The Wedding Deception

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The Wedding Deception Page 11

by Adrienne Basso

  - For twenty minutes, my lord. The count decided to stay home. A new shipment of books on architecture of ancient Greece has just arrived. He is the golden hall. Dine together?

  - Probably - Jasper muttered.

  Jasper was fond of theatrical performances and regretted not being present the premiere that night. Further regretted losing the opportunity to introduce Claire to the delights of a professional production in London.

  Entered the yellow room and found the count sitting by the fireplace entertained by the newly arrived books.

  - Brinks said that my wife and mother have left. I expected to accompany them, but did not realize the time passing and just slowing me down.

  The Earl looked up and blinked vacantly for a moment.

  - I had the impression that his wife wanted to wait for him, but of course his mother would not dream of being late to the theater. - The Count closed book and let him aside.

  - You know she does not like the crowd formed in the last minute.

  - They were alone?

  - No. With Lord Berkley. He is always willing to follow their mother at such times and she thinks a lot of fun.

  - Why was not too, Dad? You always liked theater.

  - And taste. But if I want to enjoy a play, I can not take your mother with me. She has a habit of leaving before the end of the presentation. Fortunately, Berkley does not care.

  - Mom mentioned that they went to a reception after the theater? Or somewhere for dinner?

  - She said nothing, but I suspect that come straight home. His mother always around the theater with a headache.

  Jasper raised his eyebrows.

  - If she does not like crowds, it is not interested in the play and come back with a headache, why she insists on going to the theater?

  The Earl shrugged, as if he knew the answer.

  - All go to the theater. That must be why. But tonight, his wife wanted to go, and his mother offered to accompany her.

  That moment the butler opened the door and they both turned. Jasper looked at Butler and then to the man who entered the room smiling.

  - What a nice surprise to find them at home and two maiden aunts! Why are not amused at some of the various social events the season?

  There was a moment of silence. Perplexed father and son looked at the guest unexpected. Finally, the count opened his arms.

  - Jason, my son! - They hugged. - Ungrateful! Where have you been? Half of Bow Street is crossing the country looking for her.

  Jason gave an innocent smile.

  - I've been traveling, Dad. - The smile faded as he looked at his brother. - Fairhurst.

  - Good night. - Jasper's heart beat faster when you see the brother twin, but disguised emotion. For weeks he had been desperate to talk with Jason, but he finally was there, she felt uncomfortable and unsafe.

  In child, they were inseparable, and boys spent virtually all the time together, sharing the same feats, testing their boundaries and breaking all the rules of society. More later, Jasper has left behind the irresponsible behavior, while Jason continued to riot. This, however, did not decrease affection by the twin brother of Jasper, and hoped that despite differences, they could be friends as before. But After the explanations, to explain why married using the name twin brother, was a good port of departure.

  Politely Jasper shook the hand that Jason offered. After a deep breath, fell and hit a punch in the nose of his brother.

  Covent Garden was one of the most popular theaters in London. Claire cost to believe that he was really there.

  The experience was exciting and charmed her from the moment he went down the carriage, climbed the long staircase and went through the curtain for the entrance family's private box.

  Only lamented the absence of Jasper. Basically, I expected him to arrive at any time, but once the music started and the curtain rose, Claire conformed. He should have another commitment. Despite repeated herself that things happened this way in the world of Jasper, husbands wives and leading separate lives, the lack of it clouded his joy.

  By end of the first act, a waiter entered the cabin with a bottle of champagne and three glasses. Smiling, Berkley served drinks and the three toasted. Some friends of the countess and lord Berkley were greeting them in the cabin and Claire did not care to be excluded from the conversation. When requested, smiled and replied gently, preferably with monosyllables, the asked him. In beginning of the second act, Claire felt a strange sensation, persistent, as if being observed. Thinking it was just an impression, drank champagne in the cup and still had ignored the shiver down the spine. Nothing to irritate that night and neither tarnished the beauty of the piece.

  The Time passed and suddenly felt a tap on the shoulder. Frightened, she turned and saw the countess preparing to leave the cabin.

