The Wedding Deception

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The Wedding Deception Page 9

by Adrienne Basso

  So the music started playing and Claire found herself circling the room, in her husband's arms, under the gaze of guests. They danced alone for a few minutes before the other couples joined them.

  Jasper continued to tell his adventures, amusing stories with Claire his rebellious youth.

  - I doubt that anyone was actually harmed by their play - She said. - But tell me something shocking about her.

  - Not believing in me, right?

  - Rather, my lord.

  - Very good. - He nodded and murmured in his ear: - Once I fought a duel.

  - In a duel! Really?

  - You should be horrified, not intrigued.

  - Should I? Well, I'm horrified. You fought for someone to loved?

  - My sister.

  - You defended the honor of your sister?

  - Yes, against the insults of Dardington.

  - You challenged the marquis? Swords or pistols? Jasper shook his head and laughed.

  - You're a bloody. If I knew I would never have revealed to him my sordid past.

  - I really like to know. - Suddenly, Claire was serious. - It allowed me know a little man you really are.

  - I am no longer an irresponsible young and daring who risks everything in a impulse of rebellion - Jasper replied in a voice cold, almost harsh. Claire realized he had touched a raw nerve, but had not meant to offend him. When the song ended, apparently already Jasper forgotten the conversation, but not Claire.

  - Come, I'm free the next dance. I want to hear the rest of the story the duel. - She practically dragged him towards the terrace, but stopped at the door. - It's raining.

  - And strong. - With a mischievous smile on his lips, he added: - Duke has a gardenof-winter spectacular. And I know where he keeps the key. Come on!

  From Arm in arm, across the hall. Excited by the prospect of alone with Jasper, Claire did not notice the looks of a scathing particular person. The garden-of-winter was on the same wing as the ballroom, with walls and a glass roof. The key was hung by the door. Jasper lit to light a candle and went inside. Claire followed by the nave.

  The sound of rain beating on the glass and the smell of flowers, foliage and humidity created an almost unreal atmosphere. Jasper lit two lanterns clarity and revealed a kind of room with a sofa and several armchairs. Claire circulated the room, admiring the potted foliage exotic. Feeling that Jasper watched her movements, she turned slowly. Leaning against the wall with its mirror image, Jasper smiled. The Claire's heart soared. In an instant, he forgot the ball, the aristocracy, nervousness and many other thoughts that haunted him who agreed to be the wife of Jasper. He imagined himself kissing lips him, chin, neck. He imagined himself stroking his broad shoulders, breast,

  The thighs and the rigidity of their masculinity. She imagined him inside. Suddenly, his feelings for her husband almost choked. She wanted him. She wanted him with passion, intensity, urgency. Awareness of this fact Claire woke up in an instinct that overcame her sensible nature and his prudence, leading to an urgent need, and exciting. Claire felt sure of his feelings. It was not just desire. She loved Jasper. It was inconceivable a demure woman be so bold, even with her own husband. And then discovered that he could be ruthless when he wanted something. And she wanted to Jasper. At that moment, that place. He approached slowly and spread his hands on his chest.

  - What are you doing? - He asked.

  - Does not it seem obvious? I'm trying to steal a kiss from my husband.

  - Here? Now?

  By a moment, Claire was afraid to lose heart. But overcoming the time of weakness, put his body on him. Shivered all to see he was excited.

  - The timing is not ideal? - Linking it by the neck and kissed him mouth. There was a soft kiss or gentle, but passionate and demanding. Jasper responded with the same intensity and Claire felt melt inside.

  Slowly she was arousing his senses, using your lips, teeth and language, and was delighted to hear him groan. His lips devoured, and languages seemed to duel for power domination. Though Claire taking the initiative, it was Jasper who assumed control. Hold it firmly, kissing her hungrily, pressing her neck with a hand and hips with the other, keeping her body pressed to yours, to feel that the evidence of his desire. With Breathing hard, Claire gave his tie Jasper and then unbuttoned his vest and shirt. With trembling fingers, opened the shirt and pulled it out of his pants. Fascinated, stroked his strong chest and circled her nipples with his fingertips. The feeling of caressing his skin was erotic, and only when he felt a cold breeze in the body, Jasper noted that lowering the neckline of her dress, leaving her breasts showing.

