Dirty Sex

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Dirty Sex Page 18

by Ashley Bartlett


  “Reese, I need help too,” I yelled at my closed door.

  “Hold on. I’m helping Ryan.”

  Some genius decided that if we were going out, we should sell another bar. That might have been my fault. A different sort of genius decided that if we were going to be seen, then Ryan and I had to be disguised. Damn Reese.

  “Reese,” I called again.

  “Damn it. I’ll be there in a second.” It was closer to ten minutes.

  “Finally,” I complained the second she was through the door.

  “You’re like a child.” Reese snatched the Ace off the bed and approached me. “Arms up.” I did as I was told. She started wrapping the bandage under.

  “You want me to push my tits down?”

  “It would be helpful.” So I did. “Not like that. That’s just cleavage. Like you did before.” Reese tossed the bandage on the bed. An annoyed grin tugged at the corner of her mouth as she flattened her palms over my chest. My nipples got hard.

  “I like it when you do it.” I placed my hands over hers.

  “Too bad.” Reese slid her hands out from under mine. Great, now I was just feeling myself up. “Don’t move.”

  After that, it didn’t take long for her to wrap my chest so it looked like I had awesome pecs instead of tits. Reese checked to make sure it was secure then handed me a T-shirt. I pulled it on and faced her.

  “What do you think?”

  “If I were into boys, I’d be so into you.” Reese tweaked the bottom of my shirt like she was going to pull it off again.

  “How about girls dressed like boys?” I put my arms around her.

  “I could be into that.” She finally let me kiss her. That girl could kiss. She was all warm, smooth lips and teasing tongue.

  Ryan pounded at the door. “Reese, I need help again.”

  “I’m coming,” Reese shouted back.

  “Stay. Help me.” I grinned and tightened my grip on her.

  Reese removed my arms and stepped away. “Put your pants on.” She grabbed the pair of Ryan’s jeans that were on my bed and held them out at arm’s length.

  “I don’t know how.” I took the jeans and tried to look helpless.

  “You can handle it. I’m sure.” She headed for the door. “It shouldn’t take much longer to get him ready,” she said before she went out.

  With the door shut, I resumed getting dressed. We’d already decided against me wearing tight jeans and packing. I wanted to blend in, and most guys wore baggy jeans that didn’t outline their junk. A few minutes later, I went out into the suite. The twins were in Ryan’s room with the door shut. I poured myself a drink and waited. I had a feeling that Reese helping Ryan get into drag might have better results so I was a little curious. But it was still probably going to be a disaster. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting what came out of his room.

  “Holy shit. You’re smokin’.” He was fucking gorgeous. In a hot slut kind of way. Reese had obviously done the hair and makeup. His face was just made for it. Even the body, which totally surprised me, was sexy. He had just enough ass, standing there in a skimpy dress with a short skirt and stripper heels. “And you’ve totally got a streetwalker thing going on, by the way.”

  “It’s Vegas,” was his explanation. “I was going to go classier, but I figured I should go all-out.”

  “It works.” It did. “I’d totally hit on you.”

  “Thanks.” His sensuous lips curled into a smile.

  “Want to make out?” I was only half kidding. He was that pretty.


  He attempted sexy when he walked toward me, but he couldn’t pull it off. We were moments away from a disgusting, sloppy, fake kiss when Reese had the good sense to stop us.

  “You really want to kiss him with that bulge between his legs?” She snagged the scotch out of my hand and took a sip.

  I glanced down and there it was. Gross. “Ewww, you gotta tuck your junk.”

  “I did.” He stepped back all indignant.

  Reese and I pointedly looked at the very noticeable tent in his dress.

  “I tucked my junk, okay?” To our horror, he reached under his skirt and pulled out one of Reese’s Walthers. He was right though, no visible dick after that.

  “Ryan,” Reese screamed. “Now I’ll never be able to use that again.”

  “Calm down. It wasn’t touching anything.” He tried to hand it back to her. She backed away fearful of the possible STDs.

  “Bro,” was all I could think of to say.

