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Chosen One

Page 33

by Scarlett Dawn

  Ever so gradually, I blinked. “If the alternative means I don’t get my badass wolf man, then I’m game to try.” I grinned when his wolf growled quietly, a contented sound. “Your wolf likes that, huh?”

  His wolf huffed gently, but Cain stated on a quiet purr, “Regrettably, so does the man.”

  His lids dipped closed as I chuckled quietly, glimpsing that banked hatred again, but his lips were so damn gentle against mine as I cupped his cheek, feeling his strong jaw move as he opened his mouth, sliding his tongue in to meet mine. Licking and curling and loving my mouth so skilfully I trembled under him, giving back as good as I got. Hopefully. Because he deserved a damn prize for his talented mouth that had me on fire for him, pressing my core against his massive, hard cock, rubbing slowly against him, not able to do more, feeling a slight twinge of pain in my stomach that eventually ebbed to barely recognizable the more my mind swirled in pure craving.

  Groaning over me, the sound a deep rumble, he nibbled down my jaw, biting gently but firmly, grabbing my undulating hip, fingers digging into my soft flesh, his own body tight with need, and ordered gruffly, “None of that.” A gentle glide of his tongue where his teeth had been. “I’ll lose my control if you keep that up.”

  “Lose it,” I mumbled on a groan as he sucked on my neck softly, then more forcefully. I blinked lethargically up to the ceiling, tugging on the hand he still held. “I won’t mind.”

  “No.” His voice was half wolf, nibbling over my shoulder. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He released my hand, but his fingers slowly ran down the underside of my forearm, following the curve, gliding over my bicep, my shoulder…lower…I moaned heavily, arching a smidge into his light touch. One finger softly circled around my pebbled nipple, almost touching where I needed it, the barest of a ghost touch from his heat, my breasts heavy and swollen, wanting to be palmed and squeezed with a harder touch. He kissed and licked, the gentlest of brushes down the center of my chest, whispering, “Do you want me to touch you here?” His thumb, the barest of touches, flicked over my nipple, and I cried out in need, my head arching back, chest pumping in yearning. “Is that what you want, honey?”

  “Yes,” I panted, running my hands over his shoulders, trying to push him where I wanted him. “God, yes.”

  “You know what I want…”

  There was no stopping it. “Please.”

  “Mmm,” he peered up under hooded lids, his eyes glowing like mine, and licked his lips slowly, eyes on my mouth, then to my gaze, “I like that word on your lips almost as much as I like hearing you scream my name in pleasure.” His eyes dipped to my tortured nipple, and he purred, “And since I’m a greedy bastard, I believe I want both.” His thumb flicked my nipple again, a jolt of desire directly connected with my core, my hips rising with the motion, and I grunted, gritting my teeth, breathing harshly. Navy blue, shimmering eyes back to mine, and he purred a quiet order, “Both, honey. I want both.” He dipped his head; his mouth parted over my nipple, and breathed out a moist, hot breath just over my tender, aching flesh.

  I sucked in a harsh breath, arching, crying in need, “Please, Cain!”

  Groaning heavily, his wolf growling loudly, his teeth latched onto my nipple, biting just hard enough. I screamed, holding his head close as he palmed the underside of my breast, his soft lips suckling greedily, a fierce pull on my puckered nipple, even as his other palm slid behind my back, holding me steady, not allowing me to squirm under him. My hips still moved against him, though, in an uncontrollable need to be filled, and his wolf growled quietly as he released my nipple to suckle my neglected breast. He moaned quietly as I gripped his hair tighter, his tongue rubbing around my nipple in slow, steady strokes. “Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he panted heavily against my breast, his fingers slowly sliding down my stomach, uncannily, and carefully, missing my healing mark, to slip past my belly button, gliding farther down, my hips lifting for his touch. “These past weeks have been hell.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” I murmured in a daze of sensual pleasure of pure need. “Your scent and heat have been driving me mad.”

  “Good,” he muttered, fingers digging into my back, nibbling the soft vulnerable flesh on the side of my breast. “Because your sweet body has me hard every night knowing you’re right next to me, but I can’t touch you.” I trembled, crying out when his fingers gently parted my swollen flesh, dipping, running over my clit to my core.

