The Land: Swarm: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 5)

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The Land: Swarm: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 5) Page 50

by Aleron Kong

  12) Traps

  Novice: You can set traps that will harm unwary enemies.

  Initiate: You can set traps with proximity triggers in addition to simple pressure triggers.

  13) Trap Disarm

  Novice: You have learned how to disable the mechanisms of traps. Through careful application of your new subskill, you can make the world a safer place. This is a subskill of Traps.

  Initiate: You may now retrieve some of the traps you disarm for your future use.

  14) Pierce the Veil

  The Land is full of hidden secrets. Traps to snare the unwary; hidden treasures; booty, both pirate and otherwise. From this moment on, you will be able to find that which others have concealed.

  Initiate: In addition to hidden traps, you can now find hidden compartments.

  15) Fire Magic

  Novice: Can cast Fire Magic.

  Initiate: +5% to Spell Strength and Resistance in regards to Fire Magic.

  16) Self-Awareness

  Novice: The journey to know oneself is a path without an end, but each step brings you closer to your truth. The mental training you have begun has long been honored by mystics and madmen. Each skill level grants +2% to mental and emotional control.

  Initiate: Control within will be mirrored by control without. 20% less likely to betray nonverbal cues to others. This is cumulative with further ranks.

  Richter’s Qualities

  1) Resolute - The choices in your life led you to a critical point. A nexus of opportunities were laid before you, many leading to disaster! You have chosen a finer path! The experiences of your entire life have culminated in this one moment. You have decided not to kneel, but to stand; not to beg, but to take; not to wait, but to forge ahead. Bonus to mental resistance 15%. Bonus to spiritual resistance 15%

  2) Honorable - You chose to save the life of a comrade rather than eliminate a threat. In a key moment, you chose to honor life rather than pursue death. +2 to Charisma, 3% decrease in critical strike chance and critical strike damage.

  3) Implacable - When faced with the near impossible task of rescuing a Companion from a superior enemy, you did not pause. When attacking a battle hardened Warrior, you did not flag. When mortally wounded and kneeling before a sadistic Assassin, you did not succumb. You have shown that you will conquer whatever is before you, even burning your own head and skin to destroy your enemies! Your relentless focus and pursuit of chosen goals will be reflected in your skills. You are awarded Initiate level in the skill Tracking.

  Richter’s Abilities

  1) Limitless: 100% affinity in any and every skill

  2) Gift of Tongues: Ability to comprehend almost all languages including writing. Cannot comprehend certain higher or lower languages. Cannot understand nonsentients.

  3) Fast Learner: +30% to skill advancement

  4) Bounty of Life: +30% growth for the physical manifestation of your Place of Power

  5) Psi Bond (Level 5): Your mental resistance from Psi Bond has increased to 40%. Maximum distance of communication increased from 1000 yards to 1250 yards. Tasks which require strength of mind will come even easier than before. Know This! Your mental fortitude has brought your Psi Bond ability to new heights. Eye contact offers the chance to connect with other creatures in a limited way. The extent of the connection will vary based on the mental abilities of yourself and the recipient. Never forget that doors can swing both ways.

  Alma’s Abilities

  1) Brain Drain (Level 7): Successful kills will now give 7% of total experience to both you and your familiar. Drain occurs faster. Stun can occur on enemies level 31 and below. Drain now gives you a greater understanding of Alma’s victims. There is a chance to relive the most poignant memory of the target’s life.

  2) Psi Blast

  Level 1: This concentrated blast of psychic energy can stun enemies for 2-4 seconds. The AoE is a cone extending 10 feet from the direction your familiar is facing. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

  Level 2: The mental disruption caused will now also cause direct health damage. The 2-4 second stun effect is increased to 5-7 seconds. The initial AoE of 10 feet can be increased to 15 feet with a corresponding drop in the blast’s effectiveness or narrowed to five feet with an increase in the blast’s effectiveness. Cooldown decreased to four minutes.

  Level 3: The mental disruption and health damage are now more powerful. The 5-7 second stun effect is increased to 8-10 seconds, and the health damage will be more severe. A third effect is now added. There is a possibility of disorientation for those affected that will last up to five minutes at the standard AoE of 10 feet. The AoE of this attack can now be widened to 20 feet at the expense of the blast’s strength or narrowed to three feet with an increase in the blast’s effectiveness. Effective range of Psi Blast is now doubled compared to baseline. Cooldown decreased to three and a half minutes.

  3) Psi Bond

  Level 1: Thoughts can be shared with another being that has the ability Psi Bond. A connection can only be completed by both parties being willing to participate.

  Level 2: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 25%. She can now communicate in two word sentences. Her Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 15%. You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar. Your mental resistance has increased by 10%. Maximum distance of communication increased from 250 yards to 500 yards.

  Level 3: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 50%. She can now communicate in four word sentences. Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 30%. You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar. Your mental resistance has increased by 20%. Maximum distance of communication increased from 500 yards to 750 yards. You can now each sense if the other is in danger.

