Chosen One

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Chosen One Page 16

by Scarlett Dawn

  I flipped him off. After I licked my finger. Hunger barely subsided.

  I had learned three things. One: with their power being stronger, I couldn’t just face off against them that way. Two: Surprise was really my only variable option since I didn’t have speed or strength on my side. Three: I really didn’t want to be bitten again.

  So, when Queen Ruckler started her countdown, I waited patiently, just opening my Core.

  It was over way too quickly, and suddenly Elder Venclaire blurred, disappearing entirely as he came at me. As soon as I felt his power start to touch me, I flew into the cosmos, feeling his hands grip me from behind, and called, “Temple, give me access.”

  Suddenly, I was standing on the shoreline in front of the massive Temple, sunset glittering majestically on the white walls. The spot of true power for a spirit Elemental. I waved once at the Guardians, then threw my arms out wide, my head back, and opened myself to the heavens. Stars shone down onto me, crashing through my being like lightning strikes, such beauty with so much such force it took my breath away, making me shudder at the rightness of it, my Core expanding, filling to overfilling, my body utterly transfused with galaxies power. Then, I floated into the cosmos, whispering, “Back from whence I came.”

  Suddenly, I was inside the training room, Elder Venclaire walking away from where I had been, shaking his head, muttering, “Where the hell did she—?”

  He stilled.

  I struck.

  Glowing so brilliantly those on the stands eyes instantly glowed to protect their peepers as I threw my hands out, stars fire, directly from the source, exploding from my palms in booming fury. The ground and air shook, knocking Elder Venclaire off balance when he tried to blur. And, it was too late for him. He bellowed, his back arching as flames blew around him in a flurry, fiery pain I radiated through my will, not a killing blow, but enough to incapacitate him when he wasn’t looking. As he dropped to his knees, I moved forward, changing the flames to whips, one around his throat, the other around his ankles, gripping the fiery tethers tightly until his scream choked off as he went limp.

  I went into my secret storage chest, deep within the cosmos, even as I gently laid him flat, then dissolving the whips as I pounced on his back, a diamond dagger materializing in my hand. I swiftly nicked his throat as he groaned under me. Yanking his head up, so he could see me from dazed eyes, I dabbed the end of the blade against my tongue, his blood in my mouth, murmuring, “Now, who tasted whom, my friend?”

  He hissed, long fangs bared…right before I slammed my glowing fist against the side of his face, his eyes closing. “Nighty-night.” I put my knife back into my treasure trove, then pushed up off him, and stopped my glowing, peering to the silent onlookers. “I do believe that counts as a take-down this time, and not a tie, right?” When I got a few slow, wide-eyed nods, I nodded once curtly, and then pointed to a bag where I had gotten my previous goodie from. “Think there’s another protein bar in there?”

  Chapter Twelve

  As luck…or Hell…would have it, my last opponent of the morning was Elder Merrick.

  I sighed, rubbing my forehead, more than drained now from the use of such powerful magic, not having used it regularly. It was taking a damn toll on my body, even after I ate three more protein bars I had managed to dig from within that lovely bag, which I had found out was Elder Farrar’s, his lips having twitched a bit, but saying no more. So far, the Prodigies had only managed to win two out of the eleven matches, Brann winning one, mine the other. And now, I was the last of the day, moving onto the mats, bouncing on my feet a bit to gain some energy, seriously wishing this would have happened earlier when I wasn’t so damn pathetically weak because I really wanted to kick his ass.

  And he wanted the same thing, not even appearing cautious from the show I had put on with Elder Venclaire and King Zeller. Instead, he seemed damn invigorated by the thought of facing off against me. And, I couldn’t say the same. Not right now. Not when I was about to drop magically, and now physically, as my body compensated for the muscle, my Core, that needed the energy, sapping my body’s strength.

  “You’re looking a little pale, Ms. Jules. I hope this isn’t too easy.” Elder Merrick’s lips curved cruelly, standing a few feet from me. “Too bad there’s no dirt to bury you in after I lay you out.”

  I didn’t waste the energy it took to fake a smile or a laugh. “Fuck off.”

