Alex Hope

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Alex Hope Page 21

by Aj Estelliam

  She shook her head. ‘No, they’re not. Jamie’s eyes are brown.’

  ‘No,’ I said, shaking my head.

  ‘Honestly, Alex-they’re brown. You never met him, did you?’

  ‘Well not in person…not up close…’

  ‘You’re just seeing my eyes, Alex. Try and relax…sleep…there’s nothing to worry about from him anymore. He’s locked up and not going anywhere.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I said, forcing a smile on to my face.

  As we lay back on the bed, I was sure that I was right. What I was seeing was not Jess; nor was it Jamie. There was evil lurking…and the evil had the same eyes as Jess.

  Chapter 30

  Snow lay everywhere. All I could see was a white abyss. I was calling and calling Jess’ name, but she was nowhere to be found. Why wasn’t she answering me? I walked out of the house and into the snow. When I saw her, I knew she was close to death. Her body lay prone on the cold, wet snow. She was unmoving and deadly pale. Her eyes stared out at me, bright and wide-though unconscious. I knelt at her side, willing her to wake, and then my world went black. The resounding thump on the back of my skull, shattering my head with an awful crack.

  I was pinned to a hard bed. I stared up at the man walking around his prize. He felt pleased. In his madness, he felt deep satisfaction that we were now at his mercy. I looked to my side and saw Jess, bound and gagged. Her eyes were wide and staring at me helplessly. She had given up the fight.

  I looked from her eyes to his and understood. Back again to hers; then to his. I knew.

  As my mind drifted back, I saw a woman. She was stood in an old-fashioned lounge and smiling as she held up two fingers towards her husband. His mouth opened with surprise as he rushed to her and scooped her up in his arms. He then released her and placed her down on the ground. With his hand reaching for her stomach, he rubbed the small mound gently. Two babies…what a blessing, he told her.

  I started in sleep and my eyes shot open. Clarity was a wonderful thing, and now I understood why my dreams had not stopped when Jamie had been caught. I knew now that Jamie had not been working alone. His evil had been shared by another; and we had never realised.

  My dreams were clear. Somehow; and I didn’t know how-Jess had another brother. A twin. I was sure of it. I wondered if she knew…but knowing her as I did-I didn’t think she did.

  I lay back in the bed, determined not to wake her. I needed to think this through. I needed to know what to do when the time came.

  I knew deep down, that to ever have a future with Jess, this needed to be resolved. We would still go back to Scotland and we would face Jess’ twin in the final showdown. We would do it without his element of surprise. I had no doubt that he waited for us in Jess’ house…I could almost see him pacing the property, wondering when we would return. I would take Jess back, but wouldn’t alarm her before we went there. Captain Withers could help with the rest.

  I climbed out of bed quietly, and headed down the stairs.

  I went to my father’s outhouse with my mobile, and despite it being four thirty in the morning, I called the Captain.

  ‘Alex?’ he answered. ‘Everything okay?’ he asked, urgently, clearly alarmed.

  ‘Hi Dan…yes, we’re okay. Everything is fine this end.’

  ‘Why the call at four in the morning then?’ he asked, clearly confused.

  ‘I’ve just had a dream. I know what happened now,’ I told him.

  He cleared his throat. ‘Let me get to somewhere private,’ he said, thinking that he didn’t want Fee to hear him. I was pleased he had made it work with the woman in his life. I could hear the happiness he had shared with her as he moved down the stairs.

  ‘Alright…go ahead.’

  ‘Okay-well, I had a dream…’


  ‘I don’t believe Jamie Hope was working alone.’

  ‘No? We found nothing to indicate two criminals working this crime!’

  ‘I know…and I didn’t see it before either. He’s a man in the shadows…he hides, but he’s there. Without a doubt, he’s there…’

  ‘Who is he, Alex?’

  ‘He’s Jess’ brother.’

  The end of the line went quiet. ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘She has another brother,’ I told him.

  ‘No, I don’t think so…she always spoke of just one brother-the brother we caught.’

  ‘I know, I know…I don’t think she even knows, Captain. I can see it though. I see her mother, when she found out the news. She clearly said-two babies! She was having twins.’