  - You are so beautiful! - He said with hoarse voice. Claire stared at him, and the emotion he saw in his face almost to tears.

  - You too.

  They hugged again, and kisses became increasingly greedy. Jasper slid his hand under the curve of her breasts and leaned to Claire head. She moaned when the warm and moist lips sucked a nipple, and then the other, nibbling and encircling them with the tip of the tongue. She cried when he felt a heat wave enveloping his body.

  - We better stop now, or will be too late - Jasper muttered.

  - Why do we deny our passion? - Claire asked, sliding his hand on his pants and lingering on the hard lump.

  A jumped into the maxillary nerve of Jasper.

  - Claire, you make me mad!

  - I am your wife, Jasper ...

  - This is crazy - he muttered with a muffled voice. - An insane outrageously delicious!

  - Oh, yes ...

  The kisses resumed, even more greedy than before, but even so, Claire managed to open the buttons of his pants Jasper. The next moment, the member was swollen and throbbing in her hand. The only sounds that broke the silence in the garden-of-winter were breathing heaving and groaning of both. Trembling with desire, Jasper raised Claire's skirt and pulled her underwear.

  - Come to the sofa - she suggested in a tiny voice.

  - Do not want to waste time. - Jasper reversed positions, leaning Claire on the wall. She shuddered when he felt his hand touch her intimately. No inhibitions, opened to him, with fingers racy, found the way to the center of her femininity. When the force of desire became unbearable for both Jasper grabbed her hips and lifted it. Instinctively, her legs curled Claire around his body and suspended body, to facilitate penetration.

  By Jasper felt penetrating her, she shuddered and groaned in pain.

  - Am I hurting you? - He wondered. Claire tranquilized with a negative gesture of head and Jasper pushed more by entering her completely. He waited a moment to fit the bodies and then began to move slowly. Claire followed the pace, more and more fast, moaning, panting, shaking, leaving the head to fall behind. Your whole body seemed to pulse and throb. He moved his hips frantically, Jasper and responded with force, investing strongly in it. Claire held his breath to feel the closeness of the climax, while his body was wracked by spasms of pleasure. Jasper closed his eyes and groaned, giving the final push. Claire smiled, satisfied, felt the warm sap flowing into it, and said to himself same could not be a more glorious moment between a man and a woman. She hugged him tight until the tension is dilute. Passed few minutes until they break away from that bonding intimate. Finally, Jasper put her down, but Claire continued head on his chest, not wanting the magic moment to end.

  The voice still hoarse from Jasper tore out the thoughts of languid.

  - I'll order a copy of the Duke project of this garden-of-winter. Decided build one at our house in London.

  The Claire's infectious laugh echoed from the glass walls of the garden-of-winter. Jasper felt a sense of happiness that soon disappeared. Your brain began to function. Was unbelievable to have been lured to the famous and lost self-control which was so proud. And worse. Also lost his sense of decorum to make love with Claire during the ball given in their honor, and potentially a place for everyone to see where they could be surprised at any time. Moreover, it proved their weakness, after all, he had not changed. His fiery nature, rebellious, destructiv
e, not out tamed, but rather repressed. Never faced such a challenge, even Claire, with their charming smiles and hot kisses, get in your life.

  By Claire lead to the garden-of-winter, not imagined that he would commit such madness. Since their marriage, sought to keep her away. In fact, just been avoiding the temptation, risk. Claire turned away for the good of both. He shook his head, trying to understand themselves reasons, but it was impossible to find logic in passion. Claire stared at him with anxious expression, but he looked away. Was not ready to discuss what had just happened. And he doubted that any day would be. In silence, began to straighten her clothes. Later, Claire helped to compose herself. Noticed the faint marks of his fingers on the white skin of the shoulders and her back. Tangible evidence of his passion and loss of control.

