In the Forest of the Night & The Barmaid and the Blacksmith

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In the Forest of the Night & The Barmaid and the Blacksmith Page 6

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Adrian descended on me wholeheartedly. He was quick to pull off the shirt I was wearing, and push aside my silk chemise to gaze at my naked breasts. His own body was like fire, from his consuming eyes, to his fierce groping hands, to his groin that pressed against me with a ravenous zeal I’d never quite felt from any man. My lust to have him was as eager as his own. It was as if we were racing to consummate our relationship, that we had to secure the physical aspect of our love, as much as we had to gain the verbal commitment.

  He pulled down his trousers, pulled up on my riding skirt. He fumbled with his underwear, and tore at mine so brusquely I was afraid they’d rip.

  Nearly naked, I felt his firm erection press at me between my legs and I easily relented, breathing a welcome sigh of relief when I felt him make that first thrust inside me.

  The remainder of our clothes were tossed aside in the moments that followed, so we were soon totally naked to the breezes of spring and each other’s eyes. I was delighted with my first view of his body; his broad shoulders were firm which only made his vehement taking of me more thrilling. Giving in to him was giving in to my future, to the man I would make my life with forever. I thought it perfect that I’d so skillfully arranged this match, finding for myself a way out of the austere mansions of the English countryside, into the excitement of a life of travel and cities and people with passions, and the desire to live them.

  We rolled over on our earthy bed of sexual joy, I was atop him, and then back again, so he was again pummeling me from above. We moved into positions I’d never quite imagined before. Even with William, I’d not experienced such rude gyrations.

  I could scream as loudly as I desired in this nowhere place. I could listen to his grunts and groans relishing the sounds of love as the music that would take me to my satisfaction forever.

  I wondered if we would ever stop this crazy bliss. Over and over we started and stopped and started again. I was astounded by the quality of his love making, as I’m sure he was astounded by mine. We said little, letting our bodies speak, but on that afternoon we assured ourselves that we were the foremost lovers in our thoughts, driving away all past lovers that had once intrigued us, and replacing them with just Isabella and Adrian.

  I was leaning over his thighs, gently lapping his softened prick, while he gazed at the lewd picture of his fiancée pleasuring him.

  “You didn’t have a single fall from grace, you had a lover,” he surmised noting how expert I was at my task.

  “You’re experienced enough yourself to know the difference; you must have had a lover too,” I said.

  He smiled. “Then, we’re even.”

  I instantly thought of Phillipe telling me how alike we were. Were Adrian and I just as alike?

  “The past is the past,” I reminded him.

  “Best left right where it is, my fine wench,” he said. “We have a whole future to plan.”

  “Future, that is a wonderful word,” I exclaimed. “And where do we start?”

  “In London,” Adrian said immediately.

  “Oh yes, London!”

  “I want you to join me there. I’ll have to leave soon after we announce our engagement. Once I square things with your uncle, you can join me. You can stay with my good friend Melanie Abbot.”

  “Melanie?” I asked, curiously.

  “A friend, a newlywed friend,” he explained. “It will all be proper.”

  “Proper?” I questioned carefully.

  “Just on the surface, darling,” he snickered. “I wouldn’t want to let you out of my sight or my bed for even a minute.”

  “But we’ll still have to be careful I suppose.”

  “I suppose we will,” he said. “But not too careful. I don’t think I can stand to be away from this for any time at all.”

  He pulled me up to his face, and gave me one long kiss that threatened to start our lovemaking again. But it was late, too late for more right then. We would have to wait for later.

  When we returned to the house, it was nearly dinner time. Our flushed faces seemed to reveal quite a message to Meg and her other houseguests, but Adrian and I decided to keep mum about our plans. It was, after all, Meg’s night for revelations, and we’d do nothing to take away from her exciting announcement, with an announcement of our own.

  “Isabella,” Meg called to me, as I was quickly making my way to my room to change for dinner.

  “Yes,” I answered her.

  “Monsieur Gordot left this afternoon, with apologies to you that he didn’t have the time to say goodbye.”

