Reconstruct Me (Breakneck Book 5)

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Reconstruct Me (Breakneck Book 5) Page 3

by Crystal Spears

  I’ve come to terms with my new life, I’m even happy with it, all things considered. The tear isn’t for my lost life, of what it was before Breakneck, it’s for the loss of my freedom. When you’re held against your will and the unspeakable happens to you, your freedom becomes the most treasured part of your life when you’re trying to move on.

  The door to the housing building opens, and one of the prospects peeks his head inside the doorway. “Miss. Kay, the flowers are here.”

  I toss the pillow onto the couch, lick my stray tear from my lip, take a breath, and stand. “Thank you.”

  I adjust my sundress, slip my wedges back on, and follow the prospect outside.

  Once a week Winter has flowers delivered for the memorial case in the Clubhouse. I had arranged the flowers a few months ago, and Winter loved how they turned out. It’s been one of my jobs ever since.

  I don’t mind. It gives me more to do.

  I sign for the delivery at the gate, and it isn’t lost on me how I am surrounded by a couple of prospects and Smokey.

  They’re not kidding.

  They’re stepping up security.

  Smokey mean mugs the delivery guy and waves him off with impatience.

  “Can I go in,” I ask Smokey with my arms full of bouquets.

  “Yeah, darlin’, nothin’ goin’ on right now,” Smokey answers me with a small smile. “You know where the case key is.”

  “I do.”

  He nods for me to go ahead. He doesn’t have to tell me twice, it’s hot as hell outside and being a redhead, I tend to burn.

  A prospect runs past me and to the door. “Smokey,” he murmurs lowly as he opens the door for me.

  “Thank you,” I say to the meek prospect.

  I welcome the cold air of the clubhouse as I walk down the corridor. I always hesitate at the end of it, unsure of what I might see. It makes no difference Smokey said it was all clear; I know how wild these guys can get.

  “Jinx, darlin’, stop frettin’, nothin’ goin’ on.”

  I turn the corner and give Pyro a small smile. “Thanks.”

  I hear his shot glass hit the counter and then feel his presence as he walks behind me with his crutches. “I’ve got the key, darlin’.”

  “Cool,” I breathe out and walk over to the small table against the wall to set the flowers down.

  “Go ahead and sit. I’ll help,” Pyro offers.

  I bite my bottom lip and give a nod without looking at him.

  I don’t know how to act around the man whose woman’s flowers I’m about to arrange, so I do as he instructs and take a seat at the small two-person table.

  I’m so uneased by his sudden desire to help me, I forgot to grab the trashcan and a pair of scissors. I jump up, drag the trashcan from the edge of the bar over to the table, then snag the scissors from under the counter. By the time I sit back down, Pyro has the first vase cleaned out and awaiting me on the table. I open one of the bouquets and begin snipping the ends of the stalks off as Pyro sets the rest of the vases down, his crutches aren’t under his arms, and I wonder if his leg is getting better.

  When I look back up, he’s ruffling around his jean pockets, his eyes watching me meticulously. “I pay attention,” he grumbles while he tosses two pennies into each vase. “I do wonder why you do this though.”

  His eyes are so damn green.

  A smile lifts my lips. “The copper helps keep them alive longer is what I was told.” I shrug. “Seems it’s true.”

  “You limp your way over here?” I ask.

  “Yeah, my fuckin pits are sore,” he curses.

  I laugh and get back to work.

  “How you holdin’ up,” he questions while he scoots the other chair out and takes a seat.

  “Well… you know.” I shrug again. “The not leaving bit might become a problem for me.”

  He stretches his long legs out and crosses them at the ankles with a grunt. “The girls will keep you busy.”

  I clip the last rose and begin arranging the first vase. “They’ll try.”

  Pyro chuckles and then gets serious. “If it gets too bad, let me know.”

  I’m stunned, motionless.

  His green eyes stare into my blue ones.

  We’ve never conversed this much, and he offers to help if feeling trapped gets to be too much for me?

  It dawns on me. He’s been talking with Sniper.

