In the Forest of the Night & The Barmaid and the Blacksmith

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In the Forest of the Night & The Barmaid and the Blacksmith Page 2

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  I needed time, and some place away; and on any other day, I would have gone to my private glade, but as I strode briskly away from the house, I was interrupted by Will Sage. No, he didn’t seek me out, but in the back of my mind I heard his name come to me. It was shouted so loudly, that it drove me from the path, and I was soon skirting along the forest edge, then darting down the road to his house.

  He wasn’t there when I knocked at his door, but when I turned to leave, I almost ran into him. He was just inches from me when I stopped in my tracks. He put his arms out to catch me, and left them holding each upper arm. It was a gently reassuring gesture.

  “You’ve been seeing ghosts?” he asked me. “You look so pale.”

  “No,” I sputtered.

  “But you’re upset?”

  “I don’t know why I’m here, but … .”

  Before I could go on, he leaned in and kissed me.

  I was astounded, but I didn’t make him stop. He pulled me tightly to him and placed a hand between my legs, at my thigh. “Perhaps this is what you want?” he asked.

  My body was playing a wild game of leap frog.

  “Yes,” I answered breathlessly, staring up into his eyes.

  He abruptly backed away at my eagerness, but we were still standing so close that I could feel his body heat playing off of mine.

  “You’d have me make love to you, Isabella?” he queried.

  “Yes.” I wanted his hands on me. I wanted them climbing down my blouse, and up my skirt. I wanted them everywhere all over me, taking this mounting passion in me, and using it the way it was meant to be used.

  “I’m not a man to play with Isabella. You would be giving up your virginity.”

  “It means nothing to me,” I told him readily.

  He looked at me skeptically.

  “I thought you would want this too,” I said, wondering why he was waiting so long. “You said yourself, you are no gentleman.”

  “Your maidenhead means so little to you, that you’d give it up to a near stranger?”

  “You know me better than any man I know, that makes you far more than a stranger.”

  He could not disagree.

  “You asked me days ago, and I’ve thought of nothing but your taking me beyond this ridiculous purity. My mind is not pure, why should my body be? I think of nothing day and night but taking you as my lover, having you teach me how to please a man, and please myself. I know you can do that. I also know you desire me. You’re teasing me now, not giving me what I need so badly.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” he said, laughing.

  I stood there wondering if he would continue to put me off. He wasn’t being fair, eliciting this confession only to reject my pleas.

  “You start down this path today, you will not turn back. You cannot leave here a silly child.”

  “I’m tired of childhood, Will, please.”

  He said no more, but took one hand and pulled me into the cabin. We stood body to body, eye to eye. I thought it was strange we weren’t moving to the bed, but I was submitting to him, letting him take me. Each of his hands held one of my hands, his manly fingers toyed with them. Even my fingertips were tingling. My whole body was rushing madly toward something, and though I could imagine many things, I had no idea what would really happen.

  While his eyes still held mine in their grasp, he brought his hands to my waist and firmly pushed down my skirt. It dropped to the floor. Then, he moved in on my belly, his hand skimming the aroused surface. All that separated skin from skin was the thin filmy panties I wore. At first, I recoiled at his touch, thinking I should. But then I remembered what I really wanted. There were sharp sensations building in me, with a tension almost too much to bear. I wanted this more than anything. Now with his hands and body on me, in one bright daring moment, I sealed a fate I’d been pressing toward for a long time.

  “Lean back against the post,” he told me as he shoved me gently toward the rough hewn board at the center of the room. It became a crude cushion for my back, as I followed his command, and passively allowed Will to undo the buttons of my blouse. The silk fell away, to reveal my lace camisole. With a hand so very gentle for a man’s large one, he stripped the garment away until I stood naked before him, trembling.

  “You’ll remove your clothes?” I wondered aloud.

  “Shush, Isabella, you have no need to talk.”

