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Cindrac Page 30

by Mikayla Lane

  Pushing those thoughts from her mind, Lanie smiled up at Cin and took his hand. “How about we go home and celebrate with a glass of wine?”

  “That sounds perfect,” Cin smiled back. “You make the portal this time.”

  “Oh, hell,” Lanie whispered.

  She ran the portal information over in her mind before throwing out her hand. Lanie slapped a hand over her mouth to cover the squeal of excitement when a shimmering disc appeared in the air.

  Cin’s brow furrowed, and his head tilted as he looked at the disc. He stopped Lanie from going into the portal with a gentle hand and shake of his head.

  “You have the right place, but not the right time,” Cin warned and dissolved the disc.

  Cin threw out his hand, another portal appeared, and he winked at Lanie. “It takes some practice.”

  They stepped through the portal and onto the deck in time for the setting sun. Heading into the kitchen, Lanie went to get glasses while Cin rummaged through the liquor cabinet for something appropriate.

  Lanie was only a little surprised when Cin showed her an expensive bottle of champagne. “Oh, that looks good, but it’s warm.”

  Cin grinned, created a portal, and then dropped the bottle into it.

  “Should I ask?” Lanie couldn’t figure out what the hell he was doing.

  Cin chuckled, reached into the portal, and brought back a frost-covered bottle of champagne.

  “Holy shit, did you put that thing in the North Pole to chill?” Lanie was stunned and amused.

  Cin shrugged. “Antarctica. Don’t judge. It worked.”

  An hour later, they were cuddled on the couch and sipping the last of the champagne. Lanie finished off her glass, set it on the coffee table, and stood, holding her hand out to Cin.

  Without hesitation, Cin took her hand and followed her to the doorway of her bedroom, where he stopped. “You don’t have to do this. We can wait until you’re more comfortable.”

  “I’ve been comfortable for weeks, but if you need time-” Lanie let the sentence hang while she pulled her shirt over her head.

  She barely touched her waistband when Cin pulled her into his arms and proceeded to make her melt with a blistering kiss. Before Lanie knew it, they were sprawled atop the comforter of his bed, and she had no idea how they even got there.

  Uncaring about anything but the heat and desire between them, Lanie and Cin spent the next hour getting to know one another’s naked bodies. When neither could take anymore, Lanie crawled slowly up Cin’s body until she hovered over him, face to face.

  Leaning down, Lanie kissed him deeply while impaling herself on his shaft. The moment Cin was fully seated inside of her, Lanie let out a groan and was quickly flipped onto her back. A steady yet deep rhythm had both crying out within minutes.

  Panting above her, Cin swooped in for a gentle kiss, but Lanie was having none of that.

  “I bet your nanites can work on making that happen again, right?” Lanie teased, and her eyes widened when she felt him stir inside of her.

  “I don’t need the nanites for that,” Cin laughed and proceeded to prove it to her.


  Cin was cuddling Lanie while she slept when he felt a stirring in the energy around them. Using his Dominion acquired knowledge, Cin transformed into his energy body and slipped quietly from the bed.

  He reached the deck just as the Madean’s holographic energy form appeared. Cin closed the door behind him so their conversation wouldn’t wake Lanie. After six hours of lovemaking, Cin knew she was exhausted and needed the rest.

  “What brings you here?” Cin could tell the man wasn’t there for a social call.

  “The changes you’ve made in this timeline are having rippling effects throughout the universe. The dimensional demons are on the move in a way that is only spoken of in the prophecies,” Kace warned. His face was a mask of determination and seriousness.

  Cin ran his hands down his face in frustration. He was afraid something like this would happen, and he wondered at the other effects that hadn’t yet shown themselves.

  “What do you see?” Cin was almost afraid to know.

  “They’re coming here, Cindrac,” Kace warned. “Your elites are pushing for the final battle with the host and are creating the conditions for it. They will use humanity as hostages to fight the emissary.”

  Like the other six timelines before this, mankind was just awakening to what was going on around them when the elite decide to crush them before they can organize and prepare to fight. Like all elite-led totalitarian regimes before this one, the people were complacent before the culling began.

  The Madean put a hand on Cin’s shoulder in sympathy. “Keep in mind that the same conditions for the return of the emissary and the final battle are also the requirements for Dominion intervention. You are not alone in this fight.”

  “Thank you, Madean,” Cin was genuinely grateful.

