Let it be Us

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Let it be Us Page 6

by Barbara Speak

I expected excitement, but what I got was anything but that.

  "I'm pretty busy tomorrow."

  I remembered her offering the very day up for grabs twenty-five minutes before but was too insulted to care for an explanation. I read her wrong. Obviously she was just as quick to judge me and was the last person I needed to be around.

  "I guess I'll see ya when I see ya."

  She said nothing as I walked away.

  Driving back to pick up Shelby was torture. I went from flying high about school to wondering what the hell is wrong with me as to why I always attracted the weirdos. Something just didn't sit right with Tonya's switch in personality. She went from laughing and having fun to brushing me off as fast as she could. Did an ex of hers burn her so bad that she judged me for sticking around? I didn't know, but before I could figure it out, Shelby was climbing in the back seat.

  "Hi! How'd it go?"

  "Hi to you too. It went okay. The better question is how was your day?"

  "Oh, you won't believe what Sarah did!"

  The ride back to Canyon's was solely about how Sarah Livingston had to go to the principal’s office for throwing pencils at Mike Barker. By the time we pulled into the driveway I regretting asking the question to begin with. Third grade drama wasn't high on my list of importance, apparently. I was hoping she could change my thoughts but it did nothing for it.

  Canyon meeting us at the truck with his trademark smile did the job slightly. Shelby b-lined it to the barn without even as much as a hello for him. I laughed as I climbed out, watching her with two full-grown puppies jumping alongside of her feet.

  "Hello there, beautiful. Are you going to ignore me too, or can I at least get a kiss first?"

  "You have no idea how much I could use that kiss right now."

  "Then why are you still talking? Get over here."

  He pulled me to him and brushed his lips across mine, pulling back much quicker than I wanted.

  "Now tell me, how'd it go?"

  "Class was great. I loved every minute of it."

  "That's awesome, darlin’. See, I told you there wasn't going to be anything to worry about."

  "Yeah, you were right about class, but I ran into that girl Tonya from the office—"

  "Not the crazy one?"

  "Yep, the very one. She and I went to grab coffee—"

  "You went somewhere with her? Why? She's nuts."

  "Quit cutting me off and listen."

  "Well if it's gonna be long-winded you need to start walking while you talk. I have a surprise for you."

  "You do? What for?"

  "No reason really. I just saw it today and knew you would love it."

  "You didn't have to get me anything, Canyon."

  "Would you quit and walk?"

  He took my hand and led me to the barn. I had absolutely no idea what he possibly wanted to show me until we got to the tack room and I saw all of it. I laughed out loud, but only because he actually paid for it, and I knew how much his pride was put to the test by doing so.

  Hanging from a hook was a bridle, blinged out with purple stones. Below it sat a purple saddle pad that matched along with metallic purple stirrups.

  "You don't like it, really? Stop laughing!"

  "I'm... sorry... but picturing you buying this...It's just funny!"

  I was trying my hardest to control myself, but it just wouldn't happen. The laughs kept coming until my stomach actually hurt.

  "Forget it. I'll just take it all back."

  "No! No! I love it!"

  I jumped into his arms, catching him off-guard and almost knocking him backward. When he regained his balance, I placed a single kiss on his nose to let him know how my teasing him was just for fun. The real kiss came afterwards to show him the thanks I truly felt he deserved. I loved it all, and the fact he took the initiative to get it for me meant so much.

  "Damn, woman, if I get this every time I buy you something, you're going to receive the world."

  I pulled back just enough to let him witness my happiness. He truly made my heart feel full, and I let myself bask in it.

  "You are perfection, Ari. God, I could stare at you forever."

  "What can I even say to match that?"

  "Promise I still have forever to do it."


  "Don't. Just let me have this, and whatever comes next I will find out about later."

  He set me down and then tapped the tip of my nose.

  "You want to use the new tack, or let it look pretty?"

  "Oh I am so ready to dress Magnus up."

