Fate Hates (Twist of Fate Book 1)

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Fate Hates (Twist of Fate Book 1) Page 19

by Tina Saxon

  “Are you done?” I ask, walking up to him. He nods and smiles. “I wasn’t questioning why you came over.” I lean up and kiss him. Stepping back, I say, “I was wondering why you’re trying to get me drunk.” I tilt my head in the direction of all the drinks on our table they just brought over. “Are you trying to get lucky?” I hear Damon laughing. I look over to see what he’s laughing at, and he’s looking at me shaking his head.

  “What?” I ask, poking him.

  “Nothing bad,” he replies with his hands up in the air. “You’ll find out soon.” What the hell does that mean? I look back to a grinning Aiden, so I narrow my eyes. He shrugs. I don’t know what they are planning, but it’s something. I should be scared.

  Aiden laughs, pulling me to his hard, muscular chest. “You look beautiful tonight, sweetheart.”

  “Thanks,” I say suspiciously. “Nice deflection.”

  Syd comes over, standing by my side. “Hi, I’m Sydney,” she says in her sing-song voice introducing herself to Aiden. I smile at her then realize that I was supposed to be introducing her to these guys. Damn Aiden.

  Always a distraction.

  Aiden releases me. “Hey, Sydney, I’m Aiden. This here is Damon,” he says, slapping Damon on the back after shaking her hand.

  Damon takes Syd’s hand and leans over and whispers something. She blushes as she giggles. I’m about to say something, but the DJ announces the next singers.

  “Aiden, Dave, and Damon. Get your asses on stage,” he orders.

  “That’s our cue,” Aiden leans over and gives me a quick kiss and walks to the stage.

  The crowd, especially the women, go wild when they see the three incredibly gorgeous guys on stage. I don’t blame them. Someone yells, “Take it off!” Syd whips around, staring at me.

  Oh, shit! Did I yell that? I laugh at my drunk self. I look back to the stage, and Aiden is shaking his head, mouthing “You are cut off.” Still laughing, I blow him a kiss.

  Damon works the crowd with his sexy voice and banter. Catcalls and whistles sweep across the crowd. The music begins and Damon looks at us and says, “This one’s for the ladies,” and points to our table. The entire bar turns and looks at us. Instead of being mortified, our drunk selves scream and jump up and down, like Jon Bon Jovi just dedicated a song to us.

  Aiden takes center stage and “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk fills the air. The crowd goes wild. Aiden’s sexy, deep voice sings to me the entire length of the song. He has a devilish smile every time he sings about getting lucky. My body is on fire, watching him on stage. He’s wearing dark jeans and a white, button-up shirt, rolled up, showing off his strong forearms.

  When the song ends, the guys make their way back to our table. Women are throwing themselves at them left and right. Aiden’s eyes never waver from mine. Instead of waiting for him to get to me, I run and jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around him. I bite his lower lip. “You are so fucking hot,” I mumble into his mouth, devouring his lips. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. Our kiss doesn’t last long enough. He pulls away, walking over to my stool and placing me down. I pout, sticking out my lower lip.

  “You, sweetheart, are drunk.” He chuckles as he pokes me in the nose.

  “Well, that is all your fault!” I reply, poking him in the chest. One touch sends sparks through me. I twist his shirt in my fist, pulling him over to me. “I’m not done with you.” I kiss him again. He doesn’t pull away this time. Instead, he takes control of the kiss. His hands wrap in my hair, pulling it back, giving him easier access to my lips. I moan into his mouth.

  “You two need to get a room.” Harper interrupts our heated kiss. As we pull apart, Aiden squeezes my thighs.

  “I will never be done with you,” he growls in my ear then grabs his drink from the table behind me. When he drains his drink, he tells me he’ll be right back. Something about hitting the head. When I lick my lips, a low growl erupts. “Woman,” his raspy voice warns as he turns around to walk away.

  “Golden vagina,” Harper squeaks out. I look at her and we both giggle. I look around for Sydney but don’t see her.

  “Where’s Sydney?” I ask Harper while she’s wiping tears from her eyes.

  “I think she’s getting a taste of the gorgeous FBI man,” she says, using air quotes.

  What? “Holy shit, where did she go?” I look around. Harper just shrugs.