  Level 4: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 75%. She can now communicate in eight word sentences. Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 45%. Your familiar’s Psi Bond has advanced to being able to form a psychic connection even with those lacking the Psi Bond ability. You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar. Your mental resistance for Psi Bond has increased to 30%. Maximum distance of communication increased from 750 yards to 1000 yards. Finally, the improved Psi Bond stabilizes your own mental fortitude. Tasks which require strength of mind will now come easier.

  Level 5: Your familiar’s base innate intellect is increased by 100%. She can now communicate with you without restriction. Her base Intelligence and Wisdom are also increased by 60%. You will also benefit from this stronger tie to your familiar. Your mental resistance from Psi Bond has increased to 40%. Maximum distance of communication increased from 1000 yards to 1250 yards. Tasks which require strength of mind will come even easier than before. The Psi Bond has provided your familiar with a greater understanding of herself and has unlocked a new ability! Psi Channeling.

  4) Psi Channeling

  Level 1: You may now cast spells through your familiar. The cast time will still be the same for you, but any restrictions based on distance can use the location of your familiar as the casting point! At the current level, the range of Psi Channeling is one hundred yards and using this ability will require 300% greater mana usage. Any other spell requirements will remain unchanged.

  Level 2: At level 2, the range of Psi Channeling has increased from one hundred to two hundred yards. Using the ability now requires 250% greater mana usage rather than 300%. Any other spell requirements will remain unchanged. You and your familiar may now also share mana at a loss of 3:1.

  Book 1 is now available in paperback! You can buy it on Amazon, but if you would like your very own signed copy, just click the link and I’ll send it to you! If it’s your birthday I’ll even gift wrap it! ☺

  You guys are so great! There is more The Land goodness to come, but I want to wholeheartedly recommend you check out The Game is Life by Terry Schott! It’s a soulful and mesmerizing saga of how the games we love can shap
e society and ourselves. Do yourself a favor and check it out! P.S. – You won’t believe this, but it’s FREE! Lol (Just click the Picture)

  Quality Ranks

  1) Weapons and Item Qualities




  Above Average

  Well crafted





  2) Weapon and Item Rarity










  3) Potion Level








  4) Potion Strength











  5) Buildings Quality



  Poorly Made


  Above Average

  Well Built

  Exceptional Work

  Superb Craftsmanship

  Masterfully Constructed

  Enchantments known by Richter

  1) Sonic Damage

  a) Primary effect: Sonic damage

  b) Secondary effect: Disarm chance

  2) Life Damage

  a) Primary effect: Life damage will be done to enemy struck

  b) Secondary effect: A secondary enchantment makes healing spells and potions more effective on the wielder of the weapon

  3) Goblin Slaying

  a) Primary effect: Does extra damage to Goblins

  4) Confusion

  a) Primary effect: Causes confusion to varying degrees

  Richter’s Talents

  Profession - Enchanter.

  You are an Enchanter! Your efforts will bring magic and wonder to The Land. A ring is no longer a simple band to you, it is a pathway to power. A sword is not only for a soldier’s hand, it can also grant the power of flight. Scoff at those who put their faith in the fleeting might of muscles or the taxing strength of spells. Your enchanted creations will last until the Universe grinds all stars to dust and their power shall rival the gods!

  Increase Enchantment Strength I: Increase strength of enchantments by 5%.

  Macroenchantment I: Increase this Talent to have your enchantment affect larger items. This is extremely helpful for creating enchanted buildings, ships, engines of war, and other large projects.

  Increase Number of Charges I: Increase the number of charges on items with finite uses. Will increase number of charges by +10 or by 10%, whichever gives greater yield.

  Deconstruct Items I: Gain the ability to deconstruct an enchanted item. Increase this Talent to improve chance for successful deconstruction and to increase chance of obtaining better items after item is destroyed.

  Resize Items I: This Talent allows you to resize already enchanted items to fit creatures either smaller or larger than the item was originally intended. Resizing carries the risk of a decrease in power of enchantment, durability of enchanted item and/or complete destruction of enchanted object. Increase this Talent to allow for resizing to a greater extent and to decrease risk. This Talent is fueled by soul stones.

  Increase Enchantment Potential I: Increase the number of enchantment slots on the object you wish to enchant. Increases enchantment slots by 10%.

  Identify Enchantments I: Allows enchanters to identify unknown magical objects. An Enchanter with this Talent can even rival lore masters. Touching an unknown item will give a detailed description of most magical items. This is a passive action. It does not cost anything and the knowledge is absorbed instantaneously.

  Identify Enchantments II: Allows enchanters to identify stronger magical objects. Enchanted items can be identified at a distance.

  Synergy of Items I: Allows for the possibility of item sets. The base items must have something in common for the enchantments to feed off of one another. Increase this Talent to allow for stronger and more extensive sets.