  “Don’t frown. All your secrets are safe. Your face hides nothin’,” he grumbles while he fingers the end of the Hawaiian bouquet. “I’m no good at this.”

  He unfolds his legs, attempting to stand, and I move to place one of my hands on his and pull back once I realize I almost touched someone. I gulp. “Don’t go. I appreciate it, I do. Having my freedom taken away from me is a trigger is all,” I confess as he readjusts himself in the chair. “It puts me on edge.”

  Pyro lights up a cigarette. “Why do you do this?” he motions to the flowers. “You didn’t know any of these people.”

  Oh good. A subject change.

  “I helped Winter once, she loved the way I made the arrangements. It’s been my job ever since, and besides, I have something in common with all of these people,” I whisper the last bit.

  “Which is?” he questions me with narrow eyes.

  I study his gaze, and it tells me he’s sincere with his questioning; he’s generally interested in my answer.

  “Breakneck changed all of our lives in one way or the other.”

  He exhales. “I don’t follow.”

  “It’ll seem tackless,” I admit.

  “Try,” he gruffly orders.

  I stand, grab the vase and walk it back over to the case, place it next to the first urn, and then return to my seat. “Our affiliation with Breakneck landed us all where we are today.” I take a breath. “I may be alive, but some days it doesn’t feel as if I am.”

  Pyro’s amazing eyes watch me for a moment, and then he stands, hobbles over to the bar, puts out his cigarette in the ashtray, grabs the bottle of whiskey and comes back to sit. “This is a little deep for me.” He uncaps the whiskey, takes a gulp, and passes it to me. “Go on.”

  I lay the rose I was working on, down, and take the bottle from him. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

  “I won’t let anythin’ happen to ya, darlin’.”

  Screw it.

  I take a large gulp and cough as it burns its way down my throat. “Crap.”

  Pyro chuckles as I hand the bottle back to him. “Good, yeah?”

  I wipe the corner of my mouth. “If you say so.”

  He takes another long pull and puts the bottle on the table. “I can’t be pissed at your reasoning. It’s fuckin’ true.”

  I slump back in my chair. “Yes.”

  I casually survey him as he stares off in the distance, lost in thought. I didn’t realize how attractive he was until now. His dirty blond hair is cropped short, and his green eyes are sinfully addictive to stare at, he’s so tall, his shirt and cut stretch across his muscles, and a leather necklace adorns his neck, it matches the one on his right wrist. His jaw bone is strong and sexy as hell too.


  I look away.

  I can’t be attracted to him for multiple reasons.

  I’m afraid to even try intimacy, and he’s hung up on Lana.

  Why the hell would I want to do this to myself?

  “What’s on your mind,” he questions me when he leaves his thinking behind.

  “I… ah, nothing,” I stammer.

  He leans up and clasps his hands together. “Tell me.”

  I don’t have to scramble too hard for words. “It’s my 30th birthday,” I admit, even though my thoughts were nowhere near my birthday, at all.

  “No shit? Why didn’t Piper tell anyone? Better yet, why didn’t you?” he growls while he takes his phone out of his pocket and starts shooting off texts.

  “It’s not on the top of our minds to talk about birthdays,” I say to him. “We’ve also
been issued a lockdown. It’s not that big of a deal. I’ll have plenty more birthdays,” I mumble. “I hope.”

  He curses underneath his breath. “You’ll have plenty more. What’s your favorite food?”

  I start shoving flowers into the rest of the vases, not caring if they aren’t perfect. “I don’t have one.”

  “What could you go for?”

  On cue, my stomach grumbles and I gaze up at Pyro and huff when I see he’s smiling.

  Damn. Dazzling. Freaking. Smile.

  “Fine,” I say when I realize he isn’t going to stop. “I could go for a huge, greasy pepperoni pizza.”

  Pyro chuckles. “Aren’t you a vegetarian or vegan or whatever?”

  I finish up Lana’s vase, not missing his smile as it slips when he realizes it’s hers.

  “I was. Things change,” I grumble while I stand, pick up two of the vases, and walk them to the case.

  He hums to himself for a moment. “I did notice little more meat on your ass.”

