Spring at the Barncastle

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Spring at the Barncastle Page 4

by Lynette Sowell

  Sadie nodded. She understood that. “When my company—my old company—helped businesses evaluate their marketing plans, we found a lot of people reluctant to change, especially to try something different.” She tried not to think of the promotion around the corner, before her hopes shattered into countless pieces. “You know, I think I’m on the brink of something new myself. Change isn’t easy.”

  Uncle Ted nodded, then his expression brightened at the sound of a vehicle coming up the lane. “Ah, the Applemans.” He shot her a pointed look. “They’ve been coming around a lot the past couple of weeks.”

  “Yes, they have.” Sadie turned from where she knelt. Here came Peter’s Volvo, and her heart leapt. She almost reached to smooth her hair, but thought better of it when she looked at her fingers covered with soft earth after pulling weeds. She couldn’t hold back the grin when Peter exited the vehicle and Marin hopped out from the other side.

  Uncle Ted heaved to a standing position. “Peter, good to see you.”

  “Mister—Ted, same here.” He smiled at Sadie, who found her feet and brushed the dirt from her knees.

  “I’ll leave you kids to talk.” Uncle Ted winked at Sadie before ambling off toward the barn.

  “See you,” Peter called after him, then turned those beautiful blue eyes back in Sadie’s direction. “Hey, I have a favor to ask.”

  “Sure, what it is?”

  “Marin and I are taking a drive this afternoon, and we won’t be back until late. We haven’t taken time away from the house in a few weeks. So, I was wondering if you could check on the sugar house every three hours or so?”

  “Oh, okay.” At his first words, “taking a drive this afternoon,” Sadie thought a road trip sounded just dandy. She ignored the disappointment that swirled around inside her.

  Marin beamed. “We’re going up to Quechee Gorge.”

  Sadie nodded. “That sounds fun. I think I’ve been there once. It’s beautiful.”

  Peter held out a key ring. “This has the house key on it too. Not that you’ll need it. The sugar house key is the silver one.”

  Sadie accepted the key, warm from being in Peter’s pocket. “You two have a great time.”

  Get over it, girl. You’re not part of the family, not even more than a friend.

  Chapter 6

  “I told Justin, the next trip I take to Europe on business, I’ll take better pictures,” Jessica said.

  Sadie fought to keep focused on the phone conversation with her friend, but her feet throbbed after standing all day. Her ankle complained, too. She settled onto the stool behind the gift shop’s register.

  “When are you going to Europe again?”

  “The company’s sending me to the London office for a week in June. I just booked my flight.”

  “Nice. I’m trying not to be jealous.” She set the phone down on the counter and turned on the speakerphone.

  “What’s that?”

  “I said, I’m trying not to be jealous,” Sadie said a little louder. She pulled out her receipt book and scanned the room. After the grand opening sale, she needed to replace some of the inventory. Good. She’d been in the process of tallying sales for the day when Jessica had called to congratulate her.

  “Well, I checked the job listings on the HR page, to see if there’s anything in our marketing department you might be qualified for.”

  “Oh, you did? Thanks.”

  “I didn’t see anything this time, but if I do find anything, I’ll forward it to you. Anyway, that’s not the only reason I called. I meant to let you know…I think Justin is going to propose.” Jessica ended the sentence with a squeal.

  “Wow! How do you know?”

  “We’re going to visit his family for Easter weekend, and we’re driving to the White Mountains, and having dinner at Le Chateau on Saturday night.”

  “That place in Food & Wine magazine you told me about?”

  “Uh-huh. He made reservations two months in advance.”

  “That’s terrific.” The bell over the shop door rang, and Sadie looked up, ready to mention they were closed for the afternoon. Peter, and Marin. Sadie smiled, a reflex she had little control over whenever Peter appeared, or crossed her mind.

  “Hmm, sounds like you have company. I’ll email you later.”

  “Okay. Love ya, Jessica Rabbit.”

  “You too, Sadie Hawkins.” Her voice squawked from the speakerphone.

  Sadie laughed at the sound of her old nickname as she pressed a button on the phone.

