Earth's Mark (Lords of Krete Book 2)

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Earth's Mark (Lords of Krete Book 2) Page 4

by Rachael Slate

  Perhaps, he was too fine. Too roughly hewn and magnetic. A small part of her was glad she would never have to share him.

  She licked her lips and eyed the bulging edge of his bicep. Very well, a large part of her.

  Ought she to confide in her sisters about the goddess? They would either call him a liar, or send her straight to their Queen.

  Where Hippolyta would certainly refuse his request.

  Kyme had already usurped their greatest warriors for her cause. They gathered now, in Halcyon, a sanctuary established by the Lord and Lady of the Underworld. There, warriors trained to fight in the War to come, after which, Hades and Persephone would either win the right to freedom in their Love, or lose it forever.

  Kyme had renounced her Amazon ways to join with her mate, but Kleo couldn’t fathom ever doing that. Amazon blood flowed through her veins, into every inch of her being. She loved her life as a warrior. Serving her goddess, Artemis, brought her purpose.

  Why then had Artemis sent her Arctus?

  My mate.

  What even was a mate to an Amazon? A jest, surely.

  Anger mixed in with her confusion. She didn’t ask for this. Aside from her pain, she’d been content. Before, her future had been bright and clear. Now, the path before her stretched, bleak and uncertain.

  Too soon, the others finished their meals, collected the plates to clean, and beckoned their males to retire with them. Until only Arctus and she remained in the square.

  She stared into the flames of the fire, unwilling to move from this spot. Most bonded males pursued their mates to the ends of the world.

  Hers hadn’t been able to flee from her fast enough. Only a sign from a goddess had sent him to her. Only the hand of a goddess had convinced him to stay.

  She didn’t doubt, he yearned to leave.

  Huffing, she sprang to her feet and advanced toward Arctus. “Come, it’s time to retire.”

  “Aye, Mistress.” His voice was low and gruff, on the border between jest and need. Why that was, she didn’t wish to contemplate.

  He trailed behind her, making the hairs on her neck bristle with energy. Her muscles tensed, as though at any moment he might pounce.

  He didn’t. Arctus followed her inside the cave, securing the flap behind him. Then he plopped onto a stool on the opposite side of the chamber from her. His warm silvery brown orbs examined her intently. “What should we do?”

  What, indeed. She swallowed thickly and shoved aside memories of his kiss. Of the flex of those etched muscles beneath her fingertips. “Well, we can’t be too quiet. That will draw attention.”

  He barked a laugh. “As opposed to clamor going unnoticed?”

  She curved her lips and tilted her head toward the far wall. Small stones cascaded down the rock as they vibrated in a rhythmic thumping. Seemed Okyale was enjoying her male.

  “Is that…?” He cleared his throat, his gaze sweeping hers for an instant before landing on the floor.

  Obviously, touching Arctus was off-limits. Not unless she wished him eternally bonded to her. Kleo marched to the opposite wall and placed both hands on it, then rocked her body against the stone, releasing a slow moan.

  “What are you doing?” No missing the roughness in his voice.

  “Making you look good,” she chimed, high and sensual, spun, and crashed back against the wall, caressing her hands across her body for good measure.

  “Don’t Amazons ever make use of their beds?”

  She arched a brow at the darkening of his features. Oh, he was definitely aroused by her display. “Are you going to join me or will everyone presume I pleasured myself this night?”

  He launched to his feet and, in two steps, stood before her, ramming his fists into the stone on either side of her head, caging her in. “Do you mean, like this?” Propping against the wall, he leaned in ever so close, his heavy exhalations coming deep, and a resounding grumble echoed in his throat as he blew against her neck.

  The rumble in his voice vibrated across her body, spiraling through her core, and the whimper in her throat wasn’t pretend.

  Suddenly, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them against the stone above her head, restraining her arms. Then he slid one leg between her thighs and rocked his hips into hers, slamming her bottom against the stone and making the walls quake. His thickness rubbing against her wasn’t imaginary, either.

  She grew wet, oh, so wet, and swallowed hard to calm herself. “No, like this.” She twined her leg about his, releasing his grasp on her, and spun them around, so it was his back against the wall.