  “Oh, God,” Cain groaned, lifting a bit, mouth going to my throat, nipping a bit harder than before, his tone deep and gravelly and harsh. “So fucking wet.” His mouth parted, sucking in long, hard pulls on the side of my throat, my head tilting for him, hips undulating against his rubbing fingers. Lips against my neck, voice vibrating my flesh, he growled, “I love how you get for me.”

  A low groan slid past my lips as he slid a single digit into my gripping channel. “Cain…” I sucked in a harsh breath, tilting my head back to his, pulling his head up, staring at him in consumed pleasure. I rocked my hips against his gently thrusting finger, his lips hovering over mine, his own breathing shallow, body strung rock tight over me. “Oh God, Cain.” A deep pant. “Kiss me. Fucking kiss me.”

  “Fuck, yes,” he murmured on a groan, his lips landing on mine, just shy of forcefully as I felt him rein in his control, but his lips stroked hungrily with mine, pulling me into a steady, but measured rhythm of our gliding lips and tongues, calming me enough I wasn’t mindless in want, keeping me with him as he slid another finger into me, stretching me.

  Crying out softly into his mouth, I slid a hand down between our bodies, running my fingers over his heated and hard as steel, and slightly trembling, flesh, until I ran the tip of my finger past his navel, sliding it down as I panted into his mouth, feeling his short, curly black hair before palming the base of his cock tightly. He jerked against me, moaning, automatically thrusting into my touch, and I proceeded to pump him just as slowly as he was thrusting his fingers into me, rubbing my finger over the head of his cock, and smearing his pre-come over the crown, eliciting a quietly growling huff from his wolf.

  Until he pulled his fingers from me, gently knocking my hand away, growling against my mouth, “Enough.” Face as hard etched as mine in desire, his features hardened, eyes glowing harshly, he gently lifting my legs higher on his waist, rumbling, “I need to be inside you.”

  I nodded sluggishly, drugged in desire, my mind yearning for more of this man, hips pressing against his ramrod, fierce cock. “Please, Cain.”

  “Shh,” he whispered, one hand going to my rocking hips, holding me steady, his other arm lifting to lean on his elbow, his warm palm sliding over my cheek, holding me softly, his thumb over my panting lips. “Slow and soft, remember?” His hips tilted back, the large blunt head of his cock sliding down to my core’s throbbing, slick entrance. He brushed his thumb over my lips once, watching the action. “This may actually be…nice.” His brows puckered a bit on his hardened features. “I’ve never done it before.”

  Chest heaving, I stared into his hooded gaze, his words telling. “Me, either.” I sucked in a breath, moaning heavily, my own lids dipping as he gently started pressing his hips forward, his thick cock stretching me just the way I needed. “If we survive, anyway, it may be nice.”

  He chuckled quietly, but it sounded more a half groan of mixed pleasure and pain. “True.” He tilted his hips back gently, then pressed forward again through my slick, gripping tight channel, moaning quietly, bending to press his lips to mine. “Very damn true.”

  My hands went to his cheeks, gripping his angular jaw, kissing him slowly, eyes closed in gentle pleasure, moaning softly along with him as he continued to fill me utterly and completely, and I mumbled honestly on a whisper, “You fill me so right.”

  He groaned, sliding his tongue across mine, his thumb playing softly against my cheek, fingers gripping my hair gently. “And you cradle me so damn right.” Warm and moist, his tongue curled gently against mine in a slow, sensory connection as he thrust steadi
ly until his hips were flush with mine, his cock tight within me, stretching me deliciously. Nibbling gently at my lips, he whispered on a deep purring rumble, “Can you turn into a panther or lion…or even an eagle for me?”

  I chuckled quietly, pressing my lips more firmly against his. “No more than you would alter the past.”

  His wolf huffed quietly…but then, I felt him go utterly still over me, his head quickly tipping back, our lips parting.

  My eyes shot open. “What?” I blinked, altering my gaze from his, and stared at my hands on his face, which were radiating dimly, a nice, sweet ethereal glow. I glanced down. My entire body was glowing quietly in a very soft light, barely recognizable, just a content silvery white luster.

  Cain’s kiss-swollen, red lips trembled the barest bit. “Already, honey?”

  Slowly, I blinked up to him. “You’re good, Cain, but give me a break.”

  His head cocked, black brows scrunching, staring down into my gaze, inhaling heavily. “Am I hurting you?”