  “Where else was I supposed to put it?” Ryan asked. Neither of us had an answer. The dress was skintight.

  “Just don’t carry it,” I finally told him.

  “Fine.” Ryan tried to give the gun to Reese again, but she still wouldn’t touch it.

  “Can we just go?” Reese seemed pretty unhappy.


  This time, Reese parked in front of the scary cinderblock building instead of miles away. We learned quick.

  “For real?” Ryan stared at it with his mouth open. “It’s shady.”

  “Just go to the door and hit the buzzer and he’ll let you in.” I acted like it was no big deal. Just casually selling a piece of metal that could have paid for my entire education. Like ten times.

  “You guys aren’t going to leave me here, right? Because that would be really mean.” He actually seemed to think it was a possibility.

  “We’ll be right here.” Reese patted his knee awkwardly.

  “All right.” Ryan took his purse that was way heavier than it should have been and got out of the car. “If you abandon me, I’ll never forgive you.”

  “We won’t leave you. Promise,” Reese said.

  The second he slammed the door shut, I asked, “Should we take off?”

  “It would be amusing.” Reese considered for a second. “Probably not a great idea though.”

  “Oh, well.” I leaned forward into the front seat. “Want to make out?”

  “Not so much.” Reese waved to Ryan. He was watching us from the vestibule inside the first door. He smiled back at her.

  “Why did I have to be in drag again?” The bandage on my chest was itchy.

  “Because all of us decided that if either of you left the room, you had to be disguised.” Stupid idea. “Move over.” Reese pushed me to the side and climbed into the backseat with me. At least our rental car had a bigger backseat than the Mercedes.

  “How long do you think he’ll take?” We turned toward each other. Reese put her legs around my waist. The movement pulled her shorts tight against her thighs.

  “Not sure. You think he can see us?” I glanced behind me. With the tinted windows, I was pretty sure he couldn’t.

  “Probably not. As long as we don’t make out, we’ll be fine.” In the dim light I couldn’t really see her eyes, but I could see that smile. Mischievous.

  I tucked my hand under the bottom edge of her shorts. Reese scooted closer. I moved my hand higher and scratched my nails down her thigh.

  “That’s making me wet.” Reese groaned softly.

  “That was kind of my intention.”

  “You’re crazy.” Reese curled her fingers around my forearm and pushed my hand farther up her shorts. The backs of my fingers brushed her soaked underwear.

  “I’m not the crazy one.” I edged the last barrier aside with my thumb so I could press the tips of my fingers into her pussy. Reese rocked forward until my first knuckle was buried. I pulled out.

  “Damn it.” Her breathing had picked up. “We don’t have time for that. Just fuck me.”

  “I never said I was going to fuck you.” I tapped her clit lightly, repeatedly. The muscles in her thighs tightened, inching us closer together.

  “Either you do it or I will.” Was that supposed to be a threat?

  “Works for me.” I stopped touching her.

  “Come on.” She gripped my arm again and tried to force my hand back to where it had been. “Please.”

/>   She did say please. “All right.” I pushed back into her fast and hard. The grip on my arm tightened. I kept up the rhythm and added pressure to her clit with my thumb.

  “Babe,” Reese groaned. She braced her hands on the seat behind her so she could raise her hips. I picked up speed. It wasn’t easy the way we were sitting, but I couldn’t stop. Every time I pushed into her, she whimpered until she was constantly moaning, begging. It was addicting.

  “Reese.” Her head snapped up. “Do it. Come,” I told her.

  She was already going to. I could feel it in the tightening of her cunt. With my permission, she did. Moisture flooded my hand one last time. As I evoked that last spasm from her, she collapsed back on the seat.

  “Fuck,” Reese breathed. “You are so damn good at that.” Couldn’t hear that enough.

  “It’s you.” I carefully pulled out of her. “You make me good.”

  “Kiss me.”

  I leaned down to steal a kiss. She sucked my lip into her mouth, made me feel inside of her again, then let me go.

