allowed the girls to feast their eyes on Noreen and to become well-acquainted with the sight of her. It took only a few hours. When that was done, we left several copies of a birch and boudoir story-a chapter from her life-lying about in places where the girls were sure to come across them. And so they did. You will easily imagine that girls like Elke and Julia, who cannot resist a lewd story, fell upon these and were soon reading out the details to the others. So it was that they became acquainted with your little masquerade, Freddie, when you posed as the captain of the yacht Brandon, which was carrying Noreen and several other girls to their first taste of the silken web of sexual bondage. They read of Noreen's loud-mouthed insolence, her defiance of those who sought to make her the companion of their bed.

  It is the kind of impudent refusals which some of them might offer to Jack or I. The story of that incident informed them how Noreen had fought with such energy against her master, when he wished only to lavish upon her the enjoyment of the sheets, that she broke the poor fellow's arm-or at least obliged him to go about for a week with his right arm in a sling. What was the cause of this? Merely that her master had been sitting like a king in his throne-in a comfortable leather chair after dinner-when Noreen and the other girls were waiting upon him. He summoned Noreen to the arm of his chair and ordered her to turn her back. She flicked back her lank dark hair, gave him a contemptuous look, but obeyed. And so he was confronted by the tight jeans-seat, the shape of Noreen's broad young buttocks and strong hips. He naturally ordered her to bend over so that he might enjoy a more provoking view of Noreen's arse. She did this most resentfully. For some time he contemplated the suggestive shape of Noreen's bottom, so big-cheeked in this posture. After a little while, he ordered her to go into the adjoining room, take off her jeans and briefs, play between her legs, vaseline her arsehole, and then wait to be well ridden and vigorously sodomised. At this the most dreadful fracas ensued and our girls read of it wide-eyed. Noreen struggled and fought against him. Before his valet and grooms could restrain her, she had thrown her entire weight upon his arm, wrenching it grievously, and had bitten him hard upon the wrist. The eyes of Elke Mahne and the others flew along the lines of print to see what would be the outcome of this civil strife. She read of how the two stalwart grooms and the valet led Noreen to her master's cabin on the following evening. You may be sure that the miscreant struggled against them, twisting her hips, bowing her back, and trying every way to free herself from their grasp. The anger burnt red on the points of her wide cheekbones, her firm features set hard, the brown eyes still defiant. The lank collar-length of her dark hair flew to and fro as she wrestled against them, while she flicked her fringe with great energy. As Elke and the others read the tale, it puzzled them to understand how the injured master alone could teach Noreen the error of the crime she had committed. But then, dear Freddie, they do not know that gentleman as well as I do! They could well believe that it took the efforts of all three guardians to place Noreen face-down over a heavy stool-its legs bolted to the floor. One man was deputed to fasten her ankles, with legs full-stretched, to the metal rings at one extreme, another secured her wrists at full stretch on the far side. In this posture, the tight denim of the faded blue jeans presented Noreen's bum-cheeks full and broad. Our girls read how the valet undid the stout belt of Noreen's working-trousers, drawing her jeans down and off. Noreen's knickers, the elasticated briefs universally favoured by such working-girls, followed next. How the story captured the young trollops outrage when the warm cotton was folded, dunked in the crachoir, and then wadded into her mouth! Yet these protests were well muffled as the thin bridle-strap between her teeth was tightened to hold the silencer in its place. The object of this study is, of course, to deter our young ladies from unseemly and rebellious conduct. That being the case, Freddie, I also allowed them to glimpse an account of one
of Noreen's other experiences on a certain plantation well known to both of us. It relates to a damp cloth applied in a room and to a part which propriety forbids mention of here. How this serviceable cloth was used to mop between Noreen's bottom-cheeks and over them, between her legs, as she bent for retribution, and only then was wadded to prevent unseemly outbursts.

  In the present case, Elke began to read aloud to the other girls, their eyes growing ever wider, though one or two still seemed mystified as to the events of the story. Noreen's master had entered the room to find the culprit strapped bottom-upwards in this posture, though the strong-jawed and fiery-eyed rebellion was still visible as she turned her gaze upon him. At every peephole in the walls of that room, at every crack and aperture, there was a listener or a watcher. It seems to be the universal opinion of mankind-if not womankind as well-that young women of Noreen's build and disposition merit the strictest retribution for this crime. From the old bosun to the newest cabin-boy they licked their lips and waited with smiling excitement. Many of them had suffered Noreen's impudence and contempt.


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