  "You are seriously twisted, darlin’."

  "But you loooovveeee me."

  "Damn right I do."

  Several hours later we were riding back from the cliff where the mustangs could be seen with Shelby tagging along behind us.

  "I can't get over how natural she is."

  "Well, what did you expect? Look who taught her."

  "That's exactly what has me amazed."

  "Smart ass."

  I pushed Magnus and in seconds we were running through the wood line and into the field, leaving the ravine behind. I no longer had any fear. That disappeared long ago.

  "You didn't think you could get rid of me that easy, did you?"

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Cain inching up to Magnus. I kicked Magnus again, pushing him even further. I knew Cain was powerful, but there wasn't a horse on the planet that I felt could out run Magnus, even if we were neck and neck. I was determined to beat Canyon and didn't pay attention to the fact Shelby had kicked Nyah to try and keep up. I didn't notice that Canyon was no longer by my side. I wasn't focused on anything but winning until I reached the fence of the corral alone. Turning back to watch Canyon sulk as he approached me never happened and within seconds I knew something was wrong. Steering Magnus back toward the field I prayed he would somehow gain the ability to travel at warp speed as I kicked him. I just couldn't get there fast enough. Coming over the hill I was met with Shelby's terrified scream. Off in the distance were the horses with Canyon at their feet. Kicking Magnus again, I rode low, trying to gain any extra speed we could get. By the time we reached them, I was jumping off Magnus and running to their side. Shelby was lying on the ground with Canyon holding her leg.

  "Ari, I need you to stay with her while I go get my truck."

  It was like I couldn't hear. Everything in me froze up as soon as I saw the split open skin that Canyon was holding closed. It had to be 4 to 5 inches long.

  "Ari, damn it! Listen to me! You need to do this!"

  I shook my head trying to gain clarity over the sound of Shelby's screams that all of a sudden were audible. Within seconds, I was down on my knees, placing my hands where Canyon instructed.

  "Apply pressure here. Don't let go. I'll be right back."

  He stood up, staring back down at us.

  "Are you sure you got this, sweetheart? You cannot let go, do you understand?"

  "Just go!"

  Canyon grabbed Magnus and jumped on his back, and before I could blink they were gone. Looking back at Shelby I knew the most important thing was to stay calm.

  "It's going to be okay, honey. We are going to get this fixed, and you're gonna be just fine."

  She continued to scream no matter how many times I tried to console her. Without being able to remove my hands, I couldn't brush the hair away from her face or do anything I thought would help. I kept pressure on her leg, but blood seemed to be coming out faster than it was when Canyon was there, and it scared me. I looked back toward the house waiting for his truck but it seemed to take forever. Seconds felt like a lifetime.

  All of a sudden Shelby stopped crying. I whipped my head back just in time to watch her eyes roll in back in her head.

  Only then did I let my true fear show as I screamed at the top of my lungs, "No!"

  Chapter 9

  By the time I heard the truck tearing through the field I was out of a voice from screaming. Shelby hadn't woken up, and my worst fe
ar was becoming a reality. Shelby wasn't with me anymore; I was alone. I never let go of her leg even though the blood had far surpassed my hands and was covering the ground around us. Without being able to move, I couldn't feel for her heart beat. I kept telling myself that she just passed out from the pain but something inside me knew it was worse than I was willing to accept.

  Ruts were dug into the Earth as Canyon skid to a stop and jumped from the vehicle, running to be by my side. Without a word spoken he scooped her from the ground and ran to the truck, placing her in the backseat. I was right behind him watching as he grabbed a rag and began tying it around her tiny leg.

  "Ari, get in and drive. I need to stay back here with her."

  "Is she..."


  I didn't ask again. I couldn't face the answer he might give me. Faith was never something I believed strongly in, but it was all I had left. We left the horses in the field and drove the entire way to the hospital without a sound other than Canyon calling the ER to have them prepped when we arrived.

