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Demon by My Side

Page 5

by Victoria Davies

  Jared pushed the flimsy material of her shirt higher and she made no protest. If it felt this good with him just touching her, how shattering would it be to feel him cup her breasts? Tease her nipples? Or even slide one of those talented hands even lower?

  The thought brought her eyes open with a snap. She was well on her way to screwing a demon she’d known less than two days. Where were all her vaunted standards now?

  She pushed at his shoulders even as her mind cried out against the action. This had to stop now, before she lost all ability to care how far she fell.

  A thumb brushed against the underside of her breast. She bit her lip at the intimate touch, silently wishing he’d to do it again.

  “Stop.” Her voice sounded breathy and weak even to her own ears.

  “Not yet,” he replied, kissing her again to silence her protests.

  Darcy groaned. All she wanted to do was follow his lead. She kissed him back even as she knew it was wrong.

  But wrong had never felt so damn good before.

  He rocked against her, pressing his erection between her legs. Darcy wanted to beg for more.

  Stop this, her mind ordered. Be a hunter.

  Darcy wanted to cry with frustration. For the first time in her life, she wished she was anything else.

  Words wouldn’t work on him, not when she could barely convince herself to back off. He was stronger than she was. If she was going to get his attention, she’d have to mean it.

  Regretting her actions already, Darcy caught his lower lip between her teeth. She heard his growl of approval before biting down on the tender flesh.

  Jared jerked back, blood staining his abused lip.

  “We have to stop,” she said before he could interrupt her. “I’m sorry, but we have to.”

  “Why?” He didn’t seem angry over her attack. If anything he looked more than willing to pick up where they’d left off.

  “I don’t sleep with men I don’t trust.”

  “How cute.”

  She glared at him as he wiped the drop of blood from his lip.

  As he glanced at the smear on his thumb, a smile curved his lips. “Fair warning, darling, demons bite too.”

  “Go away, Jared. Please.”

  He drew a finger over her cheek, leaning down as if to kiss her. “I like my name on your lips,” he whispered to her. “Almost as much as I like you begging me for something.”

  “For your departure,” she replied, trying to sound strong. Her body already ached for his touch.

  “Still sweet,” he purred. He lifted his head enough to meet her gaze. “Partners trust.”

  She blinked. “Not our kind of partners.”

  “Mmm.” His gaze dropped back to her mouth. “What if I promised to do you no harm while we work together?”

  She arched a brow at the suggestion. It would be nice not to have to look over her shoulder every moment. Then again, there was no guarantee he’d keep his word.

  “I don’t break my vows,” he told her, as if following her train of thought.

  “I’m still not sleeping with you.”

  His grin flashed in the darkness. “Demons also love challenges.”

  “Knock yourself out, hell boy, but I’m not yielding on this issue.”

  “We’ll see.” He drew his lips along her jaw in the lightest of touches. “I vow to you, Darcy Snow, I will not attack you until our task is complete so long as you offer me no violence in return.”

  Her breath hissed from her in shock. Playing in bed was one thing but she’d never expected the demon to truly offer a truce. A vow like the one he’d made wasn’t merely lip service. Warmth blossomed in her chest that had nothing to do with the lust he inspired.

  “Next time I find myself in your bed,” he told her, “perhaps you will remember that promise.”

  It took her two tries before she could speak. “I’m barricading my window and door from now on.”

  His lips brushed over hers in a gossamer touch. “Wouldn’t help.”

  She punched his shoulder on principle.

  Jared drew back with a grin. “Meet me tomorrow. And make sure you have something for me this time.”

  She wrinkled her nose at the command. “Where?”

  “Lose your entourage and I will come to you.”

  “You need to buy a cell phone,” she grumbled.

  “And miss seeing you hug your pillow so tight while you snore?”

  She yelped in protest.

  With a last brush of fingers over skin, he pushed from the bed.

  “Wait,” she called as he stepped toward the darkest corner of her room. “At least tell me this. Is Kerilyn alive?”

  He glanced over his shoulder. “There is a part-human hunter playing queen in the spirit realm, yes.”

  Cold swept through her, replacing the lingering warmth of his touch. The hunter was in the spirit realm? Shock robbed her of breath. Had Kerilyn really betrayed them the way the rumors claimed? “What about—” But she could no longer make out his outline in the corner. “Jared?” she called.

  She dived for the lamp on her bedside table. The corner he’d walked into boasted no windows or doors. He had to be there.

  But when light flooded the bedroom she was all alone.

  “Till tomorrow,” she sighed, leaning back against her headboard. Unable to help herself, she drew one finger along her lips and tried not to think of Jared’s mouth on hers.

  Chapter Five

  Darcy stared at the report in her hand. From the moment she first read it she’d been wondering what to do.

  The knot in the pit of her stomach was testament to the fact she didn’t have a clue. All day she’d been on pins and needles. Sooner or later she’d come face-to-face with Jared. She wasn’t sure how to handle the situation.

  She’d kept quiet about her nighttime visitor, despite the fact that Cailin kept sending her puzzled looks. Made her wonder what sort of psychic vibes she was sending off.