  Lust pounded through her, firing her rage also. She didn’t wish to crave this male. Damn him and this cursed bonding. Intent on wiping the insatiable passion from his face, she wound her head back and thwacked her forehead against his.

  “Ack, woman!” he roared, rubbing at the red mark on his skin. “What was that for?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little rough play?” She smirked, glad to see the desire dissolving, but oh, in its place a new fire burned.

  “Rough, heh?” He lunged forward and tackled her legs, scooping her off her feet, into the air, and over his shoulder.

  Upside down, she drummed her fists against his solid back. “Put me down!”

  “Nay, I think not.”

  “Blasted centaur,” she grated, swung one leg onto his other shoulder, and crossed her legs around his neck.

  He wheezed and growled as she strangled him between her thighs, until he reared and flung her downward, spinning her to his front. Now, she dangled from his neck, her view a rather impressive one.

  Never mind that he probably had an even better view. Upside down, her chiton flopped over her hips, baring her completely to him.

  His heated breath enflamed her flesh, kindling the fire between her legs. A desperate groan thundered in his throat, and she knew.

  This was nowhere near pretend.

  Not for either of them.

  Arctus closed his eyes, fighting losing control. He could have done so easily, had the honey-sweet scent of Kleo’s nectar not flaunted right in front of his face, invading his nostrils. Oh, aye, she wanted him.

  The right thing to do would be to release her.

  Yet his feet had other ideas as they led him to the wall.

  Her slender fingers glided across his hips, inched down his breeches, and traced across the mark she’d given him, then freed his rigidness. Those delicate fingers closed around him and brought his tip to her mouth, where hot, wet bliss drowned him.

  Growling, he nuzzled his face against her lush folds, flicking his tongue across the silken flesh glistening with her urgency.

  His eyes shuttered at her taste and he fought it no more. This was a mate’s fragrance. The most ethereal, exquisite, and inescapable scent.

  There was nothing to do but surrender.

  Especially while she pumped his length between her soft lips.

  He didn’t resist. Instead, he seized the opportunity to explore and sample every inch of her. Mine. She was his, after all. As surely as he was hers.

  They belonged together, the Fates had woven the tapestries of their destinies into one.

  How could that be denied?

  Her desperate mewls coaxed him onward, and her legs wrapped about his neck, trapping him in her wondrous flesh. Aye, a man might die like this and be the luckiest bastard in all the world.

  He clutched at the wall, pounding one fist into it. Her tongue swiped across his slit, enticing his climax, and he held back no more. He roared and his hips jerked, driving himself deeper into her mouth while the heat of his release spurted forth.

  Kleo’s legs trembled around him. He licked and nipped harder, demanding she follow him into ecstasy. A whimpering cry on her lips, she bucked and her sheath clenched around the tongue he speared inside her.

  Arctus didn’t halt alternating between thrusting his tongue and sucking her bud until he’d drawn the last quiver from her sweet body. Chest heaving, he drew back a
nd admired her swollen pink flesh, glistening so beautifully. He craved her again. And again.

  He never wished to stop. Damn. He stepped from the wall and offered his arms as support for her to swing down. Spilling himself inside her? That wasn’t foolish. It was disastrous.

  One step closer to the bonding he planned on denying.

  One step closer to the madness of the lyssa.

  That shattering release of hers? A result of his seed. Such was part of the bonding. A female would find unrivaled pleasure with her mate. With only him.

  It was worse for him, though. He’d never be able to take another. Hell, after what he’d just experienced with Kleo, he couldn’t imagine ever wanting to. Wincing, he stuffed his hardening erection inside his breeches. No more of that tonight. Arctus scraped a hand across his jaw while Kleo adjusted her chiton, her back to him.

  By giving in to this crushing attraction between them, had they sealed their fate?

  Would there be no turning back?

  Why in Hades did that make his heart beat even faster?

  Slowly, she shifted toward him, lifting those thick lashes. “That might have been a mistake.”

  The thrumming organ in his chest stuttered. Kleo bit her lip, uncertainty in her frown.

