Chosen One

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Chosen One Page 35

by Scarlett Dawn

  Brann had asked for one Shifter woman, which ended up being three in bed, and he had only grinned, not surprised, so I had shuffled on out of the bathroom, shaking my head in amusement as I waddled back to bed. And Elder Samson had been damn edgy by this point, banging on the door not even forty-five minutes later, which produced Brann fifteen minutes later, stretching and lazy as a damn cat, lounging on the couch.

  Elder Samson had surprised me, though, and had me call his mother directly, whom I had seen on screen, and quickly left…shocked and surprised not even close to what I had felt as I lay back down in bed, grabbing a book, knowing it was going to be awhile, not glancing to anyone…because that was just personal, and heartfelt, as hell, and it was safe to say when he exited he instantly went to the bar, stepped out on the balcony, and proceeded to drink alone.

  Elder Farrar cleared his throat, brows pinched, glancing away from the balcony, stating slowly, “Guess it’s my turn.”

  I walked into the bathroom…and the next thing I remembered was stepping outside it.

  I blinked…glanced back at the door…and fury erupted inside me. I quickly shut my power down, turning to the door, crossing my arms…and waited.

  The door flung open, and golden eyes stared into mine.

  I didn’t say a word, only continued to stare back.

  “Faulty connection?” he drawled, his lids hooding.

  My brows rose slowly. “Apparently.” I tilted my head to the bathroom. “Shall we try this again?”

  His nostrils flared and he opened the door wide, stating softly, “Come into my lair.”

  I flicked him a glance, and then stepped inside easily, waiting until he shut the door. “Do that shit on me again, and you will soon be forgetting things, too.” I continued when he opened his mouth. “All it takes is you all nice and comfortable, peacefully unaware, like in your sleep, and you won’t know I was even there.” I pointed a finger at him. “I like you, too, and people don’t do that shit to who they like.” I glared as his mouth shut slowly. “Now, who do you want me to contact…again?”

  He stood frozen for long moments, eyeing me closely, a slow perusal, and then he stated evenly, “Elder Zeller.”

  I blinked ever so slowly. “Huh.” That was all I said, face neutral, then turned my back to him, and did as requested, seeing Elder Zeller on screen in a darkly furnished room, but laced with gold here and there, pacing, appearing all types of put out, then I turned to Elder Farrar, stating, “Like I said, don’t do that shit anymore.”

  “Tony?” Elder Zeller’s voice instantly behind me, his deep tone worried.

  Elder Farrar’s eyes flicked behind me. “Just a moment, precious.” Golden eyes came back to mine, and hardened…like I had never seen before on him…and I saw my own death hanging in the balance as he hissed, “I do like you, Ms. Jules, but like will only get you so fucking far. I will know if you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, and if you do, I will hunt you down…even here…and I will kill Sin right in front of you…then the other you care for…then leave you in a shallow grave, with them, for the rest of your damn life, buried in the darkness with their rotting corpses where no one will ever find you, not even your One since you have that lovely protection over you…and I’ll spell it just right, so anytime you try to use the diamond…it will instantly pull you back.” Golden brows lifted the barest bit. “Understand, Ms. Jules?” Golden eyes flicked between mine. “Or do you wish to forget?”

  I swallowed slowly, and asked carefully, and evenly, “Did you give me the choice before?”


  I stared at him, feeling low. “I realize it’s practically hereditary, but Royals don’t always have to be such assholes.” I moved to the door. “Of course I won’t tell.” I glanced to the screen. “It’s good to see you, Elder Zeller. Enjoy your time together.” My gaze flicked to Elder Farrar, held for a moment, then, decision made when he remained silent, I stated clearly, “Elder Samson will be taking your place as point guard. You obviously haven’t learned a damn thing I’ve been trying to teach you.”

  One slow word. “What?”

  “Not even touching on the fact I’d considered you a respected friend, and mentor, you threatened those I care for when I had not done the same. I only threatened eye for an eye, even after you had already violated my trust in you. You automatically assumed, and I thought we were past that.” I held his furious gaze steadily. “My decision stands.” Hand on the door handle, I murmured, “I do realize individuals can become stuck in their ways, but do try to learn something while you’re here.” I walked out and shut the door behind me softly.