  I shook my head slightly, my brows puckering. “No.” He felt damn perfect inside me.

  Brows gradually unfurrowing, he inhaled heavily again, glowing navy blue disappeared slowly, only to reappear staring at me through thick black lashes, and he hummed quietly, the sound deep and soft, tipping his head back down to mine, placing his lips gently against mine, murmuring, “I’ll take it as praise.” His lips were coaxing against mine as I thought this through, tugging at my bottom lip softly for action when I stayed motionless, and he grinned slowly, tilting his hips back, and pressing forward slowly, and I instantly gasped, eyes opening wide, and he whispered, “After all, I really am that good.”

  Huffing a chuckle, I smiled softly. “God, you are such a cocky bastard sometimes.” And then, groaned heavily when he drove into me again.

  His own grin was breathless. “Absolutely.” His eyes closed slowly as he pulled his hips back, thrusting into me again leisurely, his eyes slitting open, watching me. Our skin measuredly meeting as he started a careful, steady retreat and thrust, he murmured on a pant, “Kind of like this contradictory spirit Elemental I know,” his nose brushed mine softly, “who wants to be valued for her selfless acts, but hates to be praised for them.”

  Chest heaving, I still managed to scowl at him, my body trembling under his, not sure how I felt about him understanding that part of me. “Whereas this wolf Shifter I know, just enjoys the praise of his ruthless and brutal and cunning acts, and wears them with arrogant flavor when needed.”

  A black brow quirked even as he dipped his head, kissing me slowly. “I am a man. And a heartless, vicious one at that.” He nipped my lip gently; a direct contradiction to his words, just as his cock driving into me softly was, satisfying me beautifully. “I freely admit to enjoying the hunt and kill of the corrupt just as much as my wolf does.” I groaned as I lifted my hips against his as much as his grip would allow, and he growled, “And I’ll sure as hell let anyone know just how ruthless I am when needed.”

  “But they don’t see you coming,” I mumbled against his caressing lips.

  “Never,” a slow lick across my bottom lip, “as I’m sure they never see you coming.” His gaze met mine as he rotated his hips, making me bow against him, a deep groan. “Just like I didn’t.”

  Running my hands over his back, I gripped his working muscles, whispering, “Then we’re even on that score, since you blindsided me.”

  “I’ll take that.” His gaze held mine, his lips lifting softly with his less than hidden cocky nature, then his gaze dipped to my lips. “And this. I’ll take this.” His lips were back on mine, caressing with barely controlled hunger, keeping his caresses gentle, his body trembling the barest bit over me, murmuring against my lips, “This, I like very much.”

  I groaned, wrapping my legs around his waist, tilting my pelvis up for deeper penetration, his hips moving slow and steady, unhurriedly turning that raging fire into an inferno as I kissed him back with all the simmering hunger…and possibly…feelings…I was beginning to have for this complicated man. He moaned softly, tilting his head, his tongue diving against mine, rubbing in slow, unhurried movements, meeting each of my casually altering demands, and then owning my mouth with fierce caresses of tongue, teeth, and lips that left me a breathless, shaking mess under him. I blinked sluggishly, arms around his neck now, and stared up into his eyes as he tilted his head back, our panting breaths fanning each other’s cheeks…and just watched him.

  I held his steady, glowing gaze as he continued to…make love to my body, because that was what this had become. I had never experienced a tender, gentle joining before, but I knew it innately as we held each other’s gaze, our bodies continuing to connect ever so slowly, trembling against one other. I watched as his jaw tightened just about the same time mine did, realization dawning, but neither of us backed down from the slow grind of our lightly perspiring bodies, the way we each tilted our hips against each other’s, and that ever present bit of hate simmering in our gazes, even though I also knew deep within me, I couldn’t walk away right now, even if a gun was pressed to my head, safety off, and trigger being held firmly.

  He, this man I loathed for using me, using our intimacies as a damn weapon, had somehow managed to worm his way inexplicably into my very being…and possibly, a bit of my heart. I was right where I wanted to be. My choice to be in his arms. All other negatives aside, the worst was he was a man I Lawfully shouldn’t even be with, especially holding the positions we did in this life, this present time, a charge which could wreck my very sanity if we were prosecuted. And yet…I didn’t want to be anywhere else at that current moment.