  “Right. You’re right.” Of course she was. Neither of them chose this.

  She stiffened, spinning from him toward the bed furs. “You’re dismissed.”

  Arctus regarded her for a moment before heading toward the flap. He didn’t wish to be sent away. There was so much more about Kleo that he longed for. What had made her into the warrior she was? Why did she hide within herself?

  Lowering his head with a sigh, he ducked through the opening and headed toward the male cave. Most of the others had already retired by the time he did. Well, they were swift. A quick interlude, that was their purpose, wasn’t it. He fisted his hands, a smoldering ire rising within him.

  Kleo didn’t even want him for his seed.

  She discarded him so easily, but her hold on him wouldn’t be ignored.

  Tomorrow would be a new day. And tomorrow, they’d play by his rules.

  Chapter 5

  Kleo peered at her partner. Despite the menacing war paint on his face, Arctus appeared strangely cheerful this morning. He chuckled with the other males and barked greetings at everyone. Except me.

  His perusal passed over her, distant and cool. The snarling black and white skull painting on his face seemed more amiable than he did. With luck, her own war paint hid her disappointment. Where was the warmth? Why did his behavior irk her so? She ought to be glad. Perhaps, he’d found some measure of control, and mistakes like last night wouldn’t happen again.

  He had to realize it was in his best interest not to bond with her. She wasn’t the kind of mate a centaur longed for. They valued family and clan, often raising half a dozen offspring. Their wives were demure and soft-spoken, caring mothers.

  The first gift her mother had given her was a spear. Kleo snorted. No tender attachment existed between her mother and herself. Respect and duty, honor bound them. Love and affection were reserved for the weak.

  Not for the warriors.

  She could never be what Arctus sought. If she even contemplated trying, they would both be disappointed.

  Right. She rubbed her hands together and blew on them. The cool morning air was crisp enough to reveal the misty cloud of her breath. The challenge today was the hunt. Each pair was designated a beast to hunt, and the first to return with their kill would be declared the winners.

  Kleo craved the win. Arctus had better be ready for victory, because she was.

  “Warriors, ready!” Ainia called. “Go!”

  Kleo nodded once at Arctus and sprinted into the forest. Their animal was a boar. First, they required distance from the camp. A good mile out, she slowed her pace and halted on the edge of a meadow. Spinning about, she surveyed for Arctus. Where was he? Why hadn’t he kept pace?

  Suddenly, an enormous silvery brown bear rose out of the forest and bounded toward her.

  “Hop on, Alala.” Arctus’s voice resounded from within the beast.

  Ride a bear? Oh, yes. She eyed his thick fur and latched on, swinging her leg atop him as if he were a horse. A fierce, magnificent horse. He charged forward while she struggled to settle in. No reins on this beast. She shifted her seat and used her legs to brace.

  They raced through the forest, the bear nimbly dashing this way and that. From her high view, she scanned the woods. There, the shadow of their prey. “That way.” She grabbed a handful of fur on his right side and urged him to turn.

  Arctus darted to the right and snarled, “Aye, I smell him.”

  The boar must have sensed them, too, for it screeched and halted. Kleo leapt from Arctus’s back and brandished her spear. “Come on, you swine!”

  The ground rumbled beneath her feet. The beast charged them, but it was no ordinary boar.

  Nearly as large as Arctus’s bear, the swine towered above her, its razor tusks bigger than her legs. A symbol had been branded into its hide—the sun. The crimson glint in its feral orbs swept the forest.

  “Ah, Kleo?” Concern dripped from Arctus’s voice.

  She gulped at her puny spear. The tip likely wasn’t sharp enough to pierce the beast’s hide. “New plan.” She leapt atop Arctus once more and urged him away with a kick of her legs. “Let’s get out of here. I know a place.”

  They’d become prey instead of predator, but that didn’t mean the hunt was finished. A plan formulated in her mind and she hoped like Hades the swine didn’t know these lands as well as she did. Crashing hooves pounded behind them, but she didn’t dare turn her back to see how far away the beast was. She didn’t need to. His breath blazed across her back.