  “Left?” I replied curiously, though not so curiously to arouse her suspicions. “Hummm. I’ll miss his charm, but not his forwardness.”

  “He is a bit of a rake, isn’t he?” Meg agreed. “Oh, he left you a note,” she said, pulling a sealed envelope from her pocket and handing it me.

  I think she expected me to open it in front of her, but instead I smiled and pocketed it in my skirt. “I really must be getting dressed,” I told her. “I can see you finally have something to share with us all.”

  Meg forgot about the note, and remembered her own exciting news. “Yes, so get on, I can’t wait,” she replied, as she skipped of toward the dining room.

  In my room, I opened Monsieur Gordot’s note, and smiled.

  One less virtuous woman in Meg’s house! Give Darcy your affection will you? I’ll be in London should your appetites require something to dine on. Phillipe.

  How like him I thought, and I tucked the note deep into my bureau drawer and dressed for dinner, thinking only of Adrian Mannerly.

  Chapter Seven

  “London is the most wonderful place in the world!” I practically exclaimed out loud when I first laid eyes on that amazing city. I was on the train at the outskirts, moving so briskly toward it, it took my breath away to be traveling so fast. It was not just the way the train rumbled by the villages and towns of England, but the way my mind and heart were moving rapidly. It was hard for me to keep up with my own excitement.

  Adrian would be at the train platform waiting for me. I imagined him in his dapper suit, a straw hat, and the smile that would appear brightly on his face. Ah! I knew that smile so well, cocky, affectionate and so very warm. How in our last days at Meg’s I’d seen that same warm smile a dozen times, sometimes laced with lust, as my bawdy lover held me captive to his physical charms. Nearly every night Adrian was in my room at the estate with his cock planted firmly between my legs, the two us taking a robust journey about that bed. As inventive as William, more tender than Phillipe, Adrian made love so zealously, that I thought we’d never come up for air. He exhausted me.

  One night, when I thought he was going to forget coming to my room, he slipped inside my door just as I was slipping off to sleep. I was still waiting for him though, lying naked, my ass end to the air. It wiggled joyously when I heard him enter. He must have been taken with my jiggling flesh because he just stood at the doorway and watched for the longest time, while I played a mouse, not letting on that I was still awake. He tiptoed to the bed, but I still heard him. For good measure, I jumped, issuing a silly squeal when his hands descended on my ass cheeks.

  “You must think I’m stupid not to know you’re awake, Miss Isabella,” he said. His two hands were squeezing my plump rear cheeks, spreading them apart as if he was going to descend on that back door opening. “What did you do, my darling, splash your cologne here, this is as fragrant as your lips?”

  I hummed my response. That was exactly what I did, splash cologne all over me, though Adrian was not seeking answers. He was seeking my juicy female hole down below. Pushing a pillow under my groin, he opened wide my legs and pressed his face against the moist opening, teasing it mercilessly with his tongue.

  “Adrian, you have to stop this!” I protested.

  “And why would I do that!” he retorted. “You taste like heaven.”

  “But I want you inside me.”

  “There’s all night for that.” He resumed the
attentive pleasure to my sexual parts, finding all sorts of places that went wild with excitement at the mere touch. My hips, legs, indeed my whole body was overcome with this feast of sensation, so remarkable that I could feel so alive, and so happy, so thoroughly loved this way. My dear lover erased all the horror of the past two years, and the regret, sad remembrances and pain that had marked a time that should have been my most exhilarating. I must admit, I felt younger at moments like these than I felt in those dour “other” months, when my heart was much too heavy to be young at all.

  With Adrian’s tongue at my wet vagina, and his fingers doing all sorts of naughty things, probing me everywhere in my nether parts, I was slipping over the edge into the most blissful state of erotic ecstasy. I love it when I can think of nothing but the next lick of Adrian’s tongue on my heated anatomy.