  - What happened? - Claire whispered in a worried voice. - Mrs. not okay?

  - No, dear. I appreciate your concern. - The countess smiled. - It's time we go.

  - Now? But the play is not over yet!

  - I know, but it's the only way to avoid the crowds and traffic. The lobby of the theater becomes simply overwhelming with so many people.

  - We will lose the best part, when the main characters die. - Claire looked anxiously at Berkley, hoping to find an ally.

  - Oh, so you know the story. Great. So you already know what will happen - said the Lord.

  - Exactly - the Countess agreed. - If you want to remind details, Jasper will help you find a copy of Hamlet the home library. He has the complete works of the Bard of Avon. Claire opened his mouth to protest, but the countess had already left, and Berkley was holding the curtain for her to leave too.

  Reluctantly, she gave one last look toward the stage and followed by the mother semicircular corridor.

  Berkley offered an arm to each lady. The corridor and the hall were empty and easily reached the sidewalk. Soon they saw a carriage approaching.

  - It should be our coach - said the countess. - John knows that I always leave the theater up to eleven. I must commend you punctuality.

  Still thinking about the piece and wondered the final scenes, Claire was not too attentive to what was going on around until you hear the noise of the carriage already very close. He looked up and, surprise, she found a Black and former coach at the end of the street, swinging from side to side.

  The runaway vehicle appeared, and the sound of horses' hooves echoing Claire's ears. With wide eyes, she saw the driver trying to contain the animals.

  - Beware! - Yelled a male voice.

  Claire voice heard and recorded the danger, but the shock and fear prevented her running. The noise of the wheels on the stones of the street left her paralyzed. Suddenly, two strong hands pulled her a split second before of the coach up on the sidewalk.

  Claire It took some seconds to understand that the disaster had been avoided, that she was still whole, with shaky legs, but no injury. He staggered, but strong hands to sheltered him like iron bars, keeping it standing.

  TO distance, she heard voices and the Countess of Lord Berkley, trying calm her. Still not totally redone scare, Claire felt the hand of man in his back down below the waist.

  - I must thank you, sir, for saving me. - Claire leaned his head and looked at him. The man smirked.

  - I was lucky to be here when they needed me, lady Fairhurst.

  - Fidalgo Dorchester? My God is yourself?

  - He is happy to see me? - He smiled again and stroked her hips. Claire shuddered with revulsion. He breathed deeply, trying to compose herself. But the shock identification of the accident and his rescuer were tough tests to be overcome. His sight dimmed, and for the first time in my life she fainted. Chapter XII

  The familiar image of the mansion took Claire lit almost to tears, great anxiety for their safety and find comfort in the arms husband.

  So he entered the living room, supported by the Countess and Lord Berkley, Claire ran to the man standing near the fireplace.

  - Jasper!

; The man and turned for a moment, Claire lost his speech.

  - Claire, what happened? You look like a ghost!

  No was her husband who was standing there before her.

  - Oh, Jay, are you really? - Ignoring the others in the room, Claire threw herself into his arms. - I'm happy to review it.

  - You? - Jason smiled. - What a relief to discover that there is furious me. Do not expect a welcome as warm. I thought she wanted punch my face, like my brother. Claire drew back and saw the swollen nose and bruising under the eyes.

  "It was Jasper did that?

  - He caught me off guard.

  - Jasper's home? - She asked. - Where is he?

  - I am here, waiting to see how long you take to remember which one of us is her husband.

  Claire turned. His jaw was tight from Jasper, his serious expression and censorious. Those emotions made him seem more human, almost vulnerable.

  - Could you be kind enough, my brother, to release my wife his embrace? - And in an incisive tone, added: - Immediately.

  Jason, rebellious as ever, ignored the order. Claire opened her mouth to try relieve tension, but the countess is anticipated:

  - I am afraid you have to let your jealousy for another time, Jasper. Claire suffered an accident at the stage door and was nearly killed by a train ungoverned.