  Peter stopped at the counter, his blue eyes sparkling. “Sadie Hawkins, huh? I don’t know which is worse, that or Applejacks Appleman.”

  “Don’t push it, Applejacks.” She made her voice stern but kept grinning.

  Marin glanced between them. “Who’s Applejacks Appleman?”

  “Sadie’s old nickname for me.”

  “Well, I don’t like it.” Marin pouted.

  “Marin, that was a long, long time ago,” Peter chided.

  Sadie wanted to say, “Really? Pouting from a ten-year-old?” Then she remembered her own dramatics as a child. Instead, she studied the square brown cardboard box that Peter carried.

  As if in answer to her unspoken question, Peter set the box on the counter. “Complements of Appleman Farms, pure 100-percent grade A Vermont maple syrup.”

  Sadie reached inside the box and pulled out a bottle, shaped like a maple leaf. “Oh, it’s beautiful. You mean, this is for the store?”

  He nodded. “But keep one bottle for yourself. You helped.”

  “That was just yesterday, one afternoon.”

  “We had a family outing and a wonderful change of scenery, thanks to you.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Sadie glanced at Marin, who strolled over to a collection of primitive dolls and began picking them up, one by one.

  The shop door opened again, with Andy entering this time. He shot Marin a look, then approached the counter. “Hi, Sadie. My mom is going to town to buy candy for the egg hunt. She wants to know if Marin can come along with us?”

  Poor kid. He appeared as if he wanted anything else, like going to the dentist for a filling, or being asked to wash all the dirty dishes in the inn by hand.

  Marin cast the doll she held onto the others propped up on display. “Oh, Dad, may I?” She beamed as she gazed across the sales floor at Andy.


  The man had to be oblivious to Marin’s adoration of the older boy. Sadie opened her mouth, but figured that conversation was one, not really her business, and two, probably best held in Marin’s absence.

  “Well, let’s go then.” Andy left the shop, Marin scurrying behind him.

  When the door shut, Peter faced Sadie across the counter. “Um, I think someone’s got her first crush.”

  “I was wondering if you noticed that, now and the other day.” Sadie closed her receipt book.

  “No, not the other day. But now, yes.” A frown flickered across his face. “Should I be worried? Isn’t she too young for that?”

  “Daddy Appleman, I hate to break it to you, but she’s officially in the ‘tween age. This is normal. But I’d be ready for when Andy tries to let her down easily.”

  He shook his head as he sank onto a nearby cushioned chair, one of Sadie’s yard sale finds, now recovered in blue-and-white toile. “I’m not ready for this.”

  “Ready or not…”

  “The teen years will come.” He rose from the chair. “Do you want to grab an early supper, child-free?”

  “I told Jayne I’d inventory the first century costumes we’re using Thursday night for the Last Supper, but after that, I’m free.”

  “I can help.” He reached in her direction, and she slipped around the edge of the counter, and let him take her hand.

  Sadie’s stomach did a somersault. She hadn’t noticed the whiff of aftershave until now, felt the strength in his fingers. Then she remembered an almost-first-kiss during one summer not quite two decades ago, in the tree
house that once lay between the two properties.

  The resurrected memory of the long-ago incident which followed rattled her mind, the shame of hurting Peter by making fun of him in front of everyone after they’d been caught with their lips mere inches apart.

  The very much grownup Peter now surprised her by pulling her into his arms and covering her mouth with his. Skyrockets shot through her brain.


  What was he doing? Oh yes, he was kissing Sadie Barncastle, who definitely had outgrown the brat stage but kept her feistiness. He should have asked, should have wooed her, been more chivalrous. Something besides acting like an impulsive adolescent. Or retreated back behind his self-protecting wall of disinterest.

  Sadie’s arms slipped around his neck as if of their own accord, and she kissed him back, the ends of her hair teasing his fingertips. He let his fingers run through the silken strands.

  “Peter,” she whispered, pulling back.

  “I’m sorry. I—”

  “It’s okay.” She grinned at him shyly, her cheeks flushed.