  Sex is such a wonderful thing, paradoxical, I think. Woven with such passion and such promise of peace; it’s a wonder that people hide it so well behind locked doors and safely out of conversations. I confess that I often imagine a place where I could freely discuss my pleasures with other women and with men. I know that in that respect, I’m far advanced from society. I owe that to William Sage, for having taken me outside the conventions I was supposedly born to keep.

  I think I was born to mock them instead.

  I was certain, as Adrian continued with his lusty romp across my derriere, that I would be reaching that peak of pleasure and riding it over the edge. But to my surprise, he suddenly backed away, and rose to his knees, bringing my ass end to greet what was a very proud and eager penis. Grabbing my rear flesh with relish, he pressed against me. I pushed back and I gasped with the joy of him entering that soppy tunnel.

  “Shush.” He reminded me that the walls of Meg’s house are not so sturdy that our noises can’t be heard. Why, we’d been walking down the hallway one night, very late, after we had been in the attic screwing madly in the dust, when we heard the most delicious groans of pleasure coming from Jonathan’s room. I hoped it was Meg in there with him, but I never had any confirmation of that fact.

  Quieting myself now, I just crooned, melodic whimpers. Coupled with Adrian’s hushed baritone, we made the most amorous music. I almost hoped that someone was listening at the door. Too bad Phillipe had left. I would have liked nothing better than to have paraded my sexual antics for him, and then smirked at him with a rude gaze, just to set his haughty appetites on edge.

  With Adrian pounding my backside, his thighs moving against my thighs with the fierce action of his probing cock, with his balls banging there too, I found another sort of over the brink kind of sensation. Following it through to its rightfully delicious end, I let free a satisfied “ahhh yesss” as my body shook.

  I loved the way Adrian is so well timed. His own finale was just seconds beyond mine. How perfect, his just made my own climax linger that much longer. When he finally pulled from me, he flipped me over on the bed, and offered his wet, receding penis to my lips. I gratefully licked it clean, before he collapsed against me.

  I must have played that night over in my mind a hundred times on my way to London. It had been five weeks, two weeks longer than he originally promised, since I’d been with Adrian. It had taken much longer than he’d planned to get the arrangements for my visit taken care of. I was going to stay with his friends, he’d called them newlyweds, though they’d been married well over a year. The Abbot’s had a lovely house in a charming neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. “They even have a garden, so you can pretend you’re still on the estate,” Adrian told me.

  “Why would I want to pretend that?” I asked. “I’ve had enough of pretentious estates. I would much rather live a lower class kind of life, than one with lots of pomp and splendor, and all those superfluous trappings.”

  “You just want to be a common woman, don’t you?”

  “Not common, just reasonable, self-sufficient and very sexual. A woman of my times,” I said flatly.

  Chapter Eight

  My first day in London everything was a blur. There was so much to see, and I could hardly see it all. Adrian took me to the Abbot’s directly from the train station, so I could get settled.

  Richard Abbot was at work, so I wouldn’t be meeting him until later, but Melanie Abbot gave me a most gracious welcome. She was a bright vivacious woman, with a pile of brunette curls atop her sweet plump cheeks and excitable eyes. I was relieved that she was content to have me stay with them. I’m not sure I would have been so willing married just a short time.

  Adrian was right, the Abbot’s home was lovely, right out of my imaginings. So small in comparison to my uncle’s mansion, it was much more inviting. I could imagine Adrian and I having a home like this. There was a gracious parlor with lots of beautiful things, lace and silver and fine figurines. These people were definitely on the rise, Richard an investment banker in the firm where Adrian worked.

  As promised, Melanie’s garden was exquisite, filled with lots of roses, wisteria, primroses, and flowers I couldn’t even name. We sat down at a small table where we drank tea, and I sat amazed, listening to her tell me about her garden club and the book club. She was in the midst of inviting me to join her at a garden club meeting that very afternoon, when Adrian wanted to whisk me away.

  “Certainly I should stay,” I whispered to him under my breath.

  “But I can’t wait for you, darling,” he whispered back.

  I could see my hostess’s bright face, a strange flicker in her eyes, as if she knew exactly what we were arguing about.