  She’d spent the day at the docks with a whole host of hunters. They’d brought in every professional they could find, witch or otherwise, to get a reading on the rift, and all that information was carefully typed out in the report in her hand. All she needed to figure out now was what to do with it. Give it to her would-be partner or try to scam a demon?

  Jared might be a bastard setting her up for his own purposes but he was also right. As a demon he had access to information, to options, she wouldn’t be able to get near. He could be a useful asset.

  Of course, he’d no doubt try to double cross her the second he could.

  If he truly wanted the portal closed, Jared at her side might be the key to getting through this mission alive. But if he was lying to her, this file might destroy the hunters’ chances of winning this war.

  Decisions, decisions.

  She paced down the walkway heading deeper into the park. Just for a moment she needed a breather without her colleagues, or lustful demons, pestering her. For a few minutes she could enjoy the snow and not think about the coming apocalypse.

  Tucking the file into her backpack, she veered off the path. The sound of bird calls filled the air. The snow hanging from the tree branches transformed the forest into a winter wonderland. Without much thought she started toward the field to her right and the pristine snow covering it. Ice crystals crunched under her step as her footprints left a stain on the perfect ground.

  The hairs rising on her nape, however, destroyed her pleasure over her few minutes of peace. Twirling in a slow circle, she scanned the clearing. Nothing.

  “Jared?” she called.

  There was no reply. She wasn’t surprised. Jared might be capable of inspiring fear but her reaction to him was far different from the one gripping her body. Something was out there, and it wasn’t a being on her side.

  Darcy unzipped her coat, every movement careful and precise. She slid a hand over her knives as she waited.

  Around her the forest was quiet. The winter birds had ceased their so
ngs and not even wind rustled in the trees. Everything was still until a shadow moved along the edges of the woods.

  Spirits, she realized with dread. Not the higher-level ones capable of mimicking human shape but the misshapen, beaten-down creatures who flooded the dark realm. They looked like the ghouls and goblins one read about in fairy books. Small in stature but horrific nonetheless. Solid black eyes with no hint of white watched her. Monstrous teeth too big to fit comfortably in their mouths gnashed as they edged closer. Black claws tipped every skeleton finger, the nails embedded with toxins. One scratch and she would be helpless. Their limbs were spindly, giving them the appearance of frailty, but she knew from experience what power spirits were capable of. Backed into a corner, she’d rather fight demons than spirits. Usually freed only one night a year, they saved up all their viciousness for when they could catch a human unawares.

  Like her.

  More shadows moved along the edge of the trees, reminding her that spirits rarely traveled alone. One by one the monsters stepped away from the tree cover and into the clearing. Ten, she realized with dread. About six more than she could handle on her own.

  Drawing her daggers, Darcy made the only move she could.

  She ran.

  Her feet pounded on the frozen ground as howls filled the air. The spirits launched themselves from the trees in pursuit. They were faster than her, she knew, and stronger. Darcy fought down the panic threatening to overwhelm her. A panicked hunter was a dead one. She’d need all her wits about her to survive this.

  Darting to the left, she flew down the forest paths. Dark shapes flashed through the trees lining the road. Giggles rose from the creatures, high-pitched and chilling. The monsters were merely toying with her. When they lost interest in the chase, they’d attack as a unit.

  Going on the offensive, she sprang into the trees and slashed her blades across the throat of a very startled spirit. Black blood exploded from the wound to spray the winter snow. The body collapsed, twitching as the life drained from it.

  Growls of rage erupted from the spirit’s brethren and as a group they descended. Darcy whirled to face them. One down, nine to go.

  She attacked the spirits’ most vulnerable areas, their large rounded bellies and fragile throats. Her blades slashed as she cut through flesh. Blood coated her hands and stained her clothes. Teeth flashed before her eyes and she was pulled sharply to the left when one spirit dug its claws into her coat and pulled.

  Struggling free of the constricting material, she mourned the loss of the paltry protection. Without it her arms were much too vulnerable to poisoned claws.

  A spirit lunged for her throat and she danced back. Trusting her intuition she drove her dagger behind her and felt the blade plunge into soft flesh. A scream sounded behind her as she twisted the knife to cut through internal organs.

  But despite the dent she made in their numbers there was no end to the storm of spirits. They seemed to be everywhere at once. Too many to guard against on her own.

  Teeth ripped into her arm, forcing a cry from her. She knew without looking the wound would be jagged and vicious, like being mauled by a wild animal. Hopefully the blow hadn’t hit any major muscles or her arm would be useless.

  Tips of claws sliced through the jeans on her thigh but luckily didn’t hit deep enough to break skin.

  As she fought for her life she realized there was only one hope.

  If Jared really was keeping tabs on her, he must be close. She just had to hold out until he found her.

  Putting all her trust into a demon struck her as a suicidal move, but what other choice was left to her?

  “Jared!” she screamed, praying he was close enough to hear.

  Spirits pounced. Grinning, ghastly faces filled her vision before black claws dived into her calf.

  The effect was instantaneous. One minute she was fighting with everything she had and the next her movements slowed. She struggled to keep going but her muscles refused to obey.

