Golden Torment

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Golden Torment Page 45

by Janelle Taylor

  She couldn’t look away or think clearly; she didn’t want to. If she couldn’t have him in reality, then she would take him in this beautiful dream world. She lifted her arms to beckon him. His shirt was missing. Her eager hands touched his taut sides, then slipped up his chest to savor the feel of his hard muscles and its furry covering. Unable to reach past his heart, she raised up to clasp his broad shoulders and pull him down with her, sighing peacefully.

  Her hands explored every plane on his face. She was like a thirsty soul drinking in life’s sustaining fluid. One hand encircled his neck and the other went behind his head, fingers wandering into black hair. Her movements entreated his lips to hers, searing them together. Her arms went around him, clinging fiercely to his muscular body, fearing this tormentingly exquisite fantasy would vanish. She prayed she wouldn’t awaken as she sampled the sweet nectar of his mouth. There was a desperation and urgency in her kisses and caresses. She almost savagely ravished his intoxicating mouth. When he leaned back to stare into eyes glazed with smoldering passion, she honestly pleaded, “Love me, Landis, please love me. I need you.” That was far more than Landis needed for encouragement. His mouth closed over hers and sent any lingering awareness off into oblivion.


  Landis’s lips deftly and hungrily captured Kathy’s. It had been so long since they had come together! The last time, both had been left frustrated and depressed. In this heady moment, nothing mattered to either except total possession. Tonight, passions soared and hearts pleaded.

  He covered her face with kisses, then trailed them down her throat. His agile fingers unbuttoned her gown and opened the bodice to bare her ivory flesh to his greedy senses. His lips roamed her breasts to tease each protruding peak. She moaned as he ignited and fanned her molten passions. She didn’t halt him when he removed her gown and bloomers; she moved to assist their departure. His pants joined his shirt and boots beside the quilt. He imprisoned her in his possessive embrace.

  His hands tantalized her quivering flesh, mutely demanding its response to his loving assault. Slowly one hand drifted over her flat stomach, causing it to tighten momentarily. It sought another peak to caress, driving her mindless with achingly sweet sensations. Their height of passion too great to be restrained, he eased between her willingly parted thighs, slipping easily into her moist paradise to explore, conquer, and claim it.

  As he entered and withdrew several times, he feared he would instantly explode and be unable to carry her over that mountain she was rapidly scaling. He briefly halted his stimulating movements to cool his overheated ardor. He drank love’s nectar from her lips and breasts, inspiring her to writhe beneath him and feverishly grind her blond forest against his black one.

  He whispered words of caution, but she was too captivated with desire to heed them, her senses ardently absorbing him. He gingerly began to move within her once more, his manhood teasing the tense nerves there. The moment he knew she was approaching the summit, he increased his plunges, driving her over the crest to go spiriling downward into the peaceful valley on the opposite side. His pattern set, he couldn’t have halted his own eruption if his life had depended on it. Tossing all cares to the winds, he sailed after her, joining her upon that tranquil sea of contentment.

  When all was spent, he rolled aside. Kathy curledagainst him, snuggling her face next to his heart. He closed his arms around her, resting his jaw against her silky head. His leg was over her thighs, holding her pinned to his languid frame. His fingertips slowly trailed up and down her spine. She sighed happily and cuddled even closer, her eyes closed dreamily.

  Thus they lay enraptured, until his voice dashed the arresting spell. “Will you stay until June, Kat?” he murmured against her ear.

  Reality couldn’t have been more stunning than if he had tossed icy water on her naked body. She tensed. Her head slowly and fearfully leaned away. She gazed into his smiling eyes. The color drained from her face. “My God, you’re real. I thought I was dreaming.”

  His hand covered her mouth, warning, “Sh-h-h, you’ll wake someone.”

  When he took his hand away, she gaped at him in disbelief. “How did you get in here? I thought I locked the door. How careless can I be? Anyone could have come in here.” Her terrified gaze flew to the door. “Did you lock it when you sneaked in like some thief?”