  “I think you two might want to have some time alone,” she said. “It has been a long time. There’ll be plenty of time to introduce you to the social life in the city.”

  “See, my dear, there’s a woman who understands,” Adrian said.

  I wondered if she understood what Adrian really wanted. But then, I wanted it too, my body was roaring mad with need. I couldn’t wait for Adrian to spirit me away to his flat for our first romp in bed together in over a month.

  Another taste of London came my way as we motored to another part of town, not too far from my hosts, thank goodness. I planned to see Adrian often, and hoped to be independent enough to find my way through the city by myself.

  It was still a shock seeing all the unusual buildings, that I’d only seen before in pictures. The cinemas, and theatres, the ornate churches, and tall structures that soared into the sky, edifices with austere fancy fronts, gates and gardens and tall fences, it was hard to take it all in. There was a great cacophony of sound, so unlike the country quiet. And in the air, traces of putrid smoke from all the motor vehicles, buses and trains. I was almost dizzy with it before we reached his building, and the motor car finally came to a stop.

  I could tell Adrian was a fledgling bachelor business man by the unkempt look of his few rooms. They were fine rooms, the furnishings simple; but poor Adrian didn’t have money for a housekeeper; and his attempts at keeping the place in order were obviously failing. I thought perhaps, when we were finished in bed, that I might pick up the mess like a regular wife. The coziness of his place reminded me a lot of William Sage’s little house on my uncle’s estate, though William would never have his in such a state of disarray.

  As it was, without having any time at all to get used to his home, my anxious lover shoved me toward his bedroom in a matter of seconds. However, rather than tackle me to the bed as I imagined he might, Adrian backed me into a corner by a big bright window and slowly, ever so slowly began to removed my clothes.

  “I haven’t seen you in so long, I just want one full glance at you,” he said. The sweater I was wearing came apart one button at a time until it dropped away, and fell to the floor. He couldn’t see much for my undergarments, but I knew by Adrian’s past admiration that this little ritual disrobing excited him. He said he liked to drink in my femininity. That always made me shiver. I felt so wholly decadent, like some licentious whore, though I would never tell him that!

gazing at my bosom, he moved on to my skirt, undoing the buttons so that it too fell silently to my feet. There was just my chemise and underwear remaining. I could look down at myself and see my erect nipples poking through the silk. The little knots were very distinctive. I thought I saw a slight blush on Adrian’s face looking at them.

  He felt me through the garment, first with a tentative gesture and then more eagerly. “Oh, darling, how I’ve missed you!” he said. “I confess, I think of you like this all the time. My mind conjures such wild pictures. I can’t imagine heaven any better than your voluptuous curves.”

  He kissed my lips before I could reply. And such an ardent kiss, as if he was driving himself into me. For a moment, he held my hands immobile at my sides, like he was binding me to the corner. And then, such fierce hunger was bursting in us both, wild driving hunger, that our arms were wrapped around each other, our hands covering every corner of flesh, our legs locking against each other.

  With this passionate fire burning, it weakened us, so that by mutual consent we collapsed to the hard unforgiving wood floor beneath us. It became the most sensuous bed, bathed in sunshine that streamed through the window, we were sweating hot, our bodies gliding over the other, then sticking with too much heat. Adrian was ravenous for my breasts. Going to them over and over, he mauled them with his hands and mouth, that in turn ignited the crudest flames in me. I bucked my groin against his, pleading for some relief in the sweltering sultry air.

  Not a stitch on either one of us, naked as children, carnal as beasts in heat, eager as first time lovers, we managed to bring ourselves to the most rollicking tumultuous end, even as my poor bottom banged against the hard wood floor and my feet were hitting the baseboards, and we were sliding and slipping in the wet bath we’d created by our scalding body temperature.

  When Adrian fell off of me, I could hear a little snicker, and see a blush on his fair face. “My dear Isabella, this is hardly the welcome I’d intended, but seeing you there, glimmering so in the sunshine, your hair, your breasts, these lips, I couldn’t help myself.”


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