Summer Fling (Love 101 Book 3)

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Summer Fling (Love 101 Book 3) Page 6

by J. Nichole

  Josh and I both gasp. Josh claps his hands and says, "After all these years you finally get it." Tanya sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes.

  "Before you enter enemy territory you can come for a visit. And there is always homecoming." I grin at Tanya as the server sits our array of appetizers on the table. As I reach for a curry puff I continue, "And I'll be up in North Carolina as soon as you get settled."

  After we clean our plates of the appetizers I squeeze Tanya tight and whisper in her ear, "I'll call you in an hour and fake an emergency so Nate has to take you home." Tanya giggles then I follow Josh out of the restaurant.

  Josh opens my car door and I pause, looking at him before climbing into my seat. "Where to now?"

  He leans in and kisses my cheek. "You'll find out soon." When I lived here the beach was never my thing but as Josh navigates away from the ocean I don't take my eyes off the flowing tides or snow-white dunes. He taps on the steering wheel and I turn away from the ocean and hear him say, "Are you alright?"

  "Yeah," I mumble. "Never thought I'd be sentimental over the ocean." And maybe not the ocean exactly, but the thought of home. Or at least of the known. Everything that was once a certainty is no longer. My last year of high school I knew who I wanted to spend forever with, or at least the next couple of years with; I knew my best friend and I would be headed off to school together, and I knew when I graduated from college I'd return here and be near my family.

  "Let me see if I can cheer you up a bit." The night is illuminated just as Josh pulls into the parking lot of Big Kahunas. "Up for a race around the track?"

  My competitive side rejoices and I say, "Hell yeah." We walk through the entrance of Big Kahunas and the laughter mixed in with the pop music blaring over the loud speaker excites me. My uneasiness of the unknown subsides, for now, and I grin as Josh navigates us through the crowd of teenagers waiting in long lines.

  Leaning against the gate of the go-kart entrance I admit, "I didn't think your plans would have led us here. I was thinking something more intimate."

  Josh looks beside us and then leans in closer to my ear and whispers, "Believe me, I'd rather have you in the room. Up against the wall. Fucking you until your eyes roll to the back of your head."

  My breath catches and my legs re-adjust to keep my panties from dropping to my ankles. If it weren't for the line of people in front of us and horny boys staring me down I'd let him fulfill that desire right against this gate. Josh gets even closer and says, "But there's still time for that after I whoop your ass on this track."

  When the young kid calls for our turn in line my legs are too weak to move. After a couple of failed steps Josh wraps his arm around my waist and guides me to a go-kart. I buckle my seat belt and try to put my game face on but I can't convince my thoughts to ignore the throbbing between my thighs. Chris and Dante briefly cross my mind but one look at Josh and the confidence overflowing as he grips his steering wheel has me remembering all the nasty things I wanted to do to him the last time we were at the summer concert. Then I was still a virgin and my thoughts were limited. But now, after a couple of years’ experience my thoughts make me blush.

  The horn blares for the race to start and I rev my engine and the car's vibration sends my senses into overdrive. Josh and I go neck and neck around the track but I edge him out right before the finish line. Before I can hop out of the car and graciously declare my victory, two chicks intercept Josh. I walk up behind them and stand beside Josh. Neither of the girls looks in my direction. They are both competing for Josh's attention, taking turns giggling and flaunting their best fuck me eyes.

  "That look right there was worth letting you beat me around the track." Josh turns and wraps both arms around me. The girls exchange a look and huff in defeat before walking away. Josh chuckles and winks at me before saying, "Guess they realize they have no chance against you."

  "They were cute." I look in their direction. "That one." Pointing to the one on the right. "I'd pay for that body." Josh's gaze doesn't leave me.

  "You don't need to pay for anything." His hands grip my ass and he says, "This is not important." He kisses my forehead. "Especially when you have a mind like yours. Now let's get out of here. I think I have a promise to fulfill."

  The hotel room is dimly lit and filled with vases of flowers. "Did you have help doing all of this?"