  ‘You think Jess is part of a twin.’

  ‘I don’t think it!’ I said exasperated. ‘I know it! I don’t know how I know, but I do…it’s just one of those things I can’t explain about this mess in my head. I just know stuff!’

  ‘Okay…calm down…you’re getting yourself wound up.’

  ‘I can’t help it!’ I said, shivering in the cold. ‘I’m so, so scared, Dan,’ I said, as tears began to fall.

  ‘Hey, come on…don’t fall apart on me now. You need to be strong. If not for yourself; for Jess. Now come on…tell me the rest.’

  I took a deep, steadying breath and continued. ‘He was in the background as Jamie committed those crimes. He taunted him, encouraged him, backed him up when he was unsure. I can see it now.’


  ‘He wants Jess dead; but he’s willing to wait.’

  ‘Why does he want Jess dead?’

  ‘Because he blames her for his father’s death.’

  ‘Hang on…didn’t Jess live with her Dad? Where was the twin in all of this?’

  ‘I…I don’t exactly know…all I can see is trouble…maybe…maybe he had to go away…I don’t think Jess knew about him. I can’t see him in her head whatsoever. No knowledge of him is there that I can see. It seems that he was gone before Jess arrived at her father’s home. But I think the twin came back…. after the father was killed. He blames Jess and wants to exact his revenge.’

  ‘I see…so he’s a man in the shadows that we can’t see…’

  ‘Yes…but I know what he plans and I know how we can stop it.’

  ‘Right. Now you’re talking my language.’

  ‘I haven’t said anything to Jess yet, Dan. I almost know that I can’t.’

  ‘Why not?’ he questioned.

  ‘Because she is the only way to draw him out. She almost has to be the bait for us to catch him.’

  ‘That’s very dangerous, Alex.’

  ‘I know,’ I sighed. ‘But it’s the only way for this to be over. If we don’t catch him now, he may be waiting in the shadows for the rest of our lives. We wouldn’t be able to find our happy ever after living like that. We need to catch him, Dan. I need your help.’

  ‘I’ll do whatever you say, Alex. Tell me what happens.’

  ‘Okay,’ I murmured, and began to outline my plan.

  When I crept back into bed, half an hour later, I felt sure in the fact that this was the way to approach the problem. Jess wouldn’t thank me initially, but she would after the fact.

  I closed my eyes and thought of Jess and a future with her I wanted to create. As I slept, I began to drift, and this time my dream was blissful.

  I ran down the beach, chasing a little boy. His laughter filled the air and happiness filled his smile. I caught him, scooped him up in my arms and whirled him around. His happy little face filled my gaze as I pulled him close and held him against me. My little boy, I thought to myself. He was such a wonderful little boy.

  I placed him down gently onto the sand and he ran off once again, down the sand towards a figure in the distance who sat on the sand. I followed behind, enjoying the warm sun and the sand under my feet. As I neared the blurry figure, I saw the woman I loved. It was Jess. She sat on the sand, with a baby sleeping in her arms. Our little boy sat down beside her and kissed the baby’s head. The baby stirred briefly and then settled once more. I joined Jess on the other side and lea
nt over to kiss her. Our little family, I thought to myself. A little boy and a little girl. And my Jess…always, my Jess.

  I woke feeling incredible. Every nerve ending was buzzing from the vision during dreaming I had seen. It was going to be okay. It really was. I knew that now.

  I rolled over in bed and looked at Jess. She was sleeping perfectly. I knew now that we had a future. We did get to our happy ever after. It wasn’t changed by the fact that evil lurked in the shadows. We would overcome it and find the happiness we both so deserved.

  Jess woke then, and smiled at me warmly.

  ‘You look happy,’ she commented.

  ‘Yes. I’m very happy this morning.’

  ‘Is it just my wonderful presence? Or something else?’ she asked, grinning at me with humour.

  ‘I’m feeling pretty good this morning. I had a vision of our future, and it made me feel so good about everything.’

  ‘No way! What did you see?’ she asked, looking excited.