  I was pouring a small glass of water for my antibiotic when the bathroom door opened across the room, and Elder Farrar poked his head out, stating, “I’m sorry.”

  I waved an absent hand, ignoring how everyone was staring. “Thank you for the apology, but my decision stands.”

  “Ms Jules,”

  “No.” I interrupted him, taking my pills stiffly before glancing to him, my gaze as cold as I felt for him. “Finish your call, Elder Farrar. There are others waiting.”

  He held my gaze, jaw clenched, then nodded once, closing the door.

  “Love?” Sin asked casually from our bed, lying his crossword puzzle down.

  All I had to do was meet his gaze.

  Instantly, his own hardened, just as cold as mine.

  This was where everyone underestimated us. Sure, we were entertaining. Absolutely, we were spontaneous. Unfortunately—sometimes, we had the misfortune of in-your-face fighting. But…when we knew of a real threat ahead of time…we calculated, waited…watched…and planned.

  And he knew only one thing could put this look in my eyes, and vice versa.

  His head cocked slightly, emerald green eyes cold as frosted baby grass. “Probability?”

  My own voice was void. “Slim to none.” After all, there was always the possibility I could be spelled for the information, even if I would never freely speak of it.

  He nodded casually once, and picked his crossword back up without another word, and continued working on it.

  I placed my glass in the sink, and moved through the silent room, holding my stomach gingerly, ignoring their stares, and opened the sliding door to the balcony and stepped outside, not bothering to close it behind me. Again, since we were still heading north on the coastline, the view was lush and gorgeous, the afternoon sun—not quiet setting—was dangling just over the ocean, the white sand of the beaches sparkling as if mixed with the diamonds spirits loved so well. I moved to the railing, past Elder Samson and placed my arms on it, and stared, trying to see the beauty of it. I hated—more than hated, feeling like a gnawing in my stomach—when I lost all respect for someone I had started to genuinely care for, and knowing they didn’t respect me when I had truly tried. I knew his reasoning for doing it…but I didn’t agree whatsoever.

  After a few minutes of staring, I stated quietly, “It should be beautiful.”

  I heard the bottle swish behind me, and Elder Samson grunted. “Yes, it should be.”

  Continuing to stare, I ran a hand over my face, stating clearly, “You’re taking over Elder Farrar’s position as point guard.” I knew those inside could hear, since they were still silent, eavesdropping pathetically.

  He didn’t say anything for long moments until he cleared his throat, and then murmured humbly, “He’s better than me.”

  “He’s more powerful than you, not better than you.” I watched as a child played with a kite on the beach, the breeze that was ruffling my hair in irritation also making the child laugh as he stared up at his toy. “There is a difference.”

  It sounded like he was tapping his glass bottle on the wooden lounge. “Okay.”

  “That’s a yes?”

  “It is.”

  “Okay.” I continued staring, long minutes passing, the sun just starting to touch the crystal clear blue waters…until I heard…I tilted my head to the side…and a small smile lifted my lips
. Music. I heard flavored Cajun music from down at the bar on the beach. It sounded like they were just warming up, but after a few more minutes the spiced flavor of the festive, magnetic music could be heard clearly. I peered back to Elder Samson; my eyes glowing dimly, power still ramped for Elder Farrar’s call, and asked him, “Dance with me?”

  He couldn’t have looked more taken aback if I had jumped on him naked.

  My brows rose a bit, ignoring his shock. “You do dance, don’t you?”

  Golden eyes still wide, he muttered, “I’m not near drunk enough for that.”

  “Good, you won’t step on my toes.”

  “I don’t want to dance.” He was polite enough to refrain from saying “with an Elemental”.

  I started moving toward him. “Neither do I, which is the exact reason why we are going to.”

  He blinked, eyes huge, watching as I took the bottle from him. “There is no logic in that.”