  Aiden walks back up. “You’re back awfully quick,” I say, still looking around for Syd.

  “Yeah, some asshole locked the bathroom so there’s a line. Seriously, get a room,” he barks. My eyes go wide. Oh, my God! Aiden furrows his brows then looks around. He must notice that Damon and Sydney are nowhere in sight. I roll my eyes, shaking my head. Aiden busts out laughing. “I guess I know who the asshole is.”

  Half an hour later we’re all walking out of the bar. I didn’t say anything to Syd when she made it back to the table. But I will. Since we’re all drunk, the guys won’t let us go home alone. Dave goes with Harper in a taxi, making sure she gets home. Syd and Damon go in one taxi, and Aiden and I go in another heading to my apartment. Our taxi arrives first. I’ve had a really hard time keeping my hands to myself in the car. Aiden gets out and pulls me into his chest, kissing me on the head.

  “Aren’t you coming in?” I ask suggestively.

  Damon and Syd’s taxi pulls up. Damon walks past us, carrying a passed-out Syd. “She sleeping in the guest room?” he asks. I nod my head.

  Aiden narrows his eyes. “How the fuck does he know where your apartment is, let alone where the rooms are inside?”

  I giggle. “I like jealous Aiden.” I run my hand across his stubbled jawline. He raises a curious eyebrow when I don’t answer. “I’ve had a few small parties here, and he’s come over. I promise you, it’s never been anything but friendship,” I try to explain without slurring.

  “Good,” he replies, leaning me against a wall right outside the door to my building. “And no, I’m not coming in.” I stick my lower lip out, and he bites it then sucks on it before kissing me. His tongue slowly caresses mine. The door beside us swings open forcefully, causing me to jump. We both look over to a brooding Damon. He walks down the street. His posture is stiff as he stalks away. My curious eyes meet Aiden’s. He shrugs.

  “I thought you wanted to get lucky?” I whisper, brushing up against him, taking my hand and rubbing the outline of his erection. He lets out an audible gasp. He grabs my hands and puts them behind my back, pinning me against the wall.

  “You mean do I want to taste you? Sink my cock in your hot pussy so I can hear you scream my name?” he growls in my ear as he thrusts his hips forward. “Every fucking second of every day since I’ve met you, sweetheart.” He bites my earlobe. I moan. My breathing is erratic. I can feel the heat between my legs as he rubs his thigh over my sensitive clit. “But I. Want. More,” his raspy voice grates out between his teeth. I close my eyes momentarily as I exhale shakily.

  “What if I can’t give you more?” I say softly.

  “Oh, you can. And I know you want to. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “It’s complicated, Aiden.” I sigh.

  “Then un-complicate it.” Freeing my hands, he cups my neck. Lightly brushing his thumb on my bottom lip. “Goodnight, sweetheart.” He leans over and tenderly kisses me. Stepping back, he opens the door for me.

  “I guess it’s just me and my trusty bullet tonight,” I mumble as I walk off. I don’t know if he heard me, but at this point I don’t care. Feeling the sting of his rejection, I’m comforted knowing that he has a serious case of blue balls right now. Serves him right for getting me drunk, singing to me about getting lucky, and then denying me.

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  IT’S SUNDAY MORNING and Syd and I feel good considering we spent most of our day yesterday with a major hangover. It’s been a long time since I was that drunk. Now I know why. It sucks the next day. We both piece together our night like a puzzle because there are some fu
zzy spots. I close my eyes in embarrassment over the alcohol controlling my actions and laying claim to Aiden in front of everyone.

  I flop on the couch next to Sydney, laying my head on her shoulder. “Why did I fall in the love with the one guy I shouldn’t have.” I let out a soft sigh.

  “Girl, I’ve seen that man look at you. I don’t think he’ll care.” She leans her head on mine. “I think you should just tell him. Travis is only your sperm donor. You have nothing to do with him. Didn’t even know about him until just a year ago,” she explains, like it’s something I don’t know. Yeah, I know all right. It replays in my head like a broken record all day.

  “How can he not care? My dad killed his parents!” I groan in frustration.

