Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild

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Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild Page 7

by Napoli, Natalia

  He told himself, but there was a part of him that knew he was lying to himself. He just didn’t care to admit it yet. There was a part of him that just wanted everything to be better and clearer. He didn’t want to have to deal with the politics of his clan, but that’s the price of being an Alpha. He knew that, but it didn’t make him grit his teeth any less. He tried to get to bed, but he tossed and turned as he could feel the ache of desire. His thoughts went to Lila sleeping peacefully in the next room.

  Chapter Four

  Lila woke up the next morning, and for a moment panic seized her. She knew today was her day off, and for a moment she relaxed. Then she lazily looked around before panicking again. She didn’t recognize the room, and that’s when everything came flooding back to her. It wasn’t until she looked down to find out she was still wearing her clothes that a hint of disappointment and a mountain of relief hit her.

  She didn’t remember anything after they left the restaurant, but she was willing to bet that this was Adam’s house. The furniture surprised her. It was upper class with deep mahogany wood and curtains of sheer fabric falling around the bed, making it look like it had just come out of a fairytale. She got up, seeing a robe and a nightgown that she presumed was laid out for her. That’s when she saw a note, looking at it curiously she picked it up to read.

  There’s a button by the table. Call when you want breakfast. I should be there in the afternoon. There’s no reason to rush off and leave, and I’d like it if we could talk when I get back. See you then.


  It was short, to the point, and it didn’t seem to leave room for any argument. She looked for the button, and it was cleverly hidden in the wall. Soon enough, a man knocked on the door and she told them to come in.

  “I brought up what he instructed for breakfast.” The man said, and Lila recognized him as the driver from last night.

  “Thanks. Do you know when he’ll be back?” She asked, and he just looked at her coolly. She couldn’t get a read on him.

  “When he gets back.” He said. “Perhaps less than an hour.” With that, he set the tray down and started to leave. She felt more frustrated than before.

  “What’s your name?” She asked before he completely cleared the doorway.

  “James.” He responded.

  “Nice to meet you Lila.” He said, shaking his head.

  She was surprised by him knowing her name, and there was a slight chill that seemed to run through the room. She tried to turn her thoughts to something a little nicer, and the breakfast on hand made her smile. It was French toast with powdered sugar, a tall glass of orange juice, and eggs over easy. She couldn’t help but to dig in. It was everything she wanted, and she couldn’t imagine how James or Adam would have known.

  Either way, she was thankful, and a part of her knew that she didn’t want the answer to that just yet. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered just where she was. She knew something was off about the place, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. He’s obviously rich. She thought, which once again turned her thoughts to what his job could be. It was something that he tried to avoid talking about. Maybe a drug dealer? She asked herself.

  He could be the mob type too. She thought, but the thoughts were mostly playful, and the ideas were quickly dismissed as foolish. She eventually finished eating with a smile on her face, and she turned towards the bathroom, deciding on a shower before she ventured out. She still smelled like alcohol, and that wasn’t what she was looking for.

  Even the shower screamed of luxury, and she tried not to think about it. After drying off, she went to put on her clothes, but she couldn’t find them. The room was made up as well, causing her a little distress until Lila saw that there was a silky black robe laid out for her, and it seemed to be just her size. She shrugged it on, pulling it tight.

  Lila decided to venture out, just hoping that she wouldn’t run into James again. She ran smack dab into someone’s chest, and the warmth radiating out of the man was one reason she thought that it was Adam, but the dark brown eyes that stared down at hers weren’t his. His hair was disheveled and black. She just tried to apologize, but his arm wrapped tightly around her.

  “Why hello there sexy thing.” He whistled, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

  “Are you here to welcome me?” He asked, and she went to shove him away, but she didn’t have to.

  “Get away from her.” She heard Adam growl, but the man just laughed. It was starting to become obvious that he was a little drunk.

  “I was just greeting your latest swing. You’ve outdone yourself, but you really should share with your brother.” He teased Adam, and her eyes widened hearing it. She watched as Adam quickly shoved her up against the wall.

  “You will not touch her.” He hissed in his brother’s ear before delivering a punch to his face. His brother’s lip busted open, and he laughed when Adam let him go. His brother raised his hand to touch the blood on his lips.

  “How weak.” His brother laughed, and Adam kicked him down on his knees before quickly grabbing her hand.

  He pulled her down another hallway, and Lila nearly tripped trying to keep up. He pulled her into a room, closing the door. Before she could ask what just happened, he kissed her. Her back was pressed against the door, and she groaned as she arched into the kiss. His hand wrapped in her hair, gripping it tightly as his lips moved against hers. His tongue danced across her own as she moaned a little louder, and slowly he pulled away.

  “What’s going on?” She asked, and her voice broke from the desire that she felt.

  “My asshole of a brother is staying for a while, and he just staggered in from his nightly rounds.” He said, clearly disgusted, but there was something else on his mind. When he saw Daniel’s hands on her, he was disgusted, but he knew why his brother did it. It had nothing to do with being drunk. He growled, making her jump as she looked up at him. Her heart was pounding so loud that he could hear it. He kissed her cheek and down her neck, smelling her arousal.