  “You didn’t leave it unlocked, Kat. I have ways of entering any place I choose,” he misled her, afraid to confess he had a key, knowing how that news would strike her. He wound a curl around his finger.

  She asked sullenly, “Then why don’t you use that skill to search Soapy’s office? You can surely accomplish more there than here.”

  “I’m not so sure,” he murmured, grinning. “He has guards everywhere.”

  But Kathy was all too aware of those guards. Her gaze fell to his bare chest and widened. She moved slightly to glimpse their positions. “You vile snake, how dare you steal into my room and seduce me while I’m sleeping!” she accused, punching him near his heart. “You don’t own me.”

  He smothered a cough. “I’m innocent of that charge, madam. You seduced me. I only came to talk, but you begged me to make love to you. What was I to do? Refuse my wife when she reached for me and pleaded, ‘Love me, Landis; please, love me. I need you’?”

  She was about to hotly deny his claims when she vividly recalled saying those exact words. Fiery patches flamed on her pale cheeks. “I didn’t…know what…I was saying. I…thought…thought you…were only a dream,” she sputtered. “You knew I was groggy; you took advantage of me, and you know it. What happened to ‘in name only’ and our truce?”

  “I plead guilty as charged, madam. You were utterly irresistible. I couldn’t help myself. No jury in the world would convict me once they saw the stunning evidence,” he teased lightly, waving his hand over her naked body. “It isn’t a crime to make love to one’s wife.”

  “You’re a beast, Landis. If you insist, I’ll take half the blame.”

  He infuriated her when he readily concurred, “I insist. You wanted me as much as I wanted you. You shouldn’t lie around so seductively, making a man forget himself, especially a lonely husband.”

  She sent him a scowl. “Speaking of forget, why did you come here?”

  “To apologize for being an ass again tonight. I pushed you into a corner; I should have known my fiesty Kat would come out hissing and clawing. I won’t do it again. I’ll give you all the time you need to make your decision.” He leaned over to tease a taut peak with ivory teeth.

  “Stop that! What decision?” she asked in bewilderment.

  “Whether or not you’ll remain here until June?”

  “There’s no decision to be made. I’m leaving the first of April.”

  “I meant, will you stay willingly or will I have to force you?”

  “You’re threatening me with arrest again?” she asked incredulously.

  “If you leave me no choice,” he lazily answered.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she murmured, doubt in her eyes.

  “I’m afraid I would, Kat, if you make it necessary.”

  “But it isn’t necessary,” she argued. “You could hold me here…until even Hell freezes and I couldn’t hand them over. I am innocent.”

  “I know. That’s not why I’ll force you to stay.”

  “If you mean until you locate Jake, that could also be forever.”

  “But that’s not the reason either.” He sensually kissed her shoulder.

  Exasperated, she entreated, “Then, would you mind enlightening me? I haven’t the foggiest idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do, Kat. The truth, remember?” he prodded.

  Comprehension and puzzlement battled for first place in her eyes. “You’ll arrest me to keep me here for your monumental revelation?”

  “That’s about the size of it. You’ll be the first to know when the time is right.” His self-assured aura and arrogant stare sent chills over her. It was s
tunningly obvious he was serious, but also highly enflamed with passion.

  “I don’t crave your secrets. You might recall from that investigatory letter, I have friends in the highest American offices. If you dare bring false charges against me, they’ll fight you. How will your precious Mounties and Canadian Government feel when your phony arrest causes an international crisis between our two countries? I think you’ll be most humiliated to have everyone learn you forced an unwilling woman into marital captivity because she rejected you,” she made some threats of her own.

  It was his turn to scoff, “You wouldn’t dare. I know you, Kat. You wouldn’t publicly humiliate yourself like that. We have enough problems with your blasted country and people; we don’t need any more.”

  “Then don’t create one, Landis. Don’t arrest me,” she stated.

  “Why do you keep saying, arrest? How would I have the power to arrest you?” he asked curiously, poised for her answer.

  “I didn’t mean you personally. I was referring to your influence with your lofty friends at Log Cabin. Even if they go along with this absurd idea, their careers would be devastated. Somehow I can’t see a proud and indomitable Mounty agreeing to such foolishness.”