  Only to think she would have marks and blemishes in other places too, felt a twinge of desire punishing him.

  Breathed background. The last thing he needed was his erotic images mind. All the nerves of his body was still pulsing, pleasure still flowed in their veins. On the one hand reproached by the lack control the other, desperately longed to make love with his fiery wife.

  The principle, irritated him know that she had another man in her life. But now, after having consummated the marriage, found that the fact Claire had not married a virgin made little difference. Now she was him and always would. Till death do them part. The explanation was in fact not just sexual attraction. Jasper nodded and smiled. All those years of madness and messy sex had been useful, therefore, showed the difference between making love and sex. Make Love Claire had involved a greater need existed within it. In meeting this need, among them formed a powerful and enduring bond.

  Finally, were ready to return to the ballroom.

  - I wish I could stay a little longer here. - She smiled. - You not finished telling the story of the duel. I'm curious.

  Jasper laughed.

  - Unfortunately, we can not take anymore. After all, we are invited of honor. - Holding her by the elbow, led her toward garden door-to-winter. - But only to not get so curious you go forward that the duel did not happen. Therefore, no one shot, no one and died or was injured.

  -Is well. I will be content only with the ending. For now.

  - Thank you for your understanding - he joked. - I promise to tell you this and many other fun episode, my lady.

  Laughing and arm in arm, they left the garden-of-winter directly to the ballroom, indifferent to the puzzled looks of the guests had noticed that the prolonged absence of the couple.

  The whispering and talking to half-voice began when Lord Fairhurst and his wife returned to the ballroom. Among the guests curious There was one person who did not have to guess the reason for absence the couple for a shockingly long time. This person knew very well what happened between the viscount and his wife. A person who is deeply annoyed to see them leave the party. A person who scour every room of the mansion to find them garden-of-winter. Upon discovering that the door was not locked, that person entered silently, hearing voices, and strange sounds, decided check closely.

  And to his chagrin, he saw the couple's interlude - as copulating two animals in heat, behaving as being substandard, without class and no tradition. The disappointment was strong, the pain so intense that one almost shouted his anger. Self-control has prevailed, and the person left the same way went in - quietly and without being noticed.

  The rage gripped his body, so strong that it left a bitter taste mouth. Uncontrolled heart, sweaty hands, hurting hurt him chest, the person sought refuge in a dark corner of the hall empty. Sat on the floor, trying to convince himself that the pain would pass, that the wounds healed. But it would take time, long time.

  - 've Had a lot more than you should, sir.

  - Shut up! - Dorchester replied the gentleman. Rebecca Manning struck with a frown before drinking the contents of the cup on three sips. Then, just to annoy her even more, he called the waiter and took another glass of whiskey.

  - Being reckless - Rebecca warned, raising his chin and showing above that air that both infuriated Richard.

  - I said shut up! I hate women grumbling! They are pathetic, tiresome, and only get the attention of men howling ear them!

  As Richard imagined, Rebecca became red with anger.

  - I'm just trying to protect his reputation.

  - If I need protection, alert - countered, knowing that Rebecca was thinking about her reputation, not yours.

  - We are in London, not in that village lost in the middle of nowhere! Here the rules are different.

  The suggestion that could not behave properly in society hit him in full, it contained a grain of truth. But he did not replied. Remained impassive to not give this satisfaction to Rebecca.

  - What do you know about the guests of honor? - Richard asked.

  - Only comments that go around. Fairhurst is arrogant, and the wife is an insignificant little thing inside.

  - They are newly married?

  - No, although only now have announced the marriage. Nobody knows when or where the ceremony took place.

  Richard took a sip of whiskey. Discovered little since coming to London, and this began to bother him.

  - I saw your father looking for you just now. I think you should go talk with him. - Richard danced with many women, including Anne, but Rebecca avoided bringing to the dance floor, knowing it would infuriate the. And to provoke her more, she added: - Perhaps, sorry for you, invite him to dance.

