by Dorie Graham
THE SCENT OF STRONG COFFEE enticed Alex down the stairs the following morning. She’d set her alarm to wake her early, before her father left for the hardware store. The sooner she could plan her trip with Chase, the sooner they’d know if they had a donor for Robert. And finding a donor would not only be a boon for her brother, but it would also put her that much closer to returning to Baltimore.
After lying awake deep into the night, she’d slept through her alarm. Thankfully, she’d still managed to catch her father. As she entered the brightly lit kitchen, he sat at the table, scrolling through his tablet. The morning news played quietly on the TV in the living room, visible from his chair.
He smiled up at her. “Good morning, Alexandra.”
“Good morning,” she said and headed straight for a mug and coffee.
“You look tired.”
“I am. I didn’t sleep well.”
“Were you worrying about your brother, or what you’re going to do about Chase?”
Tell them the obvious. Tell them you’re hooking up again.
Kara’s suggestion had been another of the disturbing thoughts interrupting her sleep last night. Why would the girl think that was obvious? Though Alex did need a reason to explain her trip to her father, she couldn’t quite bring herself to tread that particular road.
Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning she’d determined that though she wasn’t comfortable lying, she couldn’t risk admitting the truth. Her father’s loyalties lay with her brother. And Robert was too stubborn to ever support her plan.
“Why would I need to do anything about Chase?” she asked.
He glanced up from his tablet and sipped his own coffee before answering. “I think you two have unfinished business.”
“What unfinished business?” She set her mug on the table and sank into the seat across from him. “We were finished way before I left for Baltimore. There’s nothing more to do about Chase. He’s only around because I’m helping Kara and he’s concerned about Robert. I told you the gala thing is just to help him out. It isn’t a date date.”
Her father merely shrugged.
“I didn’t sleep because I have a lot on my mind, what with all the insanity around here.”
He reached across the table and patted her hand. “I’m sorry, honey, I know this hasn’t been easy. Not only do you have to deal with your brother being sick and not having found a donor and your own plans being up in the air, but now you also have all these questions about Robert’s father and whether he’s your father. And you’ve got to deal with the fact that your mother wasn’t as perfect as you thought she was. It’s a lot to take in.”
Whether it was the lack of sleep or something else, pain seared Alex’s throat and tears gathered in her eyes. “I never thought she was perfect.”
“She came close,” he said, his voice rough. “I’m sure you find that a strange thing for me to say after all your mother and I have been through, but she was pretty much perfect as far as I was concerned.”
“But you cheated on her.” The tears spilled down her cheeks. “You can’t love someone and do that.”
“I don’t expect you to understand. I couldn’t explain it to you, anyway. I’m not sure I understand how I let that happen. It was a stupid thing for me to do and not a day goes by that I don’t regret it. I’m sorry for what my actions did to my relationship with your mother and I’m sorry for what they did to my relationship with you and Steven. Things haven’t been the same with Megan, either, though she’s not been as vocal as you in her condemnation. Even though she’s been the most adamant about reuniting this family, her disapproval has always been clear.”
Alex closed her eyes. God, she was tired. Thinking about all this made her head hurt. “When I find someone, I hope it will be someone who will cherish me enough to not stray. I would never do that to someone I loved.”
“I hope you find that,” he said and leaned back in his chair. “I had hoped for the same thing at one point, but sometimes we have to settle for what we get. The heart can be a harsh master.”
She shook her head, but made no response. What would it matter? If she remained single the rest of her life she’d be spared whatever further heartbreak a family of her own might bring her. She’d had enough of being dysfunctional with her birth family. Maybe it was best to spare a new generation more of the same. Why did people always hurt the ones they were supposed to love?
If that was what family was about, then count her out.
“I did need to ask you something,” she said.
He folded his hands in front of him and gave her his full attention.
She dropped her gaze. “I’ve been thinking I’d like to get away for a day to clear my head. Maybe head north into the mountains for some hiking.”
Her father was silent a long moment. She held her breath. Did he suspect what she was planning? Finally, he nodded slowly. “I know it hasn’t been easy around here, and we’re just getting started. Your brother doesn’t mean to be hard on you. This is just a very frustrating time for him. Of course, I understand your need to get away. You should have a break.”
Relief coursed through her. Maybe slipping away wouldn’t be as difficult as she’d anticipated. “I can’t imagine what this must be like for Robert and he’s already been through so much. I know I’m late to the game. I just... I want to be able to give this my all and I think I can do that better if I take a little time away. I hate that we still don’t have a donor.”
Her father nodded as he folded his hands around his coffee cup. “We’re going to keep looking and even if we don’t find a donor we’re not out of options. Megan has been researching clinical trials for cancer treatments. We haven’t begun to look at any of that. Then there are other alternative treatments we need to look into, as well.”
“Of course we should explore all options, but with these clinical trials, aren’t you talking about experimenting, Dad? Do we want that for Robert? Does he want that? Dr. Braden seems to believe the transplant is still the safest way to go.”
