Book Read Free

Muscling In

Page 11

by Lily Harlem

  “If you’re sure?”

  “Yes,” Coben said. “See you there.”

  “Tell you what.” Ed glanced at the crawling traffic. “I’ll head back to mine, shower, then come round. I’ll make this journey in half the time it will take you.”

  I groaned and glanced at the traffic. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “I’ve got a nice bottle of whiskey that Major Wilkins gave me a while back,” Ed directed at Coben. “I’ll bring it round. We’ll toast him.”

  “He would have liked that,” Coben said, nodding a little soberly. “See you in a bit. Drive carefully.”

  “Always.” Ed rammed on his helmet, then swung his leg over the bike. He brought the engine to life with a growl, bent forward and raised his feet to the pedals. As he steered out of the car park he slotted down his visor so he blended in with his all black bike—except for the shiny chrome exhaust.

  Coben stood close to me as we watched him pull out into the traffic. The engine roared and he shot off, squeezing between two long lines of queues. The noise of him tearing up the gears sang in the air, and several people nearby turned to look. He went into a bend and leaned low. Then he was gone from sight.

  “Does he always drive like that?” I asked.

  “Yep.” Coben wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him. “He lives life in the fast lane. That’s one thing that will never change about Edward.”


  We headed back toward London. The congestion thankfully cleared once we hit the motorway and we probably only lost twenty minutes in the Brighton tangle of traffic.

  “Did you enjoy your day?” I asked Coben as we entered the city.

  “Yeah, it was nice. You?”

  “Perfect.” I paused. “I enjoyed seeing you so relaxed, enjoying Ed’s company.”

  He glanced at me. “It was a good idea to invite him. He needs days like that when he’s on leave. Gives him time to push everything out of his head, you know.”

  “I can imagine.”


  “He seems to have accepted me knowing about your history together.”

  “He didn’t have much choice. Besides, he knows I wouldn’t have married someone narrow-minded or a gossip.”

  “Well I like to think I’m neither of those things.”

  “You most certainly aren’t.” He reached across the gear stick and gave my thigh a quick squeeze. “You’re the best and I love you more and more each day.”

  I smiled as a warm feeling flooded my chest. Coben often told me he loved me but I never tired of it. “I spoke to him, about you two, about us.”

  “What do you mean?” He held the wheel again and navigated around a bus that was pulling over.

  “I told him maybe there was room for him to spend time with us.”

  “You did?”


  “And what did he say?”

  “That he didn’t want to mess anything up between us.”

  “I can imagine him saying that. Like with Helen, the woman he was with before, he won’t have it on his conscience making someone else unhappy, wrecking something good.”

  “Do you think it would…if we invited him into our bed? Into our lives?”

  Coben was silent for a moment. “When we talked about our threesome fantasy before, a hired cock, I wasn’t sure how much I liked the idea of another man touching you. You’re my wife, mine, but Ed…?”

  “It would be different with Ed?”

  He glanced at me. “Yes. It feels more natural…” He huffed. “Don’t ask me why and maybe I’d see it and not cope but at the moment, the thought of all three of us, together, it’s really fucking sexy.” He grinned suddenly.

  “I agree.” I shifted on my seat to look at him. “Maybe we should see if we can make it happen?”

  “I guess it all depends on him. If he wants to.”

  “I think it’s fairly safe to say he wants you, Coben. He can’t take his eyes off you. Whatever was between you is still running very deep.” I smoothed my t-shirt. “But maybe he doesn’t find me attractive, and—”

  “Nonsense, what man wouldn’t find you attractive?” He sounded incredulous.

  “Well, you know.”

  “You’re the most gorgeous woman to have ever lived and don’t you forget it. And no matter what happens, I’m going to thoroughly enjoy showing you later just how much I adore worshiping you and your delectable body.”

  “Well, I like the sound of that.”

  Coben pulled onto our street and parked up.

  The sun was still shining and as Coben unpacked the car I headed up for a longed-for shower.

