Chosen One

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Chosen One Page 4

by Scarlett Dawn

  And he gave it. Pounding into me brutally, ruthlessly taking what he wanted even as he pressed his cock deep inside me, continuing to hit the spot deep inside as we both shouted and groaned, his mouth leaving mine to kiss, and suck and bite at my throat and shoulders, lifting my hands as he drove into me repeatedly, slamming them next to my head, holding them there, intertwining our fingers together as he lifted his head to stare down at me, ordering gruffly on a pant, “Lift your legs.”

  I nodded jerkily, utterly breathless, doing as he said, lifting my legs further up his flexing sides.

  “Get ready to scream for me,” he murmured, Shifter power swirling around us while his jaw clenched and…I did scream his name, bowing under him as he started a pounding rhythm inside me, his hips thumping against mine like a bulldozer, slamming me down into the mattress in quick succession with each of his swift, frenzied thrusts.

  Passion stole my breath as I choked in pleasure, never having expected something this erotically satisfying, the other night a pale comparison, just as his mouth had been with alcohol dulling the senses. I whispered blindly, “Cain…Cain…Cain…”

  I whimpered when he half faltered, staring down between our bodies, and he growled breathlessly before pounding into me brutally, gazing at where our bodies were repetitively joining. “You’re fucking spelled there, too.”

  Yeah, I was. “Normally white.” My head shook distractedly as the head of his cock continually thrust, bumping my cervix and sliding even deeper. “My fucking God, Cain.”

  “And this,” he slammed into me, “is fucking heaven.” His wolf growled, before he rumbled with a lengthy groan, his power and scent churning chaotically, his eyes closing briefly as I nodded inattentively, a cry of urging tearing past my lips as he started rotating his hips, my insides sweltering in absolute desire.

  Cain’s head dropped back, his throat muscles clenched as he shouted a deep pleasure filled groan, his pec and stomach flexing with each drive, his thick cock continually filling me past full, his fingers intertwined with mine holding tight as he inhaled sharply, dipping his head back down to stare me in the eyes, his lips parted, face painted with erotic intensity, harshly dominating.

  I moaned at his continual driving thrusts, his pace relentless and merciless, his eyes beautiful, glowing, a stunning navy blue, just as mine were glowing a crystal blue, a fierce light against his face, something neither of us could control with the intensity of our pairing, the splendor of his gaze perfect, potent and rough all at once.

  Gazes steadfast on one another as our hips continued to meet, skin slapping erotically, sweat glistened on our bodies. His quietly panting groans and breathes began to change, and his jaw clenched, eyes hooding even more, and he instantly altered his thrust, immediately grinding his pelvis against my clit with each drive. My jaw slowly fell open on a keening cry, my body instantly tightening under him, and he pressed harder, gaze savage as he stared down at me, nostrils flaring.

  Blissful warmth stole through my limbs, making me tremble…and he hit the spot deep inside me simultaneously grinding against my clit. I jerked against him, and unwaveringly, he did it again, repeatedly hitting my spots. I choked, my body constricting in agonizing pleasure, and he began thrusting unbelievably faster, whispering breathlessly, “Fall, Sadie. Fall for me.”

  My Core flared to life all on its own, feeling protected inside his massive amounts of power, my body glowed bright white as I bowed, and I felt him falter for a moment, hearing his quick intake of breath of shock, and tiny, brilliant stars shot off my body, flying into a chaos around us in a dome, my Elemental power manifesting, but not a beat later, he shoved into me hard, just right, my head flying back as I slipped over the edge, screaming, “Cain!” My mind flew into the stratosphere of twinkling paradise, floating on a haze of heated pleasure, my limbs not my own, suffused with their own heavenly warmth, as I convulsed under him, my channel squeezing his cock insistently in tight pulses, trying to keep him inside me where he felt perfect.