  ‘I saw us…with children…and each other. It’s going to work out, Jess. It really is.’

  ‘Did you doubt that?’

  ‘Honestly? Yes.’

  ‘How come?’ she asked.

  ‘Because I couldn’t ‘see it.’

  ‘Sometimes you just need to have faith though, Alex.’

  I nodded, smiling at her.

  ‘We go home today,’ she murmured.

  I nodded, swallowing hard. She had no idea what we faced when we got there. She had no idea that finding our happy ever after meant facing the evil of the past; the evil in the shadows. ‘Yeah…’

  ‘Are you sure you want to go? You can change your mind if you’re not sure, Alex.’

  ‘No. I want to go,’ I told her. ‘I can’t wait to see your home again.’

  ‘I have missed it…even though I have loved our holiday.’

  ‘I bet you have. I guess you’re even keen to get back to work.’

  ‘In some ways, yes…but I won’t overdo it now. I’m planning on spending loads of time with you as well.’

  ‘Good. Come on…let’s get this day over with,’ I said, swinging my legs over the side.

  She frowned at me. ‘How come? Something bad happening?’

  ‘Oh no…I just meant the long drive is something I could do without,’ I lied.

  ‘Oh yeah…it is a long way…’

  ‘It sure is,’ I said, turning my back on her so she wouldn’t see the truth. This day was going to be horrendous. A necessary day though…a day to determine the path of our future happiness.

  After saying a fond farewell to my parents, we promised to see them again soon. We began to long drive and I sat thinking a lot during the drive. Every time I closed my eyes, he was there. I could feel him and I could see him now. I sensed where he waited, and knew that he was excited. He was excited about killing Jess. What he didn’t know was that I was ready for him.

  We took our turns in driving but it was long and arduous. It didn’t help that I knew what we were facing at the other end. Captain Withers had assured me there would be men waiting in the shadows. If we faced a man in shadows; we would make our own shadows, he had assured me.

  As we neared the property, I felt my nervousness increase. He was definitely there. I could feel him. Sense him, near.

  We went past the sign for the town Jess lived in and she sighed happily.

  ‘Home,’ she said happily.

  ‘Yes,’ I smiled.

  ‘I can’t wait to get back now…I love my house by the sea.’

  ‘I know,’ I said calmly, although inside I was a quivering wreck. The closer we got, the more I was sure he was waiting.

  She drove on and the lanes got narrower. It became more rural and I reached for my phone. No signal, it read. Of course. I chastised myself, telling my worrying thought to stop. Captain Withers would be there…he would be ready and waiting for the right chance to strike.

  I had spoken to him about the capture of Jess’ twin on the phone. I had told him to wait and not apprehend him when he first emerged. Somehow I knew that it would go wrong if they did it at that point. Waiting was necessary and if they let him think that he had won; and that he had got us-he would let his guard down. That was the moment to strike.

  Jess pulled into the driveway and I looked around at the trees which surrounded the property. I felt my senses become even more alert as the evil smiled at me from the distant bushes. He was happy. We were back. He considered us his now.

  I climbed out of the car slowly, my boots crunching into the snow.

  ‘I’d forgotten how much snow there is up here,’ Jess, said, smiling at me. She was completely oblivious. She had no idea what was about to happen.

  I felt myself smile tensely. ‘I know! It’s cold too…I reckon there’s more on the way.’

  ‘You should know!’ she grinned.

  I followed her across the driveway and towards the house. I tried to figure out where he was, as I looked across at the trees. I could see no sign of him, and also no sign of the Captain and his men. If they were doing their job well though, that was a good thing.

  I paused at the door, waiting for it to happen, almost willing it to get started. I wanted this done so I could find the happiness I had seen in my dream. I didn’t see or hear anything though. Where was he?

  I followed Jess inside and stood inside the doorway feeling confused. Where was he? This was when he was meant to strike. Turning, lost in thought, I stood there confused for a moment and then realised my mistake. While I had stood deliberating, Jess had gone back outside to get the bags from the car. Gasping in sheer horror, I turned and ran for the door. Sure enough, there she was lying on the floor. Forgetting all instinct and what I knew, I ran for her and bent beside her. Her unique eyes stared at me, unconscious and unseeing. She had blood seeping from her head and it was just like my dream-quick realisation hit me, just as the hammer blow to the back of my head. I had forgotten what came next-I was his next victim. I collapsed to the floor in a heap beside Jess.