  Josh shakes his head vehemently. "Of course not." He closes the distance between us and pulls me closer to deplete the space completely. Before my next breath he encloses his mouth around mine and our tongues collide. Walking me backward, the wall steadies my balance. My stomach flutters as the butterflies wake from their nap. He leads a trail of kisses from my neck to my navel and back up the other side. "Are you ready for this?"

  Sucking on his earlobe, my verbal response is muted, and he lifts my legs around his waist. Laying me on the bed, he undresses me and lies on top of me. He looks down and says, "I like this view." I pull him down and wrap my arms around his neck while I suck in his lower lip. He puts his hands between my thighs and my body reacts. Releasing his lip I moan into his mouth. Josh rolls over and disappears. I bury my head into the pillow while my body comes off of the excitement.

  He grabs me by the ankles, flips me over, and thrusts into me all in one swift move. "Josh," I scream before he continues. My toes curl. Not exactly delivering on his promise of making my eyes roll in the back of my head but the pleasure is intense just the same. As our bodies connect he leaves kisses down my spine. With each kiss he pulls out then slowly reconnects. I grasp at the bed to steady myself. My legs begin to shake and like at Big Kahunas he wraps his arm around my waist to steady me.

  He pulls out and my body aches for the missing pleasure. Josh lies on the bed and reaches for me. I crawl towards him stopping at his waist. With my fingers I draw circles around his manhood. “Come here,” he says in a tone much deeper than I’ve ever heard from him.

  I straddle his waist and hover over his face taking his mouth by storm. With him deep inside of me I don’t move. I feel his length growing as his hips thrust upwards. With my hands on his chest I ride him until we are both breathing heavy. “Fuck, Laila,” he says as his hands grip my hips pulling me down further onto him.

  I slow our pace, not wanting this moment to end. Josh leans forward taking my nipple into his mouth and my body is no longer under my control. I lose it. Gripping him between my thighs until he too reaches ecstasy. We both collapse on the pillows and Josh wraps his arm lazily around me.

  "Damn, Laila. I almost want to hold you hostage here. Not sure I’ll be able to focus on anything without you around to work me over like that." He kisses my neck.

  “Yeah, I could agree to that.” Although my entire body feels like I just completed a triathlon. My breathing slows back to its normal rhythm.

  I listen to Josh plan visits and rendezvous points before my breathing slows, my eyes close, and his voice is like gibberish.

  Chapter Nine

  “Where have you been, chick?” Timmy leans against my cube and says, “We only have two more weeks of this wonderful internship left and you’ve been missing in action.”

  The past six weeks have been a whirlwind. The work itself has been fulfilling, and I believe I may get an offer. Not sure I'd want to return to Jacksonville. I'm still not sure where I want to be after graduation.

  Being unattached has been fascinating; the drama with the guys, not as much. I still hide from Isaiah when I see him around the office. Dante has been blowing my phone up since my night at his house. The one time I did answer he explained to me how the drama began. With his celebrity status growing, he gained a few haters in the city. They wanted to expose him, and nothing better to do that with than an underage sex scandal. I just happened to be caught up in the whirlwind. It didn't take long for me to vow to stay away from anyone in the spotlight.

  “Laila? Out of mind too?”

  “Sorry. I can’t believe we only have two weeks left in this internship.” Timmy’s f
ace turns up and he flips his hair that has grown longer in the front since the start of the internship. “What’s that look for?”

  "I may miss you when this is over. Maybe I'll have to visit you at L.U." He stretches over the cubicle wall and looks up and down the hallway. "Back to my question. Where have you been? After you left Isaiah looking like a sick puppy I can only assume you've been hanging with someone else."

  "I hung out with Dante a few times. Then I went back home and hung out with an old friend." Seems strange to call Josh a friend. Our night in the hotel doesn't describe a typical friendship. Friends with benefits would be more appropriate. Although Josh would push for something more committed.

  “Wish I could have a steady flow of men.” He pouts his lips and crosses his arms. “I wish I could have a man in general. A flow would be generous.”

  "Any plans for getting work done today? Or are you done with your next assignment?"