  “Aw…shit!” Cain shouted in pleasure, a resounding amount of creative curses ringing in my ears as he pounded into me with a frenzied rhythm before slamming into me so hard I choked, and heard as he growled low, “Sadie…” Fingers digging into my glowing hands, my flesh only just starting to dim, his grip unbreakable as his body jerked over mine, his cock pulsating inside me, and I groaned softly at the feel deep within me, his strong muscled, damp body quivering, jerking over my own sweaty small frame. “Sadie…ah…ah, fucking hell…perfect.” Floating down from the warmth, I shuddered as he lowered himself on a guttural groan, resting his shuddering, heavy frame on top of me as he floated in his own bliss. His face was buried in the crook of my neck as his faltering hot breaths puffed against my flesh, our heartbeats pounding madly against each other’s chests, and he groaned quietly against my flesh, “I’m so fucking happy I left that note.”

  “So am I,” I chuckled breathlessly, blinking open blurry eyes, but feeling damn near cross-eyed, I gave up on attempting to focus, and tilted my head and rested my cheek on his, closing my eyes again in exhaustion, hardly able to breathe and utterly light-headed…but I had never felt better, exactly where I wanted to be.

  Having slipped out from under Cain after waking from the light doze I had fallen into, Cain breathing even in his own peaceful sleep, I made my way to the bathroom, feeling a wonderful type of ache between my legs. Still a little nervous for what I had just done, inviting, truly inviting this man into my life, the ramifications of having sex with him hitting me hard…but…at the same time, I couldn’t wipe the damn grin from my face, because I would do it again in a heartbeat. Feeling an odd pull to this man I had never felt before, a natural connection when we touched, or hell, even when I stared into his eyes.

  Pulling my robe over my body after finishing in the bathroom, I went to the kitchen, bent, picking out a water bottle from the fridge. I stilled when I heard the front door close, but a second later huge, warm hands rested on my hips, gripping me firmly, and Cain’s strong, sturdy frame bent over me to whisper against my ear, “I’m not anywhere near done with you.”

  Not even realizing he had snuck outside while I was in the restroom, a shaky exhale escaped at his gruff, seductive tone. “Why’d you go outside…and you’re not?”

  “I moved my car so it wouldn’t be towed since I’m staying the night.” He chuckled quietly, tilting his head to place his soft lips at my throat, caressing them gently against my flesh, making me shiver as I dropped the bottle onto the ground. “And not a chance.” He nibbled softly up to my ear. “I want you back in bed.” A hard nip. “Now.”

  I moaned, tilting my head for his demanding strokes. “I’d like that.”

  And…I more than liked it after he twirled me, lifting me straight off my feet as I squealed, his red lips lifting at the edges with glowing eyes full of desire, and took me back to bed. Where we didn’t leave for the rest of the night before we passed out in complete physical exhaustion. All else forgotten as we consumed one another.

  Waking sleepily, I mumbled a groan when the bed wobbled, my eyes slitting open to see it wasn’t even six in the morning yet. I rolled, rubbing my eyes, seeing Cain’s back to me as he sat on my bed, fully clothed, while he put on his socks and shoes. “Leavin’ a’ready?”

  His head nodded as he tied his dress shoe, his curls in complete disarray about his head, his tone more business than intimate, focused on what he was doing. “I have a meeting at eight-thirty.” He lifted his other shoe, putting it on. “If I want to make it in time, I need to leave,” a glance at his watch, “about two minutes ago.”

  “Alright,” I murmured, a bit more awake with the return of Elder Merrick, not the man, Cain, I had been with last night. “There’s Coke in the fridge if you need the caffeine.”

  “Already downed one,” he muttered, his voice growly, jerking his head at the night stand, “and I stole another.”

  “That’s fine,” I stated evenly, pulling the blanket up to my chin, th
e room a bit chilled without him in bed with me, even if this man, Elder Merrick, was a bit brusquer. He stood, peeking out one of the blinds, staring for a few moments before he raised it completely, opened the window, and popped the screen off as I stared wide-eyed.

  “You might as well keep that off,” he rumbled, tossing it behind the bed in the crack. He grabbed the Coke from the nightstand, put it in his pocket before calmly lifting on the window—all kinds of limber as he maneuvered—and slipping his legs outside it. Glancing at my shocked expression, he stated lightly, “I’ll see you on Tuesday.” Then…on the side of the building, he just dropped out the window.