  When he discovered my breasts, his hands seized them with a firm grasp. He softened to a tender stroke, then pulled hard at the tiny nipples. I looked down to watch them turn into hard purple buds. He pinched them again, and held them so tightly that I let out a little scream.

  The sharp sensations were going everywhere in me, especially between my legs. I could feel the soft female nectar at my thighs, the same sweet juice I licked from my fingers when I was making love to myself.

  He bent down on one knee so he could be closer to my sex. And to my shock he brought his head to the delicate parting where there were wisps of silky hair covering that private place. His tongue slipped between the folds, as a hand pushed my legs further apart, and a finger toyed with the tiny opening there. He was able to push his finger inside, and I thought my body would go through the roof.

  “Oh, my god, please, Will, do that more,” I exclaimed in a voice I hardly recognized.

  I didn’t have to command him to do anything since he had his own designs on me. I was there just to receive whatever he gave.

  As the prodding finger continued its play, his tongue did too, slipping deeper into the crack, finding the hard throbbing bud that I found so often with my own hands. My hips were swaying to the rhythm of his attentions, sometimes jerking as his tongue seemed to devour my cunt. I had to grasp the post behind me to keep my balance. With my chest thrust out, my hands occupied, I felt as if I was in some kind of restraints. Certainly, I was bound to this man and this thrilling moment.

  His gentle searching had my body screaming to find a release I would welcome, I couldn’t hold anything back. I felt as if a mighty flood was bursting at the doors of my body, demanding its release. With his finger probing deeper still, far into the dark recesses of my soppy hole, with his tongue finding ways to flick the sensitive skin, my climax was not far off.

  My mouth babbled a long refrain of Ooooohs and Aaaaahs, and then the whimpers took over, as I joined him in a joyous search for an ending. Everything tightened in me for a second, and deep in my groin I tightened even more; and then, there was an enormous rush of feeling, as if the whole world was disappearing out the door, while I was left floating in bliss.

  Will caught me when my hands let go of the post, and I had no bearings. I’d never pleased myself standing up, and I thought my legs would crumple underneath me. Without saying a word, he half carried me toward the bed, and pushed me down against the soft blanket, on my back. He spread my legs wide, his body coming down on me briskly. I only barely saw his cock, as it disappeared between my thighs. The stiff firm rod pushed at the wet entrance to my body. It pressed hard and slow.

  Deflowering me was not a graceful act, as he pressed his advantage against the unyielding membrane that separated me from the rest of my life. But I lay back urging him on, with a throaty cry, gasping loudly when his full hard cock finally breached that tight place.

  “Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhhhh!”

  I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t grateful for this moment, but the instantaneous unexpected pain sent a knife blade sensation somewhere deep inside.

  “Let go,” he whispered in my ear to soothe me. “Let go, let go.” The sharp electric sensations fired everywhere within me. Better than the climax I’d just enjoyed, this was going far beyond those limits to something more. I wanted it, all of it.

  He moved on me with speed and steadily mounting fervor, as I pressed myself against him. Something in the feel of this was everything I was asking for, and yet beyond my expectations. It was like thunder rolling through me. There was no pain anymore, just the crude sensation of being o
verwhelmed by something I could never describe in words.

  I think he was taking me gently, though it was difficult not feel the amazing force of his need and the orgasm that followed.

  His spent cock dripped over me, when he withdrew. It was my first real gaze on a man’s penis, and I was stupefied by the size and magnificent shape of this instrument of painful pleasure. It was thick, so it seemed to me, with a deep purple head, that within a few moments seemed to shrivel down in size.

  “You’re not a virgin, Isabella.”

  “I’m glad for that,” I happily replied, with a soft sigh. “Virginity was a burden to me that held me back. I’d rather be damaged goods than some bride, hymen intact, rent in two by a silly wholesome boy, or some dour old man.”

  “Your first lesson in love is over,” Will announced, as he collapsed to my side. His hands glided over my naked torso, and he dabbed my bloody cunt with a clean cloth, pulled from the bedside stand.