  Kleo clung to Arctus’s neck and whispered next to his ear, “This is going to take a leap of faith, but please, trust me. We’re headed to the False Cliffs. You’ll have to jump, as high and far as you can. We might not make it, but let’s pray we do.”

  Instead of questioning her, as most males would, he simply lowered his head and sped faster. She directed him left and right, through the woods, toward the False Cliffs. As they loomed in the distance, she urged him faster. “There. I’ll tell you when to jump.”

  Kleo timed the leap and, the moment Arctus’s paws touched the edge, she cried, “Now!” Positioning her body horizontally along his back, she leapt with him, and they sailed through the air.

  The False Cliffs were thusly named because, from a distance, one couldn’t detect them. The meadow appeared to continue straight to the other side, when in fact, it was a trick of the eye. A hundred feet below them, twisting spires of rocks spiked across the canyon.

  A swift death.

  Kleo forced her eyes open and focused her view ahead, on the ledge of the cliff on the other side. Almost there. The air condensed in her lungs and the pulsing of Arctus’s heartbeat drummed in her ears.


  They struck the other side, but the landing was hard, and Arctus’s claws clung to the edge, digging into the packed earth.

  “Climb up me, lass,” he barked, his body dangling from the ledge while he scrambled for purchase.

  “If I climb you, we could both fall.”

  Behind them, a shrieking cry, followed by a deafening thud. The swine. He hadn’t made the jump. She shuddered and concentrated on not following him to his doom.

  “Argh,” Arctus growled, his claws slipping. “Now, Kleo.”

  “Unlikely.” She smiled. “We’re getting out of this together.” How? She scanned around them. There, a vine climbing down the side of the cliff. The shift in her weight might be enough to set off his balance, so she carefully stuck out her leg and looped the vine around her ankle. After snatching the vine from her foot, she gave a hard tug. It held.

  Working quickly, she formed a length of metal and hooked it to the vine, then snared it around Arctus’s waist. Assured it would hold, she climbed up him.

/>   Once at the top, she reached for him. “Turn into a man and I’ll pull you up.”

  “I won’t be able to hold on as a man.”

  She angled her head at him. “Trust me.”

  He rumbled low and trembled, transforming into his male shape. The vine closed tightly about him, securing his weight. “What in Hades is this?” He frowned at the rope.

  “Amazons leave no one behind.” She stuck out her hand to help him climb.

  He eyed her hand for a moment before sliding his palm against hers and hauling himself over the ledge. Grunting, he flopped onto his back. “By the gods, lass, why did you think we could make the leap?”

  She shrugged. It had been a risk. “I’ve done it before. On a horse.”

  He snorted. “I’m no horse.”

  She laughed at his scowl. “No, but you’re just as amusing to ride.” Heat fanned her cheeks. On his back, she could climb atop him, and…

  He coughed into his fist, untied the vine, and rolled onto his side. “The swine wasn’t as lucky.” Shifting around, he peered into the canyon.

  Copying him, she spotted the boar. It lay unmoving, skewered by a twisting spire of rock.

  “That was no ordinary beast.” He slanted his gaze to hers. “Did you note its marking?”

  She nodded. “That was no boar of Artemis.”

  “Aye, ’twas of Apollo.”

  Arctus swallowed thickly. “Why would Apollo take an interest in our hunt?”

  “And try to kill us?” Kleo regarded him. “Haven’t you heard about the War?”

  “A little.” He lifted and dropped one shoulder. “My kin have taken no sides.”

  “You’re with me, and Amazons will fight against the sun god. Yet, this attack was unusual.”

  He shuffled to sit and winced. Pain radiated from his right leg.

  “You’re hurt.” Kleo snared his leg. “Ugh, that beast gored you. Why didn’t you say something? I wouldn’t have asked you to leap.”

  In truth, he’d barely noticed the wound, but Kleo was already tsking and tearing off a length of her chiton’s skirt to wrap about his calf. He tried not to focus on the expanse of lovely, toned flesh she bared, but damn, it was hard not to. She pressed her lips tightly together. Did she sense his growing arousal?


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