  I shampooed and conditioned my hair, getting rid of all the grains of sand that had caught there on the breeze. It felt good to wash away the heat of the day but I still felt hot inside. It was a combination of anticipation, excitement and sexual tension. I also kept thinking of Coben and Ed together on the beach, in the sea. Their big beautifully sculpted bodies shining in the sunlight, the way they looked at each other, how they’d spoken of the past and all that could potentially be in the future.

  The future.

  There was no denying the fact that if Ed didn’t agree to spending the night with us, soon, I’d be disappointed. It was ruling my thoughts, feeding my fantasies and stoking the fire within me. I wanted to see my husband with Ed, feel myself surrounded by them, watch Ed let go of some of that fierce control he appeared to have over himself at all times.

  I switched the shower off and dried. Applied coconut body lotion, which reminded me of holidays in the sun, then blasted my curls with the hair dryer. I carefully chose an outfit of a short cotton skirt and loose white top to look casual yet still, hopefully, sexy. Added a long silver necklace, a squirt of perfume and a slick of lips gloss. I checked my reflection in the mirror. Despite sitting in the shade most of the day I still had a hint of a tan and my cheeks and legs held a nice color. “You’ll do.”

  I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. Coben was at the sink.

  “Hey,” he said, “I started chopping.” He indicated a pile of onions and mushrooms.


  “I’ll go shower now,” he said, dropping a quick kiss to my cheek. “Mmm, you smell nice. Reminds me of us being in Barbados last year.”

  “Same coconut cream,” I said, running my hand down his chest. “Go, be quick, Ed will be here soon.”

  “Yep, I won’t be long.”

  He left the room and I turned to the stove, set a pan of water to boil, then hunted for the pasta.

  Before long I had a carbonara all set to cook, part baked bread waiting to go in the oven and the table set. But as I got it all ready I realized that I wasn’t particularly hungry. Well, I was hungry for something, but it wasn’t food.

  It was men.


  I wanted the fantasy. I wanted it all.

  Coben’s footsteps banged on the stairs at the same time the doorbell went.

  Ed was here.

  I let Coben answer the door, and while I waited I tucked my hair behind my ears and brushed a few creases from my top.

  “Hey,” Ed said, ambling into the kitchen a step behind Coben. “Looks good.” He smiled and indicated the food.

  “So does this.” Coben held up a bottle of amber liquid. “Want one now.”

  “Yeah, might as well.” Ed leaned on the wall farthest from me and crossed one foot in front of the other. “You have a good trip back, Sian?”

  “Yes, easy, Coben drove.” I took in Ed’s casual outfit. Faded jeans worn in all the right places and a black t-shirt that was tight enough to highlight his muscles and flat belly but not so fitted it looked like a second skin. He too had caught the sun and his arms and cheeks were golden. His short hair was super-neat and almost the same length as the stubble that now coated his jawline.

  “Your drive okay?” Coben asked, reaching for a couple of tumblers.

  “Yeah,” Ed said with a
shrug and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Wouldn’t be without my bike.”

  “I remember that time, in Kandahar, when you were riding past…” Coben started.

  Ed tilted his chin and his eyes narrowed slightly. “Yeah, that was a bit close for comfort.”

  “What happened?” I asked, helping myself to a glass of wine.

  Coben glanced from Ed to me, then back. “We were trying to help out a translator, one of ours but native descent. He’d gone home and we were worried his identity had been leaked to the community. Things could go have gone tits up for him, so a group of us were sent to get him.”

  “And did you?”

  “Yeah,” Ed said. “We got separated from the main group, though, Coben and me, ended up backed into some shit hole with a mob of angry bastards out for our blood.”

  A shiver ran up my spine. I hated to think of either of the men in my kitchen in such a dangerous situation.

  “Only way out,” Coben said, adding a hefty splash of whiskey to each glass. “Was down the main street but there were too many hostiles about. We ended up grabbing a crappy motorbike from someone’s yard and just charging our way through and hoping for the best.”

  “Was crappy but it worked. The bike, that is.” Ed took the drink Coben handed him. “Got us the hell out of there.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “Both of you were on one bike?” I asked.