  When Ryan returned to the car, we were sitting in the front seat acting nonchalant with the windows down. It had seriously smelled like sex, but I was pretty sure the scent was dissipating.

  “That wasn’t so bad.” Ryan got in the backseat. “You guys were right.”

  “Told you so.” I had told him.

  “You ready for some strenuous labor?” Reese started up the car.

  “Shit, guys.” We both turned back to look at him. “I’m wearing a dress.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Pull off here.” I pointed to the side of the freeway.

  “You’re not even looking at the GPS.” Reese pulled over anyway.

  “Yes, I am.” I was. “And it doesn’t matter anyway. I recognize it.” There was a weird light pole.

  “You can’t remember it. You only drove here once.” Reese checked the GPS. The girl never believed a word I said.

  “I have no idea where we are,” Ryan announced. I glanced back and saw him holding out the neckline of his dress to stare at his fake boobs.

  “Probably because you’re checking out your tits.”

  Reese spun to look so fast I was afraid she was going to lose control of the car. The second she saw him, she started laughing her ass off. “I told you they were nothing like the real thing.”

  “You think I can’t tell that?” Ryan cupped his chest. “If I’m going to dress like a chick I should at least get the benefits.”

  “Chicks don’t feel themselves up.” Even though we’d had this conversation, I figured I’d remind him. He opened his mouth to protest so I cut him off. “Not even lesbians.”

  “You guys are so boring.” He gave up on touching himself.

  “Where am I supposed to stop?” Reese glanced at the GPS unit again.

  “Now you want my help?” I said and was rewarded with a serious glare. “Calm down.” More glaring. “Go more to the left. We only have another mile or so.”

  After Reese stopped the car, Ryan and I got out and found the spot where we needed to dig. Reese opened the trunk of the car and pulled out a shovel.

  “Is there any chance I can convince you guys to do all the digging?” She attempted to shove the shovel in the ground. It bounced, hit her, and dropped. Ryan and I really tried not to laugh. It didn’t go so well. Reese pouted and attempted to cry. Which just made us laugh more.

  “Suck it up, babe.” I picked up the offending tool and handed it back.

  “I hate both of you.” But she did take the shovel.

  Ryan went through his little routine of putting on his shoulder holster and gun. Then he took off his heels and tossed them in the backseat. He looked like an idiot. Okay, the whorish dress and the holster were kind of a hot combination, but whatever. He was still dumb.

  “You’re such a tool.” I had to make sure he knew. The holster tightened his stretchy dress across his chest. The black leather contrasted against the shimmering material, but not in a good way.

  “You just wish you had this.” Ryan did a little shimmy and ran his hands over his body. The sexy chick from earlier was officially gone. In her place was a dumb boy in a dress.

  “I think I might hurl.” I reached out like I was feeling weak and caught myself by grabbing his boob. “I’m feeling a little better.”

  “Guys.” Reese looked pissed. “Focus.”

  “Fine, I’m almost ready.” Ryan removed my hand and opened the backpack his gun had been in. He pulled out a fresh bottle of scotch. Reese and I just stared. He cracked it open, took a swig, and held it out to us.

  “Really, Ryan? Really?” Reese was about ready to smack him.

  “What? It’ll make digging more fun.” He acted like that was rational.

  “Bro, you brought a gun, a holster, and a bottle of scotch?” He nodded as I listed things off. “And it never occurred to you to bring pants?”

  “No.” He set the bottle down. “I didn’t think of that.”

  “Way to go.” I picked up the bottle and drank some. Might as well partake. “Let’s get started.”

  In between shoveling dirt out of the hole, Ryan and I passed the bottle back and forth. We built a cadence. He’d dig and I’d drink, then we’d switch. By the time we hit the bricks, we were tipsy. Not drunk yet, but that didn’t matter to Reese. She was straight up pissed. I didn’t see why. She barely did any work, just protested the entire time. Ryan got in the hole and started handing us bars. Reese and I went back and forth between the hole and the car carrying the bricks and stacking them.

  “Can you guys move faster?” He perched on the edge of the hole and crossed his arms.

