Love in Death's Embrace

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Love in Death's Embrace Page 13

by Lee, Trina M.

  A slight draft found its way in through the open shower door. She wasn’t surprised to see the apparent evidence of Luca’s arousal. Yet she wasn’t expecting the raw emotion in his dark eyes. The rush that swept her was euphoric. This man loved and adored her. And she couldn’t get enough of him.

  The depth of her love for him frightened Kat in ways she’d never known. She had by no means ever been so head over heels, and though it was terrifying in all its grand splendor, she had never felt safer. If any man would be able to handle her heart with care, it was Luca.

  He stepped in behind her and reached to slide his hands over her waist to her hips. The body-wash bubbles slipped away beneath the spray. She tipped her head back; the cascading water rushed over her as she looked up at him with a smile.

  Luca moved to kiss her, a gentle brush of his lips against hers. His hand went to her drenched hair. She angled her body so the warm spray hit him too. Guiding her, Luca turned her in his arms. He reached for the shampoo bottle on the shelf and began to massage the creamy soap through her hair before she could protest.

  His hands were gentle, working the shampoo into a healthy lather. A tingle started in her scalp and rushed down her spine. It felt heavenly. Luca’s touch was loving as he caressed each strand of hair. After rinsing the suds from her locks, he repeated the careful motions with conditioner. It left Kat feeling pampered and slightly worshipped. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the flurry of sensations.

  She tilted her head to rinse the conditioner away as Luca’s slippery hands slid down her body. They came to rest on the curve of her ass, playing along the little dip at the base of her spine.

  The power that held them was bigger than they were. Kat trusted it, though, embracing it with more courage of the heart than she’d thought herself capable of.

  They remained entranced, lovingly soaping one another until the hot water began to run cold. Pulling her along with him out of the shower, he eyed the countertop. Kat was way ahead of him. She cleared a space with a sweep of her hand and hopped up.

  “Does this work for you?” She positioned herself at an angle so that while they faced one another, the mirror behind her was visible to both of them.

  Luca’s eyes were glazed with desire. He nodded and mumbled, “Oh yeah.”

  With one foot propped up on the counter to expose her, Kat draped the other over his arm. Perfect. Luca had only to step in between her legs to enter her, which he wasted no time doing.

  Their reflections in the steam-covered mirror were hazy. Wiping away the moisture with her hand left streaks, but Kat didn’t care. She wanted to see the full reflection of Luca’s toned body plunging into hers. His head was thrown back in rapture, which allowed her the chance to observe without him noticing.

  Water droplets rolled down his face. His muscles rippled as he buried himself within her as deeply as possible. Watching him heightened her enjoyment. He moved with a natural grace that showcased his strength and agility. Gorgeous and commanding.

  His pace quickened, and she tensed. Kat practically purred as the waves of climax flowed through her. She should have been sated, but she wasn’t. After the last few days, all she wanted was to wrap herself in Luca and wish the rest of the world away.

  Emotion poured out of her, intensified by the moment. The sudden urge to cry was confusing, and she blinked back tears. Overwhelmed by the power of their union, Kat just let go rather than attempt to control the sea of feelings that bombarded her.

  Without missing a beat, Luca picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. After carrying her into the bedroom, he gingerly set her on the bed and whispered, “I want to make love to you.”

  Kat was speechless. He hovered over her, his expression tender. Ravenous sex was always welcome, but the physical act of love was so much more. And that was something that was still brand-new to her, something she longed for.

  His kiss stirred the embers low in her core. A tingle began in her center and spread out through her limbs. Luca tasted faintly of gin. She savored the human scent of him as she breathed it in. The blood thrumming through his veins called to her. Every part of him was so vibrant, so alive.

  The cool air on her wet skin felt good mixed with the heat emanating from his. Her nipples stood firm, drawing his attention. Running his hands over her stomach to her breasts, Luca sighed with content. He bent to suck a rigid nipple into his mouth, his tongue teasing it until she moaned. Arching her back beneath his touch, she opened her legs for him.

  The invitation was readily accepted by Luca. Slipping inside her tight sheath, he groaned. It brought a smile to her lips. It delighted her to know how much he got out of their lovemaking.

  His movements were slow but deeply sensual. Each stroke was powerful, reaching to the depths of her being. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gazed into his eyes. Enamored by what she saw in his inky brown orbs, Kat was thrilled. She had never expected to find anyone like him. She’d given up on that dream long ago.

  They moved together as one, their bodies locked in a loving battle of give-and-take. Instinctively she met each thrust, taking him into her so that a small noise was pushed from her with each one. A sense of freedom settled over Kat. Giving herself to Luca that very first night they’d made love had been a bold move, one that had her questioning the sanity of it. It had been potentially dangerous, and yet she hadn’t been able to deny the feelings that had begun to blossom.

  If theirs was a love forbidden, surely it had been written in the stars. A mystical force that knew no rules, followed no logic. She was sure that no matter what lot in life they’d each been given, somehow they would have found one another.

  Holding Luca tightly to her, Kat cast off the shackles of the past. No longer would her personal history bind her. It was in flames, along with every memory of Arden. And anything that remained to plague her would soon face the same fate.

  Kat had never felt more loved or desired. As Luca loved her like nobody else ever had, she gave herself over to the myriad of sensations. His body inside hers, uniting them in love and dedication, created one where there had previously been two.

