Claiming Slice

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Claiming Slice Page 5

by Eden Rose

  Noah’s groan and grunt on the other end of the phone tells me that he’s right there with me. “Oh shit, Jen. Put your fingers back into your pussy and fuck your tight little hole. Pretend it’s me and tell me how good it feels to be my naughty girl.”

  “My fingers are still in my pussy,” I inform him but shuttle them and out. “It feels so good to have you in me, Noah. Fuck me harder! Make me scream out until my voice grows hoarse!” I beg. My body spasms and my clit hardens all over again even though I just came a few seconds ago. A new orgasm or the continuation of the last one, starts to ebb up at the top and I feel it threaten to escape.

  My body tightens around my fingers and I squeeze my eyes shut. “I’m going to stick my finger in my ass,” I blurt out as I do it. Just when my pinky pushes against the flesh, I feel the red-hot coils of pleasure and I scream from it. “I’m coming! I’m coming! Holy fuck. Noah, fuck me harder!” I demand and slam the palm of my hand against my clit. My fingers work over time and I don’t stop until the last bit of pleasure is milked from my body.

  “Oh god. Baby, tell me how good it feels to have me in your ass? Tell me that you want me to fuck you so hard that you can’t sit down. Tell me right now!”

  “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me as if you own this pussy!”

  He grunts out and then takes a calming breath as if he’s trying to relax. “Shit! Yeah, yeah! Fuck. Take this dick!” And then I hear him finish on the other end and I retract my hand from my tired pussy. “I have never came that hard before.”

  I nod my head in agreement but then remember that he can’t see me do it. “Me either.”

  “You know we gotta do this in real life now, right?”

  Surprisingly, I feel shy even though I just had phone sex with the man. I’m not a virgin or anything and I love sex. Hell, I would probably tell you that I have more casual sex than most men do. But after what just happened with Noah, I suddenly need to withdraw from him.

  “Good night, Noah,” I murmur to him and hang up the phone.

  My body is spent and feeling very used but in a good way. I look down at the sweat that began to pour out over me and I smile to myself. That was probably the hottest phone sex I have ever had. Fuck me, that was the best sex I have ever had.

  SLICE: Do you run track? Because I heard you Relay want this dick

  I burst out laughing as I read his text and then throw the phone on the couch. My legs are wobbly as I walk my happy ass to my bedroom to go to sleep. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow of doing people’s hair, plus I think that Chantal is going to come in so I could do hers.


  I’ve texted Jen now three times so far this morning and that bitch hasn’t responded to one of my texts. What the fuck is up with that? I know that she got off last week on the phone and I know that she had a good time doing it but why is she ignoring me?

  God damn it. I have become one of those stupid chicks that look at their phones every five seconds waiting for some guy to call them.

  Stop! I tell myself and leave my phone laying on the bed and walk into my bathroom to take a shower. My hair is thin and I need to keep it clean as much as I can. Just because I’m a biker, it doesn’t mean that I should live up to the stereotype of being smelly.

  As I wait for the water to heat up, I take a towel from the rack and unfold it to sit it on the toilet lid. One of the nice things about living in the clubhouse is that the flies are constantly doing laundry for us and we don’t have to worry about it. Hey, don’t think that we’re using them. They get just as much out of this as we do and then some.

  The steam barrels out of the shower and I push back the curtain to climb inside. Instantly, my body relaxes and all the tension and stress from wondering when she’s going to text me back has passed.

  I pour my body soap onto my washcloth and then lather it a little so I could wash my body. Just when my hand reaches my dick, my dick jumps up and demands me to let it come. This was supposed to be a simple shower, not me jacking off like some teenager that just saw his first pair of tits.

  I refuse to jerk off in the shower.

  Quickly, I wash the rest of my body and my dick is standing at full attention and begging for me to play with it. No, it’s begging me to get Jen over here to fuck me like I want her to. “Mother fucker,” I groan out and grab the shampoo and conditioner on the side of my shower. I pour a little of both in my hand and then put it on my hair. Once it’s covered, I rinse it out.