  “Your brother is kind of an ass.” She said, trying not to moan when he nipped her neck.

  “That’s an understatement.” He said.

  “Let’s not concentrate on that right now, though. You look delightful.” He said, nipping her neck again.

  “Speaking of.” She said, slipping out from under his arm.

  “Where are my clothes?” She continued, and he just gave her a puzzled look.

  “Getting washed. What else would I do with them?” He said, and she laughed.

  “Most people would just let me wear them again.” She said.

  “You deserve better, I prefer you in this, and I’m not most people.” He said, with a hint of a growl, but there was desire in his eyes.

  “That I’m getting. It seems like there’s something going on here that I’m missing.” She said.

  “Other than the fact that you’re obviously richer than I had imagined.” She added, and he just gave her a look that mixed confusion and annoyance. It was clear he wanted to get back to something else, but his mind was elsewhere.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said, keeping his voice calm and even. He didn’t know what else to say. He knew that she was onto him. She was something that he wasn’t used to. She was smart, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. It’d only be a matter of time before she found out, and he didn’t know how he’d react to that.

  “You’re such an odd woman.” He said, and she just smiled sadly.

  “Something tells me that you don’t trust me.” She said, and he could hear the hurt in her voice, but he couldn’t clear it up. It wasn’t like that, but if he continued, eh knew that he’d just make it worse.

  “What would you like to do for the day?” He asked, and she looked at him as if he had just said the most ridiculous thing that she had ever heard.

  “What?” He asked, and she motioned to the robe.

  “You know I don’t have anything under this, don’t yo
u?” She asked, clearly bewildered.

  “I do now, but I figured you’d just borrow one of the dresses in the room. I made sure that the ones displayed are in your size.” He said, and she gave him a confused look. He just laughed.

  “I had them fill your closet.” He said, and she gave him a confused look.

  “I told you that I like being in control.” He said, and there was that glint in his eyes again. It took her breath away.

  “Go put one on, and then come back down. I’m sure you’ll be ready to go out then.” He said. “Besides, I have to go take care of my brother.” He said, and with a soft smile she nodded.

  “Fine. I’ll give you this one.” She said before he watched Lila walk out the door.

  With her gone, all of his attention turned to his soon to be ex-Omega. He couldn’t stand the way his brother was starting to act, and he knew that he couldn’t have his second in command behaving that way for long. Looking down at his hands, he saw his fingers shift into talons before he willed them to shift back. His back itched where his wings begged to be let loose, and he could feel himself wanting to tear into the man.

  The beast wanted out, but he held it back. He knew that he’d cement his throne soon enough. His clan wouldn’t do anything once he took a mate. He wouldn’t be viewed as so weak. At least I hope so. He said to himself, but he knew that time was running out, and that’s why he marched out of the room.

  Chapter Five

  After Lila got dressed in a delightful sapphire blue sundress, she looked at the shoes that were also in her size. There was everything from perfume to shoes to clothes, and she was bewildered by why he’d have this in her closet. How long does he expect me to stay? She thought to herself. That’s when she thought she heard a scream, but when she opened the door, listening intently, she heard nothing. She frowned, trying to write it off, but something was nagging at her.

  It wasn’t long before she started down the stairs, feeling a little better in fresh clothes, and she had to admit that they hugged in in all the right places. James was waiting for her, and his shirt was changed, but her eyes went to his hands. She saw blood under his fingernails, and her eyes widened slightly. His eyes looked down, seeing where she looked before he sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I just punched my brother a few times. Please don’t look at me like I killed someone. We have an understanding in the family, and he broke it. The same would happen to me if I did.” He said, and she nodded, wrapping her head around it.

  “I guess so.” She said.

  Mob type. She thought to herself, but for some reason she knew she was wrong. Lila had no intention of running away. For some reason, she didn’t fear him. She didn’t fear for herself when she was around him. Instead, she felt safe, and she was certainly going to stick around to see what was really going on.

  “You look wonderful.” He said, breaking her thoughts.

  “Thank you. I don’t know how, but you and that butler of yours seem to know a lot about me.” She gave him a skeptical look, and for a moment it didn’t seem to register what he was talking about.

  “James?” He asked before she nodded. “Oh… he’s not my butler.” He said, and she looked even more confused.

  “Then who the hell is he? He was pretty rude this morning.” She exclaimed, making Adam grit his teeth.

  “Rude, huh? He’s my bodyguard, and he’s getting pretty cheeky lately.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair again. Lila was starting to recognize it as a nervous habit.

  “Bodyguard? Are you going to tell me why you need one?” She asked, and he took her hand, placing it in the crook of his arm.

  “Can I just promise to tell you later?” Adam said, whispering in her ear. She bit her bottom lip as a shiver of arousal went through her at his husky town.

  “Sure.” She said, barely more than a whisper. He could tell her reaction, and he chuckled deeply, causing her to blush.