  I wing around after I place the vases in their spots. “Excuse me?”

  He stands, shoves his phone in his pocket, and smirks. “It’s a compliment darlin’. I’m gonna take a prospect and pick up some pizzas. I’ve texted the crew; we’re gonna have pizza in the courtyard.”


  He limps his way over to me; a small gasp escapes my lips as he picks up one of my long curls and rubs it back and forth in his fingertips.

  I don’t have to look up far to peer into his eyes, he’s only a few inches taller than me with my wedges on. His green eyes show mirth. “Everyone deserves to have their birthday celebrated, especially after what you went through,” he says, a moment later dropping my hair and reaching behind me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see he was only snagging his crutches.

  I’m stiff as a board as he leans into me. “It’s sore,” he rasps into my ear. “You smell fuckin’ heavenly. Fuck,” he curses and steps back. “I’m gonna go get that pizza, yeah.”

  I gulp when he turns to leave.

  What in the hell just happened? And, what’s sore?


  We’re all in the courtyard eating pizza, having a good time. Almost everyone is here except for Smokey, Rap and three of the Red Ladies. They’re on watch we’re told. I don’t know where Pyro was able to find a keg on such short notice, but we have one, and everyone laughs it up shoving their mouths full of pizza.

  It is sweet Pyro went through the trouble to throw a pizza party for me; it’s unwarranted though.

  I take a sip out of my red solo cup; the beer not tasting too bad, a little warm from being outdoors, but good enough to drink with a slice of pizza.

  “Are you enjoyin’ your party?”

  I swallow the food in my mouth, put down my pizza, take a deep breath and turn towards him. “Yes, thank you.”

  Pyro’s eyes dance with mischief.


  His smile lifts. “We’re gettin’ ya drunk tonight, Shortcake.”


  “Yeah, now scoot over,” he orders. “I’ve got somethin’ special for you.”

  I do as he demands, scoot over, and he slides in, pulling a small bottle out of his cut. “What is it?”

  He uncaps it and hands it over. “Hennessey.”

  I hold the small bottle in my unsteady hand and look over at him. “Pyro, If I’m to drink, you’ll make sure I’m good?”

  His eyes search mine, for what I don’t know, and he leans closer to me. “We’ve taken enough from you, take some of it back, yeah,” he whispers for my ears only. “Enjoy tonight. No one will touch you, you have my word,” he promises and nods to the bottle. “Drink up.”

  “Fuck it,” I say more to myself then him and tilt the small bottle to my lips and take a drink.

  “Fuck it,” he repeats.

  I cough into my hand when I bring the bottle back down.


  I gaze at the bottle then back to him and give him a small smile. “Yeah, a little rough though,” I answer and offer the bottle to him, and he shakes his head. “For you,” he says simply.

  “I insist. I can’t drink an entire pint.”

  He playfully rolls his eyes. “Fine,” he relents and gestures for the bottle.

  “No watch for you tonight?”

  He takes a drink and hands me the bottle. “Naw did a two-day watch, I get a day off.”

  I gulp my next drink and hiss as I bring the bottle back down. “This is your job isn’t it?”

  The muscles in his jaw work, his green eyes drawing me in while he nods slowly. “Lifestyle,” he picks up my red solo cup and drains it, “is a more correct term.”

  The back of my neck begins to sweat. I set the bottle on the table and take the hairband off my wrist and put my hair in a high bun.

  I kick off my shoes, lift my legs up and fold them as I turn sideways on the picnic table seat. “Well….” I whisper and pick up my little bottle he gifted me. “Cheers to your day off then.” I nod and take a gulp and hand him the bottle. “Drink up.”

  Pyro chuckles and takes the bottle. “Happy birthday, Jinx.”

  I tilt my head, study him for a moment and then smile when he gives me back my gift. “Thank you, Pyro.”


  Jinx is currently on top of one of the picnic tables dancing with Storm and Piper. Winter sits on the sidelines with me as I watch with a grin. It’s good to see the girls having some fun with all the shit going on.

  “This your doing?” Winter questions as she peers at the baby monitor.

  “We’ve taken enough from her.”