  The spirits stood back to watch with glee. They knew they’d won.

  Darcy sank to the ground, her body shutting down. She crumpled in the snow as the toxin paralyzed her. It was a cruel death. With their prey immobile, spirits had the time to play with their food. When they were done there’d be nothing left of her but bloody snow.

  Not even her fingers twitched as the monsters began to crowd closer. Unable to help herself, she closed her eyes as one reached for her with curved claws.

  But the blow never landed. Instead, inhuman screams filled the air.

  She was only capable of rolling her eyes up but it was enough to see Jared descending on the spirits with a vengeance. If she could she would have shivered at the black expression on his face. She’d thought she’d seen enough of the demon to know he was deadly but the man before her now exceeded every preconception.

  He fought with an ease that chilled her. Every swing of his sword connected. Flesh sprayed the nearby trees and screams rang in her ears. Jared showed no mercy as he systematically cut through her attackers. Heads rolled, limbs twitched where they fell. But the black blood pouring from the wounded never touched her. The snow she lay on was clean of all but her own wounds.

  With a last thrust he skewered the final spirit. Darcy saw the life leave its face as it dropped to the ground.

  Jared watched his prey with complete calm. The man wasn’t even breathing hard after his exertion. Barely a hair was out of place when he turned to her. When it came to this man, she was woefully out of her league.

  He strode toward her. Blood ran down the length of his naked sword. When he stood over her she wondered for a moment whether he would simply drive the blade into her heart.

  Instead he sheathed the sword and crouched by her side.

  “Are you injured?” he asked. “Besides the toxin?”

  Darcy thought of her wounded arm but knew he was asking about life threatening injuries that posed an immediate risk. Her arm could wait. She tried to shake her head but the poison kept her frozen.

  “Blink once for yes, twice for no.”

  She blinked twice.


  He reached out and pulled her into his arms. The world spun for a moment as he stood, cradling her.

  Darcy’s head lolled against his shoulder. Where was he taking her?

  “The toxins are temporary,” he told her.

  Darcy blinked in surprise. Had the big bad demon just attempted to reassure her?

  “You might want to close your eyes for this part,” he added.

  She wanted to ask why when Jared launched himself into the air.

  A scream lodged soundless in her throat. Below them the forest grew smaller and smaller as they rocketed through the sky. Bitter winter wind should have shredded her but instead she felt warm. Jared, she realized, looking up at him. He was sharing his heat.

  Once again he was doing something she’d always believed impossible. Only Terag demons had the ability to manipulate air particles with such precision control that they could lift themselves from the ground. But Terags couldn’t command fire the way Jared could. And fire demons couldn’t freeze someone’s breath in their lungs as he’d done. What was he?

  The wind rushing past them slowed and Darcy realized they were losing altitude. Gripped by the bloody poison, she was helpless to do anything but watch as Jared circled a hotel once before landing on the top balcony. The doors opened with a wave of his hand and he strode into the waiting room.

  An elegant living room sprawled out around them, everything decorated in bland shades of beige. Jared didn’t pause as he marched through the room and down the hallway.

  She barely registered being gently laid out on a massive bed before Jared moved into her line of sight. Her body would have tensed had it been able.

  Jared studied her, his gaze roving over her helpless frame. Finding herself trapped in a demon’s lair with a man who’d already made his desire for her clear, all while being more vulnerable than she’d ever be
en in her life, was dangerous. She tried to tell him with her eyes that if he so much as touched her she would drive a dagger into his heart.

  But Jared made no move either to harm or help her.

  “I wonder what thoughts are running through your mind,” he mused. Reaching out, he smoothed away a stray lock of hair that had fallen over her eyes. She blinked at the consideration of the gesture, and the gentleness.

  Any kind thoughts about the demon, however, were obliterated when he leaned down. His mouth hovered a second over hers before he leaned farther to whisper in her ear.

  “I could do anything I wanted right now,” he told her, as if the knowledge wasn’t the only thing she could think about. He drew back slightly to meet her gaze. “Remember when you wake, hunter, that I chose to protect you instead.”

  He laid a hand over her eyes and she heard him command, “Sleep.”

  She wanted to protest but the one word slithered into her mind. Magic, she realized as her eyelids dropped. Whatever spell he’d cast, there was no escaping the insidious order. Cursing her vulnerability, she slipped into sleep.

  * * *

  His gaze never left the woman sleeping in his bed. Jaral leaned back on his chair, one hand running through his hair. What the hell was he doing? Protecting a hunter? Madness. His brothers would be so disappointed in him. Hell, his father would strike him down.

  But staring at her still form he’d been struck for the first time by how vulnerable her kind truly was. And for some godforsaken reason, it troubled him.

  His lips curved as he thought of how Darcy would react to his musings. His hunter never retreated or backed down. She was so very breakable, yet there was a strength in her that drew him like nothing he’d encountered before. The passion, the violence, in her appealed to the demon within. Here was a woman he’d never have to coddle.

  He shook his head in disgust. She was his tool. His bedmate if he could woo her there. Any relationship beyond that was out of the question. Once she figured out how the rift worked he’d be gone.


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