  “I think I have a crush on someone, too.” Peter’s voice cracked.

  “You do, huh?”

  He nodded, their foreheads touching. “That was worth waiting almost twenty years for.”

  “Do you normally kiss all your crushes?”

  “Nope. But then I haven’t had a crush on anyone in years.”

  “Well, now what?”

  He felt his stomach gurgle in response, then Sadie’s giggle.

  “We need to talk, over dinner.” She poked him in the chest with her finger. “No more kissing. For now.”

  He nodded. “But I don’t want to wait until you sort through costumes. Because I might just kiss you again.”

  A pang of old grief resonated inside him. Kate…

  But Kate was gone, would be gone forever from this life. And here was Sadie now, alive, breathing, vibrant, and grinning at him as she fetched her purse and keys.

  “Let’s go. Where do you want to eat?” she asked as she followed him outside.

  An engine’s roar made them look as Jayne left with the three kids in the family’s SUV, Marin waving from the back seat.

  “Your choice, since I offered, as long as it’s anywhere but fast food or pizza. Since we’re kidless at the moment.”

  “I haven’t had a chance to eat out much since moving here. If there’s a local mom ‘n pop place, I’m all for that.”

  “Good.” He knew just the place. “It’s Castlebury Green, downtown. Not fancy, but delicious.”

  Within twenty minutes, he’d parked the Volvo in the last remaining parking spot on the town green, a tad crowded for a Monday.

  Castlebury Green sat on a busy corner, but served the tastiest burgers and steaks in town.

  “You’re going to love this place.” Peter held open the heavy wooden door for Sadie, who entered first. The hostess, a woman with graying hair, approached them.

  “Peter? Peter Appleman? I heard you were back in town.” She beamed as she extended her arms for a hug.

  “Yes, I’m back.”

  “Good, good.” Her glance flicked to Sadie. “Oh, you’re not Kate.”

  “Um, no.” Sadie looked at Peter.

  Well, this is just great. “Mrs. Mancini, this is Sadie Barncastle.”

  “Oh, of the inn with the same name, the holidays anytime place. Nice to meet you. I don’t recall seeing you before.” The older woman wore a dubious expression.

  “I’ve recently moved in with my cousin and family.”

  “Okay, so you must be Rob Barncastle’s daughter.”

  She nodded. Another glance in Peter’s direction.

  “Table or booth, Peter?” Mrs. Mancini grabbed a pair of menus from the hostess stand.

  “Booth please.”

  He hadn’t explained to everyone about Kate. He thought his parents would have told the Mancinis, old friends from his growing-up days. Not thirty minutes ago, he’d been kissing Sadie. Here, it seemed as though an unseen third person had joined them on their dinner date. Which wasn’t a date.

  Mrs. Mancini led them to a booth. She opened her mouth as if to say something, then closed it. She set the menus on the table. “Tina, your server, will be here in a moment.”

  “Well, that was a tad awkward,” Sadie observed, her voice low as Mrs. Mancini departed.

  “Yes, uh. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t think—”

  She held up her hand. “It’s okay. I’m sure it’s happened before.”

  “It has, but there’s one difference.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ve never been, er, out with anyone since Kate.”

  “Ah.” Sadie nodded slowly. She glanced up. A young woman in black pants and white shirt topped with a green apron stopped at their table. She took their drink orders and left.

  Peter waited until no one was close by. “I…this is new for me. About earlier, the kiss…”

  “I need to be honest with you.”

  “It wasn’t any good? I mean, it’s been a long time.”

  Her cheeks bloomed a pink shade, evident in the low light from the lamp that hung above their table. “It was more than good, Peter. I—I…before you came to the store, I was talking to my friend Jessica back ho—back in Mass., and she’s trying to find me a job out there.”

  The air thinned inside the booth space between them. “Of course, I know you miss your life in Boston. But you just opened a store, and there’s you and me…”

  “You and me,” she repeated. “Part of me can see it, and part of me…it’s all so sudden. I wasn’t expecting, or looking for this…”

  He reached for her hands. “Neither was I. ” Her hands felt soft, smooth. Her fingers bore a few calluses, probably from her work refurbishing furniture.