  The Her eyes darkened, and Richard waited for the explosion. But apparently Rebecca was learning the game. Releasing an exasperated sigh, she walked away without saying anything.

  The gentleman laughed. At first, he would need help from Rebecca to enter in the most exclusive parties of the aristocracy, but now that he knew some society ladies, no longer needed it so much. Still, reluctant to abandon it, thinking it might be useful to him in future. Moreover, it had decided to seduce her and the possibility of taking his virginity was too sexy.

  Circulated the room, trying to spot Claire. The thrill of seeing it for the first time since he arrived in London nearly suffocated. She was so elegant, so beautiful, so classy that he needed to contain the impulse to present themselves before her. Still was not prepared to reveal its presence. It was the first event Fairhurst social lady and certainly other and better opportunities emerge to confront their prey. Preferably, when she was alone.

  The orchestra made a break and the guests took the opportunity to talk before dinner. Richard walked among them, satisfied with the place conquered that world of nobles and aristocrats.

  His wanderings took him to the game room. Upon entering, immediately spotted Viscount Fairhurst comfortably seated near the fireplace.

  The cold fury and heat of repressed desire clashed in the Hidalgo's mind. Prudence advises him to leave the hall, but as drunk enough, ignored the warning.

  - Fairhurst.

  The Viscount stared at him.

  - Good night.

  His expression was vague, indifferent. In the eyes of Richard, insulting.

  - Where is your wife?

  Oh, now received their attention. Fairhurst put the glass down and stood up slowly.

  - I find it very strange, sir, ask for an unknown lady Fairhurst. Richard pursed his lips.

  - Weirdest thing you do not remember my name, since we met on several occasions

  - the gentleman replied with clenched fists. - And I know your wife is no longer you.

  - My apologies. - Fairhurst threw a sidelong glance at the gentlemen attending the scene. - Apparently, you are a person who forget easily.

  No blinking, Richard Jasper forward and grabbed by the lapels, pushing it against the wall. Jealousy consumed him from within, destroying the cold attitude which always prevented him from getting involved in scandals and reveal their true nature. But that man treated him like he was nothing and no one, and even took what was rightfully his. The gentleman was blind rage.

  - Get your hands off me -
Jasper ordered. - You're drunk, and therefore entitled to the courtesy of a warning. However, if there let me go until I finish speaking, I have great pleasure in putting a bullet in your head, tomorrow at dawn, in the field Harrows. Although the need to commit a heinous and violent act against the enemy should pulsate in the blood of knight, a flash of preservation has shone in his mind. Fairhurst was not a fop in London. His reputation with the gun and the sword was not to be ignored.

  With great reluctance, Richard dropped the lapel of Lord Fairhurst and retreated few steps. There were exclamations of some disappointed gentlemen. The gentleman almost shouted that they did not lose by waiting, but it was not so foolish as to publicly threaten the viscount.

  Already with the nerves under control, the gentleman was prepared to leave, but Fairhurst overtook him.

  - Just a warning before you go.

  - What? - Richard held the gaze of the viscount.

  - If you put a hand on me again, you will not leave the room in same condition as when entered.

  The Richard jaw twitched.

  - A threat?

  - No. - Fairhurst smiled. - A promise.

  Chapter X

  Claire and Jasper were alone at the breakfast table the morning following.

  - What you have to tell me about Richard Dorchester? - Asked Jasper so that the butler had gone.

  Claire stopped spreading butter on toast and looked at her husband.

  - Dorchester? There is a gentleman of that name who lives in the village.

  - I had a very unpleasant encounter with this "gentleman" last night, the game room.

  - Did not know he was in London. - Claire shifted in chair. - I've known him since childhood. For some reason, he mused me. When I was younger, he tried to woo me. But I was dating Henry and refused his attentions.

  - His refusal infuriated him?

  - I never realized. He always had a legion of women interested it. Besides being the richest man in the village, the gentleman is beautiful, know and be cativante. "I think not realized my indifference. You used to be revered by women.


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