Claiming Slice

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Claiming Slice Page 17

by Eden Rose

  The whole ride to Jen’s, all I keep thinking about is how she played me. She played me like a fucking fiddle and now I’m fucked over. This is just great. Is this that karma bull shit that people peddle? You know where they tell you if you’re a horrible person, something bad is going to happen to you? Obviously, something bad did happen to me.

  The woman that I crave could be a backstabbing whore.

  By the time we get to her place, my mind is flooded with questions that needed to be answered. One of the main questions would be how the fuck she could be married and has never told me. Also, I want to ask if everything was a lie. If she even liked me or if she were fucking me to get to my club.

  Holy fucking shit. That’s it, isn’t it? She was fucking me to fuck with my club. God damn it!

  I park my bike on the street and see that her light in the living room is glowing yellow. When I left earlier, it was off. Which means she knows that I’m gone and hasn’t even texted or called me to tell me that she woke up and I was gone.

  Mother fucker! When did I become such a pussy?

  Joe parks his bike next to mine before killing the engine. “This isn’t gonna be fuckin’ good, man. This is gonna blow back on me and Pinky. We’ve finally got to a good place and now this shit is gonna happen? Why can’t we catch a damn break?”

  I know exactly what he’s talking about. After the betrayal from Smokey and Q Ball, all of us has been on edge more than ever. I know that I’m looking at my brothers cautiously now, wondering if one of them were on the same level that the former Veep was on.

  I clap his back out of solidarity. The truth is, I don’t have any idea what the hell is about to happen or what the result will be. What I can tell you is, I’m fucking nervous as hell.

  Part of me wants to storm into her apartment and demand that she tells me everything. The other part of me wants to tell her to go fuck off and be done with it. But the other part, a small part, wants to tell her to not worry about it and everything is going to be okay.

  The last part is shut up by the pain from the bruises.

  By the time that we get up to her door, I’m fuming pissed off all over again. I’m a 6’3 man that is raging with testosterone and a bruised ego. I don’t even wait for Joe to tell me what to do, this is my decision and I’m going to handle it how I want to.

  I reach my hand up to knock like the gentleman that I pretend to be, but then I think about how she doesn’t deserve that. She doesn’t deserve me treating her like anything more than a hole to fuck.

  Which hurts me more than it probably hurts her.

  “What are you going to?” Joe asks me with a cocky smile on his face.

  I get why he’s here, but I wish I were doing this alone. “To be honest, prez, I have no fuckin’ idea. I’ll tell you right now that I’m pissed off.”

  He nods his head a couple of times like he’s processing what I’m saying. “I want to kill this bitch if it’s true.”

  Shrugging him off and trying to block out the words he just said, I rear up my right leg and kick through the door. For someone with such a powerful husband, you would have thought he would have sprung for a better door. The wood splinters quickly, making way for me to walk in.

  I see her instantly, sitting on her couch as naked as she was when I left her this morning. She jerks a blanket to cover herself up before standing in front of me with a lot of sass that I want to spank out of her.

  I’m so pissed at this bitch that I could kill her but I still want to fuck her. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “What the fuck?” she yells.

  “No, Jen. You don’t get to ask questions. We’re asking the questions and want honest answers. Do you get my point?” I ask her, sounding out the instructions for her to better understand me.

  “I’m not a fucking stupid idiot, Noah. You don’t have to talk to me like I’m a puppy who keeps pissing on the rug.”

  This bitch’s attitude! “No, you’re not a puppy. You’re a grown woman who’s going to get some clothes on and then come back in here.”

  The Bear is watching our exchange with a sour look on his face. While Jen stomps down the hallway to get dressed, I turn to face the prez. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “I don’t like this bull shit any more than you do. That’s my girl’s best friend in there and I want to fuckin’ kill her.”

  The stomping of her heels on the floor is what alerted us that she’s back from getting dressed. Instantly, I miss her being naked. She’s covered up in a sweat shirt and a pair of baggy sweats that don’t show any of the delicious curves that I’ve come to love.