“Ultimately, Robert is in the driver’s seat on all of this. I’m supportive of whatever it is that he wants.”
“What if the donor stem cell transplant is his best chance at kicking this thing, though?”
He held her gaze for a long moment before saying, “Then we have to trust in Dr. Braden that he’ll keep looking until we find a donor, and in the meantime, it won’t hurt for us to do all we can to recruit new donors.”
Her breath caught. Was he telling her he would be supportive of her finding and recruiting Robert’s biological father? “I’ll see what I can do on that front, then. Surely I can find someone willing to donate, if not for Robert then for someone else.”
“They can get typed specifically to see if they are a match to Robert and not have to sign up for the national bank. If we do all we can now, then hopefully we’ll beat this thing, and if not...well, we won’t have any regrets.”
Surely, he meant what she thought. Without a doubt if she didn’t find her brother’s father and the worst happened, she’d regret it for the rest of her life. “So, if I were to take a day clear my you think you could spare me here?” she asked.
“It probably wouldn’t hurt for you and your brother to have a break from each other.”
She shrugged. “It’s like a pressure cooker here. I hate not getting along with him. Maybe we’re just too much alike to get along.”
“You two are both stubborn, but you used to get along, back before...”
She shook her head. “I can’t think about all that right now, or my head may explode.”
Her father’s shoulders rose as he drew in a long breath. “It’s too bad you can’t take Robert with you. A hike in the mountains might help his spirits. If he has the strength for it.”
Her pulse thudded. She managed a small laugh. “That would kind of defeat the purpose, though.”
“Of course.” He eyed her again for a long moment. “Let
me talk to Becky about the schedule at the store, but I think we can work it out,” he said. “Maybe for sometime this weekend.”
“Thanks, Dad, I really appreciate it.” She hesitated. “Maybe we shouldn’t mention it to Robert. Things are tense enough between us, without him having to know I want a break already.”
“Once we settle on a day, I’ll plan something to keep him distracted. Maybe he won’t notice you’re missing.”
“I’m not sure if that’s good or bad,” she said. “But I do think it’s for the best.”
* * *
TWILIGHT HAD FALLEN by the time Chase pulled into his driveway late on Tuesday. He was weary to the bone, but at least Kara was there to greet him. She’d been so appreciative since coming to live with him, she’d had dinner waiting every night when he got home.
What had she made for tonight?
His cell phone buzzed before he could exit his car. A glance at the display had him groaning as he accepted the call. “Mrs. Dixon.”
“Hello, Chase, darling. I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“Well, I was just getting home—”
“Perfect, then, I won’t keep you long. I was just thinking about the lighting,” she said.
“I’m sorry, what lighting?”
“Oh, you know, the lighting for the collection. We’ve had the same lights in there forever. We need to update them. I was thinking some LED lights with UV filters. And we’ll want to spotlight some of the key pieces, too. I emailed you a list and how I think the lights should be mounted.”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “How very thoughtful of you, Mrs. Dixon. I’m sure that’s an excellent suggestion, but unfortunately, the museum’s budget has been set and there isn’t any room for additional lighting fixtures, especially when what we have is working perfectly well.”
“But the new lighting would be the best thing for the collection, Chase. I’m sure something could be shifted in the budget. You’ll do a little cost analysis and make the recommendation, won’t you, dear? I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it.”
After exhaling slowly, he said, “I’ll see if I can carve out a little time in my schedule to look into it.”
“Thank you, Chase. You are such a dear.”
Impatience and self-loathing filling him, he ended the call as quickly as he could then finally exited his car. Why couldn’t he just say no to the woman? He entered to find the house dark and quiet. He set down his briefcase and then wandered into the kitchen, but she wasn’t there.
“Kara?” he called as he moved up the stairs.
He checked first her bedroom and then the rest of the house, but she was nowhere to be found. He called her cell phone, but she didn’t answer. After leaving her a voice mail he headed back to the kitchen. Maybe if he got dinner started, she’d show up in time to help him. He cranked his music and opened the refrigerator.
As he marinated chicken and chopped vegetables to steam, he focused on not worrying about his stepsister. Kara had been on her best behavior so far. She’d studied with her teacher for her makeup test and had worked well with Alex, diligently finishing her homework every night.
She and Alex had seemed to hit it off. Warmth filled him as a vision of Alex’s smiling face drifted through his mind. That smile had been such a big part of his earlier years, even before his relationship with her had taken a romantic turn. Alex had been an integral part of his life—of his family—for almost as long as he could remember. Now that she was back, it was only natural that she’d be again a part of his life.
But in what capacity would that be? Alex had made it clear years ago that she was no longer interested in a romantic relationship with him. But was that what he wanted?
Tell them you’re hooking up again.
Alex had made no comment in response to Kara’s suggestion. What had gone through her head at that moment? And if she told her brother and father rekindling her relationship with Chase was the reason for their trip, would she only be using that as an excuse to cover her real plan to find Robert’s biological father?