  “Didn’t have a choice.” Coben nodded at Ed. “But I let him drive. He always took more risks than me and at that moment, we had no options other than risky ones so I figured he was the most experienced.”

  “You could have done it,” Ed said. “No sweat.”

  “We’ll never know. The fact is you did, and that’s why we’re here today.” Coben smiled and held up his glass. “To Major Wilkins.”

  “Yep, to Major Wilkins, one of the most thoroughly decent blokes I’ve ever had the pleasure to salute.” Ed clinked glasses with Coben. “And that was the last tour we did with him.”

  “What happened to Major Wilkins?” I asked, wondering as I spoke if I should be inquiring.

  “IED,” Ed said. “Fucking things.” He knocked back his drink.

  Coben did the same, smacking his lips together as the burn hit. “Yeah, fuckers.” He topped them both up.

  I watched as they sank the next drink in time, their gazes locked.

  “Shall I do food?” I asked.

  Coben didn’t answer.

  Neither did Ed.

  “Fucking hell,” Coben said. “I can’t do this anymore.” He set his drink down with a bang, then stepped up close to Ed. He took the glass from his hand and whacked it on the table. In one quick move he had both of Ed’s arms pinned to the wall, his hands spanning Ed’s thick wrists.

  “What can’t you do?” Ed asked, his posture going from relaxed to tense and his fists clenching. A flash of excitement crossed his face. “What do you want, Cobe?” Despite being trapped he tilted his chin defiantly.

  A coil of delight unwound in my belly. Sexual tension simmered in the air. I could almost smell the testosterone.

  “What do you think I want?” Coben’s voice was a low growl.

  Ed glanced over Coben’s shoulder at me. His eyes glinted. His lips were slightly parted.

  I gave a small nod. He could give Coben what he wanted. It was all cool with me. I wasn’t just words. I could back what I’d said up with actions.

  “Tell me,” Ed said again, diverting his attention back to Coben but allowing himself to stay pinned to the wall. “What the fuck do you want from me?”

  “It’s more what I need,” Coben said, pressing his body to Ed’s, their chests and groins coming into alignment.

  Ed groaned and his arms twitched against the wall. He flared his fingers for a moment, then clenched them into fists again.

  “We always knew it would be dangerous,” Coben went on, his voice hoarse and brimming with emotion. “To see each other after we ended it. That’s why we moved on. We went separate ways because this was too much to contain.”

  “Yet our paths have crossed again,” Ed said, his attention set on Coben’s mouth, and his eyes heavy. “And it seems you have a very understanding wife.”

  “She’s the best,” Coben said. He suddenly pushed forward harder. He released Ed’s wrists and captured his cheeks.

  Ed quickly grabbed Coben’s shoulders and pulled him closer. From where I was standing, holding my wine, I could see their big jaws touching, their temples working and their chests pressed together. It was a hungry, desperate kiss, one that had been held back for too long.

  I held my breath for a moment, then blew it out. So many times I’d thought of this, of seeing Coben kiss another man, and now it was happening. And it wasn’t just any other man. It was Ed. A man he had history with and a man I wanted to get my hands on just as much as Coben did.

  “Ah, Jesus,” Ed said, breaking the kiss. He appeared a little dazed. “Did that really just happen?”

  “You better believe it,” Coben said, pressing his mouth to Ed’s again.

  Ed ran his hands down Coben’s back and cupped his ass, drew him nearer with his palms.

  They both moaned, low and guttural.

  I could just imagine their hard cocks jutting against each other through their clothes.

  Coben finally broke the kiss and turned to me. “Come here, babe.”

  I placed my wine on the counter and walked over to them. I was so turned on my legs felt weak and my pussy swollen. I wanted to be part of it, get in the middle, be kissed and touched—satisfied.

  “What?” I asked, drawing up beside them.

  Coben set a kiss on my lips. He tasted a little salty, different to how he usually did—it was Ed’s sexy flavor mingled with whiskey. “I want you to be part of this.”