  “Good. I’m glad we’re in agreement. Now isn’t there something a little more pleasant that you’d like to talk about?” He asked as they walked to the front of the house and out to the car. He decided to drive himself this time after what he had heard her say about James. He just wanted it to be the two of them for a little while, and his mind was already wandering to Daniel a little too much.

  “How about why you have me a whole closet of clothing?” She said, and he smiled sheepishly at her.

  “I like girls that stay with me to have nice things.” He said, and she just looked at him.

  “Please tell me another girl didn’t wear this.” She said, astonished.

  “No, no. I know how girls are about that, so I donate the outfit when a girl is done with it.” He said, waiving it off. Richer than I thought. She thought to herself, shaking her head as she slipped into the passenger seat.

  “You are kind of wasteful.” She teased him, and he just looked at her, mock offended before putting pedal to the metal.

  “I beg to differ. I just said I donate them. I don’t think that’s wasteful at all, but since you want to argue about clothes, how about I buy your own.” He said, and there was no hint of teasing in his voice. There didn’t seem to be a question either. Her head was already spinning. This is just the third day. She thought, astonished.

  “Is there a question in that?” She asked, and he tilted his head back to laugh.

  “No. No, I don’t think there was, and you seem all too okay with that.” He said, and they were driving off. She didn’t know where they were going, but it was obvious that he was intent on his goal. She just wondered when they’d be shopping.

  “So why all this for me?” She asked as they entered a store that she’d never dream being at on her budget.

  Her job couldn’t afford it. She didn’t even see price tags. That probably means I couldn’t afford it. She thought, and he swept her off her feet with purchase after purchase. She tried not to let it get to her, but Lila was impressed. The fabrics and everything was more than she had dreamed of.

  “I guess I could let you in on a secret.” He said, tucking her hair behind her ears. She could feel fire where he touched her, but her eyes went to the slight bit of blood that was still under his fingernails. She looked in his eyes.

  “Yeah?” She asked, prompting him to continue.

  “I want you to be mine.” He said. He didn’t say girlfriend. He didn’t say lover.

  It was so much more intimate than that. Mine. It echoed through her head, making her very core clench in arousal and excitement. Her heart pounded, and she leaned into his touch as he brushed her cheek.

  “But you can’t say yes yet.” He continued.

  “There’s something that you need to know first.” He added, and she looked at him expectantly. He glanced around, and shook his head before pulling out a credit card.

  “Just not here.” He finished as he paid for the purchases, helping her into the car as they left.

  “So there is something you need to tell me?” She prompted, and he shook his head.

  “Not yet.” He told her, and the drive was silent and tense.

  She couldn’t tell why she was on edge, but she kept glancing at him. There was something that had changed in his stance, and she was dying to understand what, but it didn’t look like he was going to tell her anytime soon. He gave her a charming smile, but it seemed almost predatory. She ached for him in a way that she didn’t expect, and so blushing, she looked away.

  Chapter Six

  Adam told her that he’d be back when they could get dinner, and that it’d only be a few hours, but there would be guests. He went to see his brother who was locked in his room. His face looked better, but his lip was still busted. Not even dragon level healing would fix that just yet.

  “What is it?” Daniel asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Did she turn away from you?” He asked, laughing, and he shook his head.

  “What are you doing then?” Daniel asked, trying not to grit his teeth. It was
obvious he was now suffering from a hangover as well. You deserve it. Adam thought to himself.

  “I’m going to take her as my mate.” He said, and Daniel just laughed.

  “You’ve only known her for three days.” He shouted, clearly amused.

  “Yes, but at the same time you know as well as I do that dragons know their true mate quickly.” He countered with aggravation dripping from his voice.

  “Yeah, but she’s human. It’ll freak her out.” He said, and Adam gritted his teeth.

  “Well, I don’t think so, and I plan on you being there for dinner. Try to take care of that bleeding before then, hmm?” He said before turning to walk away, locking the door afterwards. He wasn’t going to give his brother a chance to interfere in his plans. Not this time.

  “Mate, huh?” James said, and before Adam could yell at him he decided to continue with what he was going to say.

  “Just do yourself a favor, and tell her before you actually say it at dinner.

  She is human. She may be your future mate, but you need to give her time to wrap her head around it.” He said, and James walked away. Adam begrudgingly realized that his old friend was trying to help him, but it didn’t make him want to really take his advice. Not after all the aggravation that he’s put me through. There may be something in what he’s saying though. He told himself, and that’s why he went to go find her before dinner was ready.

  Lila had shimmied into her new little black dress, and looking at her, he wished he hadn’t called his family so soon. He wanted her, and he wanted her now. The dragon inside of him roared as fire was set in his veins.

  “You look stunning.” He said huskily, and she smiled at him as she put down the hairbrush.

  “With how much you paid for this dress, I’d truly hope so.” She said, laughing a little.

  “Now do I get to know that secret or not?” She asked, keeping her tone light, but he could tell that it was starting to bother her.

  “Yes. My family is coming, and I want to tell them that you’re mine, but I can’t yet.” He said, and she patiently waited for him to continue. Adam stepped in, closing the door behind him as his fingers ran through his already messy hair.


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