  “It was sweet,” she says to me, a small smile on her lips. “I haven’t met someone as sweet as her since….”

  “Lana.” I gulp.

  One of her hands squeeze my forearm, trying to draw my attention from Jinx, but I gave her my word, and I promised I’d watch her. I won’t break my word.

  “Are you okay,” Winter questions me sadly.

  “I’m good, Winter. It’s fucked up is all,” I say with a nod in Jinx’s direction. “She’s been violated and had her entire life upheaved by us.”

  “This life isn’t for everyone,” she admits as the song changes and Jinx lets out an excited shrill. I laugh at her carefree excitement.

  “She’s beautiful when she’s free,” Winter whispers.

  I take a moment and study her.

  I’ve always thought Jinx was a beautiful lady; what’s not to love? She has the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen on a woman, her hair is long, with thick ringlets, and those fucking eyes, those blue eyes are hypnotizing. “She’s stunning.”


  Anger builds inside my chest, and it takes all the strength inside of me not to turn my gaze away from Jinx and turn a glare onto Winter. “Knock it the fuck off, Winter. Jinx is fucking stunning, yes, but I’m not the man for her. I’m fucked up, I know this.”

  “I wasn’t going to say that,” she hisses. “I was gonna tell you she isn’t ready for anything yet.” I didn’t even realize I balled my fists at my sides. I unclench them when I notice Jinx is a little unsteady. “It’s time for her to go to bed,” I say with a flick of my head. “You and one of the girls need to help her to bed. I gave her my word.”

  She says nothing, and when she goes to move away, I grab her arm without taking my eyes off Shortcake. “No man is to help you guys, do you understand?”

  “I know, Pyro. Now get off your leg, you haven’t been using your crutches tonight.”

  I release her arm. “I will once I know she’s tucked safely in bed, and you guys have locked her in her room.”

  “Alright, you gave her your word. I see you’re keeping it.”


  No more words are exchanged as Winter makes her way over to Jinx and nods to Piper who isn’t drunk, only buzzed. They say something with their eyes, an unspoken communication about Jinx.

  Storm jumps off the
table top and motions for Jinx to follow, but Jinx pouts and fuck if it isn’t sexy.

  Jinx relents, climbs down, and stumbles her way out of the courtyard with the rest of the girls. When she is safely inside with the women, I unleash a low growl and flop down in one of the fold-up chairs in front of the courtyard fire.

  I rub the top of my leg where it aches. “Fuck.”

  Braxxon walks over and takes a seat in the chair next to me. “Here.”

  I turn to see what he’s trying to hand me. “What is it?”

  “A couple of Vicodin. You need them,” he orders while he passes them off to me. “Your leg has gotta be burnin’.”

  I take the pills and swallow them dry. “Thanks.”

  “Good thing you did for her,” he says sincerely. “She deserves it.”

  I change the subject. “What’s goin’ on with you lately?”

  He growls when he stands. “Not shit.”

  I say nothing as he leaves. I’ve never been this disconnected from my brothers. Shit hasn’t been the same since I took off on my drinking binge after Lana was murdered.


  Guilt boils in my gut.

  I’m all over the fucking place.

  I pull out my phone and shoot off a text to Ripley. I need her magic hands to work out my leg, I haven’t done my physical therapy for a few days. She replies a minute later, they are moving in for the lockdown in the morning, and she’ll work it out then.

  I don’t respond and tuck my phone back into my pocket.

  Ripley and Akela coming in for lockdown will set my mind straight, a reminder of Lana to dampen this fucked up flame I’ve suddenly developed for Jinx.

  I call it a night when I hear Shadow and Tea arguing in the corner of the courtyard.

  I’m not gonna be party to all their crazy; I got enough of my own.


  Chapter Five


  All around the parking lot, you see a bunch of exhausted ass people. These watches are killing us slowly. It isn’t as if we can half-ass our shifts; we have to be careful with every single moment. Mine and Salt’s shift was proof of it. About another week to go before we have three more names to add to the shift roster, it’ll cut our hours down a little more and make it a little less exhausting per rotation.


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