  “Me too.” I smiled. “You two are hot together.”

  “Yeah,” Ed said, placing his palm on Coben’s cheek. “Worried I might combust in a minute, though.” He closed his eyes and kissed Coben again.

  I saw the sleek stroke of his tongue and heard the scratch of their stubble, the wind of their breaths.

  Coben pulled back. He took hold of Ed’s t-shirt, at the base, and tugged it up. As his belly, chest and underarms were exposed I was bowled over once more at his beauty. Ed really was a perfect male specimen—if I ignored a few dinks and dents on his battle-worn torso, that was.

  “Maybe we should…” Ed started.

  “Take this to the bedroom?” Coben finished, tossing the t-shirt aside.

  “Yes,” I agreed, “we should.”

  Coben reached for my hand, then Ed’s, and led the way. We walked up the stairs in silence. My shoulder brushed Coben’s and I stared at Ed’s sneakers moving in time with my feet. This was really happening. I was a ball of excitement, all my senses heightened.

  We went into the bedroom that was now bathed in shadows as dusk approached.

  “Are you sure?” Ed asked. “There is no going back after this, once we’ve…”

  “We’re sure.” I looked up at Coben.

  “We’ve talked it through,” Coben said, peeling off his t-shirt. “Tonight we want you to be the third in our bed.” He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me against his side. “If you’ll have us.”

  “Do you even need to ask?” Ed glanced between us. “I’m a horny soldier home on leave.” He reached for his belt buckle and undid it.

  Coben reached for his too, quickly releasing it and shoving off his jeans. “You’ve got too much on,” he said, turning to me.

  I realized I’d been standing there dumbly yet happily watching their striptease. It was perfunctory. There was no seduction in the way they were peeling away layers, kicking off shoes, yet it was incredibly sexy. They had to get naked, get down to business.

  I undid my skirt and slipped it down my legs. The sight of Ed’s cock had me distracted for a moment. Thick and dark, it jutted up from a riot of black pubic hair. His erection was full m
ast. He was clearly eager to begin.

  “How long has it been?” Coben asked him, kicking his underwear to one side.

  “Five years since a man,” Ed said, putting one hand on his hip, clearly not concerned about being undressed in front of Coben and I. “Since a woman, well, a guy has needs…since my last leave.”

  “Someone special?”

  “A one-night stand.” He paused, then shrugged. “I’m good at those.”

  Coben frowned and reached for him. He dragged him into a tight hug and kissed him hard. Their bodies were aligned. Their hands searched each other, exploring dips and rises, smoothing over buttocks. Everything in their touch screamed this was so much more than a one-night stand. This was something that had to be done, that would linger long after the sun rose.

  As I tugged off my top and unhooked my bra I thought of braille and how they seemed to be reading each other’s bodies, perhaps reminding themselves of stories from the past.

  Quickly I relieved myself of my knickers. The men moved to the bed, tumbled onto it and stretched out, their limbs long and thick on the soft covers. I adored the sheer quantity of muscle, their craving for each other, the privileged position I was in to be here sharing it.

  “Fuck, you haven’t changed,” Ed said. “So fucking hot for it.” He rolled over, pushing Coben to his back.

  “Always, for you,” Coben said. He looked my way. “Babe, come here…” He held out his hand.

  I took it and slid onto the bed next to them. My heart was galloping, my pussy wet. So much skin, so much desire. The erotic moment was a bubble only we were living in.

  “Ah yeah.” Coben gasped as Ed slid his hand low, lower still and gripped his cock. “Fuck…your hands…” He looked down at where Ed was now holding his shaft. He turned to me. “God, his hands, and you…”

  I bent and kissed his nipple and also wrapped my hand around his cock, settling it over Ed’s. We set up a steady push-pull motion.

  “Shit…that’s so much,” Coben said. “Both…of you…ahhh…” He pressed his shoulders to the bed and thrust his hips up.

  “You’re gonna have to have more stamina than that,” Ed said, a smirk spreading on his face. “We’ve only just begun.”


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