  “Do you mind telling me why you just barged into my fucking apartment?” She spits.

  Joe strokes his chin for a second before answering. “I’m gonna ask you some questions and you better answer them truthfully. Do you get me?” He takes out a cigarette then brings it to his lips. He’s daring Jen to say something about no smoking in her place.

  Her eyes flare a little from her trying to bite her tongue. Smart girl that she is, she let him do what he wanted. “Fine.”

  “Are you married?” I blurt out.

  Instantly, her eyes turn wet and glassy. “What-what are you talking about?”

  My back feels like there’s needles running up and down it. “Are you fucking married?”

  “It’s a yes or no question,” Joe pipes in. He takes a long hit off his cigarette while he waits for her to answer.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she answers stupidly.

  I take the few steps until I’m faced to face with her. “Don’t lie to me, Jen.” I take a deep breath, smelling the scent of our fucking still on her skin. It’s a musky smell that makes me hard. “I’m going to give you another chance to answer the question. Are you married?”

  Tears pour out of her eyes, down her cheeks then past her chin. “Yes, I am… but-”

  I don’t allow her to finish what she’s about to say. With a purpose that I didn’t realize I had, I find the wall closest to me and plow my fist through it twice. “How could you fucking keep that from me?” I demand after the second blow to the wall.

  “Brother, you gotta horn it in,” prez says to me calmly.

  “I didn’t keep it from you,” she denies.

  The Bear is showing his signature look of being pissed. “No, you kept the fact that you’re married to Jimmy fucking McSimmons and you’ve been hiding out here for the past two years. You didn’t think that was something that we should know?” He fires at her.

  Each word that hits Jen is like watching someone being pumped full of bullets. “It’s not like that,” she denies again.

  “No, I’m going to tell you what it’s fucking like,” I retort. My feet take me closer to her but she winces a little before skulking backwards. “I’m going to tell you that the girl I’ve been fuckin’ and trying to start something with, is already married. I’m going to tell you that one of the fuckin’ whores in the club told me about you.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m married, yes,” she shakes her head frantically. “But it’s honestly not what you think.”

  Joe stalks towards Jen who begins to back up against the wall until she’s flat against it. It almost looks as if she wants to use the wall to escape being here with us. “I’m gonna tell you what I think. Because you’re my girl’s best friend, I’m not gonna fuckin’ you.”


  “Kill me? Why the fuck would you kill me? I didn’t mention I was married because I don’t want to be! You don’t know shit about me,” I fire back at him. Normally, I wouldn’t take this shit from someone but for some reason, I feel as if I deserve a punishment or something. To atone for my sins that I never realized I had.

  With Joe being so close to my face, I wince and look away. Instantly, I cringe after showing the universe sign of being afraid. This makes me look so guilty and I hate myself for doing it. However, my best friend’s boyfriend looks lethal is scaring me really fucking bad.
br />   “Did Jimmy put you up to this? Did he plant you in my house?” Joe demands from me.

  My face grows hot from my anger festering inside of me. My stomach is spinning around in circles right now trying to keep everything down. And now, my mouth is dryer than a desert. “Are you kidding me right now?”

  Noah steps up next with him now standing to my left, effectively blocking me in against the wall. “Did he come to you and tell you to infiltrate us?” He orders.

  “No! How could you even ask me? I have never- ” I was about to tell him that I’ve never lied to him but we both know that is a lie. “You aren’t listening to me!” I yell as the tears roll down my cheeks.

  Noah paces like a caged animal across my living room muttering to himself about something. The way he’s acting… it almost seems as if he is waging a war inside of his head. I don’t know how else to describe it but he looks conflicted over something.

  I squeeze my eyes shut tight to stop crying. “Please listen to me!” I beg. I’ve watched biker documentaries before and I know how it will go if they think that I betrayed them. “I’ve never betrayed you. This is just a misunderstanding.”