  Why the hell is Jen ignoring me? Is this some type of game to her or something? Get me all desperate for her and make me want her? This is fucking stupid. I need to stop pining over her like she’s got some whiskey pussy or something.

  I slam my hand on the faucet of my shower and it shuts off the water. I reach out blindly and grab my towel.

  There’s a pounding on my door and it makes me jump a little. “What the fuck do you want?” I bark out from my shower.

  “Quit being a little bitch. It’s time!” Mack Truck says from the other side of the door.

  I shake my head and then look down at the ground. I know exactly what time it is but it doesn’t mean that I’m looking forward to it. It’s time to discuss what The Bear has done and how he didn’t trust his brothers enough to tell us that he feels there is someone out there that is trying to kill him.

  If the tables were turned, I don’t know if I would have done what he did or bring it up to everyone at the table. What good is it to sit around and chat about something that could easily be solved by putting a bullet in their fucking brain?

  “Yeah, be out in a sec. Let me get dressed.”

  “Hurry up, asshole.”

  “Mother fuckers are so impatient,” I say under my breath and grab a pair of jeans that are strewn across the floor. I sniff them and then shrug. Yeah, they’ll do for the time being. After I get dressed, I grab my cut that’s hanging on a hook on my door. I pull it on and then walk back over to the bed to grab my phone even though I really don’t want to.

  That’s not true. I want to see if she’s texted me back but then I don’t want to see if she’s texted me back. It’s a fucking messed up conundrum that I have found myself in and I hate it. This is the most messed up woman I have ever met in my life. There are so many women that I could have but for some reason, I want this one.

  Maybe it’s because this one will make me work for it and not just roll over and do what I want her to do.

  Damn it. My brother and president’s life and status in the club is on the line and I’m sitting here obsessing over some chick that won’t even text me back. I’m being ridiculous.

  Deciding that I need to focus on the club and not bring my cell into the meeting, I throw it back on the bed. If I have my phone with me, I’m going to check it or even text her again. Text her again and be the little bitch that I’m acting like right now.

  I throw open the door to see Mack Truck and Flip standing in the hallway with cigarettes in their mouths. One of the major rules about these types of meetings is that we can’t go into them under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. Which makes sense, but I could really use a blunt right now to calm my nerves.

  “Hey,” I greet them and walk up to the middle of them and throw my hands up to clap their backs. “We ready?”

  Flip and Mack Truck look exactly like how I feel: we would rather be doing anything than this right now. This is not something that is easy to decide and it’s also some bull shit.

  Mack Truck shrugs and then hits his cigarette a couple of more times before lifting his leg a little. He stubs his cigarette out on the rubber of his boot and then throws it down onto the ground. “Not really. I would rather be fucking some bitches right now than dealing with this shit.”

  “Me, too, man,” Rabies says and scratches his chest with his hand. His room is wide open and I can see inside of it at the blonde who is laying naked across the bed with her tits out.

  “Long night?” I question him.

  He chuckles and then
shuts his door without saying anything to the chick on the bed. “Brother, let me tell you something about the woman. She scratched the fuck out of my back when I was eating her out!”

  I shake my head and then nod over at Flip to see how he’s feeling. Out of all of us patch wearing brothers, he’s one of the most sensitive ones. After the downfall of Smokey, I know that Flip has felt a little lost in the club and he looks like he’s struggling.

  “You all right, man?” I ask him. We start walking through the hallways to where we’re holding court this time which is in the back of the building. It’s not a long walk, but the clubhouse is set up like a maze.

  “Yeah, brother. I’m just… Shit. I don’t know.”

  I nod my head because I do understand what he’s saying. He’s as confused as I am about why The Bear didn’t come to us and tell us exactly what was going on. The whole situation is fucked up and I can’t wait to get it over with.