  “You just worry about getting the bars out, okay, Heather?” Reese responded with a sneer.

  “I’m waiting on you, princess.” Ryan pointed to the pile on the ground. He picked up the scotch and drank some more.

  “The faster you get those out, the sooner you can start filling the hole back in.” Yes, I was annoyed.

  “I’m tired of shoveling dirt,” he complained.

  “Okay, just get the gold out and I’ll fill in the hole.” I had to do everything. Between the two of them, there was constant whining. Reese didn’t want to dig. Ryan didn’t want to dig in a dress. I just wanted to finish. “Give me that.” I held out my hand for the booze. Ryan handed it over. I took a last swig and put it back in the car.

  Thankfully, Ryan started stacking gold again. Once he was done, I started filling in the hole. It didn’t take them much longer to finish putting the bricks back in the car and count them to make sure we had them all. Instead of helping me, they passed the scotch back and forth and watched. Assholes. Hell, maybe it would help Reese loosen up a little.

  I really tried to stay mad at them. It was difficult though. I liked pretty things and they were damn pretty. With the headlights shining right at me, I couldn’t even see the twins that well because they were behind the light. I could see enough though. Reese leaned against the side of the car with that fuckin’ bottle dangling from those gorgeous slender fingers. Ryan had his head on her shoulder and his arms around her waist. For some reason, that totally turned me on, the sight of their slender silhouettes wrapped around each other.

  “Thanks for helping, guys.” I decided to go for annoyed when I was done. That way they wouldn’t know what I was really thinking about. Irritated, I tossed my shovel on top of the gold. Then I threw the two they’d been using in as well.

  “You looked like you had rhythm.” Reese acted all naïve.

  “Yeah.” I looked her straight in the eye. “Wouldn’t want to throw off my rhythm.” She got what I was saying. Her eyes went straight to gray, though I wasn’t sure if it was from anger or memories from earlier.

  “Sorry,” she said it kind of quiet. Almost as if she meant it.

  We piled back in the car and went back to the highway. Forty minutes later, we found a good spot to pull off the road and drove out for another twenty minutes. This time when
we got out the shovels, they both actually helped. We were digging deeper this time, maybe five feet. It was wider too, so we could actually stand in it. A couple feet down, only one of us fit anyway so I stepped up. They started unloading and stacking our loot so it would be ready.

  “What do you think?” I grabbed the bottle sitting on the edge of the hole I was in and had some more. It was almost gone. We were all definitely drunk. It was good it wasn’t a huge bottle. “Is it deep enough?”

  They peered down and nodded.

  “Looks good to me,” Reese confirmed.

  “Hand me the flashlight.” Unlike the night when we originally buried the gold, the moon was non-existent. We had the sedan facing us with the headlights on again, but that didn’t do much good in the hole. The light went right over.

  “Here.” Reese handed me the light.

  I flashed the beam into the corners and around the sides. Square enough for me.

  “You want us to hand the bars down?” Ryan crouched next to Reese.

  “Sure.” I gave the flashlight back. The first brick Ryan handed me went fine. The second he lost his balance and tipped forward. Reese grabbed his shoulder to steady him.

  “Maybe I should hand them to her.” Reese was slightly more sober.

  “Why don’t you hold the flashlight?” I tried to make it sound like an important job.

  Ryan bought it. “I can do that.” He grabbed the light and held it over my head. It was sort of wobbly because he kept moving, but it helped a little.

  Reese didn’t do much better than Ryan. About every fifth bar, she would drop it too quickly so it smacked into my hand.

  “Fuck, Reese. Pay attention,” I demanded after it happened one too many times. “These weigh like thirty pounds.”

  “Sorry. I am sorry.” She handed me the next one. “Was that an improvement?” It wasn’t exactly clear which she was struggling with more, speaking in that drunken, perfect way of hers or handing me bars.

  “Yes, that was fine.” Sometimes, I felt as if I was babysitting them.

  Five minutes later, she missed my hand entirely. I tried to catch it before it hit my foot and succeeded in slowing the descent at the expense of a couple fingers.


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