  “Why would I believe anything you have to say? All I see when I look at you is a lying and deceitful little cunt!” Noah spits at me before turning his wild eyes at me. His eyes are darkened from the hate showing me the other side of him that I didn’t want to believe. I didn’t want to believe that he could be a bastard driver.

  “You don’t mean that,” I stupidly reply.

  Joe’s face is twisted into an evil look which scares me more than anything. “Jen, because you are my girl’s friend, I’m not gonna kill you for what you did. What I am gonna do is ban you from my clubhouse.”

  I feel as if someone heavy is sitting on my chest, I’m having a hard time getting oxygen to spread through my body. My breathing picks up and I’m gasping at the air trying hard to get it. Nothing is working, all that it’s doing is making me light headed.

  Leaning against the wall, I lay my head back against it hoping the cool wall will help calm me down.

  My best friend’s boyfriend’s breath is fanning over my face causing me to shiver from fear. “If you so much as look at my fuckin’ club, I will gut you, bitch. You don’t deserve this mercy I’m givin’ to you. I hope you know what you started by doin’ this. I hope it was fuckin’ worth it.”

  I place my hand over my face to hide the embarrassment and the shame I’m feeling. I didn’t even do anything wrong but I’m now feeling like I did do something. I must have because I feel the hatred and the tension in the room.

  “Tell your husband that I’m comin’ for him and he better stay out of my way. You get me?” Joe says menacingly.

  Nodding my head frantically, I do the one thing that I didn’t want to do. The one thing that I always promised myself I wouldn’t do. Beg. “Please, Noah. Please listen to me! It’s not what you think,” I cry between sobs.

  I can feel his presence in front of me but I don’t feel the warmth that I used to feel when he touched me or was near me. “You fucked up. We could have had somethin’ real but you wouldn’t admit it to me or yourself. You did all of this to yourself and now you’re draggin’ me and the club into your mess. You are worse than a fly. You’re a selfish fucking bitch!”

  The force of his words hurt me more than the blunt force of his fist going into the wall next to my head. I sink until my ass is on the floor and bury my head in the crooks of my elbows.

  “Let’s get out of here, brother. I think we made our point,” Joe says to Noah.

  Just as they walk out of the door, Noah stops and turns to look at the kitchen table where I sat the jacket down on when we came in. I want to cry out and tell him to leave the jacket, but I can’t get my words to work. My tears clog my throat and there’s nothing I can say. He picks the jacket up and looks over at me with confusion and hatred.

  “To think, the one girl I thought deserved this… Turned out to be a lying bitch.”

  I could feel my new world crumbling around me as they left.


  She fucked up.

  Even though I know that she fucked up, I still hated leaving her like this. I still feel like I’m responsible for her even though she fucked everything up.

  The ride back to the clubhouse was quick but I had a lot on my mind. Every touch, kiss and every word that she said to me was a lie. Everything and I still wanted to console her.

  I’m a sick bastard.

  The last thing that the club needs right now is another person trying to fuck with us. Joe and I are on the same page when it comes to that but the heart wants what the heart wants. And right now, it wants Jen.

  I grip the handles of my bike tighter in my hands and I let the wind and pavement make everything go away. Riding a motorcycle is like an epiphany. It’s one of those things that makes a man feel in control of himself.

  The gates that surround our clubhouse, come into view. The prospect, who’s name I can’t remember, greets us with a cocky smile on his face. These prospects have no respect these days. When I was prospecting, I hopped to it when I saw the prez; not smile at him like a dumbass.

  After our bikes are parked and we are off the bikes, the reality of what just happened kicks me in the dick. She lied to me. Jen has been lying to me this whole time and there’s nothing I can do. Yeah, I could have encouraged Joe to have killed her but what good would that have done? Nothing. I would still be miserable without her.

  Rubbing my chest, I walk through the clubhouse doors and immediately I’m calm again. “Hey, fuckers!” I croon while walking over towards the bar for a beer.

  Joe clears his throat signaling to all the brothers to pay attention. “Everyone that is holding a rank, get your ass in my office right now. We have an emergency situation that needs to be addressed.”