  “What I’m trying to say is, Jayne and Luke both know if a job opportunity comes for me sometime this spring, I’ll take it. They’re fine with that. I promised them this spring, long enough to give the store good momentum until they can hire a manager.” Then she sighed as she squeezed his hands. “Like I said, I didn’t expect to meet you. The time that we’ve spent together is…”

  “Special. Something new.”

  “Yes. So I don’t know what to think now—”

  “Here’s your drinks.” Waitress Tina had appeared, holding a glass of ice water with lemon for her and a soda for him. “Are you ready to order?”

  “Sure are.” Peter nodded, but his taste buds had lost the craving for a juicy burger smothered with sautéed onions and mushrooms. He smiled wryly. Onions? No more kisses tonight. But that was probably just as well.

  Chapter 7

  Peter’s onion breath Monday night after supper had kept the idea of kissing him again at bay. Sadie didn’t mind—she didn’t need the complication. Somewhere they’d skipped over a fine line. A crush was one thing to joke about, but this?

  She locked the door to the shop. The sun had already slanted behind the trees, ready to tuck itself in for the night. Sadie yawned. She’d like to crawl into her castle bedchamber and sleep too, but tonight was special.

  Good Friday.

  Ever since supper out with Peter Monday evening, the week had blurred by in a flurry of shop business and helping Jayne and Luke ready the inn for the special services and festivities, along with preparing for their guests’ arrival. Although tonight’s service could hardly be called a celebration. Perhaps a time of contemplation was a more fitting designation. Last night’s living Last Supper had gone over well with those who attended, and most promised they’d return tonight.

  She slipped the shop keys into her pocket. Already a few vehicles were turning off the road and entering the Barncastle’s grounds.

  Barncastle. She used to have an aversion to her family name, but tonight, she stood a little taller. If only her parents had done something like this. She’d always looked up to Uncle Ted and Aunt Diane, their relationship strong through the ups and downs of life. Dad, though,
had worked hard at his job at an electronics company and they always had just enough.

  A familiar Volvo joined the other vehicles in the parking area. Peter. And Marin. They’d talked, briefly, if the service would be lost on Marin, but he and Sadie both agreed Marin would be up to understanding.

  Sadie had barely seen him all week, and at the first sight of him, she wanted to rush up for a hug. Yet that wasn’t fair to him, given their talk on Monday night. While her feelings were strong, she had to be honest about her living arrangement with her cousins. They also had Marin to consider. She cared for the girl, but Marin had already voiced her opinion on her father’s status.

  Peter waited for her beside his car. “Hey there.”

  “Hey to you too.” She smiled at him, then Marin. “Hi, sweetie.”

  “It’s been a busy week.” He stepped up to her and they embraced.

  Her pulse roared in her ears. “Yes, a busy week. But I’m glad you’re here.”

  “So, this is in the barn, then?”

  She nodded. “We should probably find you some seats.”

  “You’re not going to sit with us?”

  “I’d love to, but I’m helping to extinguish the lamps.”


  “You’ll see.”

  The sliding doors of the large barn had been left open to allow plenty of ventilation for the crowd that Sadie hoped would attend tonight. The barn served as an auditorium with a set for plays and different shows, but would do nicely for Easter weekend services

  Chairs faced the low stage, where a simple podium stood along with a cross. At one end of the stage, Marcella McSweeney sat at a keyboard, her husband Sean nearby, playing classical guitar. The couple, former guests of the inn, had driven up from Northampton, Massachusetts, that afternoon. Jayne’s story of how they met and fell in love one Christmas at the inn made Sadie smile. This weekend, Marcella and Sean would provide musical accompaniment for the weekend.

  Candles lined the entire front of the stage, and gas lamps on poles stood throughout the barn. Luke had paid extra for liability insurance, but they all agreed it was worth the cost for this service.

  “Here, if you want to sit at this row, I’ll be nearby against the wall,” Sadie suggested.


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