Or was there a chance for him and Alex to mend their relationship and start fresh?
He glanced at his watch. Maybe Alex knew where Kara was. Setting aside his knife, he picked up his phone and dialed her number. She picked up almost immediately.
“Hey,” he said. “It’s Chase.”
“Hey, yes, I know. What’s up?”
The sweet sound of her voice flowed over him. The woman didn’t even have to try to sound sexy. She exuded a natural sensuality that had had him hanging on her every word in the past. Evidently, her effect on him hadn’t waned over time. If anything, the mature tones of her voice added a smoky quality with even more allure. No doubt about it. The girl he’d known had become all woman.
He inhaled slowly. “I just got home and Kara isn’t here. I was wondering if maybe you had heard from her. Do you know where she might be?”
“I’m sorry, Chase, I don’t know. She texted me earlier to thank me again for helping her and to see if I could help her later in the week before her next test, but I was busy with Robert and I didn’t respond until just a little while ago. She hasn’t yet replied. Did you try calling her?”
A feeling of unease settled over him. “She didn’t pick up.”
“I can try to text her again.”
“That would be great. I’ll try that, too.”
“I’m sure she’s fine.”
He blew out a breath. “I hope so. Is this how parents feel?”
“I guess so.”
A dry laugh worked its way from his throat. “It sucks.”
She chuckled softly and then she was quiet for a moment. “I talked to my father this morning.”
“About the trip? What did you say to him?”
“I told him I needed a break, that I wanted a day to take a trip up into the mountains to clear my head. Maybe do some hiking. It was all I could think of. I hate lying to him, though.”
“Did he buy that?”
“Yes. Things have been tense between Robert and me. It isn’t a stretch. I really do need a break.”
So, she’d decided against Kara’s suggestion. It was probably a good thing she’d kept her real plans from her father, though. They really needed to find Robert’s biological father and convince him to be a donor.
“And you don’t think he suspected anything?” he asked.
“I’m not sure. There was one point where I almost thought he was trying to tell me he was supportive of doing whatever it takes to find a donor, but I really don’t think so. I think it’s better to ask forgiveness rather than permission on this one. He’s going to talk to Becky about the schedule. He said that this weekend might work the best.”
“Yes, I think I can get away at some point this weekend, though I should probably see what Kara has going on. I’ll check out flights to get some idea, but we’re taking Kara with us. After her no-show tonight, I don’t think I can comfortably let her out of my sight again. Although...” He blew out a breath. “I do have to leave tomorrow on another trip for a traveling exhibition.”
“For how long?”
“Just overnight, if all goes as planned. I’ll be back Thursday.”
His phone vibrated against his ear. He glanced at the display and relief filled him. “I’ve got Kara calling me now.”
“Great. I’ll let you go, then. We’ll touch base later.”
He clicked over to the incoming call. “Kara, where are you?”
“I’m at a friend’s house.”
“What friend’s? You have to tell me these things. I’ve been worried.”
“Chill, I’m fine. I didn’t have to work and I’m allowed to have a life, aren’t I?” she asked.
“What about homework?” he asked.
“I did it all already.”
“Kara, don’t be bullshitting me.”
“Shit, Chase, get off my case,” she said. “I’m not bullshitting.”
“Okay, but I want y
ou home by ten. It’s a school night.”
“Whatever. I know it’s a school night.”
“Don’t whatever me, Kara,” he said. “I thought we were both going to make an effort here.”
“Fine. I’ll be home by ten.”
“Text me the address of where you’re at.”
“Seriously?” she asked.
“Yes, and your friend’s name.”
“I’ve never had to do this with any of my foster parents,” she said, disbelief clear in her voice.
“Well, you’re with someone now who gives a damn about where you are and what you’re doing.”
“Some of them cared about that. They just weren’t jail wardens.”
“Look, Kara, I don’t like this any more than you do,” he said. “But I also don’t like not knowing where you are and if you’re okay. I just need to not worry about you and I can only do that if you communicate with me.”
“I’m fine. I’ve been fine. You don’t need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.”
“Fine, but text me where you’re at and be home by ten. Please. Although, I can’t believe I’m letting you run around Atlanta by yourself until ten o’clock at night.”
“Okay. And I’m not by myself,” she said and then disconnected.
He put down the phone and chopped at a carrot. So who was she with? And what were they doing? This being responsible for another human being was going to be the death of him.
“I’M GLAD YOU FEEL well enough to get out,” Alex said as she walked beside Robert to Brookhaven Park near their neighborhood.
Robert’s jaw tensed, but he made no response. He moved slowly. His doctor had added some heavy-hitting pain medication to his regimen to combat some of the discomfort from the radiation.
“It’s a perfect day to get out,” she said.
“It is, though I would have been okay on my own.”
She smiled. She refused to let him get her down today. “I know you would have, but I wanted to get out, too, and why not venture out together? I haven’t been to this park since forever. We used to come here all the time. Remember?”