  By the time we get into the room where we are holding court, I’m already ready for this to be done with so I could go back to my room and stalk my phone like some little bitch. Yeah, I know. I’m being a pussy but Jen’s something else… I don’t know else to explain her.

  Maybe I just need to fuck her and get her out of my system.

  The Bear and Chantal are waiting in front of the room’s door with wide eyed expressions on their face. It’s cool that after everything, they decided to try and be together, but it doesn’t mean that every time I look at her I don’t feel the blade of the betrayal all over again.

  My fists tighten on their own when they came into my view. Every time that I see Joe, I get pissed off all over again and want to stab him. Or punch him. Something.

  I gently nod my head at them both and continue to walk into the room where the fate of our club is about to be decided. If The Bear is voted out because of this, everything is going to change and our club could be divided.

  A situation similar to this happened before I even knew about club life. Per my father (before he died, obviously) Jim “The Meat” Cole was the president for five years. Normally, a president’s reign is a lot longer than this but some bad shit happened. Jim decided that he wanted to handle a problem with The Plague on his own resulting in two of our brothers being killed in the crossfire. All the brothers were pissed as fuck but they were divided on what to do as punishment. It took about two years to get the brotherhood back together and I don’t want to have to see a Civil War during my time here.

  “All right, everyone. Take your seats so we can get this shit show on the road!” Bic says and looks at us all with annoyance. He’s one of the oldest brothers that’s still actively around and I can only imagine how he’s feeling right now. Severely disappointed in us. “You know why we are here today and we know what happened with The Bear, Smokey and Q Ball. What I don’t know is, how we are going to get past this. This is what we’re going to do. If you have something useful that you would like to say, you can speak. If you don’t, keep your mouth shut. I don’t want to start this meeting off by talking about our fucking feelings.”

  I pull my chair a little out of the formation and sprawl out in it trying to get comfortable. These plastic chairs are made for kids not adults to sit on. Especially not adults that are big men who drink and eat T- Rex wings.

  “I’ll start and then you guys can follow what I have to say. After we have said what we gotta say, we’ll bring him in and hear what he has to say.”

  All of us murmur our agreeance and then I look up at the clock on the wall to see that’s after twelve… Shouldn’t Jen be up by now? I mean, she has a job, doesn’t she? She should have fucking texted me by now.

  Bic looks at us and then shakes his head. “I’m fuckin’ pissed off that our president didn’t trust us enough to tell us what the fuck was goin’ on with Smokey or what he was feelin’ how he was. It’s bull shit that he didn’t say a word to any of us about it.”

  My eyes widen and I look around the room before looking back at him. “Slice,” Bic says to get me to talk about how I feel regarding this.

  I roll my shoulders back and then try to find the words to explain how I feel. “Look, The Bear is one of my buddies and he’s been a good president. With he did break the law and bring an outsider into the club to search through our shit. I can’t forget about that and neither anyone of you. Whatever we decide, it needs to be unanimous.”

  Mack Truck clears his throat and then speaks. Well, I guess I was done talking. “I agree with Slice on this. The Bear has done a lot of good and his ol’ lady is pretty cool but I don’t know how we’re going to get past this betrayal. Shit’s about to hit the ceiling and we need to make sure we’re on top of this before what we’re going through is leaked all through the chapters.”

  Fuck. I didn’t even think about how this could affect us throughout the other clubs around the area. If the administration found out about the president of The Lucifer’s Lair doing something like this, we would be fucked. Like turned into a colony and have no say in the inner workings of the administration.

  Flip speaks next. “I agree with the others but… This whole thing is fuckin’ nuts. We can’t strip him of his patch because he found the snitch. He found the leak in the pipes. I don’t know about you guys but I’m happy he could find out about Smokey and Q Ball. That to me is more important.”

  “No, it’s not. What is important in this whole thing is that he didn’t trust us enough to tell us what was going on,” Rabies states.