  I think we were both just destroyed at the possibility before us. He never explained to them what happened which surprised me, but then again, knowing him, he was protecting me from the truth.

  I did ninety miles per hour where I could. Rock roads plagued my chances in back wood country. By the time we made it to the entrance, I was in no place to care where I left the truck. Throwing it in park, I raced around to meet Canyon as he exited the back seat with Shelby lifeless in his arms.

  Not waiting, I ran into the ER screaming for help. Three medics at the desk wasted no time rushing to Canyon and led him back to a room where a doctor was waiting.

  "How long ago did this happen, and what did this?"

  I knew it had been close to an hour, but Canyon beat me to answering him as he set her down on the bed.

  "Fifty-two minutes, and she fell from a horse. She must have sliced it open on a branch or something, I don't really know."

  The doctor immediately took her vitals not waiting for Canyon's response to his question. Lifting his head to look at a nurse, he said, "Let them know we are bringing her up for surgery and get me several pints of blood, stat!"

  "Is she going to be okay?"

  Two nurses unlocked the bed and began wheeling her from the room while another grabbed the phone on the wall and repeated the orders the doctor had given. I thought my question would go unanswered, but the doctor walked over to me resting his hand on my shoulder.

  "She's going to be just fine once we replace the blood lost and suture this closed. She might have severed an artery, and that is what I'm most concerned with. Don't worry, though, she's in great hands."

  "Are you sure she's going to be okay? She wouldn't wake up."

  "Wouldn't you pass out? That has to hurt like a son-of-a-you-know-what. Now, go fill out the insurance forms, and I will meet you in the waiting area when we are done."

  That was it. She passed out from the pain. She was going to be okay. I kept repeating the doctor’s words as he followed the bed my little sister was on out of the room.

  Canyon's arms wrapped around me from behind as he pressed his cheek to mine.

  "It's all going to be okay, darlin’."

  I broke. My entire body shook while I let out all the pent up fear I had been holding in. He never let me go.

  "I was so scared, Canyon. If I lost her..."

  "But you didn't. She's going to be just fine."

  "I didn't even know she fell! I was so worried about beating you in a stupid race that my sister was hurt, and I didn't even know!"

  He spun me to face him.

  "Don't you dare blame yourself. This is more my fault than anyone's. She is a beginner, and I never should have trusted her instincts if something started going wrong."

  He looked destroyed with guilt yet still he wanted to ease mine. It was time I let it all go and focused on the positive.

  "Listen, accidents are exactly that, accidents. All we need to focus on is that little girl coming home. You and I both know there isn't anything we wouldn't do for her. I'm just glad she's going to be all right."

  "Amen to that."

  Three hours later, Shelby was awake. Over one hundred stitches were needed to close up the wound that ended up being four layers deep after they repaired the tear in the artery. She was definitely groggy when we first saw her, but the fact her eyes were open made me the happiest girl in the world.

  "You had us pretty scared there, princess."

  Canyon walked to her bedside and brushed the curls off her forehead while I sat at the end next to her good leg rubbing on it back and forth.

  "I'm just happy you are okay."

  "Pink unicorns."

  Canyon looked at me like I was somehow going to explain what that meant.

  "What did you say?"

  "Puppies poop a lot."

  Canyon and I burst out laughing together. Clearly the pain meds had made her comfortable.

  "What's funny?"

  Canyon tried but couldn't stop laughing to answer.

  "Nothing, honey. Nothing at all."

  Several hours later, we were released as I pushed Shelby in a wheelchair to the truck Canyon had been so kind to move. Because the gash stretched from her mid-calf to the outside of her knee, they were forced to cast it, keeping her from bending her knee so that it could heal. Canyon placed her carefully in the backseat before he returned the wheel chair. I climbed in after Shelby, sharing the backseat. There was no where I wanted to be other than next to her.

  By the time we pulled into Canyon's, it was late. No one had eaten, but the largest issue wasn't realized until then.