  “And what does that have to do with you? Nothing!” She sits up and grabs my shoulders and shakes them. “All I know is that man is crazy for you. I can only hope a guy will look at me that way from across the room. I think I was flustered for you most of Friday night. At least the parts I remember.” She giggles.

  “Oh, you did have someone looking at you all night… that’s why you were so flustered.” I poke her in the stomach. She blushes as she laughs.

  “Mmm… Damon is hot! He’s not a long-term type of guy, though. Fun for a night or two, but that gorgeous man is too caught up on himself to think about anyone else,” she says as she gets up off the couch.

  “So, did you check off one of those nights of fun?” I ask. I hear in the kitchen snickering. “Don’t think I didn’t notice,” I tease, looking back to see her raising an eyebrow.

  “Detective Addison, I can neither confirm nor deny those accusations,” she jokingly says as she walks into the guest bedroom.

  I jump up after her. “Oh, no, you don’t get off that easy.” I say walking after her.

  “Actually, I did.” She winks, and we both hysterically laugh, falling on her bed.

  “That is not what I meant.” I throw a pillow at her. “But since you brought it up… what? Where?” I say, sitting up. “Oh, wait! I just remembered. The bathroom!”

  She giggles. “We just messed around a bit. He was fun. End of story. You know he’s not my type,” she says, lying on her side, resting her head on her elbow.

  “What… muscular, tall, gorgeous, and confident doesn’t do it for you?” We both laugh, knowing that’s exactly what she doesn’t go for. Syd’s a singer and a teacher. She usually goes for the artsy type.

  “You know me, I go for safe. And Damon is definitely not safe.” She shakes her head. “But he’s got skills, I’ll give him that.” She lets out a long breath. “Anyway, I don’t even live here.”

  “Yet,” I quickly add.

  * * *

  A couple hours later we walk into my neighborhood bar to watch the noon football game. Syd and I are huge football fans. And not just for any team… but the Dallas Cowboys. Syd’s parents had season passes when we were growing up, so it became one of our favorite things to do. Today is the first game of the season, and they’re playing the New York Giants. We’re both wearing our cowboy boots, which I haven’t worn since my going away party, jean shorts, and our Dallas Cowboys jerseys.

  When we walk in we’re met with whistles and yee-haws. Ben, the bartender, is shaking his head as we approach. I’ve been coming to this bar since I’ve been in New York; it’s a block away from my place, so Ben and I are good friends.

  “Addison. You’re breaking my heart!” he says as he grips his chest and groans. Syd and I laugh. “But holy hell, y’all look hot. Who’s your friend?” He smirks, lifting his chin toward Sydney.

  “Ben, this is my best friend, Sydney. Sydney, Ben. She’s visiting me from Texas.” I smile as I wrap my arm around her waist.

  Ben sticks out his hand and they shake. “Nice to meet you, Sydney. What can I get y’all to drink?” We giggle at his over-the-top southern accent.

  We grab our drinks and glide to a tall table. TVs are placed all over the bar so anywhere we sit we’ll see the game. The atmosphere is loud and there are a lot of Giant fans. Not surprisingly, there are other Cowboys fans here, too. They stop by our table every so often to joke with other Giant fans. The bar goes crazy at every touchdown, no matter who gets it. Syd and I have always loved the competitive camaraderie at games. We love going to the other teams’ tailgates and having fun.

  It’s half time and the teams are tied. Ben puts on music and we’re out of our seats dancing. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. Pulling it out, I see a text from Aiden.

  Aiden: Hey, beautiful, what are you doing?

  I show the text to Sydney and tell her to take a picture of just my legs and boots. I text back with only the picture. I can see him typing a response almost immediately.

  Aiden: You are definitely wearing those next time we fuck

  My pulse quickens at the thought of next time. I laugh as I tell Syd to take a picture of just my ass and legs. I send the picture to him.

  Aiden: Are you trying to kill me? I’m hard as a rock seeing that ass of yours. Where are you?

  I can’t stop laughing, thinking about the picture I’m about to take. I know he’s a Giants fan. We’ve never really talked about football before, other than when he mentioned being ready for football season to start and hoping the Giants have a good one. I grab a girl sitting at the next table and ask her to take a picture of Syd and me but to make sure to get our boots and everything. I text the picture but add text this time.