  Black slashes of eyebrows rose as he inhaled heavily. “You really are exhausted.” He stretched his arms over his head, and I quickly averted my gaze when his shirt pulled up to show his lean waist, a rippling stomach muscle, his navel, and a thin line of black hair over olive skin sliding beneath his black gym shorts. “Wish you were feeling better to make this more of a challenge, but I’m still going to enjoy hurting you.”

  I blinked slowly, sighing in aggravation, and glanced to Queen Ruckler. “Would you mind starting this?”

  King Collins placed a hand on Queen Ruckler’s shoulder, stopping her, his blue brows together. “Actually, this may not be the best of ideas. It’s no secret you both despise each other. And I don’t want either one of you getting permanently hurt during this if your emotions override sensible judgment.”

  Elder Merrick’s voice was snarling and incredulous. “Are you fucking shitting me?”

  I waved a hand, a bit surprised by this myself. “If we planned to kill each other, we would have done so by now.” A roll of my finger. “Let’s just get this going.”

  King Collins still appeared apprehensive, but stated, “Go ahead, Queen Ruckler.” Brown eyes flayed Elder Merrick. “Keep it clean.”

  Well…that didn’t bode well…especially, when a tiny grin graced Elder Merrick’s pouty lips.

  I instantly started moving across the mats as Queen Ruckler started counting down…only to have Elder Merrick follow unhurriedly. I paused, glaring over my shoulder, and saw his lips curve a bit more, eyes beginning to glow as he stalked me. I picked up my pace as he acted like the damn dog—wolf—he was, on a hunt. It freaked me a bit, but also fueled my anger to a nice simmering point, giving me energy I so desperately needed.

  “Please…run,” Elder Merrick purred softly. “I love when prey does that.”

  I didn’t fall for the trick. I kept moving at a fast pace, but altered, jumping to walk backward, glowering, facing him full on as the countdown ticked away. Onlookers watched with barely masked apprehension, and even a little excitement I could tell they were trying to hide, apparently, all of them enjoying a good blood shedding. I put as much distance as I could between us, barely formulating a plan as my Core opened, the countdown…finished.

  Instantly, I jumped backward off the side of the mat, blasting its edge hard with a pulse wave violently enough to shake the floor as Elder Merrick threw his arm out, his wolf growling loudly, a furious blast of his power heating the air, coming right toward me. I knew I couldn’t disappear again to the Temple without finishing what I was doing, but it meant I was going to get hit hard. I grunted, throwing my arms up in a flurry, the mat’s edges flying up into the air, landing over him, twisting from the pulse I yanked back in my direction.

  Just as his power rammed into me.

  I dropped. Instantly. And hard. Groaning in shivering pain as wild animal’s fury wrapped around me, not the chaotically beautiful power I was used to at all from him, hearing him snarl in fury.

  Choking in air, I reached out a shaky hand, and sent another pulse wave as fast as I could, even as his power ate at me from the outside in, crawling over me like biting teeth. The mat rolled. I hit it again as tears fell from my eyes, this powered pain unlike anything I had ever felt before from magic, the feeling of bits of me grinding under gnashing teeth. Again, I hit the mat as his wolf snarled in fury, trapped within the depths, a Shifter’s worst nightmare.

  Inhaling heavily, choking on bile, I rose on shaking knees, pulling the stars power into my palms, willing it for unmentionable pain.

  And shot it at the mat. />
  Elder Merrick grunted.


  A growl reverberated inside the room.

  I sucked in a breath, pushing off the floor to stand on wobbling legs, moving through the dissipating magic when a portion of the mat altered where he was, and then there was a deafening snarl. Shredding noises came next as I blasted the mat repeatedly. Howls coming from inside. Again, and again, I hit it with my weakening power, and frame, stumbling with the motion, fury rippling through me.

  It wasn’t enough.

  Fifteen seconds later…the scariest, deadliest wolf I had ever seen tore through the binding.

  My breath caught.

  Fear arced through me, the wolf as tall as my chest, his black fur slightly curled, instead of straight like a normal wolf. He shook his fur once as if brushing off the trapping he had been in. Paws as big as my damn head. Claws scratching on the rough, gray flooring now under us without the mat. Teeth…fucking long as my hand. White, shiny, and sharp bared at me. And navy blue eyes, glowing and brilliant and deadly, stared back as he hunched, a growl reverberating from deep within his chest, the slow, menacing type anyone would hate to hear behind them in the middle of the night, flaying me as I hurried to scramble back.