  "We can't stay here."

  "What do you mean you can't stay here?"

  "Don't take it personally, I just mean that you have a two-story. The steps to the bedroom, the mere size of the place—none of it will work."


  "Why don't you just take us to the house? We can work out coming by every day. It's not like we won't see you."

  "Oh you got that half right."

  He was out of the truck before I could say another word. I glanced over at Shelby confirming she was still asleep before I ran after him, coming to a stop at the base of the steps as he swung open the porch door.

  "What are you doing?"

  He didn't even turn to face me. He simply stated, "Packing" before he disappeared into the house.

  I waited until he came back out with a bag to ask, "Why? Don't you need to be here for—"

  "No. Where I need to be is with you. Shelby is going to require a lot of work and time that you can't give her. Everything I need done can be handled by someone else. She isn't one of those things."

  "Canyon, I can do this."

  "Not with school you can't. Now stop arguing, and let's get her home."

  "Don't get bossy with me."


  "Fine, we will discuss this later."

  After we got Shelby comfortably tucked in bed, Canyon and I went to the kitchen to talk this out. Or more like I was hell bent on changing his mind.

  "You have to leave the day after tomorrow. How do you think you are going to make a difference here? I can handle this. She can walk she's just going to have to learn how with the cast. This isn't life or death, and you passing off all of your responsibilities to take care of mine doesn't make sense to me."

  "You think you're alone in this? That little girl in there means more to me than I will ever be able to explain to you. And no one, including you, is going to tell me that I can't be here to take care of her."

  "You love her that much?"

  "Did you really just ask me that? The two of you mean more to me than anything else in the world. I can't believe that you would ever even doubt that for a second."

  I knew it was stupid question to ask, and his face showed exactly why I knew. He was definitely upset. I think after finding out about Brooke I never really got my security back in our situation even though he had never
given me any reason to doubt him.

  "I'm sorry. I know you love her, and it was wrong of me to ask. It just seems extreme for you to do all of this."

  "There is no measure to what I would do for you. How many times do I have to prove this? Please tell me what I need to do, Ari, and I will do it."

  "Canyon, you have to understand, as good as everything is between us, it's going to be ripped apart when that baby gets here. There's no question that I love you, but there are definitely insecurities, and I can't help that."

  He crossed the space between us and took me in his arms.

  "I'm not letting you go again, Ari. Run all you want, but I will follow you this time."

  His lips met mine, and there was no refusing him. As his hands gripped the back of my head and pulled me to him, I became lost in what pleasure only he could bring me. I felt him let go of my hair and then they reappeared at the bottom of my shirt, pulling it over my head in one fell swoop. Once our eyes met again, it was on. Both of us tore at our clothes until we were standing completely naked in front of each other seconds later. I thought I had his body memorized, but I was completely wrong. He was so much better than my imagination allowed me.

  "You are stunning, darlin’. Absolutely stunning."

  I opened my mouth to say something equally as sweet but was cut off when he picked me up, crashing his mouth to mine. I was so giddy with the idea of having sex with him again. So much so, that my smile couldn't be helped.

  "Is something funny?"

  I was caught and completely embarrassed because of it.

  "No! Not at all."

  "Then why are smiling?"

  "I'm just happy."

  He looked at me for a second before his own smile showed up.

  "You want to ride a cowboy!"

  "Oh, my God! Did you seriously say that?"

  "You bet your sweet ass I did."

  I laughed so hard that I killed the mood entirely, leaving us uncertain as to what to do. Well, that actually only lasted a second before I heard, "Arianna?" followed by an "Oh shit!"

  The two of us were scrambling for our clothes as if she could walk in on us any moment, forgetting completely that she was nowhere ready to be walking at all.

  Together we giggled as we left the kitchen heading for her room. All of a sudden Canyon's mood changed when he grabbed my hand to stop me before saying, "This isn't over. You will be mine tonight, over and over and over again."


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