  Orgasm crashed over her like a sudden waterfall. She could feel it in every part of her being. The intensity of it brought the sting of tears to her eyes. Luca shuddered in her arms, pressing a bruising kiss to her lips as he came hard.

  “You’re a girl’s dream come true,” she whispered when he collapsed breathlessly beside her. Rolling to face her, Luca pulled her into his embrace.

  No words were necessary. The moment spoke for itself. Nothing was going to ruin it for her, not even Arden’s little gift on the doorstep. He would get what he deserved, all in good time.

  “Mmm, Kat.” Luca’s murmur in her ear tickled. She snuggled closer to him. “You feel like heaven in my arms.”

  Entwined, lovers caught up in the hypnotizing essence of all-consuming love, Luca and Kat held each other like they’d never let go. Theirs was a whirlwind romance that had faced so much in such a short time and overcome it all. Kat was secure, believing the worst might have not yet come, but if it did, they’d be ready.

  Long after Luca had fallen asleep, she slipped from the bed and donned her robe. Her wet hair hung disheveled and damp. After combing and blow-drying it, Kat tied it back in a loose ponytail. Her body ached pleasantly in certain places. She couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction.

  Watching Luca sleep was calming. She didn’t entirely share his peace, though. Rest wouldn’t come for her, not until the sun rose and she was sure they were safe from Arden. It wouldn’t be long now.

  How he’d survived that fire, she’d never know. She couldn’t fathom how he would have escaped or where he would have gone. She knew him well. Well enough to know he would be obsessing, biding his time until he felt the moment was right. Whatever he had planned for them, it would be worse than death.

  Arden was a fool. He might have intimidated her once, but those days were over. Failing to die in the
fire was his mistake—something she and Luca would ensure he regretted.

  The house was quiet. Her senses were on full alert. Danger. The human side of her slipped away. Filled with the vampire’s fury, the lust for death and demise, she raged through the house.

  She went to the sliding door off the living room and flung it open with the brazenness of someone who had had enough. “If you want me so damn badly, come and get me,” she demanded, her voice shaking. “I am more than willing to finish what we started with you.”

  Her words echoed, and as she expected, there was no response from the darkness. Gripping the patio railing, she scanned the yard and the street beyond. The faint smell of charred flesh reached her, strong and pungent. As bold as Arden was, he was nothing but a coward. Unwilling to show himself, he’d rather lurk in the shadows than face her.

  “Arden!” Her tone was fierce, cutting through the night. She had half a mind to hunt the fucker down and finish him off. It was Luca sleeping in her bed, vulnerable in such a state, that stopped her from leaping from the patio. Her acting on anger could endanger them both. It was best to wait.

  They had failed. She and Luca had thought they had him. Not even a vampire could survive a house that had become a raging inferno. Somehow Arden had. And that both sickened and intrigued Kat.

  What would it take for them to finally be rid of him? She supposed she owed him thanks in many ways. If he hadn’t been so obsessive, persistent, and irritating, she might not have met Luca. After all, it was fleeing him that led her to collide with Luca in the cemetery that night. It felt like ages ago, when in fact it hadn’t been so long.

  A mild breeze ruffled her hair, bringing with it the scent of autumn. The cycle of life and the seasons continued. And so would she.

  Kat stalked from one side of the patio to the other, waiting for Arden to get the balls to reveal himself. He never did. The smile she wore couldn’t be wiped away by his lame attempt to threaten her.

  “Arden, I want to thank you,” she called out, knowing he would hear her. “You are the one who showed me what true love is, because it was you who drove me into his arms. If you never know this kind of love, I pity you. But it’s likely exactly what you deserve.”

  Sunrise was approaching, and he wouldn’t be able to lurk much longer. Though she desperately hoped it caught him before he could make it to safety.

  Returning to the bedroom, Kat allowed herself a moment to absorb the reality of the man lying in her bed. Surreal didn’t even begin to describe it. What she felt when she saw him, touched him, was so much bigger than the both of them. It was a gift—one that she would never take for granted.

  Kat had been happy with much of her vampiric lifestyle. She’d had strength and power humans could only dream of. The ability to manipulate mortals into doing what she wanted had always been beneficial. And the bloodlust—it was a weakness in its own right, but to her, it was a heady rush of life and vitality. And still, she’d walked alone.

  It wasn’t lost on her how rare a creature like Luca Alexander was. It was also no secret that she didn’t really deserve him. But he loved her somehow. And she promised herself and whatever great power had delivered him to her, she would love him with everything she had.

  Letting her robe slide down her body to pool at her feet, Kat padded over to the bed. As she climbed in beside him, Luca stirred. He reached out, as if searching for her. Only when she touched him did he settle and continue his peaceful slumber.

  Cuddling close to him, Kat pulled the warm comforter up over them. She lay there for a long time, listening to the sound of his deep, even breathing. It was both calming and comforting.

  With her head on Luca’s chest, Kat closed her eyes and allowed the steady rhythm of his heartbeat to lull her. A gentle smile curved her lips. So, this was what peace felt like.

  About the Author

  Trina M. Lee is best known for the urban fantasy Alexa O’Brien Huntress series. Trina lives in Alberta, Canada with her fiancé and daughter, along with their 3 cats. She loves to hear from readers via email or twitter.

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