  I sat the bottle aside, trying not to cringe with the effort as I bent, setting it on the white tiled ground. “The reason is in the very depressing nature neither of us wants to.”

  He scowled, but didn’t yank his hands away when I grabbed them, tugging gently. “You’re injured.”

  “Quit making excuses, and get up,” I tugged more, “Come on,” more tugs, “it’s not scandalous. It’s just a little dancing.”

  He continued scowling, but rose when I tugged again, muttering, “Fine, I could use a distraction.”

  “You say the sweetest things.” I intertwined our fingers quickly, and lifted our hands between us, about eye level for me, and started shimmying as much as I could to the zesty beat without hurting myself more, moving my arms with the motion, in effect, making his shoulders move a little. “You can do better than that, Elder Samson. Move those hips!”

  He blinked slowly, and then muttered quietly, “I cannot believe I’m doing this.”

  Dry words. “You aren’t doing anything so far.”

  He sighed heavily…and moved his hips…a little.

  “There you go,” I cheered him on, turning us a little with the beat. “I knew you could do it.”

  He stared, his lips twitching a bit, body barely moving to the beat. “You really want to dance, Ms. Jules?”

  I widened my eyes marginally. “You got more?” Yeah, I was egging him on, and he knew it with that gleam in his eye.

  He chuckled quietly. “Just try to keep up, and don’t hurt yourself.” And, with that, he twirled me. I squealed in delight, one arm flying out before I flew back at him as he pulled me in, doing a little shimmy to the beat with me before twirling me back out, then swinging us in a circle, my head tipping back as I laughed, both of us grinning like idiots when we stopped, holding our hands together between us, shaking our hips to the beat.

  And we danced, thoroughly enjoying ourselves for three entire songs, using the entire balcony at some points, being utter goofs, managing to do some waltz motions, combined with a tango, and then just grooved the rest of the time to the unique essence of the Cajun melodies.

  Breathless, and a bit sore, I raised my hands, muttering, “I can’t do anymore.” My cheeks were flushed and I was grinning so much my cheeks hurt. “But Christ, that was fun.”

  He dipped grandly, also smiling, golden hair windblown. “That is was. Thank you, Ms. Jules.”

  I also dipped, but much less grandly, holding my stomach. “You’re welcome.” I tilted my head to the door. “Coming inside?” The sun had almost set by now.

  He shook his head once, peering out to the ocean. “No.” His smile turned soft. “I see it now. I’d like to enjoy it for a little while.”

  I patted his shoulder, moving passed him. “Suit yourself.” Running a hand through my messy hair, I was still grinning when I stepped inside, shutting the sliding glass door behind me. And came to a stop, staring. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Sin shrugged, lowering his camera. “I just followed their lead.” Everyone in the room—including Cain—had damn cameras out, some still aimed at the balcony, standing a few feet in front of me. Another shrug from Sin. “They all started running around the room when you two first started dancing, bumping and plowing into each other, digging through their bags. I thought they were going for their weapons, some type of an attack imminent.” His lips trembled fiercely, “But, no. They were all grabbing their cameras.”

  My brows lifted, and I crossed my arms, staring at them mutely.

  Brann broke first, muttering, “That was damn priceless. Everyone knows he’s the biggest stick in the mud with other factions.” He shrugged a shoulder. “We won’t use it against him.”

  Cain grunted, hooding his gaze, tucking his camera in his pocket protectively.

  Elder Bridges’s eyes gleamed, placing his camera behind his back.

  My eyes narrowed on them, but King Zeller turned his camera, grabbing my attention, pointing at the lit up screen. “Look at this shot! He’s actually laughing!” Jabbing pointing motions. “With you in his arms!”

  “I got one of him glowing a little,” King Collins muttered, leaning toward King Zeller showing him the shot. King Zeller leaned in, then instantly scowled. King Collins chuckled, pointing at his screen, “You can tell that glow is from joy, but he’s still glowing.” More pointing. “That is fucking epic material.”