  Me: Go Cowboys ;)

  Aiden: That is just wrong! So. Fucking. Wrong.

  We’re laughing so hard we’re wiping tears from our eyes. “Your man actually might have found something about you he doesn’t like,” Syd laughs out.

  I text him back.

  Me: What? Don’t be a hater. Are you afraid of losing?

  I figured he’d write back right away, but he doesn’t. We get another beer before the game comes back on. Other people have gathered around us as we watch. Smack talk is going back and forth, but everyone’s having a great time. I jump up out of my seat as Dallas has the ball and is running with it.

  “Go, go, go!” I yell as they get closer to the end zone. He’s almost there. I’m jumping up and down.


  I whip around. “Who the hell just smacked my a—”

  Lips crash over mine. Aiden. My mouth opens in automatic response, letting his tongue devour me. He demands control as his tongue does what it pleases: biting my lower lip then sucking it. I feel hands grabbing my ass, pulling me closer. I can feel his arousal on my thigh, the tingle between my legs growing into need. A low growl erupts as we break the seal. I look up into beautiful emerald green eyes laced with lust and it makes my breath catch.

  “That was for teasing me with that ass shot,” Aiden says as he takes a hand full of my ass and squeezes. I’m trapped in the aura of Aiden that I don’t even remember there’s a game happening. I have to take a step back to regain my own senses, to break his hold on me.

  “What the— How the h—,“ I stutter, not being able to form a sentence. I hear laughing and look over at Damon, who’s shaking his head at us. Looking away from Aiden brings me back to the present. I blow out a breath and look back to Aiden, who smirks a knowing smile. I grab my beer and chug the rest of it.

  “Ben,” Aiden’s deep voice yells out without looking away, “Addison needs another beer.”

  “Aiden! How’s it going, man?” Ben yells back. This has Aiden turning and walking his way. They shake hands as Ben hands him my beer. Aiden walks with such confidence and strength, I bite my bottom lip as I drink him in, appraising his body. A slow, smug smile appears on his face with a devilish glint in his eyes.

  “So, you want to put your money where your mouth is?” Aiden asks as he gets to the table and sits down on my stool.

  I arch my eyebrow. “What are you talking about?” I look over at Damon for help, but he is staring at Syd, who is talking to a group of people we met earlier. He doesn’t look happy. A loud laugh has me lookin
g back at Aiden. “Sucks, brother. Doesn’t it?” he says as he slaps him on the back.

  “Fuck you,” Damon barks as he pushes off the chair and heads to the bar. I’m so confused. What did I miss?

  “Inside joke?” I ask.

  He smirks and nods. “Anyway, you asked if I’m afraid of losing. Do you want to bet that the Cowboys will win?” He smiles. I look at the score and it’s almost the end of the third quarter. The Cowboys are up by seven points. I look back to Aiden and narrow my eyes.

  “What’s the bet?” I ask playfully as I take a drink. My tongue darts out to lick my bottom lip and catches a drop of beer.

  “Woman, you constantly test my self-control,” he growls as he adjusts himself. I giggle before taking another drink. “So, the bet… If I win, I get to take you on a date, anywhere, doing anything, no questions asked.” He sports a sexy half grin, revealing one of his dimples.

  I twist my lips. “And if I win?”

  He shrugs. “You pick.”

  “Hmm… okay, if I win you take me to the next Giants vs. Cowboys game and you have to wear a Dallas Cowboys jersey.” I see him swallow and glance up at the TV looking at the score. “Are you scared?” I tease.

  What am I talking about? I am. Anywhere, doing anything, no questions asked? That makes my blood pressure rise just thinking about it.

  “Nope, not at all. I know my boys are going to come through. So is it a bet?” He puts his hand out to shake on it. I hesitate. Do I really want to give him that much control over me for a night? I’m not usually one to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

  Well, unless he’s the ride.

  Oh, what the hell! I reach out and grab his hand, and he pulls me to him. “May the best team win.” He smirks. Instead of letting me go, he pulls me in between his legs. “By the way, you look hot and I am not kidding about you, me, and those boots.” He rubs his hand where he slapped my ass.

  Which reminds me… “By the way, you ever slap me again, you’re going to lose a hand,” I whisper in his ear.


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