  - Are you okay? - Jay hugged her stronger. - It would be nice calling the doctor?

  - I'm fine, just a little shaky.

  - But what happened, anyway? - Asked Jasper, with no disguise concern. And looking to the Lord: - Berkley, please.

  Lord Berkley took the glass of liquor that the butler offered him and began talking about the accident, noting that not only the worst happened thanks to the intervention of a gentleman.

  - We would like to personally present our thanks to gentleman who saved the life of Claire - the earl said. - If is that at that mess, someone remembered to ask his name. Claire hesitated. The last thing I wanted was more drama, but could not hide the truth.

  - I know the name of the man who helped me. The countess raised her eyebrows.

  - You know?

  With a slower head gesture, Claire confirmed.

  - His name is Richard Dorchester.

  - What?

  The exclamation was Jay, but it was that Claire looked at Jasper. The His eyes darkened. He seemed deeply affected by the news.

  - Earlier today, during the breakfast, I asked her to be careful and avoid this odious nobleman! - He was raving.

  The Claire Jasper's words shook even more. Looked at him incredulously. Waiting for a reaction of anger, but never be acknowledged. Jasper did not could be thinking that she encouraged the attentions of a gentleman! Where abhor confrontation, especially in front of others. Clenched teeth, refusing to speak.

  - Who is Richard Dorchester? - Earl asked. All eyes turned to Claire. She remained silent, and answered by Jay her.

  - The gentleman is a neighbor of Claire, and I have my suspicions about their true character.

  While Jay expressed his unfavorable opinion about the gentleman, Claire was to the window. The countess followed.

  - You need your rest, dear. - The Countess kissed her forehead. - Go to bed. Tomorrow will feel better.

  Claire looked toward the men who have listened carefully to the words Jay. The countess noticed and insisted:

  - Go. I will present his apologies. They will understand. Claire fired up the countess and climbed the ladder slowly.

  About half an hour later, Jasper's wife entered the room on the third floor of the mansion. Looked around for the maid, but soon saw Claire was alone.

  - Heavens, Jasper, you scared me!

  She already taken off her dress and was off his socks. Jasper leaned in reverence.

  - Pardon my intrusion, but I ask you a few minutes of your time.

  - If my rebuke came with Jay or inappropriate behavior regarding the gentleman Dorchester, to insist that you wait until tomorrow. My nerves not endure. The Claire's voice sounded full of bitterness, and a felt tip Jasper remorse. If jealousy had not consumed the instant Claire saw the arms of Jason, he would have comforted. But reacted Like a fool, condemning him unfairly. Despite knowing that he had acted as a spoiled child, had failed to hold his tongue and his impulses. Threatened leave, but gave up. His conscience demanded that he recant, even Claire did not forgive him.

  - My behavior was inexcusable. I can not explain why I tried so tough, but hopefully, over time, you accept my apology.

  Jasper sighed. Out more difficult than imagined. Claire watched him through confused, suspicious way. He pulled away, rubbing his hair.

  - Wait! Instinctively, Jasper obeyed.

  - Why beat your brother? The question took him by surprise.

  - So long that I'm mad at Jason, he could not cite a reason for the aggression.

  - Their anger spread to me, for I have Jay greeted with a hug affectionate?

  Jasper crossed his arms.

  - There was no compliance. It was a close embrace.

  - Intimate? With the room full of relatives? Only a very cynical person see evil in our embrace.

  - I've seen. Claire blushed.

  - You were wrong in assessing the situation. Upon arriving home, I just thought to meet him. And ran into Jay, thinking it was you. - He stopped close to it and looked at him intently. - I was looking for you, Jasper. I wanted you. Jasper felt the pulsing of the maxillary nerve. The only thing he disliked more than dealing with strong emotions of course was to discuss them. But Claire deserves to know the truth.

  - I felt remorse for not being at the stage door to protect it. E was not only angry, Claire. I was mad with jealousy at seeing her comfortably nestled in the arms of my brother.

  Claire sighed.

  - I have often said that Jay was just a dear friend. Nothing has changed.