  Chapter Four

  The man outside the clothing store I worked in had me laughing more than a few times this morning while I covertly watched him through the glass windows watching me—not so covertly.

  He was a tail.

  Had been since this morning when I’d left an hour after Elder Merricks mad dash out of my apartment. The tail had tried not to be obvious when I raced from my apartment, the wind buffering me as soon as I had opened the door, but I mean, a man with a pile of burnt cigarettes outside his car door and sunglasses and hat on before the sun was even up was…well, obvious. Not to mention he was an air Elemental with bright yellow hair, at least six and a half feet tall, muscle bound, and extremely handsome, to boot. From the looks of it, he had been there all evening in the parking lot, and then had followed me discreetly to work.

  “Hello? Sadie? Back to Earth!” Shelly stated loudly across from me, the water Elemental I was working with today. “You haven’t folded anything in the past four minutes.”

  Oops. “Sorry,” I mumbled, glancing back to the new shipment of shirts on the counter I was folding, trying not to laugh at the air Elemental across the street, sitting at a table outside—in the cold—at the ice cream parlor, trying to disengage from someone who apparently knew him, the woman attempting to make conversation with him while he was on the job. “Just a little distracted today.”

  She hummed to the—horrible—song playing over the intercoms, grinning at me. “Have a good night, then?”

  My own grin couldn’t be diminished. “Actually, I did.” I folded a shirt. “I met someone really nice.” And someone I should back away from…really, probably run…but I didn’t think I was capable of it now…or…I just didn’t want to.

  “Nice?” She snorted. “Nice is boring.” She waggled a shirt at me. “You need to find someone that’ll shake you,” eyebrows lifted, “if you know what I mean.”

  I laughed outright. “You sound like you need to get laid, not me.”

  “Well…that might be true, too.” She shrugged, and as I started folding again, she whistled quietly, staring out the window, a hand instantly going to her hair, fluffing it. “Oh, my God…I think…I think he’s coming in here.”

  I peered out the window, my heart fluttering, idiotically thinking it was Cain with that type of reaction, but instead I saw Fergus exiting from the driver’s side of what was a shiny black BMW, Kincaid getting out of the driver’s side, and Venclaire and Nelson exiting from the backseats. I had to hide my grin, even if I was a little stupidly disappointed it wasn’t Elder Merrick—dumb, dumb—and a definite girly action. I glanced at the clock because they shouldn’t be out of school yet…and it appeared the four of them were skipping out during the lunch hour. All four made their way into the store, even though Kincaid looked like he wanted to gobble up the entire ice cream parlor.

  Nelson waved. “Hey, Sadie.”

  I waved absently as the other three said their hellos, all four making their way to the counter, two of them eyeing some of the men’s clothing. “Hey, guys.” Shelly made a noise in her throat, glancing at me in surprise, but I ignored her expression, and her wistful gaze at Fergus. “Shouldn’t you four be in school?”

  Venclaire’s lips lifted a bit. “Maybe.”

  Fergus tilted his head at the ice cream parlor. “Come to lunch with us.”

  My lips pinched, and I shook my head. “I can’t. I already took my lunch a half hour ago.” I raised my brows. “Next time, give a girl a little warning.”

  Kincaid grunted. “Take another.”

  My lips trembled a bit at his sour expression. “Next time. I promise.” I waggled my finger at them. “And call first.”

  Kincaid’s expression turned even darker, and he reached a hand into his back pocket, pulling a twenty out and thumping it into Fergus’s waiting hand, and a grin on his face. “Fuck. You.”

  Fergus tapped his ear, still smiling happily as he pocketed the cash. “Listen better next time. She told us what time her lunch was.”

  Venclaire and Nelson both nodded.

  Brusque words. “I must have been in the bathroom.”

  I laughed outright, shaking my head at them. “I am not an object for bets.”

  “Everything, and everyone, is an object for bets.” Fergus stared out the window, squinting a bit. “I think someone’s casing your store.”