  When I woke next, the first thing I felt was an unusual and painful pressure in my head. It pounded rhythmically. The next thing I realised was that my hands were bound behind my back; and it hurt when I moved.

  I blinked, trying to open my eyes and found the light in the room too bright. Panic seized me. Where was Captain Withers and his men? Why had we been captured and why were we even in this position. Maybe I had been wrong to trust in the Captain. Maybe I should have told Jess what was going to happen.

  A voice penetrated my conscious, and I heard him in the flesh for the first time.

  ‘Stupid fuck,’ he muttered in disgust.

  I blinked my eyes and opened them finally. At the end of the bed, he stood. He stared at me with evil intent in his eyes. His eyes amazed me; even in the middle of an intense and horrendous situation. They were exactly the same as Jess’. In fact, his whole face was startlingly familiar. He was a male version of Jess.

  ‘Came back at last, didn’t you?’ he said, with a sneer.

  I glared at him, saying nothing. His thoughts were disgusting and I hoped he never got the chance to enact them.

  ‘Fucking bitch over there…’ he muttered.

  My head whipped around and I saw Jess. She was lying on the other bed and she was awake. Her eyes were wide and startled; she was looking at me with intense alarm. Worry filled her mind and she stared at me. She was bound way more than me. Her arms were tied behind her back, her legs were also bound tightly. Her mouth was stuffed with cloth too and she didn’t seem to be able to move. What she could do was think though…and she was trying to get my attention. The trouble was, so was her twin.

  ‘I’ve been watching you two for days…fucking lesbian twats.’

  I said nothing.

  ‘And now you’re back…ready for me,’ he said, smiling at his success.

  I glanced at Jess. She was staring at me intently. She was trying to send me a message, I realised.

  ‘Can’t f
uck my own sister, can I?’ he goaded, his face distorted with the sheer anger he felt towards us, ‘so I’ll just have to fucking rape you, bitch…get ready to be fucked by a real man. I bet you’ve never even had a real man screw you-fucking lesbians.’

  I turned my gaze away from the evil he spouted and concentrated on the message Jess was trying to send me. It was something about the top drawer. Something was in the top drawer. A gun! I realised at last. She kept the gun in her top drawer. If I could get to it, we could get out of this alive. I immediately tried to start loosening my bindings and found that I was beginning to find an unsecure bit of rope. I wriggled and pulled until I found my hands free. As I reached for the gun, he roared into life and jumped on top of me, pinning me down. He yanked and pulled at my clothing, hitting me and wrestling with me. He was enjoying the fight I put up as he tried to get the gun away from me.

  His body held mine fast but I held onto the gun. It was between us and cocked; ready to be fired.

  In those seconds of fury and franticness, all I could hear was Jess’ voice in my head. ‘Fight,’ she screamed. ‘Fight!’

  We fought and he muscled me down but I held tight to the gun and in a moment of sheer panic, it went off.

  Sudden silence filled the room and for a moment I didn’t know if it was he or I who had been hit. I didn’t know if it was I who was dead. I looked up as he slumped down on top of me, dead. His eyes were wide and staring-exactly the same eyes as Jess-clear, crystal green with flecks of brown in them. I panted and breathed, unable to move. Panic filled me and in that moment, when my actions weighed down on me heavily, the cavalry arrived. Captain Withers and his team of men swarmed the room and he was off me in a second. They had him pinned to the ground before they realised he was dead. We were unbound and assisted with seconds.

  I found myself shaking and unable to stop. A kind of panic attack took over and breathing became difficult. I had killed a man. He had been going to kill us, but still…I had killed. I would never be the same again.

  As I sat shivering in the corner, Jess came to my side. She knelt and took me in her arms. We both cried as we held each other. While the scene was dealt with around us, we were taken away.


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