  Chantal’s worried face peeks around the corner. Her face is pinched up. “What happened?” She asks The Bear.

  He shakes her off like an asshole. “Nothing that you need to worry about.”

  Wait a fucking minute. “Did you know that Jen was married?” I fire the question at Chantal.

  The look on her face tells me everything that I needed to know. Jen told her, but didn’t tell me. What a fucking bitch.

  “What are you saying?” She questions me with brows furrowed. Her face is turning pinker than her hair from being confused.

  With a couple of steps, I’m in her face and I’m trying so hard to not freak the fuck out on Chantal. But it’s not working. I’m mad and she’s going to find out why. “It’s not a difficult question to answer, Chantal. Did you know that Jen was fucking married?”

  She’s shaking her head back and forth. “No! I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  The Bear comes forward until he’s standing next to his girlfriend. The sight of them being all coupley is making me want to punch something all over again. “Dude, ease off my woman.”

  Ignoring him, I fire more questions at her. “You mean to tell me that you come into this clubhouse to hack into our computers and you didn’t even check into your own friend’s life? So, she deserves the privacy and we fuckin’ didn’t. Is that it?”

  “I’m warnin’ you, man,” The Beat growls at me but I can’t be deterred.

  “No. It’s a valid question. Your friend is married to a hitman who jumped me this afternoon. Unless you knew about everything. You did, didn’t you? All of this is just one big set up!”

  I don’t get another word out because a fist flies into my jaw causing me to fall backwards. My jaw is blazing hot from the punch and I already knew who did it. Coming to, I look up to see tears in Chantal’s eyes and The Bear is growling at me from above.

  “If you ever talk to my fuckin’ woman like that, I’ll kill you. You get me? Chantal didn’t know anythin’ about it and you know it! If she did, she wouldn’t be cryin’ in my arms.”

  When he said that, Chantal pressed her face into his chest while t
he noise and chaos of the club kick back up.

  Knowing that I was a huge asshole, I knew I had to apologize to Chantal. However, that is not today. Today I’m pissed the fuck off and everyone is going to find out about it.

  “All right! Listen up. I want all of you flies to scatter,” The Bear directs looking at the clubhouse’s party room fully expecting everyone to listen.

  “Why do we have to go?” Britney asks while looking hurt. There’s something about Britney that always made me think she was delicate or something. It’s hard to explain the doe eyes that make her look so innocent.

  “It’s check out time, people! If you don’t have a bottom rocker, get the fuck out!” Mack Truck yells from the bar stool. He’s got a blunt hanging out of his mouth and a hot little blonde sitting on his thigh. He pushes her off carefully and she pouts. “See ya later, sweetness.”

  All the women’s shoes are clacking and slapping at the ground while they storm out of here like they’re pissed off. “Y’all can come back tomorrow!” The Bear informs them.

  The problem with flies is they are extremely popular with the newer brothers and prospects. Us veterans of the club life, like to fuck them but they aren’t actually ol’ lady material. The newer guys love the fast pussy and the guaranteed fuck of their life from the flies that have been trained by the older guys. Every single one of us remembers how much the flies made our early life in the club better which is why The Bear told them to come back. It makes the younger brothers happy or some shit.

  Nothing like loose as fuck pussy.

  My mind filters over to Jen’s tight pussy that squeezed me all night long. It was like a silken fist that grabbed ahold of me and wouldn’t let go. Damn it. I’m going to miss that pussy.

  “If the flies have to go, why does your woman get to stay?” One of the prospects shout out from the back.

  When I say prospect, he must be a young one for being stupid enough to challenge the president. Plus, these mother fuckers have no respect anymore for the hierarchy of the brotherhood.

  Picking myself up off the floor, I dust the back of my pants off and look at the prez with respect. I knew that I had crossed the line but I kept antagonizing Chantal expecting her to know what the fuck Jen was thinking. I deserved being cold cocked in the jaw.


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