  “Holy. Shit,” Queen Cooper muttered, oddly her voice carrying. “He’s bigger than Brann.”

  Elder Zeller hummed. “And he’s pissed.”

  The wolf’s back feet pattered as he prepared to launch.

  Elder Farrar murmured, “King Collins, maybe you should end this—”

  I screeched, cutting off anything else he was going to say as Elder Merrick flew through the air with his Shifter strength. I dropped, rolled, and landed on my knees, white stars fire flaming from my palms. It hit his furry flank, a baying howl echoing loudly until he hit the ground, rolling, jumping easily to his paws. And, it had only pissed him off further as I jumped to my feet, scrambling back.

  Flying on instinct, I opened my Core, ready to access the Temple again…until a blast of furious wild animalistic magic slammed right through my chest. Shoulders heaving, I screamed in agony as those fucking gnashing teeth seemed to attack my Core, dropping to my knees. Instant tears welled and flooded down my cheeks as a straight shot of relentless power aimed through me, consuming me in horrendous, unyielding agony.

  He stalked toward me, unfeeling, uncaring, growling low until he was towering above my kneeling position, my screams becoming hoarse.

  Lids dipping over soaked cheeks, knowing it was done, unable to access my powers, my Core churning, ripping, I choked, “Fuck you.”

  He lifted a paw, snarling in my face, and shoved my shoulder brutally.

  I fell back as his power surrounded me, enveloping me unbelievably more, my back arching off the ground. “Hate…you.” My lids fell completely as he loomed over me, the last thing I saw was his teeth bared and navy blue iced glowing eyes filled with hatred staring me straight in the face. “Forever…hate you.” And, everything fell away to nothing.

  “Get the fuck back!” King Collins shouting voice echoed inside my ears. “I told you not to hurt her. I knew I shouldn’t have let her near you.”

  “Get the One,” Queen Ruckler stated instantly, and I tried to speak, or even open my eyes, but nothing was working, not even my limbs. It was like I was trapped inside my own head, a dream, but only a nightmare. “He’ll know what’s wrong.”

  “I…I didn’t…” Elder Merrick’s voice was guttural, hesitant from above, and I could feel the sound vibrating on the back of my head, and I realized my backside was half lying on top of him.

  “You don’t even know what you did?” King Collins bellowed, and I heard a shuffling sound.

  “It was strong, alright?” Elder Merrick shouted loudly, the sound ringing my ears. “But, I didn’t fucking turn it deadly. She should have woken by now.”

  “Jack, calm down,” King Zeller murmured in a soothing tone. “Lily’s right. Since Bindi doesn’t know what’s wrong, we need to get the One.”

  “I’m sorry,” Elder Merrick whispered thickly, the feeling of his hot breaths against my ear. “I’m so sorry, Caro.” I felt a palm rest over the top of my head, and start petting in the gentlest of strokes. “Open your eyes and I’ll let you beat the shit out of me next time, huh? Sounds like a fair trade, right?”

  I struggled to speak. To lash at him with words to the pits of hell. But, nothing happened. Fucking trapped…like I had trapped him inside the dirt…worse than a cell.

  “Just get away from her,” King Collins snarled, his tone worried and anxious. “Saying you’re sorry now doesn’t fucking help the situation.”

  “Bindi, go get the One,” Queen Ruckler demanded quietly, and a beat later I heard a door opening and closing, meaning I had been moved at some point.

  “You can fuck the hell off,” Elder Merrick growled quietly, sounding violent, even as his hand continued to pet my hair in the gentlest of strokes, and I wished very much to take each one of his fingers and snap them, then rip them off and shove each digit down his throat. “When she wakes she’s going to want to kick my ass, and I’ll gladly give her that option,” lips back to my ear, “if you fucking open your eyes.”

  More shuffling sounded, and then King Zeller’s voice was winded, but he said calmly, “Just let him stay, Jack. The damage is done. And he’s not hurting the situation right now. Let him be, and worry about the situation at hand.”