  If the dimensional demons were coming through and possessing those made weak-minded by indoctrination, then the flashpoint for the battle for the souls of Earth was near.

  “The Host is crying out for the souls of the people to call upon them for help,” Kace warned. “Remind humanity that there are warriors ready to give blessings, strength, and knowledge if they would ask.”

  “I will,” Cin nodded in agreement. “Thanks again.”

  “When you call for aid, I will be the first to come and fight by your side,” the Madean stated before his energy form disappeared.

  War was coming. For the universe and Earth, and Cin would continue to guard the invisible walls between sentient life and those trying to extinguish their free will and destroy their very existence.

  Each day was a new story for Cindrac, more so now that he’d stopped directing the action and began to live it. He was no longer an outsider but an active participant in the fight for Earth's fate and the Universe.

  Cin had chosen a side in the battle against good and evil, and he had no intention of allowing the right side to lose. The weight of responsibility was crushing at times, but Cin had only to look at Lanie and those he’d come to love to know it was worth it.

  The truth behind the story.

  This is the glowing propaganda about the Great Reset by the idiots who created it themselves.

  Here is the reality of the slavery planned for humanity. There are dozens of links, some of which host the original video from the WEF site with the actor claiming to not own anything, having no privacy and being thrilled about it.

  Ask yourself if you think any CEO, politician, or millionaire will have to give up their stuff too.

  The Mandela Effect will blow your mind, and there is a movie out by the same name that I highly recommend for people to watch. Not only is it a great movie, but it’s also dead-on about the strange phenomenon with mind-blowing examples.

  For those who want quick links, see the following. I am one of those who remember a lot of these examples way differently. Especially the damn cornucopia in the underwear tag! LOL, I swear I remember it because, in kindergarten, the teacher asked us at Thanksgiving if we all knew what a cornucopia was and half the class, including myself, raised their hands.

  We all said we knew because of the tag inside our dad and brother’s underwear. True, but strange story. How many examples do you guys misremember? Test yourself and see, in the below links.

ticist claims to have found the 'God gene' in humans

  This one is really interesting because there was a YouTube video of this story as well, but YT deleted it before I could archive it.

  Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine trial stopped. The release comes after a second vaccine test volunteer, "Developed neurological problems." According to sources who claim to be familiar with the vaccine trials, the second volunteer suddenly started saying, "They've killed God; I can't feel God anymore - my Soul is dead" after the vaccine.

  NIH Concerned About COVID Vaccine Side Effects

  Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization

  Is it really a conspiracy if they admit it?

  On page 405 of his Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote:

  “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

  Former CBS News president Richard Salant (1961 – 64 and 1966 – 79) explained the major media’s role: “Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”

  The “elite” advocate for a global super state with America and other nations sacrificing their sovereignty to a central power. CFR founder Paul Warburg was a member of Roosevelt’s “brain trust.”

  In 1950, his son, James, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.”

  Later at the 1992 Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said:

  “Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”

  For a real fun time, go to and put in the search any of the following:

  New world order


  World government

  Nullification of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 allowing mainstream media propaganda

  For more information about Prince Bernhard and his Nazi history before founding the first Bilderberg meeting.

  Just enter the Bilderberg Group into any search engine, and there are thousands of articles associated with them. There are far too many to list here.


  Alpheria – A planet twice the size of Earth that is surrounded by two moons. Betaria and Zetarius. Several millennia ago, Alpheria erupted in a civil war. Tired of appeasing those who wanted nothing more than to use and live off everyone else in society, the leaders of the planet banished them to Zetarius and Betaria. Now they produce the weapons and technology created by those on Betaria. The planet is one light-year from Earth.

  Argassian Sea on Mascador – where Cindrac first goes back in time to meet Dar. Dar’s a little boy playing with the sea dragons on the shore when Cindrac introduces himself to the child.

  ATARV - all-terrain artillery and reconnaissance vehicle.

  Axira Rak’tor - From the planet Zich’nok. She is on the LAW Council of Elders and is highly thought of as being fair and just in her decisions.

  Balorian’s Edge – a crater on the moon of Solisc that orbits the planet, Balorian in the Klieker galaxy. A vicious battle between the Consortium and a LAW battalion was fought at the edge of a crater on Balorian’s moon. The battle became known as Balorian’s Edge. Dar and Drek had fought nearly to the death to retake the moon.