  “This is all that separates you from respectability,” he said drawing it out for me to see.

  What a prize! I was glad of it. Any husband would have to accept this, or not have me. I could never offer my virginity again. I thought it some horrible advantage men could hang over a woman, and I refused to play that insipid game with any man.

  We lay side by side for some time. I was exhausted, happily so. Running my hands lightly against his bare chest, I even let them slip down to his soft warm cock.

  “For your next lesson,” Will told me, kissing my cheek lightly.

  I could sense his cock might be rising even as I stroked it, but he lifted my hand away and placed it on my thigh. I realized that I hardly knew William Sage, there was so much to this man, all so foreign to me.

  “You can come back for your next lesson tomorrow,” he told me.

  “I think I’ll be sore, perhaps?” I could feel an ache between my legs, though it was a comforting discomfort that I would treasure.

  “I know you will, but you’ll heal. And your desire will only mount.”

  “Would you take me again so soon?” I asked.

  “There are many ways to take you,” he said.

  He was stroking my hair so gently. I wondered at his curious combination of gentleness and ferocity, that made making love such a startling thing. The day, my week, my life could not be going better. I shouldn’t have wasted so much time in girlish things, even myself play was nothing to compare with this.

  Chapter Three

  I loved William Sage as my lover. I loved thinking of him that way. I would wake each morning blushing to myself over things we’d done together the day before. I imagined him naked. I imagined his stiff prick. And I imagined his powerful command over me that made my body feel in ways it was meant to feel.

  Our first time together after my deflowering, we took a picnic to my secret glade. It was the perfect day for bathing myself in the warm sun. And this would be special having him at my side, just inches away from me.

  “Take off your clothes,” he told me, when we were settled on the large flat rock.

  I was acting sheepish, like that first time when I’d found him staring at me in the broad daylight. There was little to shed, but I was suddenly reluctant, feeling self conscious as he watched me with an attentive eye.

  “Isabella,” he said sternly. “Remember the woman you’re becoming.”

  His words gave me courage, and I lifted my arms to pull the light sundress over my head. I was left with only a shift, and my panties. Those were easily removed, so I was naked once again in his presence, though it seemed even more scandalous in the out of doors, just as my nude sunbathing always seemed a deliciously scandalous thing to do.

  As Will watched me disrobe, all the familiar tingles and jerks were set off inside me. The twin forces of this exhibiting in the wild and before a man were having an astounding effect on me.

  Will had me lie on my stomach while he massaged my body with firm sure hands. I was clamoring for another orgasm quickly, but he was making me wait, even though I groaned and complained. He slapped my bottom when I complained too much.

  When he turned me over, I found him naked too. Though he’d screwed me well the day before in his cabin, I’d not seen him completely without clothes, and that sight was remarkable. His prick was already hard, and he lay back on my rock with the rude thing standing straight up as if it was saluting the sky.

  “Come to me, Isabella,” he said. But instead of drawing me over his body so that he could enter me, he pushed me gently toward his hard cock. “Play with it my love.”

  I took the monstrous penis in my hands and stroked it lightly, feeling this foreign thing, so strange and wonderful.

  “Put your lips to the head,” he told me.

  I looked at him and smiled, then did as I was instructed, my lips tentatively touching the smooth smooth skin. I could smell a musty warmth so close to his private place. His hair was not silky like my own, but as I would imagine a man’s to be. Strange to be exploring territory that was so alien, and yet men’s crotches were often close, just never so accessible.

  “Put it in your mouth,” he went on.

  I knew the tiny kisses were not enough for him. If a man required the strong forceful thrusts of a woman’s vagina to create an orgasm, an offered mouth must need to do the same. I complied, opening my lips and taking the head in my mouth, as a wicked feeling raced all around me. Though I thought this bizarre, something natural took over in me, and I found myself moving up and down with my mouth and tongue on his delicious rod. My hands fondled the soft round balls at the base, feeling sensations set off in me I would never have believed possible.