  I inhaled heavily, glancing at each of them, lingering on Cain and Elder Bridges before stating slowly, “If any of you use those pictures to harm his credibility in any way, I will find a way to return the favor.” I was dead serious. “None of you are here to dig up dirt to harm one another. You are here as my Lajaks. Individuals I handpicked to protect me, and to showcase the integrity of what I have chosen, which is to live outside the Temple. If I feel any of you are here with undue malicious intentions toward me, each other, or any spirit living at the Temple, I will send your ass’s home in a heartbeat.” I glanced toward the bathroom door, wondering if I was going to have to do just that. Rubbing a hand over my face, I muttered, “Now, hide those damn things before you ruin the good mood I managed to put him in.”

  They did, a few mumbling their excuses for taking the pictures, but Cain and Elder Bridges only glanced to each other, staying mute, keeping their cameras on their person—so I couldn’t get to them—and sat where they had previously, everyone situated about the suite well before Elder Samson returned inside.

  Eventually, Cain rose about forty minutes later, and started banging on the bathroom door. I observed, wondering who he would want to call, watching him put on the show all the others had—Sin had waved him on, telling him he wasn’t interested in calling anyone. Elder Farrar came out ten minutes later, and I instantly shut my power down as I had every other time. Appearing refreshed, he sat heavily on the couch, arms behind his head, closing his eyes, ignoring the covert glances everyone was giving him, since he had been flat out demoted for actions that had happened behind closed doors, I was sure they were all curious about.

  I got up without being asked—like normal, and walked stiffly to the bathroom, my stomach aching now with all of my movement from today, and ducked under Cain’s arm holding the door open, turning as he shut it behind us.

  He leaned back against the shimmering golden door, crossed his arms, and an eyebrow quirked in silent question.

  I waved a hand. “I don’t want to talk about it.” I wasn’t worried about Cain, since Elder Farrar must have forgotten that even though he was the second most powerful Mage on Earth…Cain was also the second most powerful Shifter on Earth, even if Elder Farrar did have a bit more power—eagles were their Vizoacs, but Cain had his strength…a damn even match in my book. “But just watch your back if he ever seems really pissed at me.”

  His expression was bored. “So, you know.” He scratched his chin. “I’m surprised he left you with the memory.”

  Ah, now it made sense about their “secrets” business earlier. “He didn’t the first time.” I rolled a finger. “But he did after I cut the connecti
on once I realized what he’d done.”

  Black brows lifted a bit, speaking calmly. “It’s a long story, but it ends with them so in love they will do anything to protect what they have. He obviously threatened you with Sin and I, and more than likely, did it well, and also meant it at the time…which he shouldn’t have done. It was a premature action made from fear.” He shook his head slightly, tapping his fingers on his biceps. “But putting Elder Samson as your point guard, instead of Farrar is not a wise tactical move. Not that Elder Samson’s not, but Farrar is powerful and fierce and protective, and has more combat experience.” He flicked an absent finger to me. “And, he apologized for the threat, so he knows he made a mistake, since he only does so when he truly means it.”

  I shook my head. “My decision stands. I know he did it out of fear, but still, his initial reaction was to violate my trust, and the next, to intimidate me instead of talking things through rationally.” Another shake of my head, and I turned, swiping a glowing hand in the air, a screen of the cosmos appearing in front of me. “He lost a lot of my damn respect with that move.” I sighed heavily, running a glowing hand over my face. “I really don’t like those I care for being physically threatened. And he knew that. Used it.”

  Warm palms landed on my hips, and his solid warmth, and body, nestled up against my back. “I used my knowledge against you, too, and yet, we’re…somewhat…dealing with it.”

  My chuckle was dry. “You used sex against me, like a weapon.”

  He hummed quietly, fingers softly running back and forth over my hips. “Which is equally as bad as what he used, and again, we’re working through it.” I felt him bend, and place his chin on the top of my head, his voice vibrating like warm honey against the back of my head. “Try to do the same for him. He can better protect you than Elder Samson.”

  “I think everyone underestimates him.” It took a cunning, strong man to continue as if nothing was wrong in life when it so obviously was.


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