  Increase Enchantment Success I: Increase this Talent to improve the odds of an enchantment taking hold by 20%.

  Faster Creation Time I: The creation of magic books, scrolls and skill books is time consuming and laborious. Increase this Talent to increase the speed you finish these tasks by 10%.

  Soul Bound Object I: Items will not be lost upon death. Items must be given with an open heart.

  Fortify Health/Mana/Stamina I: Increase this Talent to make Enchantments dealing with increasing health, mana and stamina more effective by 20%.

  Increase Weapon Enchantment I: Accessing this Talent will increase the strength of any weapon enchantments by 20%.

  Increase Armor Enchantment I: Accessing this Talent will increase the strength of any armor enchantments by 20%.

  Increase Item Enchantment I: Accessing this Talent will increase the strength of any accessory enchantments by 20%.

  Unlocked: Earth magic.

  Increase Maximum Number of Soul Stones I: Each enchanter can only use a certain number of soul stones per enchantment, based upon their skill level. Increase this Talent to add another soul stone to that number.

  Increase Soul Stone Yield I: Increase this Talent to increase the yield of enchantment power from each soul stone. Bringing this Talent to level II will increase the yield of soul stones by 25%.

  Specialization - Essence.

  No enchantment is beyond your reach as long as you can learn the spell. Your enchantments are an extension of yourself. Grow your power to grow your Specialty.

  Purchase Spell Enchantment I: Currently, each Basic Element spell costs 1 Talent Point per spell level. Each Deep Magic spell costs 10 Talent Points per spell level. Increase this Talent to reduce this cost..

  Reduce Mana Cost I: To translate a spell into an enchantment, a mana cost must be paid. Current conversion cost is 100x spell mana cost. Increase this Talent to reduce this cost by 20x. Minimum cost, 20x spell mana cost.

  Unlock Spell School: To convert a spell, you must first unlock that spell type. Current Base Cost based on known spells: 10 Talent Points per Basic Element. 100 Talent Points per Deep Magic. This one-time cost cannot be reduced. Further costs may be required to unlock certain spells.

  Talent Point Conversion I: Few Talents for any Profession or Specialty are as expensive as Essence Talents. Binding your Specialty to your soul however, offers a unique opportunity. Essence Enchanters may sacrifice XP to buy Talent Points. Any reduction in XP will not affect personal level, though the threshold for leveling remains the same. This Talent is not to be used carelessly. Overzealous Essence Enchanters have found their personal level frozen as they feed their Profession and Specialty. Any experience lost will be 250% harder to earn again. Furthermore, once used, this Talent cannot be used again until all expended experience points are gained back. Conversion rate: 10,000 XP per 1 Talent Point.

  Talent Point Conversion II: Decreases the penalty to recovering XP to 200%. It also improves the Conversion rate to 9,000 XP to 1 Talent Point.

  Talent Point Conversion III: Decreases the penalty to recovering XP to 150%. It also improves the Conversion rate to 8,000 XP to 1 Talent Point.

  Talent Point Conversion IV: Decreases the penalty to recovering XP to 100%. It also improves the Conversion rate to 7,000 XP to 1 Talent Point.

  Status Pages *Not inclusive of final battle

  Name: Richter

  Age: 24

  Level: 31, *%

  Health: 663 Mana: 504 Stamina: 350

  Strength: 33

  Agility: 32

  Dexterity: 38

  Constitution: 56

  Endurance: 35

Intelligence: 46

  Wisdom: 45

  Charisma: 32

  Luck: 21



  Gift of Tongues

  Fast Learner

  Bounty of Life

  Psi Bond






  Herb Lore Lvl 40; 72% to next level

  Alchemy Lvl 2; 48%% to next level

  Enchantment Lvl 48; 5% to next level

  Crafting Lvl 5; 29% to next level

  Smithing Lvl 6; 73% to next level

  Brewing Lvl 3; 57% to next level

  Distillation Lvl 3; 57% to next level

  Construction Lvl 4; 82% to next level

  Masonry Lvl 3; 38% to next level

  Carpentry Lvl 4; 47% to next level

  Scribing Lvl 5; 14% to next level

  Analyze Lvl 10; 57% to next level

  Pierce the Veil Lvl 23; 72% to next level

  Stealth Lvl 14; 9% to next level

  Traps Lvl 22; 22% to next level

  Trap Disarm Lvl 22; 48% to next level

  Tracking Lvl 15; 88% to next level

  Riding Lvl 7; 76% to next level

  Archery Lvl 17; 76% to next level

  Imbue Arrow Lvl 17; 29% to next level

  Focus Lvl 5; 13% to next level

  Double Shot Lvl 2; 11% to next level,

  Drill Shot Lvl 2; 81% to next level

  Swordsmanship Lvl 1; 43% to next level

  Small Blades Lvl 11; 68% to next level

  Unarmed Combat Lvl 1; 78% to next level

  Pressure Points Lvl 1; 0% to next level


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