  Timmy rolls his eyes at me and says, “I know when I’m not wanted. See you at lunch.”

  I laugh as Timmy walks away. Our next assignment isn’t our last but we’ve heard from a few employees that this is the assignment that will determine whether or not we get an offer to return. The assignment is an inspirational based on our volunteer event from the Hubbard House. We did a toiletry drive to collect items for their emergency shelter.

  The magazine won't publish all articles and the selected article will get the author high praise with the editor. We haven't been a competitive bunch throughout the internship and Timmy doesn't seem to be phased by the implications of not doing well. I, on the other hand, would love to rock the shit out of this article and have it published in What’s Happening Jacksonville.

  Just as the words begin to flow, a tap on my desk interrupts me. Looking up, I expect Timmy to be back to bother me, but I see Isaiah. He looks around my cubicle and I whisper, “Hello.”

  “I haven’t seen you in a while.” He smirks. “You wouldn’t be hiding from me. Would you?”

  “Why would I be doing anything like that?” I avoid eye contact with him. “Not like we used to date or anything.”

  Isaiah laughs. “I’m glad you still have a sense of humor.” He sits on my desk. “I didn’t come by to discuss our situation, but funny how that’s the first thing that spewed from my mouth.” He shrugs. “Forgive me?”

  “Sure.” I cock my eyebrow. “What did you want to talk about?”

  "There's an L.U. Alumni picnic this weekend. Although you aren't an alumni yet, I thought you'd want to check it out." He raises his hands in the air. "You know, in case you end up back in Jacksonville."

  “Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately, I can't make it this weekend. I’ll be back in Tallahassee.”

  “Wow. I didn't think that was possible.”

  I look at Isaiah with my eyebrows bunched. “Didn’t think it was possible for me to go back to Tallahassee?” I shake my head. “It’s not that long of a drive. Do you not go back to Tallahassee often?”

  “I do go back often enough. But I didn’t think it was possible to be turned down twice.” He rolls his eyes. “Wait. I didn’t get turned down twice. You were lured away from me the first time.” He grabs his heart. “Still hurts the same.”


  “No, but really. Before you leave for good we should do lunch. Dinner maybe.”

  Just when I successfully thwarted Dante and thought I could concentrate on Josh, Isaiah tries to sneak back into my life. I take a long breath. What the hell, I'm supposed to be unattached. "Sure. When I get back from Tallahassee let's make it happen."

  “Are you sure?” He looks at me sideways. “A third time would not be a charm in this situation.”

  “Yes. I’m sure. We’ll do dinner in fact. I totally miss being treated out to the best restaurants Jacksonville has to offer.”

  "I should leave before my confidence is destroyed." Isaiah walks away and waves his hand over his shoulder.

  “I’m home bitches!” Nicole bursts into the living room laughing. “I’m sure you have all missed me intensely this summer.” Jennifer, Monica, and I stare at Nicole stone-faced. “Damn. What’s up with the mood in here?” She throws her bags on the ground and plops next to Jennifer on the couch. Leaning over to hug her tight she whispers, “Has Monica convinced you both you have to practice being civilized in public.”

  Monica throws a pillow at Nicole and we all laugh. "We were trying to see how long it would take you to feel awkward in a quiet room." Monica laughs. "We heard you coming up the stairs."

  Nicole sits back further on the couch. "Guess I didn't last long."

  “Okay drama queen.” Jennifer wraps her arms around Nicole. “Welcome back.”

  Monica and I wriggle ourselves between Nicole and Jennifer. Being here with my roommates reminds me how much I’ve missed these girls. “I’m glad you guys are here. Even if it is only for the weekend,” Jennifer says with a wide grin on her face.

  "She's only saying that because I've been driving her insane with my to-do lists." Monica pushes herself off the couch. "I think my hips have widened over the summer." She looks at Jennifer and says, "I'm pretty sure diet and exercise planning is on one of your to-do lists."

  Jennifer groans. “Nicole looks like she wants to inherit the rest of my lists.” She jabs Nicole in the side. “Right, Nicole?” I started on my list for Monica, and I finished the majority of the list when I realized being friends with the future junior class president is for the birds.