  - Of course, I accept this as truth. Emotionally, it is more difficult.

  - Glad to hear that you like me, Jasper.

  The Her words were like sharp blades into his flesh. Like most women, she saw everything as something positive and extraordinary. But it was not. That kind of passionate emotion was dangerous and needed be chiselled and controlled.

  - You were shaken on account of the accident, Claire. And I did feel worse. Jealousy was responsible for my misconduct. I the hurt and you did not deserve. - Jasper pulled by breathing, trying to get rid of the bad feeling that you pressed the heart. - Many People think I'm cold and controlled. And they are right. By will own, I walked away from everyone. Mourning diuturnamente to keep my emotions and passions under tight control. Otherwise, these feelings choke my common sense and sense of decency, and others suffer because of my weakness.

  There was a slight hesitation before Claire ask:

  - It was an honest reaction?

  - My jealousy? "He frowned. - It was immaturity and indiscipline.

  - But even so, a sincere expression of their feelings. Jasper made a negative gesture with his head. She did not understand.

  - This level of emotion has proven to be a destructive force.

  - Oh, Jasper, do you really think so?

  - Claire ...

  She put his finger to his lips.

  - You could kiss me, please?

  Jasper hesitated. Sex was not the answer. Only confuse the issue. But Claire looked at him with such care that would be cruel to deny him a kiss. He brushed his lips on hers. Claire's lips were soft and sweet, and moved softly, tentatively. It was a soft kiss, but enough to awaken her desire. Then he kissed the curve of the neck. A sigh of pleasure escaped his lips. Nodding, saw the combination of open loop, and the curve of her breasts heaving slightly. Began stroking her hair down, enjoying the velvety on your skin. He slid his hand over his shoulder, arm, and gently took her hand. Then he raised his hands clasped and watched them for a long time.

  - I'm happy for you to be my husband, Jasper.

  - Strange you keep believing in me, the strength of our future together - h
e said, kissing her fingers.

  - You're good, Jasper. It has a deep sense of honor and good feelings. What is missing is trust these instincts.

  - We Barrington men, are eccentric and rebellious. I expected be the one to break those patterns unacceptable.

  - There is nothing wrong with being different.

  - True, but there is everything wrong with being destructive. Claire took a deep breath.

  - Jasper, your emotions are not destructive. You are confusing the indiscretions of his youth with the qualities of his personality. You were a rebellious young and irresponsible, but became a man devoted to the family honor. Let your heart be free too.

  - Are you interested in my heart?

  - Very. I confess that my reasons are somewhat selfish. I fell in love for you and hope that one day you corresponds to my feelings.

  - Fell in love with me?

  - Yes

  Jasper shuddered. The emotion I felt was new and frightening. He tried to think something else to distract you from the intensity of the moment, but the heart not allowed. He could no longer pretend, or lie, especially for himself. Yes he dreamed of a relationship of companionship with that included Claire physical satisfaction, enabling it to release its intense emotions and reciprocate the respect, affection and love that his wife was giving him.

  Never believed that this could happen to you, therefore, never dreamed of love. At that time, however, given the incredible opportunity, recognized that was exactly what he wanted.

  Maybe was too rigid in his views. Maybe it was possible to experience emotions without being overwhelmed by them. Claire certainly trust remaining in him to believe it would be possible. He contracted the jaw.

  - I do not believe that I can change my attitude from one day to another. You have to be patient with me.

  - Patient?

  - I promise that will be worth the wait.

  - I always knew it would. - A brief pause, she confessed: - I love you, Jasper. She stared at him with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. The her statement touched him deeply. Over the years, many women had uttered those same words, but he always felt uncomfortable to hear them. But the revelation of Claire caused a different reaction.

  I love her. The words were born in the heart, rose by the throat and came to the mouth. But he could not pronounce them. Everything still I was very young, very new. Preferred tell the body what was in his heart. Nodding, kissed her. With closed eyes, savored the sweetness of her lips, while her tongue was trying to, seduced. He stroked her body, following curves until it touches the inner thighs.


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