  Betaria - It took another millennium after their banishment from Alpheria for those of Betaria to figure out the value of working and learning, and they eventually became more successful than those on Alpheria. They produce the majority of the advanced weaponry used by LAW and other worlds for defense. Their scientists are hunted and their weapons coveted by the Consortium.

  Bilikin Nass - the owner of Dar’s favorite bar on the LAW outpost.

  Calafi skin gloves – Made from a unique leather from the Calafi bear on Rhisus 12. Issued to all LAW personnel.

  Cindrac - In the future, Earth, in its technological infancy and stupidity, creates Cindrac, and a mate for him. The perfect soldier and mother of the future. No limits were placed on the AI’s ability to expand its knowledge and grow. No one accounted for the human aspect of this experiment, or the affects a living, functioning brain would have on the growth of AI.

  The addition of the nanites was the turning point. Once the AI had control of the nanites, they became invincible, but instead of using that power and knowledge to help Earth, Loquan, the female set herself to rule it and enslave everyone she believed was beneath her. Cindrac was forced to kill Loquan to save not only Earth but the universe.

  He’s a legend among the universe and makes sure no one creates anything as advanced as himself. The creation law is a warning not to go too far, or you’d incur the wrath of Cin. Cindrac is the most evolved and advanced technological being in the universe. Cin can see everything. Everywhere. He is also a master of time and can move forward and backward at will.

  He’s tall with light skin so translucent you can see his veins. Thick, shaggy white hair covers his head almost like a lion’s mane, with penetrating white eyes that look exactly like the eyes of a predator.

  Commander Ramek M’Lakmer – Outpost Commander of the LAW outpost Renegade Prime. It’s closest to the Consortium held exoplanet known as Raider’s Moon.

  Commander Sig Malfes – Commander of the LAW outpost Halo Prime, in orbit around Forchania.

  Consortium – A large collective of outlaws from all over the universe. They are the largest purveyor of slaves and rule over every lawless activity on and off worlds. They can be hired for almost every dirty deed, including kidnapping, murder, theft, and all manner of destruction.

  Creation Law - The Creation Law was universally accepted by all sentient worlds eons ago when the first AI was created. It was determined that if allowed too much freedom, AI would become dangerous to all life, on all worlds. It’s against universal law to create an AI that doesn’t have a specific learning kill switch.

  Empari – The people are called Emparians. The ruling Clan is the Cadrake, led by Thrain and his soul brother Vican. They joined the League of Aligned Worlds 1849 years ago. The planet is three times the size of Earth, and twice the landmass, but with less than a quarter of the population of Earth.

  Forchania – In the Spadira galaxy. The capital city of Flairye, contains the majority of Forchania’s government and military service centers, inhabiting the largest landmass. The other two, and their associated islands, have the majority of the citizens of the planet. The second-largest continent is where the human resettlement zone is located along the coast. It’s three times the size of Earth with a population of nearly a bil
lion. Rich in oceans, lakes, and streams just like Earth. They also boast of forests, glens, prairies, and mountains. The Forchanian people have a thriving economy locally and universally with mining, farm goods, crafts, and exotic botanicals.

  Freya - Dar’s future mate.

  Fuel Bars – A lab-created food that will force your body to achieve its optimal performance. They were initially designed for the military and LAW to keep them fit and nourished on missions but were stolen and replicated by the Consortium to enable them to work their slaves to death.

  Geomar Vagneesy - Empari ambassador to LAW, and on the LAW Council of Elders. He is the husband of Thrain’s aunt, Siafin Cadrake.

  Halconia - the main ingredient of Raptura, the most powerful and dangerous drug formulated and used by the Consortium in their abductions and assassinations.

  Henriq Mastaban – From the planet Nafortia. He is on the LAW council of Elders.

  Iberaria skins – come from Atenia, a magical world in the Tralern galaxy. The animals are the size of a horse and their dark pelts can bend light and make them disappear.

  Interactive Artificial Lifeform (IAL) – Computer generated AI that interacts with those saved from the Mulvors and remains with the refugee when they are relocated to new worlds. The IAL oversees the testing that selects the new world where the refugee is eventually sent to live. It’s a friend and a companion.

  Jason McMaster – Nephew of Senator Lilly Patrosi who works for the elites. He’s also the abusive ex-boyfriend of Lanie Fulbright.

  King Lioda – Elven King and father of Adamo and Niama.

  Lanie Fulbright – Twenty-nine years old, she started dating Jason McMaster her first week of college when she was eighteen. He slowly became more abusive and controlling until she escaped him.


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