  I snorted hard, doubling over, thumping a hand on the counter top. “Damn, he is so bad.”

  “You know already?” Venclaire asked, scowling now at the window, too.

  Gurgling, I nodded. “Yes. Elder Jacobs and Elder Merrick paid me a visit the other day. My answers weren’t clean enough, so Elder Jacobs is having me followed.” I shrugged a shoulder, every one of them glaring now. “I have no background. Do the math. They’re just looking out for you guys.”

  Kincaid grabbed a piece of paper off the desk and started scribbling on it. “These are all of our phone numbers. Call us if the Elders or Kings bother you again.”

  “They didn’t bother me,” I muttered, slapping at his writing hand. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Yes…well,” Fergus rolled his shoulders still glaring, “I’ll take care of this asshole right now.”

  “Fergus,” I muttered as he started marching away toward the door, Venclaire and Nelson hot on his heels. Kincaid shoved the paper at me before he hurried after them. “Fergus! It’s really alright!”

  He just waved an absent hand over his shoulder, storming out of the shop, Nelson turning on his heel back to me, stating, “We’ll see you tonight. We’ll bring the groceries.”

  “If he does anything to him, or if any of you make a fuss about this, it’ll only make it worse!” I shouted. “He’s only doing his job!”

  “We don’t like his fucking job at this current time,” Venclaire stated casually over his shoulder before he exited the building, the door swinging open a bit too forcefully.

  Kincaid grabbed the door before it hit a poor bastard walking by, and Kincaid waved a hand at me where I stood with my mouth slightly gaping as Fergus walked sedately across the street—except his shoulders were stiff and I was fairly sure I could see rocks flying away from him, his power leaking harshly. “See ya, Sadie.”

  I waved distractedly as he left, and then stared wide-eyed as Fergus said something offhandedly to the air Elemental across the street while moving past him…just as the earth shot up like a thick totem pole under the chair he was sitting on. I could hear his shout from inside the store, pedestrians stopping to watch in shock—even as Fergus calmly entered the parlor, not even glancing at him. Right when the earth appeared to eat the air Elemental, the totem pole of earth swiftly slammed back down into the ground, the chair, and air Elemental…just gone from view on the even concrete.

  Shelly choked as we both stared at the even, spotless ground. “Sadie?”


  “That is definitely a man who can make you shake.”

  “Yeah…I got that.” But, he wasn’t the one who made me shake. I reached across the counter to Shelly, using a smidge of my power, making her forget the conversation I’d just had with them, and my missing background.

  Fergus, the calm, quiet man of 2035…hadn’t killed the air Elemental…not sure how he hadn’t…but three days later, Shelly and I both witnessed as the air Elemental, and t
he chair, were “spat” from the ground in the middle of one of my shifts. He was choking and coughing, dirty as hell, but alive to wobble away, holding his hand over his eyes, shading his peepers from the bright sunlight. He didn’t once glance in the direction of the clothing store. And if he did follow me again, he managed to do so without me noticing, although, I was fairly sure I had a fire Elemental tail now, rotating with an air Elemental and water Elemental, who were a hell of a lot better at their job. I did not once mention this to the Prodigies, although, I was fairly sure they also knew, but when I didn’t say anything, and they didn’t attack the tail, it dawned on me they might have reacted that way to the air Elemental because I had mentioned something, meaning to them, it bothered me. Because over the next few weeks of happily seeing them sporadically during lunches, nights, and every weekend, I noticed they were the protective sort, behaving with sound morals, and low morals, a scary four. And I enjoyed their company immensely, oddly, feeling like the glue that held them together sometimes when they started to bicker about ridiculous shit, and them, in return, doing the same if I got into an argument with one of them over something mundane. And God, I liked it. It felt like home.

  And then, there was Elder Cain Alek Merrick.

  And fuck, did I like our time together, too, just on a completely different variety.

  During the first two weeks after meeting him here in this time, our evenings together had most definitely not involved a lot of sleep, the Elder walking in through the door, Cain erupting as soon as he settled down, always deciding to move his car and stay the night, then the Elder rushing off again through my window the next morning.


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