  Puffed exhalations. “Christ. Whatever.” A pause. “Just don’t fucking harm her any more than you already have,” King Collins hissed, and I could imagine him pacing and running his hands through his hair as his voice traveled back and forth. “Do you think spirit Elementals can go into…like a damn…Com concussion, or something? She did hit her head hard on the ground when he shoved her.” A minute pause. “Anyone? Does anyone have any clue?”

  “I’ve never seen her like this.” Elder Fergus’s voice sounded off to my far right.

  A grunt by Elder Jacobs in the same direction. “Even back in the nineties when she was broken and bleeding, and damn near death, inside a jail cell, she was still conscious.”

  There was a long silence.

  King Collins shouted, “What? You didn’t fucking tell me that?”

  Elder Jacobs cleared his throat. “She was defending Elder Kincaid and Elder Venclaire. She healed and recovered within three days. Elder Fergus terminated the individuals in Law enforcement responsible for her injuries.”

  King Collins voice was closer as he growled, “I will want the whole story later.”

  King Zeller interjected. “The One’s coming.”

  Everyone was silent, even as I struggled to move again, but not even a blink or a damn peep emitted from me. Fingers, warm fingers I would know anywhere, started stroking behind my ear softly, my hair now down, lying softly against my face, so it felt like a hidden gesture from Elder Merrick in the silence.

  A door opened, and then the One was demanding instantly, “Tell me exactly what happened.”

  Elder Merrick immediately started speaking over King Collins, taking the lead, explaining in detail the previous fights, what I had done during each in extreme detail, my hunger afterward, my drunken-like happy state, my weariness before the last fight, and then, every detail in depth of our fight, not leaving out one brutal angle or enraged action he had committed, stating each factually, putting it all out there.

  Extended silence wrapped around the room, then the One asked quietly, “Does anyone know how regularly, and hopefully recently, she’s used her powers at a high volume such as she did?”

  “I don’t believe any of us have ever seen her use powers like that before,” King Collins stated instantly, hearing the worry in his tone. “She’s normally very wary of them.”

  The One cursed quietly, and then I heard him moving forward. “Bindi, if you would, please close the door.” His voice was suddenly closer, much closer, like directly over me as I heard the door close and lock, and I felt a hand, his tender fingers, bru
shing my hair back, Elder Merrick’s fingers instantly disappearing from behind my ear, and he murmured softly, “That was too much, kitten. And now, we’re both going to have to pay. I had hoped you would find this out on your own, but now it’s too late.”

  “What are you going to do?” King Collins asked instantly, his voice sounding above me to the left.

  A heavy sigh. “I’m going to awaken her.”

  “You said that before,” King Zeller stated instantly. “What does that mean?”

  “It means…” he hummed quietly, “It means she’s my other half. I am the One. And she is the Chosen.”

  I had no clue what that fucking meant, but it didn’t sound like I had a choice in the matter, and I struggled with all of my damn might, not about to give up any choices, even as I felt Elder Merrick stiffen completely under me.

  “The Chosen?” King Collins asked slowly into the descending, damning silence.

  “Yes.” The One’s voice was factual. “Why do you think Jacob Angel really targeted her? Why do you think she and I instantly had a connection those years ago? Why do you think Tristan instantly liked her? Why do you think her Vizoac instantly liked me?” Then, he growled quietly, again, a tiger menacing purr sounding. “And what I’d love to fucking know is who put the protection over her to keep her from me.”

  “You’re mates.” Elder Merrick’s voice was toneless, gravelly. “You’re saying she’s your mate.”

  “I did not say that,” the One explained, which honestly, didn’t make me feel a shit ton better as I continued to struggle. “I said she was my other half. I’m her One, and she’s my Chosen.”

  “That explains so much,” Queen Ruckler murmured dryly.

  “Yes…well,” a heavy sigh, “I can’t explain it any other way. And now, if you don’t want her permanently like this, I need to awaken her. Understand?”

  Queen Ruckler mumbled after a moment, “Truth.”

  “Wait,” King Collins muttered quickly. “She’s big on choice. And I know she isn’t going to like this. Is there nothing else that can be done, so you don’t have to…awaken her?”


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