  We took turns stoking his erection, but when he was ready to explode its force, he brought my mouth to the head again, and let the shooting cum hit my face, my cheeks, my lips, my chin, so that it was running down my neck. The salty tang of masculinity was my gift, and I received it gratefully as another offering to the alter of my sexual education.

  This whole raucous display was out of some shamelessly decadent drama. I was the queen of the fest, Will’s cock the delicious fruit.

  “Come to me, Isabella,” he said even before I could wipe his juice from my face. I drew up to his lips, and he kissed me. “Lesson two,” he said softly.

  After that, I lay back on the rock and he pleased me, his caresses brought me to another edge so quickly, I really thought it was too fast.

  “I’m so roused, Will, “I think I could climax endlessly.

  “Then you will,” he said. He stroked me more and before I knew it, I was heading toward another orgasm. His hands were so expert in finding everything that pleased me. He found pleasure under my arms, in my breasts and even at the bottom of my feet. But when he had me roaring, moving madly against the hard rock, it was his hands and mouth again at my crotch, doing things I find it hard to describe, because all I paid attention to was the way it made me feel.

  After we’d taken our pleasure, we bathed together in the small pond, letting ourselves cool in the soothing water. My greatest regret was going back home. The estate was so dank and cold and lifeless in comparison to my private glade and Will.

  I saw my dear lover nearly every day as he schooled me in the art of making love. He did so with a skilled hand, and an eye that would become stern if I didn’t relent to his sexual wishes. He demanded that I listen and learn, not dive right into my lust blindly. He said the results were poor when I let just my loins rule. “Too quick, too brief, not the enjoyment you really want,” he must have said a dozen times.

  “But we don’t have time for a lengthy screw,” I told him one afternoon, when I knew I had to be back at the house in just a slim hour’s time.

  “Then we won’t make love,” he said.

  “Oh no, please!” I pleaded with him, but he was firm. So firm that he playfully spanked my rear end a good half dozen times with a firm sharp slap of his hand, to emphasize his point.

  “Remember you’re a woman, not a school girl, that
is what this is all about.”

  His love taps only made me all the more voracious for some relief, but I wouldn’t have anything, at least not until later. William was adamant. No manner of pleading or cajoling convinced him otherwise. I couldn’t understand how he could have such self control in the light of such terrific feelings.

  That was the night I slipped out in the dead quiet of the wee hours. The house was still when I woke with too much sexual heat rising in me to let it go unanswered. But I didn’t want just to please myself. I wanted Will.

  Going to my uncle’s bedroom door, I heard his restless snoring and knew he would not be waking soon. The maids and housekeepers were also in their beds. I had only to stay out of the light of the full moon, sticking to the shadows, to keep my quick journey a secret. I found Will’s door open, and I slipped silently inside. He was dead asleep, so deeply that I decided to rouse him with a very direct approach. Kneeling down at the side of his bed, I found his soft penis under his bedclothes and I began to fondle it, until he began to stir.

  “What are you doing here?” he suddenly jolted from his sleep.

  “Making you happy,” I purred eagerly, with a smile he couldn’t see so much as feel.

  “Have you gone mad, it’s the middle of the night!” he bellowed.

  “I’m too horny to wait until tomorrow.”

  “You bawdy wench,” he growled at me. “I should take a strap to your ass for being so foolhardy.”

  “And I’d probably love it,” I purred back at him. I wouldn’t be dissuaded this time.

  He wanted to protest more, but his body had overcome his mind, and his objections. He took me in his arms, and pulled me into bed with him, then stuffed his hard one to the hilt of my sex. I was exploding from the inside out.

  He was furious with me, and I could tell by the way he made love to me. He was slapping my ass in regular intervals, which only made me groan and sigh and shoot wild darts of energy his way. He banged me as hard as he ever had, with such firm repeated thrusts, I was becoming certain that he was holding back his pleasure, just because he wanted to punish me for being there. Ah! What punishment! I loved every hard, jolting, savage stroke of that cock in me.


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