  Breathing shakily, I whispered words I had once before, but in the past when I had thought him someone else, but now I knew differently…and didn’t care, “I’m right where I want to be.” My gaze darted between his, a bit nervous between the pleasures being so forthright. “With you.” And all that implied—the good, and the bad, I left unsaid, but it was heard, nonetheless.

  He inhaled heavily, pressing his hips flush with mine, and jaw still clenched, he whispered, “As am I.” His breath shuddered past my lips as he dipped, kissing me softly, murmuring against my mouth, “God help me, but I am, too.” Another kiss against my trembling lips. “With you.” Off all the fucking people, with you, he left unsaid, but it was heard, as mine had been.

  And still, I glowed a bit brighter as I kissed him back, pressing my trembling lips against his more firmly, holding him tightly to me, losing myself in the pleasure, softness, and even hatred, of our joining. His grip turning heavy on me, he ate my moans of pleasure while I adored his, taking them yearningly into my mouth. Our hips continuing to meet in a slow press of heat, both of our power beginning to build in slow increments around us as he continued to fill me whole while my slick channel gripped him tight, a kiss of the stars with the soft stroking fur of the wild animal floating around us, even our scents mingling, mine never really all that noticeable to me, just a subtle scent that was there when aroused, but I smelled the heady scent of burning stars mixing with the spiced evergreen of a forest before a rainfall now, both potent in yearning, dizzying in need…possibly the utter trust that had been mentioned before, or the fact I was letting my walls down with this man, letting him in the barest bit.

  Groaning against my lips, his wolf growled quietly, vibrating against my chest, panting, he inhaled deeply, his grip instantly tightening on me, speaking against my lips. “You’re close, honey?”

  I mumbled absently, “Getting there.” I tilted my hips differently, and he instantly altered his thrusts, pressing against my clit, and then tilting his hips to hit my spot inside. “Ugh, God…I will come soon, if you keep doing that.”

  He hummed gutturally against my lips, keeping me close. “I can feel, and smell, you, like, when you climax.” I hadn’t known that, lost as I was when I went over the edge with him, and his lips curved the barest bit, breathless, kissing me lightly. “Guess I am that good.”

; I gasped on a keening cry as he kept hitting my spots. “Don’t let it go to your head.” I groaned, my body trembling fiercely under his. “A little more, Cain. Just a little harder.”

  His wolf huffed softly, and he pressed just a little harder, a bit faster, moaning, “Oh, fucking…hell.” He trembled over me, staring down at me fiercely. “Have it, honey.” Black, soft curls tickled my cheeks as he shook his head the barest bit, his breathing quickening. “I won’t be able to hold out much longer, and I want you going with me.”

  Instant and breathless. “Not…an issue.” I shouted, my body tightening under him, warmth trembling like fired rain ran through my limbs, the gentle coaxing of our love making boiling inside me as he thrust deeply, rubbing the head of his cock back and forth over that delicious spot. My jaw fell as my gasping breath caught, my eyes on his, keeping them open, wanting to watch him as my body exploded in carnal pleasure, warmth transfusing me as I glowed brightly, tiny, brilliant stars flying into the vortex of our power, screaming, “Cain!”

  Body not my own as I floated in flooding blissful, arresting warmth, I watched, barely able to keep my lids open, trembling and tumbling in ecstasy as he instantly shuddered over me, his expression of pleasure and pain, cheeks flushed on olive glistening skin, black curls dangling down around his gorgeous features, navy blue eyes glowing fiercely down on me between thick lashes, his cock thrusting swiftly, penetrating deep on my pulsing channel, all the way into my very being, hips flush against mine, and his lips parting on a deep shout, “Caro!”

  Our gazes held as we fell so damn far, never experiencing anything quite like this as I continued to tremble against his relentlessly quaking frame, his cock pumping inside me, scalding hot cum scorching me, my channel gripping and pulsing against him, both of us groaning quietly while not just our bodies connected, but also, our gazes, and I know I saw the beginning of tenderness reflected in his eyes, more than likely the tenderness I was feeling for him, this fierce man who had taken me completely, showing in my own gaze, which I tried so hard to hide, but probably failed miserably in my pleasure-dazed state, as did he, while we ever so gradually came down from our sensuous paradise.


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