  “It would probably surprise you what Mounties would do to get their man,” he snapped, while gently biting her chin.

  “But I’m not ‘their man.’ And stop distracting me. If you know I don’t have the reports, does that mean you’ve found them?” she realized what he had said earlier, her expression so lucidly honest he couldn’t deny it.

  “No, I don’t have them; but I will. Have you heard any of Soapy’s men mention…Never mind! Are you staying or not?”

  “No,” she replied simply.

  “You’ll just get on that dang ship without ever learning the truth?” He watched an unreadable array of emotions cross over her face.

  “Your ‘truth.’ What makes you think it will change anything? Will it justify what you’ve done? Will it magically heal all the wounds you’ve brutally inflicted? No secret is that powerful.”

  “Nothing will change your mind about me?” he insisted. He grinned seductively and murmured, “Not even the fact I love you? Or this?” he hinted, wildly ravishing hermouth until she almost gasped for air. “Or this?” he continued, circling her breasts with a moist tongue until she trembled with fiery desire. “Or perhaps this?” he whispered into her ear as his hands skillfully roamed her lithe body, setting wildfires wherever his flaming hands touched.

  “You’re a tormenting devil, Jurrell. You know my weakness for you and you’re exploiting it,” she sultrily admonished him. “If only you were as susceptible to my charms,” she hinted provocatively.

  “That’s the trouble, Kat; I am,” he huskily confessed, captivated by his own game. “Why did you bewitch me? I want you so much it hurts.” She fused her searching gaze to his pleading one. “Love me, Kat; please love me,” he entreated, pulling her tightly against him.

  She leaned back to look into his eyes, unable to deny the emotions emblazoned there. “I’m here, Landis; all you have to do is reach out for me,” she helplessly surrendered, kissing him and clinging to him.

  All problems and misgivings cast aside, they joined in fierce and fiery passion. In the golden afterglow of contentment, he refused to release her from his powerful embrace. She chided him, “Must you hold me so tightly; I can’t breathe. I’m not going to vanish, my love, unless you force it.”

  “Every time I see you, Kat, I fear it will be the last time. Promise you’ll wait around until I can explain everything,” he coaxed. “Don’t desert me, Kat.”

  “What secret could be so powerful to excuse all you’ve done and said? If by some miracle, you’re sincere; then prove it. If you love me and trust me, tell me everything tonight; I’ll leave with you the instant you finish,” she challenged, feeling confident and secure after his claims of love and display of uncontrollable passion. “Give me reasons to stay.”

  He tensed and studied her defiant expression. He sighed heavily. “I can’t, love. If you truly love me, then you’ll trust me a while longer, you’ll wait until I’m free of this business.”

  “I can’t, love,” she mocked. “It’s now or never. The choice is yours.”

  “No, Kat, it isn’t. I gave my word on something long before we met. I’m not free to halt now. All I’m asking is for you to wait here until I can settle this prior agreement,” he urged.

  “That day in Dray’s cabin, you said it could be years before you would be free of this secret obligation. Will it truly be over by June?”

  A smile creased the corners of his eyes and mouth. “What do you know about that! I’m lying here emptying my guts bargaining for something I already have. Admit it, Kat; you don’t hate me or want to abandon me. You never have. You still love me,” he stated confidently.

  Landis made a terrible mistake in judgment, pressing her to a wall once more. “Do I, Landis?” she questioned.

  Her tone and look caused dreadful doubts. “You’re driving me crazy, woman. Do you love me and want me or not?” he demanded, unnerved.

  “That remains to be seen, doesn’t it?”

  “I won’t let you leave here,” he repeated in firm resolve.

  “If you think I’m a fiesty cat now with sharp claws, you haven’t seen me at my best. If you hold me with force, you’ll have a caged tiger on your hands. That can be dangerous to a man in your position. Divorce me or become committed to me. I’ll even give you two weeks to decide.”

  “I did it again, didn’t I? The cornered tigress,” he jested.

  “You do seem to possess a knack for bringing it out.”