  Nicole sits up on the couch and says, “Can’t we catch up first? I mean before Monica monopolizes our time for the greater good of the junior class?”

  I rummage through the kitchen cabinets in search of snacks to eat while we share the exciting happenings of the summer. Much to my surprise, I don't find much. "What have you two been surviving off of the past few weeks?" I hold up a half-eaten bag of Cheetos and a box of fruit snacks. "When's the last time you went to the store?"

  Monica moans and before she can respond Jennifer says, “I’m sure that was on a list somewhere too.”

  “Guess it’s Cheetos and fruit snacks for now.” I bring the snacks to the living room and say, “Who wants to share first?”

  Jennifer speaks up first. “Well, since my summer has been uneventful I’ll go first.” She lays her head back against the couch. “Where should I start? Home was boring beyond measure. My friends who were home were all working. I should have gotten a job.” She laughs. “I just can’t win. Boredom and to-do lists have defined my summer.”

  Nicole smirks. “When are you ever not bored though?” She lies across Jennifer’s lap. “Me next.”

  “I might as well go next.” Monica interrupts Nicole before she can start spilling her sexcapades. “My summer hasn’t been much more exciting.” Monica’s phone rings and she answers. After listening, she excuses herself.

  “Guess it’s my turn,” Nicole whisper-shouts.

  Monica squeals out, “Wait for me.”

  Nicole sighs and says, "Anything for you madam president." Nicole rolls her eyes and says, "Is our junior year going to be like this?"

  Monica sits back on the couch. “No, it’s going to be our best year yet. My summer has been filled with classes and prepping for next year.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Who is next?”

  “You two have junior and senior year to do better. I thought I was rubbing off on you.” Nicole smiles. “I know you all think I’ve been working my way through a few more guys, but I haven’t.” We all sigh. “And no, I don’t have a love interest.” She shakes her head. “Well, one of the two of those statements is true. I’ve had a few guys on my roster.”

  "What else have you done this summer, Nicole?" I lean on my arm and wait for her to give us something new. We are all used to her being wild and free.

  Nicole pauses and then says, “It seemed like a good summer. Men always excite me.”

  Jennifer grunts. “Really? What are we going to do with you when you are out in the world alone

  “Fine. Laila, you’re up. Tell us about your whimsical summer as an intern.” Nicole grabs the bag of Cheetos and acts like she’s ready to listen intently.

  “I channeled you this summer in my quest to remain single.” Now that I’m telling my story I feel bad for calling Nicole out about having a summer filled with sexcapades. “I conquered my internship like a boss.” I wink at Monica. “I’m still waiting to know if I'll be invited back next summer.”

  Nicole stops me. “Wait. I need to know more about the dudes this summer.” She smiles wide. “Especially since you say you were channeling me.”

  Monica and Jennifer both agree. “Isaiah came back around after ditching me for being in an Internet scandal.” I laugh at myself. “Dante and I shared a passionate kiss, but I can’t do the celebrity thing.”

  “Can’t do the celebrity thing?” Nicole smacks her lips. “That wasn’t channeling me at all. If it were me I’d be all over him.”

  “The kiss happened the night before I went home to visit Josh.” I slump my shoulders. “Since that weekend, I couldn’t handle both of them. Ignoring Dante seemed like the best option.”

  “Guess you still have more to learn.” Nicole stands up. With her hands on her hips she says, “I’ll put together a game plan to teach you ladies how to embrace your spirit animal.”

  Jennifer ignores Nicole and looks at me intently. “Are you still single?”

  “I am. Being single isn’t too bad after all. But I pass on being wild, and free like Nicole. Free… but not wild.” Nicole looks at me concerned. “It’s just too stressful juggling multiple dudes.”

  “I’ll add that to the agenda. ‘How to juggle more than one guy.’”

  “I don’t know about y’all but I’m over these snacks. Who wants to go out for dinner?” Monica stands up, collecting the snacks. “I should probably get back to eating decent meals.”

  While I freshen up, my phone rings. “Hello?”


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