  “Well, should we let him come in and see what he has to say?” Bic asks everyone.


  “Wait,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. “Before we let him come in, we should have a general idea about what we’re going to do. I’m not happy about the betrayal, but I get why he did it. Do I think he needs to be punished? Fuck yeah. He needs to be punished. So, let’s take his kick up and then beat the shit out of him so he knows not to do this again.”

  Rabies gets a wild look in his eyes and I’m glaring at him from across the room. I know that look and it’s the look he gets when he wants blood but it’s aimed at our president.

  Many people get our laws and rules mixed up. Even though we are 1%’ers, we still have rules that keep us living the lifestyle that we want to have. One of those rules is no one can take on the president without cause. Now that we have cause, shit’s going to get fucking messy.

  The Bear comes in and delivers his speech that doesn’t sound the least bit sorry and I roll my eyes at him. I get why he did what he did, but I’m still pissed that he didn’t come and talk to me. After his speech is given, I watch him retreat out the door without his colors on. You can’t wear your patch while you’re on trial but it’s still weird without seeing his cut on.

  Everyone’s talking at once but I can’t hear a word that they’re saying because all I can think about is the fact that everything is about to change. Whether The Bear stays as a president or not, shit’s going to change.

  “Slice? What do you think, brother?” Flip asks me.

  I shrug my shoulders to shake off my thoughts and look at my brothers across the table. “I think that we should keep his kick up and then beat the shit out of him. Also, get rid of his voting rights.”

  Bic nods his head in a form of agreement and then I listen to what everyone else has to say. “So, it’s settled. Let’s get him back in here so we can talk to him about this.”

  By rolling my shoulders, I try to get the tension out of them and focus on what is about to happen. I’m still pissed off that Joe went behind our backs to handle this without us helping him, but it is what it is. After the trial is over, we all pretend that none of this happened and go on about our day. None of us can bring it up because that would mean that we are holding a grudge and that’s something that we don’t do.

  Holding on to hate and a grudge is poison and we don’t fucking do that here at Lucifer’s Lair.

  Joe comes back in and to anyone else he would look like the cocky
mother fucker that he is normally. However, I know the truth and he’s nervous as hell. He has every right to be nervous because he did us all really dirty and he needs to pay for what he did.

  Bic clears his throat and looks around the room and then back at Joe to talk to him about what we decided. “The Bear- we have decided that you will remain president but your voting rights have been stripped. Also, you will not be allowed to collect your kick up this month. Do you have anything to say regarding this?”

  Joe doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t look at any of us but he’s looking at Bic with determination and respect.

  “Also, you will run the gauntlet at a random time,” Bic finishes.

  “Aye!” We all chant.

  The gauntlet is no joke and it’s where you stand up and take hits from all the brothers. This punishment is used for extreme situations only.


  My car this morning was covered in more naked photos of me. The difference between these new ones and the last ones- I was touching myself while having phone sex with Noah. Instantly, I’m on high alert. I scan the parking lot again and then change my route to work.

  I know I’m asking for this bull shit because I like to be naked and not close my blinds, but this is getting ridiculous. If it’s Jimmy, that means he’s out of prison.

  After taking the long way to my salon, I park my car in the lot just as I’m dialing my phone. The prison answers their phone right away.

  “Interstate Prison.”

  “Hi, I’m looking for an inmate,” I answer.

  The rough voice on the other end of the line chuckles at me. “I’ve got about two thousand here. Which one do you want?”

  I giggle nervously at the man’s joke. “Yeah, I suppose I should be more specific.”

  “Who are you looking for, sweetheart?”

  “Jimmy McSimmons. Is he still locked up?” Deciding that the best way to receive answers is to immediately peel back the band-aid and get the answer I need.

  “One second,” he says and then I hear him typing something. “Uh, looks like he checked out about a week ago. Were you supposed to be receiving a notification?”


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