  “All right, Kat, have it your way. For now,” he added.

  He stood up and began pulling on his clothes. When dressed, he looked down at her. She had pulled the edge of the quilt over her body, concealing all except her head from the eyes up. He gazed into them. “When it’s feeding time, my wild tigress, will you call me?” he jested mischievously.

  She shoved the quilt down past her mouth. “If I ever get that hungry. But there does seem to be a wide selection of meat around here.”

  He dropped to his knees and yanked her into his arms. His mouth seared hers, leaving her breathless when he pulled away. “I’ll kill any man who touches you. You’re mine, Kat, mine. I’ll never let you go.” With that startling statement, he slipped out.

  She gaped at the door in stunned silence. He was such a mercurial man. Why did he toy with her like this? He called her Kat; but he was the tomcat and she was a tiny mouse. He didn’t have to worry; he was the only man she wanted! If he loved her, why couldn’t he reveal the secrets which were tearing them apart? Why no reply to her two-week offer?

  It was mid-afternoon when Landis convinced Nelle he needed to see Kathy privately. She grinned with pleasure, reading the tenderness and determination in his eyes. She told him all the girls were at Soapy’s getting new orders, all except Kathy. She told the eager man his wife was in Michelle’s old room. He smiled, that fact known to him. Kathy had been right last night; it was time to settle two vital matters; love and marriage!

  “Keep an eye out, Nelle. I don’t want anyone to know I’ve seen her. Understand?” When she nodded, he instructed, “Knock on the door if anyone comes in.” He would snatch her before anyone was the wiser! If she needed proof of his affections and intentions, he would damn well supply it! It was time for Kat Marlowe to discover herself!

  “Don’t forgit ’bout that guard nigh tha front door,” she reminded.

  He headed down the hallway for Kathy’s room. Just as he was about to turn the corner, muffled voices halted his tracks. He started to retreat hastily, but recognized both voices. He furtively peered around the corner. His heart drummed madly; fury washed over him. Kathy was in Trace’s arms! He was holding her against him. Her face was turned in the other direction. They were whispering almost too softly for him to hear their words. Trace lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. �
��Don’t worry, Kathy, I won’t let him come near you again. When I get to Log Cabin, I’ll settle this matter once and for all. If need be, I’ll kill him.”

  He kissed her forehead as she raggedly murmured, “I don’t know what I would do without you to rescue me, Trace. He terrifies me.”

  “Let’s go inside. We need to talk. I’ll tell you what I plan to do about him.” With his arm around her shoulders, Trace led Kathy into her room, fearing to release her lest her shaky legs collapse.

  Landis fingered the revolver at his waist, fury building to a perilous level. He balled his fist and jammed it into his other hand. He was tempted to kick that door down and justly slay both of them. What a fool he was! She definitely carried Dory’s evil blood and wanton cravings! He was flooded with comprehension for Ben’s past decision to desert his family. He turned and walked back into the fragrant kitchen, fearing his dark rage.

  Nelle looked up from her baking. She wondered at the black scowl on his face. “I changed my mind. This isn’t the time to complicate matters. She’ll be leaving soon. I’ll see her then. Promise you won’t tell her I was here,” he wheedled. “I want to surprise her later.”

  Nelle smiled and agreed, then Landis slipped outside.

  In Kathy’s room, Trace was attempting to comfort the distraught Kathy. She had completed her revealing story about Marc Slavin. She was still crying, rubbing her bruised wrists where Marc had grabbed her. “I thought he was gone, Trace. I had no idea he was lurking around here. If you and Jack hadn’t come over, he would have killed me.”

  “I’ll take good care of him, Kathy. Jack’s holding him down the street. I’m taking him to Log Cabin now. Sergeant Thomas will deal with his assault on you. He won’t bother you again.”

  “It petrifies me to think he’s been near Dawson all this time. He’s probably been watching me, just waiting for the chance to get me alone. He’s crazy, Trace. I’ve never seen such hatred in anyone’s eyes. He threatened to get even with Landis, too. You’ve got to warn Landis.”


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